a 9 100 110 120 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART {ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No. 2} Aw FEREEE Et EF. 3 APPLIED IMAGE, Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 r © 1993 University Publications of America Compilation © All rights reserved. , ES ee eee Q, Edison. tapers A SELECTIVE MICROFILM EDITION PART III (1887-1898) Thomas E. Jeffrey Microfilm Editor Gregory Field Mary Ann Helirigel Theresa M. Collins Paul B. Israel David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg Lisa Gitelman Karen A. Detig Leonard DeGraaf Gregory Jankunis Dennis D. Madden Douglas G. Tarr Editors Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor Sponsors ee Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution University Publications of America Bethesda, Maryland 1993 LET TAT LO ET ee a Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company. SERS ? : | ~~ Ra Thomas A. Edison Papers at Rutgers, The State University endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981 Copyright © 1993 by Rutgers, The State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. ISBN 0-89093-702-8. | | THOMAS A. EDISON PAPERS Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor Thomas E. Jeffrey Associate Director and Microfilm Editor Robert A. Rosenberg Managing Editor, Book Edition Helen Endick Assistant Director for Administration Associate Editor Assistant Editors i Paul B. Israel Keith A. Nier i Gregory Field i Research Associates Lisa Gitelman ; Theresa M. Collins Martha J. King | David W. Hutchings | Karen A. Detig Secretary \ Grace Kurkowski Intern Student Assistant ! Gregory Jankunis Bethany Jankunis i i | i i H BOARD OF SPONSORS Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service New Jersey John Maounis Francis L, Lawrence Maryanne Gerbauckas Joseph J. Seneca Nancy Waters Richard F. Foley ; George Tselos Rudolph M. Bell Smithsonian Institution New Jersey Historical Commission Bernard Finn Howard L, Green Arthur P. Molella EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Harvard University Neil Harris, University of Chicago Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Link, Princeton University Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution Robert E. Schofield, Iowa State University CORPORATE ASSOCIATES William C. Hittinger (Chairman), RCA Corporation Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey * Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Roland W, Schmitt, General Electric Corporation Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T “Deceased. i: t t } { } FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund The Hyde and Watson Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation PUBLIC FOUNDATIONS National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities National Historical Publications and Records Commission PRIVATE CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS Alabama Power Company Amerada Hess Corporation Anonymous AT&T Adantic Electric Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, Inc. Battelle Memorial Institute The Boston Edison Foundation Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc. Carolina Power & Light Company Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Consumers Power Company Coming Glass Works Foundation Duke Power Company Entergy Corporation (Middle South Electric Systems) Exxon Corporation Florida Power & Light Company General Electric Foundation Gould Inc. Foundation Gulf States Utilities Company Idaho Power Company International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Towa Power and Light Company Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. McGraw-Edison Company Minnesota Power New Jersey Bell New York State Electric & Gas Corporation North American Philips Corporation Philadelphia Electric Company Philips International B.V. Public Service Electric and Gas Company RCA Corporation Robert Bosch GmbH Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation San Diego Gas & Electric Savannah Electric and Power Company Schering-Plough Foundation Texas Utilities Company Thomas & Betts Corporation Thomson Grand Public Transamerica Delaval Inc. Westinghouse Educational Foundation Wisconsin Public Service Corporation jp elibie: > ! & SALSA caret Fa omamatenerscd tne eee ~ A Note on the Sources The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been made to ensure legibility. w i f. 1 PENRO TESS Oy et Seu PS eee ees te a PUBLICATION AND MICROFILM — oe COPYING RESTRICTIONS Reel duplication of the whole or of any part of this film is prohibited. »: 3): In lieu of transcripts, however, ee enlarged photocopies of selected. items contained on these reels _may be made in order to facilitate nee = _research. SEEN cnet es SIN es Letterbook, LB-029 This letterbook covers the period April-May 1889. There is also one letter from June 1888. Most of the correspondence is by Edison and Alfred O. Tate. Many of the letters pertain to the manufacture and marketing of the phonograph and talking doll, Edison’s relations with the Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co., and his suit against Ezra T. Gilliland and John Tomlinson. Other correspondence relates to mining and ore milling, the phonoplex system, and the Edison exhibit at the Paris Exposition. There are also letters concerning the purchase of equipment and supplies for the West Orange laboratory and the exchange of financial notes between Edison and his various companies. The spine is labeled "From April 8, 1889 to May 21, 1889 No II" and "LETTER BOOK H April 8 to May 21, 89." The book contains 499 numbered pages and an index. Pages 491-498 have been torn out of the book. Approximately 40 percent of the book has been filmed. a ae a Ta ay bye. : C ar Z <<) mm Garey 4 Came er ee “Ge . | | oF Ct CO Bow” Rieieees OOK Ck rele f Cele Meanerbker Aveely ee ed Os) ry fe ‘ og Liz = 6 ete Ree L rd - fa 7 cae et a as agit Corriprauy bn a Che ~ COA Fare v4 Ye a A AC. aaa va GC prc Sorerrvdeee rh fly (ea? SHA aries /) | Lb As vd ok vA lod ok €€ét a ot Coy € sll ces TT a “ - Des x isn. toe ye ee ae, h As at Opt ALL, | piforend Crss Co RKO Cos ees ss LL SE pelo | ele oe og? LF PATTIES, 7th, you must nave mia Soy : ae wy y atpoosing tht Lo exper tec ho docs s Sign Yves loam fully emerged, have » B Beparats information 3 Hidden, Morganton, Me Ge Lohave yew Lether oF: ard instante T oan: only: a mithers ach ae fon have heen unvent igating at Il have no nse now for chrome the pradiste do not wirh to continue the investigation ‘ not prepared at present to toke up the othor euvjects: s. that- I desire +o ‘contimie ah rough vowels Mes mut wher. a tire ‘gome anaent: I will bo very “glaa to’ svat my sol £ of work of this oheracter, your sere i453 Bo Yours very truly, ; | April 8, 1880. Col. Geor se Fh. Gourand, Hittle Menlo, Upper Uorwood, Surrey, Fneland. Dear Sirse- I peg to confirm the following eablegram sent you to-day: ~ . “Phonographs oan be exhibited to full advantage . .in apace allotted for all my invertionas Rar tubes axeitae: ald outside noises Re fuse abso~ lutely to pormit aharging ontranee fees or the . introduotdon of any sido show or Barnum methods at Paris. #2 a4 40 ne* Yours tmly, April 8, 1889. Samuel Insukl, Pane, 19 Dey Shree at, New Yoru ot for. Dear Sirs - Loney to sabnowledse veaedipt of your Letter of 6th instant, enclosing cheak of Mr. J. We. Ghapman for 44,915.00, anf your o@n aneck for 39,406.54, for which please aacept thanks. Yours very al Private Secretary. April 9, 1889, “its dohn 3. Powell, 620 North 8th Streat, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear’ Sirte: Mra Biv Ve hag reaedved yee letter of Sth instant and onthe sur tole aay dee Vo sh he wanhes Live to try one of your wofiva sotortee Lei? oe: forward it to the ators addres3. Yours very trul . cy Prigate Secretury. cer, 4 Avril 9, 1889. Mr, Proce G, Smith, $2 North Ingalls Street, Ann Arvor, Miche Near Sirt- My, Edison nas received your lotter of $d instant, anc seva thet if Tellurium could ue obtained cheaply, he could ‘uso it in large quantities. Mb has wrked it to a very aonside~ extmt, andi pronounces it to tea marvelous eubstancse Yours very truly, Private Rooretarye pw 4 Fortes re ce earn MRE pe ee RE Vm eR Ten BE ORIYA : : ? alas : AN Arrdl 9, tase, Nye Jeron A. OlLaney, 500 Thivd Avenue, Narvoit, Miohe DoaPY Sirse : Mr, Batson hits heen so may that not, ynitiy to-day have I been AbLo to hand him your yeaent gortespondencs He was very rman arpridni at the statements mace in yoru Lotter of 20th ultino, and it in needless to aay that he wah nnanee of owing you any moneys Tha Ten Dollars, with admpound intorest ta date, amunts to $37.85, and 1 enelose herewith Mr. Fdison's chrck -° 46 aover yvamee Yours vory truly, Private Socrothty. Anarley Rtehalor, Bsq., Rad son Phonograph Vorka, Dear Sirs- lo spoke to you on agturday about a system of sprink~ iors tor ths laboratory. Ye had a fire in the Yalvanoretor Roar seaterday, which is the third that has ocurred wthin tho last Tiwe dave, each one of whith aun disunverad and mppreased by purt Lawk, ’ ‘Yours vary truly, Private Secratar y. « 4 2 Mr. a Frank, ‘ - " $0 South Fifth Aveme, Now York ity. . Dear Sirt- ; With referenae to the two cabineta which yon made for un “one of cherry and one of mahogany with glaas topa, tha top : board Of each of these has atacked from one end to the ather, ba CUBE of sour hav ing urgent grotn wood instead of reasoned wood in the ir anntiabian: ‘Shall we retin these for yau to fix them wp, or shal] wo do the wark.ourgelves, charging you for’ same? . ~ Kindly let us hear from ym at once in regard to this matter. Yours very truly, i ataaiate. i . i, Pe ie Fees ne es Cats iad * Mary Hapes Dodge, Faitor,’ "St. Mae holas," . Naw York City, Deer Madam, - +r, Rdison has received your -letter Of 29th Witting, asking him ta eentritite to ’St. Nicholas", an artigle on the toy ° phonograyh, and cesires ma to trenk you for BAPE _ ‘Hire Rdison vegrets very pvuh that it is inpracticayle for then to aomply with your request and is sorry that he Carmot aed hinge self of the oyrortimnity this offered to axplain the haw PLonograph . 4 ° to the readers of your maazina, ita experimantina, newever, denand #0 mich of his personel attention, he never has any time at his disposal which ke could devote to literary WOT» Agnin tmnking you for you letter i mm, yours yery truly, Stes ied " Private Becratary, wi A ated April 10, Lesa, My, No He Doda, Rloomfiea. a, He Jo Dear Sirte- L have diaposed of the lease of my factory at "loom field, and the dearer of thin note will take charge of same Yours truly, : na viel - 7 a arg “vi a we ye # a « xy A rae aay caer aes woOP es “s ae ? } id wo: ef fer fre . . N “A sf t- JS | ri é fi Lx hy Aran. Adult Ly L a SZ ve ther ohn @ebheouce ven y~ Ho. MWete. OR (oA & LE CM BW, et of ¢_, Cian Hater nwt £40,000 th Hero chan AAR TM, OOF the freed ee Af. the “nt S7 oe fhod yy A tlre ar ere wae eee ae Cate fe. Be F thu. ea ea TOT bs 0 ae oe a ae fer ay sR Aad HA Veh 6 pee ORG Spee eer, A. bt). Lo e2 & Be OG AE MAIC AN fb ee tia Baccus ag awl kup. frome pe-rths Ctx .. AL. Phtarreenels ef te ire cat hk unr lee - Krve Ga. --Ceeu- fee a 4 - Piaf fear Oe By Arte ae % a Fiiicw bea bh be Gee Oe ta Ketp- Ve aut” a. MO An acpnneetra ANnhwity MA Sd etek: Arrarcint~» Fhe baa a pags AAA BBO AAR April Li, 1889, Mor, Kis avenger, Dive O'p'r., Pha wy Railroan, W411 tumsport, Pa. Dew Sirte A fev duya since we mailed you a panphlet, Aerneriptivge of the ¥disn Pnhonop tex System of telegraphy, the firgt sentence of whieh, wider *Lergth and Arrangement of Dirgnits” reais as follows{«~ "Thin aystem of telagraphy can ‘he operated upon cirgnits not exceeding 100 niles or 4hererbanta.” . The above appliag nora part Lavlar Ly to Looul wires, and not to Shrough wires w tth ont few of tags, We have sigeeseMily worked a elrauit between Pitt giyar 21: tnd Altoona Lor more timn A yeur, and one hetwem Philadelphia’ and Navrisireh tor aba gix or seven months. “Ye alao have a eironuit that is wrking ninoly an the National Tranwit Go. Lina fron Tdma, Ohio, to O41 Gity, Pas, a distansa of 400 miles, This fattar nirattit is wark ad On on aopper Veswue sidbaswidannad Whe Mre Ke If ym contormlate using whe Phanop lex System, wa shall yw : ; pleused te tarhiah you with an estimete of the qost af aydprens | if you will kindly send us a diagram. Mr. Faison has a amtract with the Pennsylvania Ratl Road Conpany which given tha Latter the right to nage tha Phanopley. Syston on any of their liner. g ” , Yours vary VG, tbh f April 11, 1889. \ howis Glags, Neqe, don'le Manayen, Paci tig Phonoeraph Joqpeany, “28 Pine Ste, San Praneiaao, Jal. Dear Sirie Md you reqgeive my latter of Fayary 2lst, amlosing eopy of pn soreunication from Col, Gonrvaud, in whieh he indleated his willinmeas to rnkoe an arrangomont with Mr. Sabin for the Sandwich Lalands? I huve reaaived your letter of 2a inetant, in whicin-you state that Fol, Goursud has not sormunicatad with you, and Tam triting him to-day ttpon the onsjeas, TT do not think you ned have my fedr of Losing thr Sundvseh Islundne I camot sposk intelligently reearddin:s Oontral “Aner be, os Tam not fomtliar with Col, Gorurand's operations. To do. nat holfieve, however, that ha has a4 snosad ‘of thir territory, for the reason that h® has, wy yot,: cone no ronal wininess, having devornd all his time to Leeturns and the goreruL introduction of thd Phonograph to tie reoplos of Eng “Qand and Pranea, LE will br very'gind to ssatet you ay far ast poentnly oun, and L wiliave that ater Col. gourand recoivan my dormrtantian of tnedwy, WA witd give the Ait % AX, & The Fdlson Maaine “orka, 10 Nay Mt., Haw York. Dear Siynt- . L beg to confirm the following message whieh we | agkod you sy telephonn to-day to tranamit to Mr, Kreneis.- "Neer maghine givaa fourteen four-tenths ' Warts par.pound. It ia goed for twenty- two, Nd iaa ne® Youra woily, | April Li, 188s . 5, % Raton, Puqe, 120 Brootway, New York Gity. ‘Dear Sirs- ne herewith (2) letter from Sarmed Ensulk, ecm 20th, LASA: I anolo dreased to mysols, under date Maren (2) agreement anaee LRBO, betwam JInatars 8. Fnts und Tnorias A. Rataor, dave Lsth March, to Thomas A. Fatison, ant of, (3) two nosignnants of Iustuzr Be FRnhz panpeet ively; 3a duy of Tananrys 1889, nid Lith any of Feyruary, 1889, Nre Inml asks to have oartain qorroot Long mule ain the ° agreement ot Marah bith, onal L pave considered 1% adyisanle to seat al jast them, and returt: ga that he car ali the papers toy, so that you an thom to me, after whieh I ith advisa Hr, Inswld, to Nr. Fntz's oopy of the contract - mace the nocascary ndditians Apa) Lh, Lees Te % Cornery, Page, Righrornd Hill, ae Te Danr Sirt- Replying ta ver lester of Loh inatant, Br. Mddion will oy vory glad to geet yoursoh¢e and your Tvtends at the Lahorsa- tery any day you fox mo sonvenion® %£0 sarnt ava, Kindly do not, fall to udvice us in advange, so that i cen arPanise DM hava the ‘phonograph on exhtoition in the leature Soar Youre very traly, woe x Soke fear go FR. Gorraid, Lisevle Merlo, “Upper Maroc, Surrey, Snghard. Nour Sirt- Lowag te aut) your ateention to vour Letter to rit undas date Beh Pavruary, du whieh you indleate your willingnogs ta necotiate sith Mr. John 7 Sayin for the asain of the phonograph in the Suataiah Tglanda. Mr, Sarin, os I kav alroady informed you, fe ve Prectddsnt of tha Paetfte Pronogranh Company, a& ram of innatg ne an oxealient man of bisinésa. Lh vetthd We di frioult, : 4 iz not ot: aenireS for you. ta find a setter conneation Yor operas ing dn thee uae nway abpndlay Ll om toeday in rewtpt of ao lettor fron Mr, Subin, or rathor from firm Wane cinte, ir, Towds Glass. The “ datter in the ‘eneral Mango of cho Pagifie Phonograph Go, , und Mre Sauin’s protharein-Live He states in hie Letter that a some miViteatinn agdragnad ba yaw asang Fomotusey aay wad applying fr ahy Ron aed ity Hye ate pnd dong rad elle ty fh - up Manger ate cab Hive defen sere Gam basy with the geaermad Stade vbtis of the Bono raph ban) Tacha ne and st hast forty SOUP LT A hy unt shat thotr sersanpent Son waka without Geass ankwe atcention rar yan had an oopportuiity of &actag tis ruttor pe Your's very tr vhs . Prgente Saenatary. BA we. gt Ge-qotns, a me forale tho ln a€ pe aekee. See nop ee Opa. fed tatats of the Fag Anan OF £& eF Pay Ga ew fe As. JM rae ee ag ane | sa | ME te, a ada dbl, tid : é ws Res “f » Hon syfleee Apval ty, Mowers, Porpily, Oleaint & Pish, 47 Mor ganery Oyvege, Jarsny O05. mn 4, Der Sirat- Tan very mich obliped ror yar Latter af ap, tristornt, in peg to tucition of tt Fed one Phonoerark a. Wiuh wefaranya ¢n and af gertaln prarerty a looeeyata, mndeh weed went, edt sy Me, Ton O. Tomit noon, st Shy purteg es oot havens the titia svarsret, b we SO gay that tila rroperty oekorga ‘to up, and for several montia pet Ebay tao tryin to ind ok reer Nre oh aon wih oe dtd vith wy eamin, Ue 346 wider she layrrsgion Ghat taney were rom: ain papeta tat woa never gabe ty. - Aoante thon, and dt save Shee my Tae be abe Loam yey riteh plead tm tint thar fipatli, oe ei van soald be Sond anough to aannirme the geearyh Whe ae yor Have ahrgady fre ®d sage, und Phen tht ature is ; ae Geetha 6a, ahyiae pe af the tape pod Pareand ot @ hilh tov gue gtrordunt dapeqsod, Yoyne vary tty, Aev id 22, sau Menyrse Raton «& Sarin, Te Aoeadway, Maw Yor: TH by. Daar Strat - I enolone herewith noties from the Repartrent State Noard of Asxoxsora, Trenton, Me Tee recouding retum ewhish ia to be mace on or hofares he ‘Mth day of May naxt molative to aefnaiva pf the Paton Phonosvaph Go, - To dbna anckowe & Letter fim Mesure. Parmly, Shendorf & Pink, of Jeeney M4gy, who ttalt with thia rates Last veure Turing 419 year Lak the Fal ann Phonayrant: So. omned a phonngrayh faetory at Mooi ieka, Me 3., which laser on Noa turned owor to the Rdfoon Phonograph YWorege 1 at not ‘cloarly 397 apon Wht yInd WA Cas ut the pragint tina aogerite tha Ff ant Pronsetep ie foe mb a rca ier inj, Co, Perogpa thera is sem ati way by whieh We Qu avoid faration? ‘foutn: geaaly,.-° dpvit 4a, lasy. . Hre Chase O. Klein, Map'e,, The Fdieon United Mf. Company, tera Yay ity. Dery Sirte In reply ta your letter of 8th dnutant, To wilh tone ‘up the tructng of Rockefaller's pinunds and avat it over tw yon arn ee iine tomday o * T have a bill apabmit vour Cnemany whieh To will forward wary shortly, 29r the preparation of threat plana. They ware made by Mr, Smirok at a ttn when hin salary wae noting fald oy thie Lahore. tory. The b8l1 annunts to atone §4n,00, Youra tly, April 23, 89 My Penv Insult,- Masor Tinton writen Mr. Fad con, tinder auth Sth instant, referring te the Lnteer's ngrocaént sith Mee Lipp inant’ met to ortng mit Ag Bhs Gtidiend ag Tomtinwr gor pix mepkr ay thes tae tle gapirad an the: Sth inhunt, wna fay as Mr» Teton inw eott 16 gonaerned Ghana tawethdiagy epaynit our sonmen of ne seit TOW s Yours ney fe a Gene) Indl, Mage, 19 Doy Ste, New Yorks : | | April 12, Gol. Yeorin Be Gouraud, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Fnglande My Doar Sirs~ The pxsmosition vhich you mike in your letter of 26th ulte, in regurd to the exhibition of tha phonogsaph in Parts, hag inarked a period beyond m:teh To aamot go without expressing +0 you very fully the inpression which you have irade upon my mind, and upon the mind of the public at large, by the course you hove pur- sued and are continuing in your ‘Syuuknoss relations with mpalte Had I yielded ts my inclinations I would long ajo have race this matter the aubject of Kh conmunicntion to you, but the hope ak? you would eveitually reali2n the impropriety of your methods and - Doviaae then without interferencd on ny part hag obused ro to Tan trvin hithorto from discussing the question narennallys this Letter is the evdaence of my disappeintmont. I feel that in jus- tiad to nyaelf and my interests 1 can ‘na longer maintain a pranivre reaiataned - for while I have not befora commented very frebly tion your agtiana, I have sald enough to gonvey to yeu something. te \ Gol.s liy Ke Q, Sone more than gf aypyreation of my raal opinion, Thre. rar opinion is well founded and my §udyment sound ia Provan very glemely by tha resulta which your policy has brought Lorthe ore avery quarter, direatly and indirectly, ‘by letter ani rersonally from travellers returned from ieee: se homme 40 me exprescdanys of popular opinion ar to the way thea phonograph is handled in Furope, and all alike condemn a system which takes the / . instrtont out of the realm of cormorse to make it an adjunet to an advertisin, echome which hes ‘at one equal in contemporary his- tory « a rofermen which my anblegran of Bth Anstant whl) nice: quite alenr, From 3a purely business standpoint, and apart entirely from any pergonal feelings which I may have, your policy is soenptibie of the gravest critiaisme t an parfeatly familiar with and ap- prestative of the hmofiozal resvlth ta te darived from advertising but there ian limit to thia ag to every thing: else - a time wien it iy wok] to crop the sensational and deal with tho practical side of minthane and this’period you renahad ‘and passed long age, und the publie whick, for awhile, Iistened raspect fal ly 4o all that. wan to be nad about the phonogriph, is asmming now a very aif ferent uttitude = an attitude expressive more of artigamont as to personal motives than of interest in a practical and soienti fie novel tye Cols 4d. qr, qa, whe Under aover of axed ting pithlie interert In the phonograph you have adopted a plan vindoh retards thea pro;yréass of real suoinnss ani KeopR the inatriment afore people us a cwtlosity with which they may make thowselvoa foitiiar for a Slight eonsiteration, and 80 long an this praliminary system qontiniae to pay, is appears to be your intention to mirtain ite Nothing of the kind was contem= | ‘plated by re when I conaanted to yow handling the busines se 1 ae bellevad that von wule pursues semiine Yisinega wathods and nevor dreamed th. you wanld side-track the whole enterprise for the purtpors of gaining time to indelyge in sorien of wisayine side~ show which ao for more harm to your real interests than can ewer be aompenantad for by tha tomporary. pain witan they ENBUPGe lL do not now rafer to any ona particular affort whi ch you have rude = some of your plans have barn excellent, othars Jat the opposite - and it ie the ‘latter whiah roawit in rendaring migatory all os your batter and higher endoavora und pro anea a general oftmat that savora-too me% of the atyle of sntorprise poouliar to a certain eluus of phranologi sa and ventriloquist se You have simply let voor desire to make qiigx monty ren awoy with your patter jJudguwnte . Your, prope sition in regard to the Porin Pxposition ta a 2tep ton frre lt aannot. bo that you aro so blind vo all amno of prow, prisby as %o he wndble to 8e9s tho position in which I would Ho plagan ware yon $n have darriad aut your inten tion in thin Ooi, a, Ky. g, ; wan connection, Dt er were midentiv @ito propared to snarl cles nt ortunity wan afforded yo of mating a Little roany 80 long AS an opr Your suryention in ePahle of no other explanation, and it, ta of dust avoh inconsiderate at ton dn youre relations with me that 1 aompladine I simply wish to aay in aonalusion that whon I pave you porn riasion to unn ny name in Farape, in aaineetion whth the intro. ; “Metion of thr Phonograph, the pormtaston “ng bounded by Limita of rrason and Propriety urd vonvayad no Liconse to take nda ob uneall ed for Linartion with it, My associatog agting In my nay mist understand that my perdonility fan ftuetor damandiny Lespeds | and consideration mand thut there ara no sonda of ony natnre whatate ever at rong emugh to pint me to a tusinesg relationship fron whieh these elemmta have hoon eliminated, Yours traly,. April 12, 89. Near Mian Stilwoll,- “4eh roferangs to your letter af Sth inet.,: I nog to inform yo that Mre dian has no objection to the upper part of tha office boing used for the purpose mentionad. Yours vary truly, ET es Pe th ft : at yan 0 “sop Me er sane Private Racretarye s me Hien Pagenie l, Stilwell, Menlo Park, Ned. Avy 41 12, 8De, Frongia Ry Upton, Faqe, The Fdiaon hanp Oorpany, Narriuon, We Te Dear Birt- | I have your letter of Lith instant, and am very jslad of the opportunity of pertsing sho correspondence with Mr. Rial ton upon she mubject of a new engagomonts FE dink Riontton Se a man of superior Inteliigenes, and he aertainiy hea a wonderful amotwint of onoTcye Yours very truly, Priyatoa Sacratarye Cole Dear Seorgn Fe Gouraud, Mittle Menlo, Upper Norwaos, Surrey, Pnglande Sirt. / Pxtract {rom your Inttar under date Maroh 29, Lao: "Ao it is dosiranln to have the phonograph oxhibited in “oliraumaétancon of abnolute quiet, and with every gone ““"vantoner and aoumfort, I om of opinion that the noise of *your oe would rm wary projudieial to it in this rrent ate In this Mre Hammior agreans with me, and I pur- ope peovialig for this = and indeed have already taker “steps to that ond ~ by either finding a oreoting some “auitable place at a disteren from the general Pxhibitione "This of emurse will ontatl further heavy expenses, Fhish pp ato ne enero be Aa 32 onarseof aimisaion to. (drole 34 and gorplimentary tiekets ean mm ise *suod to the nobility and othe: paolo of importanga, who emay desire to soe it more Sip voughlye ZI quite under. "atind that ym shall not partisipate in the expense of "shia part of the axhibition, for whieh I tuke the risk ‘myaclt, mduanyprotits, if there sioh, which I do not *antieipate will be the conse, when all thingn are considerad. * I quote te. ow your eablagran in pena? ta my meanaye, pro~ testing apainat the above proposition’ *Protont neaaless; no such sna yone? You's trnily, Avidh Ww, Lshihe Lobave ugecphad, or genalc af yourself and “rg fein, ue tavitationa ia soneetion with the Jentenn ial bows Trirat ton of Gaara YWaciirgten, and DT opree és gaotdioned on She enalonad card whi do hera in 4a, rrauta tialy,- Shy, f April 15, bese Mre %e 8 Mallory, 23 “ont Randolph, Strent, Shigayo, Wire Doar Siri- 2 vag to oemfirm the felling *nlegram samt yon Leh Bother shut cow for a month #o We can axper iuient. ra Ship two harrels grmide ore and two barrels crushed ore, just as in the hoppare. Express twonty-five pounds of Lattor immedintely end few samples origi- mul ora, Todas Raison hie x Yours +nly, . LO he” ieee oe . Yat wth 1669 Ie Eciam Snachwe boku Sohune Tidy) har Ge Dewv dew R he 4 adv ede that, . Sroute on” vung oti. which have beans float & yon enedch, pO Poop ~ A 0 348 clabd, Aft as. 1049 Sous Snethey dus Qn a5: “eg ah thy Karen ana Bonk fe 4 svo0. ag” de 1349 = daled, Afurl id. 4809 Gown bnmthe hue Quay s- song oh the Eiveith Spon (awk, for Sroue, one tu Aprils, 89, Mre He Pe MeIntugh, Sac'y., Thy Ganadian Copper Company, 108 Superior St,., Glavoland, ioe Denar Sirte Replying to your letter of 10th instant, Mre Pdison -aske mi +0 any that you showld not dalay any proposed works on hin agoounte He has been up tho mbjaat which you refer to actively as. an experimental problem, tt ao give no date wien he aun accomplish practical and satiafaetory regilts. Yours very truly, - 7 Private Seqretary. Ses hy AIL 15, 1eKo, He Millar, In roefaronan to the Rloanlield Migtory, 1 eeroln 39 herewith a bill from the Mutual Yee rit Life Ingurancs Compimy, covering the rant on thin fantory from Taniary Ist to tay lat, 89, amounting to $200, I have effeoted un arrangement with thia Come Pany wherehy our learna of the Meomtiold. featory expired on Lh instant, 80 that the smount due them for Yont ‘should be pace up 16 tha dete and nt Up to the firet, of May, Make the Ad tine up in ageordanes ith my serangement, and we will pay it. Ze seams +o ror thet we have made t payment sinen the int of January on thin lens. ; a fervit 14, 89. Mr. Ye Ih Nendawgrolt, Tre Bdisay Uniser Mot! 5. Coe, 06 Hirth Aves, How fork City, Baar Birt I nave your latter of 1th inset, seking for a dvrayvhugs oF tr. Feld son's eeiiieaters® You protmbly mrtan PHO. MOTOR. his He. Ibuarer tok with him to Paria, to exhihdted % there, with Ur. Fdison's otter inventions, ob the Fanwsition, and there ta no platura of it of the Taboratary from whiat I could hate a cary made for yous. Hoyratting ry inability to hein you gut in tis matters * XL an, youre trely, Private Bugret Arye om xMe tet Yee Apr il 16, 89. Mar, Je Hie Zou, 67 Lanorty Sernet., raw NoVite Dear Sirte , I mncloso herertth notien from the Pxotanwe Fire inairanse Joo, ralitive to unpaid prec ium on polfay famradc to Mr, Batson py that Compares Minty «ive 46 your attentLore Yours truly, Private Searatarve ie Apr it 18, 89%, Mire Pe Xe Puttinen, Weafiotu, Ne te Dear Sitse Losey to aiefen you thut tha Londe frank ing Taleapionn, Wehoh war idaned vou ty Mr. Fufoen, bas been duty received at the Dnhoratory. Te ara glad to Leanrn that yaw ottainad fairly Shed resulta Cron ite Yours emily, Apri h Ld, 89s Mr. e 3. Sanka, Mrastor, Standardicing Bareun, Badd con Fy Tite Soe, | : Tew Yor? tity. | Paar firt- 7 | In reply wo your getter of LOth inatant, ralanive wy “naw rewthod ‘af wrsatdiys Noter Solution, I vag te aay thet this matter has roaniver voneideration snag haz alrandy boar pavm ede Yours trolly, ee Y a ae ae Sead tol BBpibedetistae A | Api ti Lt, Ate A, % Mor Sormany, LiekSt bao Shey Chbousr, ills. | Deur Sirt-. T nog to aoknorladge ree aint of yor ahoek Foe ms for $4160, gavoring Mineonrayh Royndtdes to April Lat, Af, for vid oh) phessa wear Lane fe na yer Bontrndt, Yours tmlys April ba, So- re Olinae Ae A namfield, zt Bank Atrant, Maw Cork Tere: Ten Kirt- Hr, Fdinon enye im vemoiy to ¥ fraigh% oa» and he woul ad like you bo the, ven’ em have ane mone make hin to offer for the pagsengar ante Your's were truly, Private Secretary» eth Apri. Lt, 806 the Fatoon Machine Yor ka, Rahanentausv, Me Ve fear Strat~ 11d vos KAanmtiY ser. un SO vdae of Rog 218 WWE wire Prepared an Codlowss - Wind with: one Laver of vory thin estten, then with mbber, and on thie braid a very hin lnyor of antton, at the sane time mak tty; bha mesh ax clone as pocniviag Aleo oma 89 yaa. of wire praparad as shove, Wt in pine of vraid, stmply efmi the cetton on tha mhnor, Tie dasa is to howe “3 Uiettse inflormawle maton isi as pore BDL. Youra truly, aner gece” 1 eaee cates , ae eae , a tte ye” ee : yf - te ; ce 7 - i: : eco Ppadinck.: tt Apr LL Uy. Hoe Joans Gelicnan, Faye, ‘Now fork Mity, Rear 84 r t- - Your lsttéar of 15th inatant to He Pat wr, adtreound to "Hanlo Pars, * ouly tam to hand thin mornings Mr. Ridisen sa nieee very migh that £¢ wil) be inposadnie for hin so enli anit nee yor at yout atfhea to-day, - yon re queste He was ‘work ing ail of brat night, mvt eapedty WW be wo chang aeory niaht tis werd, on & neve axperiemt Mt tak nt haa hnken whe Sf, howseer, the matter in Pagar to weich wou anrire to sna. My, Pal tnon ia Sreertant, the Dathar wilt arrange to go in a Rew York ana ane you one aay shia week, {howe whl 1% him knw whieh day would be mast sonvondent for yoursal f. Tf the wtoject ts ‘one thet sould yoad$hty he donde tad hy saorreage pontenca, Hr. Fiteon would rian prwren, tngt pio af. granting, Sh, a noma of hin axpopinants arn tn prah n pmttiden, ha dogs nih Uke to agra Minn, avqn DF a moh Amey te he wbAL nat apaw Be thic vonsidernation ta prevent hin aalling upon you nhould yan heres {t deuirabin, Awaiting your reply Private Sasyetarye A a: oS t 9 : . — ue .. at a or Apri t 26, 1G. . 4 ‘ tay: Pearett Prosar, Fsqe, . Py a 1:4 Mater Reront., og ay Rew York City. Doar Rirt- fc . oo Your ROSAS a? 18th inatant nddre awed qo Mire Tate, acknor ind ging: receipt of meme tnvoiess for phonograph parts, ams ® O° you eng cory of diredtians for wading, mew gpentaciv, al ao tnyulring aont of phons. blankr, f4 duly at Hinte a 3 selophonedt ons this moming te of aftect that Mr, Tate vas $ think’ be with ye aetadined the rest of aheent in Satan « aheng wore ont yur odvent yorivt this wait, n eg that iat ‘plrnks eomts per gaanene® a aa ‘ ° 4 of. the *hirret tonn Sor Uoeint bs I «it foe We ure having & Seed phed, ma epan ‘qhey-are whaly yor a Tov coplane oi oh Sppetnaia® mimeoger Mr. No G. Duven, 808 California Stroot, San Frangisyo, Spl. Dear Sita ‘ ‘My, Fdison sttys in reply to your Letter of Bh ‘ingt. that at prasont there th not mich demand Yor Bismith, on agcount ° of itn high aoat. He {s of the opinion, howaver, that if its presont prias emld be reduced one-half or one-third, a large market could be norked up for it in oohnéstion with various inw~ dustrial tines. Mr. Fditin world Like very mitch to recokve a genple of tne are, togethir with som dencription of J%, and an ivgiioation af the probablt quantity hee Yours very truly, dig Private Soqreararye a Apri in 16, Be There has not been anything of much irnomance nev, erdred at the Iahoratory to-day Tiere was a Letter in thin mowing’s mail, under date Lit inatant, trom Jesse Selipman, tho Ranker, asking Mre Raison “to eaAtL ond sen hin at his offiae in New York, Monday or Tueaday, 5 a etec of aineane The letter was addrasnad to Menlo Park; hence the delay in rrearivin, ite Ao per instructions from Mroe Faison, I-wrote Seligman a nice letter, stating that the former had heen working all of last night md expected. to work rverr nig nt this week, that it was Arma cattle for him to go into Mex York to~ day, mt if the matter wap Anon tant ha,woild arrany? 29 8 5 in und aee him ono day this week, &ce &o. There is also Letter addressed to yorrre! f from Selcan, stating thet the rate need his Compan)’ oe phonap Lex wind ty * gonaiderad con Piann% ied, and reqnestizy, us to prepare nee eons tractse ‘We also reaeived to-day from Dick ahecs fer Pe oe Royalty to April Let, amount diy to SSL Eas A. Ye tT, . ape There. fa & lethor from the “WORDA,* rayopting, on pemif of Mr. Pulttser, the addrese of tha ranifraturera of the toy phono~ evaph, whieh Ioan holdings until you return. Mr. Auglineloss and a large party of friends visited the Hyhoratory yentorday aftemoon, and ware show through, Mre Kene nelly doings the honors. L intended poing into Noe York to-day %O mot Gourandt's power at attormy for India fixed ip, Mt ther® aore so many little things oropped wp reqd ting ipmediate attention, T was vnehe +o 6 do noe ‘HAL po in te-morron. ° : " Yours respectfully, Aw Oo Tato, Kaye, a,/o Parkar Honses Ao ston, Masse Aprih lg, Lenn, SB. 8. Raton, Rage, 120 Broaiway, Mew Yorke . Dear Sirs. - dn tho contract between Those Ae Raioon and Josse Ne Lippineots, urvier date June 24th, 1886, ro ference is mide in the First Clause to tie Nerenvay ctosk, and tha guount mmtioned in the contract aa havin; been paid for thin stock fa $22,500, This is un error. There were 150 shores of stock sold to Mra. Hemesway, and the price puid for the seme was $148 per sharo, making the total snoant $22,200, or 3500 less than the umount nimed in the above contracte. You told s@ mnme thre ayo that if I would write you about thin meter, you would adjust it vith Mr, bippinestt's att orney » ¥Youre very try, April 19, 1889, Nigholas H, Rell, Page, Sup 't. Foreign Maila, R, n, Tep't., Washington, De Dear Mirt- Referring to your Isttar Mo, 85,20 Ger,, undor data JOth ultimo, quoting an “axtrng’ from a eormmiention which you havo reqnived from the Gercan NCfice in regard to Phonoplex Telo- steph appar aties for tw Leparial Poatal Mugen, I peg to say tint YT am tuwing these instruments mde, ana mil Coveaed thet %.. you securely puekoa as guiekly as they gan be gotten raul ye Twiah you want ter ood ermiigh tn annvey to tre Imperial a oe Which they hava Germen Post Offies my thanka for the nak Blass ronnie you to ingtrwet the Postrnster sent to. me; md I wild at Nex York to forward the pAchAsOR rect to mm ate NEANDt Ne Tf. Basar ieiers trad Aprt’ 10, 18806 Col, Uaorge X% Gourund, Uittlo Merlo, Upper Norwood, Surcay, Faglonds Dear Sirk» 3 enelose herewith a ictter fom the Seqretnry off the Bi ans nghers Rinetriesl & IAuatrian’ Rxenihition, 1589, minke tas. "4. 00 get aoe a phoweraph wv he eanibited in bret teetttn a a) ark ; gition. “Wil ym very hindly arfanys th WHY a machine third sOin® Vinw BetyoenArpist Lat and Setoner sdth noxe, * 3) ‘Yours very wuly, eS ae bs tO, Sharp, Reqs, Saa'y. & Manner, The Mleetricnl & Iniustrint Fxninitien, 1880, Birningham, Rayslande Bear Sir:- ZL hag to aakmvdeages Ge revaiy’s of your letter at ire Inatent, in regard to sending a phonograph to she Sowinghet Roetries! Rotdbltions A trave toedny written my Agont, 201, Gr. Ry Qournad, Fitele Menlo, Upper Nopwani, tirpay, Fngland, ashing. “Bim to comely wlth your veaqnest. Kindly aiveneny vo your Qoimittes my thanka wr the dnd deed tation whieh they haer extend ml to me to vinit the Mrninstan Klestriasl & Tnauatrial Rahihition hatween Aumat Lat and Otonar Ney, nant. 6 WAAL give ra great plepsare to aceapt Ueto davie tation Af my engarorente ai permit rib wo go abroad thin yaar, of which 1 an at prassnt in crupnte a, Yours very truly, April 19, 80. United States Supply to., #51 John Street, New York Gitye = Dear Sire; ~ The rotary pup thet we purchased from YOu 80m time ago does not annem to be Large anongh to pePyorm our wrr, What we Wink do a pump that wild Lift wnter ton rast through a one inoh ripe und deaharge about 150 gallons per hot at a elevation of 70 faz, This ths pump we now tave WEL? mot dn. Fram your letter th us of 27¢h Fenruary last wo got the impression Swat you gould eapply us with a pimp copahle of doin, this work, sit we have tried it in every possible way without ota ining a satirtace tory reswlt. Gan you supply us with a larger pump oapthlo of perfLormity, the work as above dencrihad? “a varld Like you to ayy? BONS dhe out to sae ua in repard to the ratter, or if it ie ene conventant for you to sem! a repraomtutize to Orange, we will an) son: one in to New York to eansnlt you. Yours vary trinly, LARORATORY OF THOYSS A, POISON, =, wy ee April 19, 1880. Mre We Je flamer, Ras son Rxht pit, Maghinery Palace, Fxposition, “Partoay, Franoe Dear Sint . % bee, to oeonfirn the following eeblograngs set youl ~ April 18, 15890. #Phonogruph puss 6 axfiibitnd same ap ‘ pill my invantions., Forbid absolutely charging atimiasion fons. Use your jJude~ mente Rd iso n® : IMWARK, PARIB. April 19, 1880. "Take absolitély no inatrnetionn as 40 phonogr inh exhibit exoopt from in8+ Nake no wrrangemert, with Gournud about Pa sharing OP ENh OB. Savition must not gost nora then threm thousarle Intona ezhipit haji be my own, at my own @x- penss, and ynder my ammtrol, RDISON, * “NRMARK, PARES. ° April 18, 89+ sand wg tha Lollovirg aavlagrin arnt you Lond = GOUAAUD . NORWOON. April 10, 18896 "Have canslvdnd that Paris phonograph mut form portion of my oxbipis, at my own expens and under my orn etntrol. Rai so ne® Yours traly, ae? wwe eat erate oe Sinsceey | cat haee ee: ae April, 22, 806 Be % Faton, Faq, 7 | , ‘ . 120 Arandway, dew York Bitye Dear ‘Birt ; Iam mich obliged for your Letter of lath instant, in regard. to Ne 7. tax on Rdiwn Phonograph Go. | ae * Youre tly, ke April 2, 80. S, B, Raton, Rage, 120 ‘woadway, New York. ait Dear Birt. | I hed J to acknowl nage reasipt of your favor of Lath inean, informing me ‘that you have. mocended in getting my name “taken off of the New York Ady tax ist for the aarrent year. Youre truly, | | 7 a April 20, 2486. Hr. W, J, Hanmer, Pa.r its, France. ‘Dear Siyte 1 have reagived your letter of ath initant, enaloning “on dourand *s ‘Jorter 40 yourself under aad 84 inst. regarding | the, thibition of tte phenoghwh “an Paria, and have elabinere cone firnk my cablegram to you dh thd ane mibject. ‘At 40 my. in intion that the phonograph, as well on all my invontd or » ahall bo exhibited in Pirin upon a purely soien=: title tasio, eaie all commar aint or speculative elemanta, and I have dec‘Lded that in order to garny out this Anreny om and koep th control of my exhibit in my om hands, t wild aaaume personally thi whole of the expense commocted with the phonograph, which de~ cidon toppled to Col. Sourma yesterday, as well as to” ‘youraelt.. tf wilh not comtenanse any exhibition of the phonograph for mae enyancre hess the Osty of nerte during the time the “Repo aiton is in prggreans IY deaire you to rogognize only my own ins uations relative to the pear ente ewe of tnie Anatrunent. i W. ts M, . Sie In rogard & the pavilion which you propa te milding, tre 3B mount which you name - five thousand dollard - is too. highe “You ought to he able to erect a suitable. enclogure for. an cmount not , exceeding three. vhousand dollars, which ‘Latter mum my gablajran of yestarday ‘authorized “you to oxpond. : Kindly keep me fully informed upon all matters odnnec ted with this affair, and do not fail to use the cable when you consider it NOQESAHAT Ye | Please ncknowLedge receipt of this letter immediately. Yours trily, ghaue nnn” $700 ae _ Seve 3 © pen? VG hi aur = Kourenr Afor* Mee awe dhe fa td perm. Cotta Cae ig fiertita he mS thie sgt spn | April 20, 89, Col. Yeorgo Re Gourand, 5 . “Little Nentlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Faqlatnt. Dear Sirte : Your letter under! date 24 instant to Mr. W J. “Hamner, regarding the exhibition of the phanaqraph in Paris, hs beon referred to mee L wish you would examine two of your stateronts whion t pha parallel below! « PXTRAGE FROM YOUR LATIPR TO wR —-_RXTRACT IRON YOUR LATER TO MR. March 26th, 188B. HAE, April 2, 1889. As it is dowiranle to have the 21 am of the opinion « . that at phonogr th regan in eiroum- would bw. yetter to have the work atwices of anmplite qiict « - - _of tte phonograph, lectures, I pulrpse prowiding .'+ « some % :Jowd and low rocords &ca. for the mitable plac’ at ‘a di stancé. from jeaneres public at some other 1 We exhibition it-. “the geYierval exhibition. « + « This Place than in t self, .tromize we would tharehy Of gold will entail: father hea e022, Woe id th vy oxpinaes, which I expect. to ‘pe jnot only reduge but ‘indeed en- . covered ¥/ & mall charge of ad- “(eae LYS te the question of. miasion +0: tht general public. ', ef gmpenne for Mire Edi aon ane i i sua Me su. ae mebandé, in whieh latter. ere be mia ‘phduld t@ haypy to give gou.a me are aciaidoren.Per ented supervision. mo Uo gyda Cok. GO. E. Ue : -s You havo repronented ew Mr, Herne that the diénse of tht pro~ posed outside exhibition of tt phonograph Was to we vorne by you and myself joimly, aid you alas domp ty, tint Twas to have heen antersabid an thé arti ddfint Wd proodede, Hotwith otandiig the fear sha Yau tha propondd td me aft éntiealy ditterens arrangemont, whdLd pot dbabemend, Os Hi. Harmar rd pirding & ‘Large wrplus® does hot “harndedisd Vary wakt with the atatoment yor previously made to . ine off the danie min jee v. F ; L & wit wilt thiw matter wefore you to dhagias the propos sition whith it Anvolwemy on I have already: notified you tmt I #121 now songan’ fe mythin of. th hind, we ¥ wuld like © kriow “hy you considay At regesaary $0 misingarm 0 upon ey arte: jeet tint 4s dLauaned, DeaNAAN UB. fo far on Paria in eongomed, 7 anvhed you yeaterany my aes akaban tq the effvot tha I will myaal $: hear eal: the, qxpense gone neeted WHEN the gxtinapion of the phonognape i fp, thie becomes I .) dabarmined a hava my ghote extibit, ineluding the’ phanograrh, ° gontunted upan a ruvely notenth tie rasta, axaluting all epmmbrotel and spoouaative alements, and I wil, not aountenance an exhinition of. the. phonograph: for money anywhere ad thin: the Sity of Paris aue ving the t ime thet the Universal Rapaat tion is in’ progress. It would ‘be nich batter if you ‘and. t could regonaile our ideas of buat nese, wh thou ony further Adley s | Ba at present thoy are wery vide apart, and the seraauences | of ach a “stiate of af- = mat ye svperont to ya . Cad. 0. Ke a, : ‘e3e I have done ali in ny power to assist you and further the work whieh you iraw in hand, and you have met my ef forte by the inauguration of a policy which te not only obstrugtive in nature, but motually threatens to wing the enterprise into contemps in sd @stimation of the publie. In explanation of the policy which yo have pursued, hay Will: probably plead expenasd - that the eount: of you outlay in eanne tion with pioneering Se. has heon very Anrgs; and that yt hhew desired to mike the business selfq sustaining itm the start - perhepa a little more han ‘self-suse | taining if yoo Landon exhinit jons have realised anything like what you antieipated in Pandas This ples is no juge@ficarion of your ‘methods, and it is therefore useless for you to advance it. You have’ p very large interest in the proceeds of tho legitimate _ mtenyri sos oantesplated in yatr contract with ny andfy und no amount of money whieh ya. could peasy apord in properly pres paring to carry: ows your agreement would Ww other tions gnall ; conaiderayion for the. benefits which it uecure@® to you. For ovory: dollar which you spend in thin twsinosr I epeni not less then twenty-five. “2 ampeated to inveet monry neffore Lachine for 3° retitn, and expaated most decidedly that you would provide Lhe funds rieaensary to carry your work through itn onrty stages 1 thout resorting: toa ee which means nothing more nor ees thm thé evasion and postponement of my intearcats and ‘the eonem-= a -4- Cdl, thy it, G tration of yatr efforts fr the benefit of yourself alone, Youra truly, e moon x oma tl bie y i is joer oe is i " ET A 7 - East ea RENE cM Silt ween ere gi ER heretics lifer § AN thewe ft. 2d = "GT fy hitakay- Se BAe ver t, ale ALAA. hi rotat al pe LH in 4 As ME MERE E A & heat Ge Pete ae pagel At e.. Share MA Met ds Lhe: CAAA. TAA fab Ae 4 ke “Ae ttt ha. RAK tt ad “Dive Mf Ge, bane yo Aah ‘ RAA. PT ee - Loh CAA, © 4 ye fre wae : r Apa 4, Boy Fatwon Rant! company, : a Ware baoh, Nd. ‘Neh! Birat. 1 netarn herehith fotur Roptha note for $2,509,00, payalla to yout aver, whieh vas enslosdd with your memornndim OE pubédrtay, ily signed ant endorsed by ttre Fdieon as deal rod. —¥dura gruly thi a i CANS Air phe we EA FP 30 South FARh Ave, { Rew Zork C2¢y) biae Sirs. ‘ K have your lester of 14ny enatant, An-smply to mine bP AWN Om, rerasine 40 she catteaty, Whigh you ane “fer me. An orgerity these enbineta we vere nartiontar wi | inform you ea to thé. ate of Mm hole which vas to te mt on tay ‘of sane, tou wern gloo indtineted tp ‘Wate the opm ow of tuur pieces of | . alued together, instead of mich yo noe vives coils, eons eons to onter. fad you followed oun snetritkions &n, woking vm. dnysnets, te tops Would not have’ split, and We -explenation which ain offer in your Je\yer under reply relative $9 this srt 10 Vihy unentiafaatory ant will, not hold for a monen t+ . fe you think it fe npouss ple to-cut a hole sich as we nhe in our phonograph cabinet, witkens the: wood splitting? te «0, how ip it thet te tope of sewing waahine tarkes 60 moe spike, ait they Hae: ‘poles ; 4 for thom of about the pam? ein Aa diarst » Parthemngiley tiv . ‘erkew oF 747 sabinetg. orp. APLsbinge Pst tipon the end mere the F ’ . ry . os ce 3 i. ob 3 \ 23 ¢ 5g 5 SR Z fé . a 34 § 32 aii iif Telegram. - April 24, 1880. ALT. F, “angemann, Parker House, Bonton, Masse New Fngland Phondgraph Company complain you ere giving punlis ex:ivitions, thereby interfering with tirir wsiness- You mist not @ a0. Yo ean remain toenight. T. Ae Ralsone a name at aged RISD Telogeriain, Aprit 22, Leo, Ty Me Vippdnsote, 280 Prondwuy, New Yar, Have inatritated Vaniemiunr an rojuasted by New Enjlond Compares Teaew Nadigon. Ae rer AA NE RR aR aeRa yee enero ft eee RE een EE AE, ese cnn 7 Pars Apri. 22) Mr, We de Hanmer, Rdioon Rahivit, Machinery Palace, Fxposition, France. Paria, Near Sirta I heg to confirm the receipt of the Dllowing oaple. Bram ra ae tved trom you yoatar dny3~ "I understand. Ship- exhibition spoctacles and wax quick. Hammer," Yours truly, Bey i. iia 4 i) — LIU April 24, 1&0. W. 3. Jenks, Faq, Raison Ploctrie Light Company, New York Citys Dex Sirt- ; ‘Me, Raison haa made the flowing pote wpon your letter of 22a instant, ‘in regard to transformersi~- me *X think the Machine Works ¢ranaformer wil) fill the bill in, avery respect. All that z _eould a was toward sheapening, not inproving, as the Machine Works truna former in more pore feos than my known transfomer.° 3 th your letter & 4 return agile correspondenes enelo 50d wi under replys Yours very truly, lL Private Secret ary. : te April 24, 1989. “tle Je Aldor, Fuge, 27 Leadenhall Stroet, Rondon, Me Cos Pngliwde Desr Sirte . o- Nr. Fainon has raceived your letter of 10th inutant, and agza me to say in reply that he hus tried ahout twenty di f~ reront forma of driving tha phonogtams Hin Intest form of saren, with its acoonpany ing devices prevent the ignorant from dacaging the thread. Me has eutomitia rachinery for gutting this agrew ar an oxoeedingly tok conte = Are Vdivon says further that he cannot aftord at prosent to mke my changes in omection with the mae chine Yours truly, 7 Priunte Seoretary. A April 24, eho. Jeane Baligran, Faq, Mitle Riding, Kew York City, Deat Mrie Mare Réinon Anka te t0 aopemnieate ta you she riette of the teat nade at this Tmwratory.of the Gaumer Dry Muthery, This vattery has been found to w nearly, wt not quite ee good es a Yeelenche eell of eguit diismneions, which is the sme con- olusion ttes ethers who hove toater this vattery wae arciyed ate Tt ls very portanle, compass and ofean, here hell ringing and — Ligh) diasonbinnous work 1é required, it Le wel mited for adop- tion, wt is in no way qma}itied Yor the ypro@eation af eleotriaal | power. It hes, therefore, quite. a uaequh mt sxtonaiye fiela to wyply, bas eam hardly be eald to tn tte Svery page® even in tret, Line, Ite convenience is ita best qHality, and rover cannot be” expected from ite . = Yourg very why, : a pce, ie eo, on ae _ Private searotars. gy Pages. ee hark oS = 1§§ ts Pteunaw hatinal fank me ' Broad Sa heuvanh bh. f Dea dav / J be Ah enrebas Pe eT ae on/ hee St Morgaw%g © f J 20009. % doo, pee fea, cams Jp ony eed, oud oblage foros Tialy Nomar G. Edun Apes wh, Laan, Raward P. chatk, Rethy thd Meaning Port, Mew York Citys Bear Birse | | rhvsived il ‘Letter of 22d rere An regard to the With Wergyhad Fond project, ant neve wretight the matter to Mr. ¥aigon's: attention, who aenires to sured} ine firey @liara this.00), fy ahatén aroun 1 vend plonwure tn onatostng, hid cheek. Youre very wart a 3 Nas ee ar. ae Private Seetotary. April 25, 89. Col. door ce ¥. dourmd, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, F?nglant. Dear Sirta I neg to confirm the following carloegram sent. you to~-daye« GOURAUN, NORWOOD, April 25, 1889, "Haya no old epadtaclos, Yew ones - coverbd by cane sent you seventemth. Murry app iieations and Advises FDESON, * Yours trttly, eos April 25, 1830, My Dear Upton ,- Am hard up? You owe us about THREE THOUBARD poy. ° LARS, Qan You let: me have pare 1 t > no matter how small aparte by Saturany ? ee very truly, Wi _— “Franeio Be Upton, Page, “Raion Lamp Gonpany, _ Barri von, Ne Je April 28, 1889, Jesse Saliignan, Raq., Mille Radlding, . New York, My Doar Sirze ? Mr, Rat ©n will go to New York an Saturday next, ; aid would like to moet. you at your office at St 50 tim same aftornoon, If this hour 48 inconvenient to yourself, kindly: advise M@e . , TomLinnon and April 3, 8y, Se 3 Faton, Mare, 220 Trowdnay, Now Yorn, My Dear Sir: Mr. Fainon hag asked no ta say to vou that Mesarg, 11.12 and have enraged Passeare for Trope ona steamor Loaving New York on the 15th of Maye He wi shes yor to Z ts ie know: this, ao that you ean take such Hation. aa may pe necessary in regard to commencing ONE Es: Yours very tril w/ ed ate ‘Seore tary, ‘April 26, 1889. My Dear Hr. Dredge,- . : . I am vory raich obliged for your kint letter of 2a ingtant. I quite agree with you that it ia desirable for you to: earry out any afrangments which you nade in regard to showing the Ore Milling nachine, and I hape that wu will meot with as moh guscess over there an wo have here, Yours very truly, Jamon Drevige, Page, 35 A 30 Bedford St., Strand, London, Wl. Ges Pngland Apri. 26, 89. Mr. John Kreusi, ‘ The Raison: Machine Yorks, Schenectady, N.Y. Derr Sirte I encloae herewith. three Banples of fireproof wire, Those wires burn som when nald ina Fleme, tnt do not tum with the: current. Can you suggest any inprovermntet | Yours very truly, April 26, 89. Méssra, Armstrong, Knauer & Oo, 822 & BRA hroadway, Naw York. Dear Sirste With reference to your lotter of 23d inatant, I bag to say that Mr, Raison does not care to advertise in th Official Catalome of the Paria Faponition. of 1889. Yours truly, . Private Secretary April 26, 89, Mr. John H, Mood, 67 Hevantese St., New York. Dear Sirt~_ Tt have yow note of 24th inat., stating that you will cone over tn the Laboratory on’ Saturday a. me in regard to sprinke lerg. Please ‘try mad va here not later than 10 a, m., aa.I ‘havo an angagemont in New York for twelva a STON and shall leave Orenge urout eleven ae me - ; Yours truly, Aprdl.26, .89. Sol, Medr go RF. Couraud, Little Menlo, Upper, Norwood, Surrey, Fngland. Dear Sirte Z es to eonfirm reueipt of the foll ning ennlegran reo'de eon yon under date PAth inatantt- | “Bend ola spectacles Paris Lonton pending patente Acad any ereat smccesa.® Yours truly, Banc l 4@. Gotivtee ee April 24, 89, Jesse Selignan, Pages Mille Wge, New York. Dear Sirt~ : : T teg to confirm the following telegram sent you to-day! "Mr. Fdison will be at your offices to-morrow, Saturday, betwenn twelve and one. A. 0.. Tate.” Yours truly, es) a ea ae hee "i Veo pe, : i OO a I TTR: OTC SE CCR een ELTA aes APE BO TEN ee ae —— Pee . CP pce rE Citemprecie pieenere wes. eras ‘April 26, 80. / So Ry Raton, Msqo, ‘ 5 scan As GAS IE LEE ri 120 Sroudway, New York. Deur Shred I hog to confirm the t2Lowing tolegram reeeived from YOu apeday t= 4 4 2 fl wy 4 | "General Company boat mit to-dey. Orixanigation compl sted and avery contrest approved snd ordered exeonted., With yisit vou to-morrow. S, 3B. Raton. * ‘Yo which T roplied as followa!~ : "Will bo in New York to-morrow and will eall at you offices. To A. Fe" Yours truly, ee Nag Fd a7 Ony #9 area | nn Ay teanchers' F Aake plosenr : | Aaa hrrynng be (or Wh 10.M th a pole rupruauali wig inttreeks A 8 a aq 7 | ewe Mi'nnsograph ork w* w he Ft | dan anseed AA Bam sae Or a | “ ott cek) Arerntea tae or 2 ih —- hah | Gr MAng, . thie hy ap eet i tt oll CAA. ae pn rDre J We | pe lm Mtsta AURAL Ce wn Car fdas : Fmostiteven oo Nesp OUBRB EAL Seen ee M Sa ee | May 8, 1846 | Braneiea R. Uptan, Tages . Raison Sens Baal as * Harri gan; Me By. . Dear Sirie the writer p of so attached letter, Messrs. Armgtrons, Knauer & do.) wrote: tt) hei Ralaon, raquenting him to advertise tn the orrtesad Catalog» ar the Paris Mtpobl tian. ; Aa Mee Fadsqn's oxhibit is ade upon ta yarely aotentitia ‘pagas, and as hé dhes not wi oh to eehiaas any aoravenedal etemnt into the affair, x replied to there pasbie As in divatell in thodr Totter. Z have thought “na perhaps X in hot, fend Aer wim the WAtute of this Official cata Lome, and ant shit font mid yrominly hdaratand oxantly . whet. tt in. T ghall be gina. fo x hoesve any adyioo that you may: think ‘tt de- sirable “0 give me. [Copies of this letter were sent to the following people: William W. Jacques, Herman Trost, Otis Weld, Ben njamin F. Stevens, George A. Alden, R. M. Field and Lowell C. BESS pp. 263-272] “May 2, 1880. Danif. Wold, Secretary ant Tranmirer, Raison Phonograph Toy Manufadtiwing Oo., 95 Milk Streat, Yoston, Masse Near Sirte | | Refervarig t to the agreentin’ between Lowell a: Sriggs and Wi1Li0m W. Jacques, and myself, dated flovenher 2B, 1887, providing for a Liaense under recwane Patent in various fords en gountrLes, - for an Improvement in Photographs or Speaking Machines, inventad by me, and having hoan informed that you claim certain rights. 7 tonehing the said agreonent, i noreny nari fy se that the Moense d therein contained hus expired ‘fy non-payment of royaltias, and, inbraover has. been forfeited for violdtion of the provisions at : ‘ m the contract by the said Briggs ant ms eanieass A oopy of this Lotter will be. given to each of your | sapeieeee.c e i: § ta eagh member of your Foard of Pireators, ad to noth Mere righ a eaq } and Mr. Taoques. Respectfully, Co 2 a Riohara dante, ‘Koy . 4 eangee, MT 1 To reve your note of even “ha, out hlogdine tee tierats, sfmitting hearer to the “ahornbory, Snkureny Aoxt, 4 May Ath, £286. and th: tiee mentioned therear, is antirely satiafuotory. We. ialL ve pisaured tn regeive tho Delegates of the Asacetsvion, ¢. a will do what we.can to maka their wisit interest ings D, Prbytite Searetarye April 27, 1880. M un 1 & He Germany» Dear Sirs i:- Mee Frid On has reenived your Letter under date 18th of March last, relative to the Ohm monument whieh you purpose @recting in. Muri oh, and has asked me to thank you for If you will analy inforn me when you desire Mr. Faison to forward his contritution, | I ‘shall hw 0 mugh pleasure i sending. you his check for the amount ,- vie, $250, Yours very tried yon, April 26, 89. We Te Aldar, Raq. #27 Leadenhall Street, — Vondon, Fe %, Yngland. Near Sirte ‘Mp, Faison has reocived your letter of 19th tnstant, end asks no to any in reply that he has tried chou bventy dife ferent. methods of ariving, she Phonograph His latest form of sorey, with its nea oupany tig dovides prevent the ignorant from damaging the thread. Ne. has autohatie machinory for - eutting this ssrew at ak exceodingly ‘low on, Me, Faison cannot at present make any changdh in conneetion with the machine. Hay 2, 80, Fai mn Lamp Nae, jared aia“ Ne Ve Dear Nrata "3 3 r return herewith four months note: ‘for fhars.ss, in SAG 6 aOR ei a Sa ETERS ech ast tote at '. favor of the Consolidated Fruit Jar ‘Go, ‘the name having heen Fain n enclosed with ‘your reve of 27th ultino, dnly signed ww Mr, as President, Sa eer , TFivate Seor otary. Mire Wms 1, Mendawgrott, s/o The Faign Uniged H'f'g. Coe, New York ity. pede Hives, I haye Mr. ‘Salvage"a dnquiry yoelative 0 the phono~ graph, addropped to the Fdj pon United Niet ype Gov, and note your remarks thereon. ALL comuniaations in regard to the phonograph in she United - Svated ena Oeeikdh should he roferred to tn North Ameriaan Phono: Co., Now 159 AnogpdAway, New Yor ke. The shae of the phonograph in _ the reat of the world, exe qpting Chim. and Japan, 48 controlled by Col, Odd. Me Gourpudt, Idpre Menld, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Yhelana, the Anntinyment in China and Japan haing in tho handa af Unesras Fra dat & 00, 124 Water 86+, New York. Yours wery aly, Bigvuho Boustotyiys May 3, Asia. Mr, W. fT, Mannion, Faison Pahinne, Machinery Palace, Fxposition, Paris,. Prance Deer Sirt~ 1 weg to confirm the following cablegram received from youn vesterday} + ENIAON, NRW YORK. i May 2, 2869, *Semd twalve NM, one thirty-five Harmer, * fo which I replied as followg}e. NEWARK, PARTS, an “May 3, OHO. ‘WN not understand your eablegrem Rdigon.* “ Yquyra tmuly, Nesara, Raton & Lewis, 120 Yrondway, New York. Dear Sirst~ The tax return relntive wo the affaires of tt Fdlsorr Phonograph Company mist he madé to tho State Noard of Assessors on or before the first Trendny of May (7th instante). r ® not ge that we can do any thing to avoid the tex, and £2 you wilt kindly aend the form enelosed with ry Lutter to you weter date 11h April, 188D,to the Laboratory, f will have 2% filLed out ent formirded to the proper parties. Youra very truly, May 8, laso, D. He Raton, Rage, “The Pleo trical Agquralatar Coe, 44 Troadway, New York, Dear Sirt~ Mre Falaon asks wm to say in reply to your Yeottor of 2d instant, that he van he Pteasad Aa have youraalt md Mlends visit the Tavonaceey on Tuanday next, May ‘The our Mr. Kermolly wild show you around and to whet he ean to make your vialt interas- tine. | | Yours yory truly, Private foorptarys May 4, 1489, x : to Dees Are “atay- I enelous herewith Mr. Fdison's notes in regard te sie Nay “ay Phonecraph business, which you telephoned for to-day. Caisa encloen tor your tnformation oopy of Mes Fdinon's affida-rit, \ } wash J forwerdad to-day to the Nepean tesnd Stato Board ae Anses-= Re BON ‘trenton, Ne Js, togather with RETURN, relative to “the at- 7 ve i re oot the at son Phonograph Noe = Mie Lewis ‘dictated the affi- Uavi&®e .Faton = lewis! Lotter (al.so enehaned contains dad views ’ in recard to.this matter. £ telogr: Shee you to-day as follows: “January 18th, Maguire, ® sbigh mma that the articles re Tomlinson end ‘01114 lend appeared in the Me Ye papers on that date. My recolléstion is that the BUMMANG Suy er et ‘was printed in their isme of 17th Jmmaty, ahd ah} the morning punees had it the next day. I sent you elipr ing Seen the ". Yo Hwald® to verity date. Just at present the Daboratory is exoyded with YoN. G. A. Youra reapectmily, delegates, and things ro in more or less opndusion. . x will mail this leter ir the “Special Noston" “pox at the Grand Central Papo to 2 tyre it its mtek aoliverr. May 6, 1889. Prof. Yim DN. Marka, 909 Sansom Streot, Philadblphia, Pa. Dear Sirfs Mr, ¥idinon has made the following ‘note on your letter of Sd instant re -dtorage station? - “In the present) state of the art, the loss in passing through the betteny, the depraoiation and the interest _ On the Anveatment in “yatteries, would more than pay 15 nor com on the stations, whieh would render them wn NOONBABPY Taking intorast, daprpotation med ‘loss ‘as Ante, I nave nover in any sane baa aye tA ftimane aut p nin un sratanne where direct qyaten Tauldn ' % ne at tm heat arene, Raptr ove WAR AA GAR BA alaimed. * \ rang feormary ly LF : Rr eemess ei ele le le x 3 ToC Iie ATC LL Oy a en Wein at see See Way ¢, 18nd. Profs Vity De Nurhe, Philidelphin, Pa. Dew Sirs .. T wg to confirm the Sullowing tol gran ro qakyed from — POU tNadayt~ | ‘Would 14ke a prompt reply to my lettor ‘regarding: storag: station if possible. Vane De Marks. ° Yours truly, Po _ Cee a ‘a < . ay Op eel fal oe Gharlas aA, -Cheaver, Faq, 257 ¥Utth évonue, Now York. Dear Sirtn : Mr, Rataan has auked me to ththh you for the tiakoes of admiag ion to thn wating of tht Hie ropoL tam: ‘Pho nograph Coe, for April 30th ang May Lat, to view the Oentenn ina parades, you kindy went him. Mr, your kiftineas in this P avail himseke ef ra ttey, yy ing Previqualy mTanged ta: view the proedaston olaenhere, Pdison waa tmble . Yours very re Private nen May 4, Tsao. ¥. He Jonneon, Baqes Wijpon ¥lhectrie hight The} Yew Yb Mitay. My Dear Sirte te, Ralain Aeiired ma to ask you ta kindly revunn. to the Lantteony the vadAn yore whieh you herp, ite anata dD aed It Np Paris, to ha nxhibited at the Pega. there ‘with tile Chet! Lnvent ions. Please oive this yo propet attant ian, . ond oBbigh Youre tenty, TenwAe Ragretary. . 4 ef Mas , 1380. Faison Phonograph Works, Orange, % 3. ‘ Dear Sitet= | ' Mr. fame wyritna, neqneating us to hurry up the MiAtary Phonograrhs ang forward tham “i Parise as edén as ponai ble. 3 Lot of wax oylindera for taking Ha aldo Mantes you to send hin KXiptly give this - records, art half a a ia flexinle nar Shee, your attentivfs Yours troly, eee “y ? | a | | | B d | 1 4 John © Tomlinson, Faqe, New York Oitye Dear Sir te Pleana dolivor to Major 5. Be. Raton the : ng - OT ee \ contract batweon Mosars. Srigns and Tacos mid myseif; also contract betwam myself and Col, deorge Bouratat s - pact sven : May 7, 1880. Major 5, 8, Paton, 1:20 Sroadway, Now York. My Dear Sirte Reforring to your telenhong megane Of thin morning, { send you horawith an order on Mr, Tamlinaon, shmed by Mie FALE Ni, asking him to deliver 1. yatt contrnot batwann Mesnrs. Rrigga pad Jaomes und Mr. Fdiaon; alzo contract hetwem Mr. Faison and Col. Goo. Re Gouraid. Yours tly, CA ing Private Sa orogeny a oth 1 Praneia Re Upton, . Fsqes ty Dear Siri- May 4%, 1a80. Rdieon Leap Gompany, Harrigon, Ne Te: With re fracas th the material for Hr. Hexmex, of which you dictated a memorandum when a the Lanoratéry the other. déy, E beg to advise yot as follows? ~ OE ; FPISON-SINS TORPHNO. Apel HSTSON PHOTOGRAPHS. LA SONDENSPR As ; The griter has. spoken ahout this to Mrs Trym, who had already conaylted Mrs Sime regurding the desirability of Hon+ ding @ torpedo to the Paris Pxposition. Mr, Ineul informa me that Sins has de- eided not to send a torpedo Pariny Mr, Dickson has taken & memorandun 40 sopd itr, Harmer three extra phote graphs of Mre Rdigon AA #00n a6 PoRAibler Mr, Wurth 16 ab Work on the wie extra. Lamp condenpars dnd Sipegte w have them ready thd Jatter part ‘of this wook. ast : : eo Re AUPE ASR 3 a PRN ce eae ‘ M, ny b, — : soto tsghe north te 6 rit wall wy ft i i my wile anieghe salsa to vo bitter for ¢ 48 a ue Fhiitey :. we oF thtee will vor ay. rrtierrn, ‘ 1 had, Sritvely It. Jolsnion to retivd 6 peter 3. Giigihe which le hits Ww the Ih, MEWETARY PHONOQRATIN, I tinve wit dan die b “ork, = Fert neking Alet (0 a tery ry Np Pagan mn re f pheregraphs, 29 oF derag Thao BEANK OXTENDAR ‘ag haem Jeanie mee anit Mr. Temes RAORDS our ste; Manqnrpr dish, sb ys = | niawigad reanpdp qo tube 8 Sere Thiet? , ty ext pve es ead, aly Mme way Rpt metre ree wn to # # é the oqutismanst of ch Mice a, auine ve 3 Pothrds vt verloat Kinks. tte roneiwad this morning a vamondlton ifMom tha Lemp. Chagherzs under date Ath instant, sontnLAing wha =e fxm a Laster’ ie we « Hamer, telative to anestl Brit: duivwtiLht. Which by dopir'ee in ti to Paris, Thin da also HAV ing amar sdtentiany nif soy Wadd Wh ode” | viaed whey, she totaten rain odang DPT RTP evap Yona “urd " 4 Mis 7, isn, » Wigihe Me Lewia, Rage, Messrs, Baton & Lewd s, Lan Btonaway, Raw York. ity Denr dirt. . 2 neve your Wetter of Ath histatis, dich Sr acres og agroomant vmiitir: wh let 1a, Faison Held etoek oF rs Niall Proeet @ruih Co, at the tine of iw pple to Lipy inbote, The doeurent Ahab your want is the foal gto anit whee Wiese: _ finde prior io thn aale to Tithpineots, aid of whieh we howe. nev “oopy in our filet, tr. Un. 8. Perry WITL, Yivever , ne ain ok . rrdah you ith that mare evnrt, and z fa Wwerlay ae a . “aaking shat he ygee a waz of thn sith in your tends a ones Yours wary Brudy, ‘By pyabe Seg ze Yete Be Porry, Tiviss Corjnoksaas of Stndk & Petrol ddl Pheanaes : 60 Rropaway, Rew Yor. » My Dear Sirt~ i have this morning ros elved: a letter from om Re He Fowirs Af Neasra., Raton & lewis, aking %Y @.opy of UW agreaneng iyyler which Jive Faseu held etook of the Ydison Puaro~ | Graph We pt the time ov the wale to Ling insgtts The Geasepenit which ire Sot p wants is the good saratriont whieh was hatte qordar to the pale to Lippincott, and of thich TT have no cory in our file, 3 hav replied to Mr. nondl a letters Poe stat dig Uhet you. would 'n0 bie to fen iat Hin Wd a eopy of wit Contraes, wna. yet aah you to Mit hire tn Fdunéusion of tw? “san ot the writen panthhe coleman, ag _ sm, tmgombeny shat be beinteeil tovee is: «\ nner Pleas: giva thig 1" prompt ane Youre * wary. wuly, May 7, Ata. Ow. trorge He dourmd, | Little Henle, Byer Norwoot, Surrey, , . fe Pear Sirt~ I beg to contin the tllowing; extlegran sent you torday t4 | GOURAUN, HARWOND, : : : Nay 7th, 1880, Rrady to hip phomgrephs in pracateal serperesal form for salé aft use gat rergl ally in moh quuarti ties as you ree qajrw, Am inpations ta get your olgera. Fa iwo n*® Youra truly, * Mer 7, vaso. Mit. Philip 8,‘ Dye, ‘Ri py 43, Antwerp, Sa) ¢dues. i : * My Euar flirt. i . . t we $9 2sontirn the i] owing eablagran sak you eae ; ‘ Dem ANVERS, oY ‘Yay 7, 18RD. ae Beers hetanae our Pabdne hektee yagord Ahowd oxelumive ileimse to Rogevelt, tho stithtetres to Leelenche Rattery Corpany. Her explonation. Faison. * Youn AWRY, Would. have saved $50,000, and made a sucanns. May 7, 18890, Dear ii, Lippinoote,~ ‘ ‘ r have your letter of 6th instant, enolow aing a aoresinleation shieh you received from Hilwaukea, relative te the Phonograph. z have handed the Iattur to Mr. Rateholor, who wild reply to it in detail, Neanwhile I desire to sayt x lat. The present battery is tenporary. 2nd- Ya are getting rentty to turn out good ona. Srde Di t to Finds. Oylindars, € * I gappoee you remenner a long time ago I told you that to make @ sicoens, it wuld be ntaeseary to leam expertas The phonographs ard being shipped all over, and to parties wm krow nothing iene the: Late toviees. Several paragrephs in the Wae eonein letter show ne that the writer doean'\ understend the ma~ chine. No one tut the Almighty can tell a.mm how to wrk 9 man chine by maid. You. will have lots of thig for several montis to eons, ond instead aie) being an immediate @iqaeas, it will take time. About $10,000 spent ag the North Ane Phonograph. foe in experts - I have bYought out &. Je He L, aR P : ‘ | “a ’ ‘ U ‘ . ‘ | too many things in the Jast twenty years not to know that on tip | Op start, experts are everything. ai iz i Yours very truly, Soe! - > a re | . fy Fede gf. bE gE Ptchics ys be EG. Jeane He hipy ineozt, Teae, | 160 Aroadway, New York. : \ ; May 7, 1880. NOTES YOR wi, BATORELOR i1 vepiying td attucghed loster from Milwnuken, diatated by Mr. Ndieone The vattary now sent out with tho phonograph is only vempo~ Cary. Tho anount of vork neasanare to ger the phononraph ous nas bem stupendous, and we hud nd tin ts fool avay on gnthing a proper battery; henee woe wera cor@elin to zond out an ordinary type of mattery, vhich we know is not of mich value, Yow proplo should I think bo notified that she battery is only a tonporary makeshift, to permit them to get into pusinsas, IT am now mitting i, up @ milaing, and aking tha machinery, to turn ont a prope : battery for the phonograph. “This In.very is about twioa the size | of tho prosent oall, and inatead of lasting ten hours ~ oF a° | eouple of days in ordinary practios - at will lant 50 days, and a : by renening the flutd will Jast 20 cuye longer. In other words,.. se will give fitty days good ordinary aervios, and the rondwal. proeéss ia very mich simpler than with the present hattarye 7 Regare ing the aaah ta of thick eylinders, I wish to say that the thick oylinders do * not warpe The error comas from the fuct that the inside of tha uylinder gets dirty from wax ard ather things, nnd tie thread onda tacoming 10084, prodic®s ah ecaen~ tried dy, aparently, Wut not reds ig the aylinders abe kot pfoperly gleaned Anata, they will not te ecemtr is- T migyA say Aft resect of phanogtiyh blanks that wa have ma 7 pay nore ait ta mary spp radd she gon hb pdantple : tention 06 the phonograph thar the blahkes the fit il the Company ahould bs wy ind wtb Cy ae ; = 3 With single record Blanks, und we pare oftting everything ready: +0 turn them out in large Wantities, and if yow peopre will exer. cS & Little mre Pationee, every onmplaint and defect will be : remeaiea. Weare wall axare that there are ‘defeate in the phona~ Ereph, ant wo are sriving to eradicate thom, ant to 40 the yest aa rapidly aa hunsn fleah oun stand it, he elasa of complaints tint we wonld Like for nl2 coneemed, to gat, would te not generalities, mich an the mttery is not good md eyli nders are defensive « facta which we know already ~ mit meotanienl and - TAStle defects in the mechanism of the phonogtaphs These are: defeeta whieh we ennnot tint out ouraolves, aloneril2 wing ont. Thaae are the kind of complaints that we are anxious to get hold of, and which pragtine the followin; are my answers to the questions asked in the “Milwaukea Latters= ' (1) The nattery witon in being sent out at present is only a. temporary até. (2) One charges of tno tattery, ‘as por direations, should fuy the phonagroph up to speed for 12 consaoitive how's. (3) . Battery does not noad to w given a olumee to. requperate, ; If the solntion haf Heon mide and used ag direated, 1% wild TWA 12 hours in thé dgregate, Whether nm aontintiotsly or otherwise. ‘ mere : (4) Wa | ive to work on a new mttaty, andi havé got it per: pier pega getting ready the apparatus for SHO LS tree, 1q- The tastery will last 85 dayb, 4 hohe bday, bid dfs 20 daye, 4 Youre pai thy. the bateairy vee. Sait Dyaviy tte mai atrength tip 40 the fant hot. : 3 4 ‘ “ FS ee RR Nae 8 eee Ore eH! oF AOE an EIRENE gene Se AE Lathe (5 {6) ~ (} Q) =t- Will not didotiss this question re prastnt tatterty. Do : No No Do Do N Implion that the battery will fail foo Mo,, hd gayents treudlo attyehwent.s This is ontiroly unnegoseary, us with & proper hattery the phonograph will not give out more than onse in am yoar. The partien remark that threo Slasaag from the recomter and reproducer were Broken in shipping the ma--_ chinog, ant aske if you will plense send him three more. 1 anygost An this eonneation that it is a creat mistuke in the case of n reeorder and reproducer to. order broken parts, od have the partics, who do not understand the little fine points put. them in. ‘The proper way to do when the glass of a trans mittor ar reseiver is broken, is to pit it in w mmall hox and mail it %0 ue, when we will return it in good ofter! otherwise through oareleanness &o., half of transmittdrs helne put to- gether nedly, will give very poor remita, They ask for two apectdtles of the latest. atyle phonograph to plade Upan two 014 maehines. This cannot be done. I have understood that the old phonographs should all te recalled,: and after thay. are roonllod we aan fix them ourselves and send them out as new phonographs. : (9) We shall ne able to ship sm of theae singl# record oxlin- dera in a couple of weeks, (20) With siglo vocord oytindere it will never bo nvoeusnry to et the repromecr, therefore it is not nectseary to raiae ths: - Jigetaeke =. (2a) ‘The renorder ma reprodueer adjusting screws; ain adjusting thesq ya will never out the record, providing you do not Leave more than one record on the.part of the eylinder md forget to tum it off, or if the drum of phonograph ia kept ao dirty end the intérlor of the cylinder go dirty, that it ruins 6 badly. A properly worked phonograph will néver have {te record cut. Wa whderstand perfectly that tree machines into the hands of "green horns® ultimately, and we are to ely, wonté alao Lake to ecALl your attention to the mat that over the partion in Milwaukee are "GREI RNB, * mpd Shey ave jum | As grem ap thd publiq. After a witile, of onrae, thoy Whi ‘noparea RXPRRTS, I wish to aay that f dannot for tim Lite at me underdtnnd how thease Milwauxeo parting omy 9 Ag WALA AB posed i this want ta they ha ye dong with the new sore Planation, (22) %¢ hoa: ravolit Provont ‘gylind Péeoplo will at . WL find thet - the mtnpe Replying Loa wh 1 wren the habit to min the aylindery Horaarter,. 91}, misle will pe taken ot’ Phonographs, without réeetving & 180 for Magia. no& higher than 125 longs The amount of words: that gay that NE WILL nat Me paya that tting ranord, to tiun aff yy; Ole Ceeméerionty in ' *Suppoas ha wing 43 to Bere that PYOPOXLY @ wikis Porst dle way dA ei tea wt da not nacasnery tos told that wher; tight Ree, the 4 I think x 122 kind of a Letter, SiG, ater wrk the Pho: MMationt Odteph pro Lite be eh gay Rt. the remirks on the ® Le addition to this, it air uylindar, wait tt WELL ali the aylindr, “peatacte, dorm gy Lit AN exert t@aching on antsia the universal Joint courte Het 1% dow hn ¢ mide, for tha he ota it dow dent tu. prev an trom the n to be gareny ted from be ing -madess atop hore, inder, annax® to the le disousa the battery; that has The ntmest care io required not to gue 876 rhist ibe SomotN iy wre beauino every pho that if g oudtomer tat Linder, the np of 41 be recorded ay er, depends on the speed, If the Milwaukee . ow their phonograph dow to 75 of 89, they Yr talking juat a8 good, And they can get dourie Fof words on tin oyl wa MMdently siting with the. Miawankes Partition, Sreeh gant ort As to trim cen the Latter. half of the gy» tA aah thar $t WA12 turn that off ¥ithout Screw nt. hang, rd,ea stated, réaeon that & not only petmit them Ow .@ wery gonsidern He rinkes a ‘stator tie yard.* ar ~ if he tewoht fie there is no ; The litere aent hat if thy antl HA “th, POFLY, to std on 2 man 4 party ia © aylinger eee} Wawel G é ; 49 De H bad ’ , , Aw yok re tay Low ; fl y h ackuewlad Hi peer OF on javiyY t. ' bh ot ah tivel uaa Po re F auye? rye Ls A teh fun Ab bod Bi i’ 2 Joo Q. oo Ave | aaa Oy... the Cha “n Ge pe vr eof hoathek i di eb 4 he orevite ered orate : y hw Gelraen (207) Ontarctent, euncl etprmihid) same ui Che Dhow ge htetiinal Spank, j ow, Tisly) . May 8, LAK9, Bugene He Lowis, Fiste,” Messra. Faton & Jewln, ie 7 | New York Oitye Neer Sirt- i In acwordante with your request, I send you ny \ GM f | ; , ; bearer minmate book of the Fdison Phonograph Company} alrd. an : order on Mr. Tomiineon, asking him to deliver to yor tte pool ei agreement which wan entero inte Sy the stockholders of the Fai won Phonograph Co. r Yours truly, Private Soorotrry. aur, ~ May 8, 1380, yom 4. Tomirisanh, Mage) Maw York Mity.: Dear Sirte Plange deliver to Mr, Fagone iy hewle the agrearent which Waw unterad byte vy the atoekholdera of the Yaligon Phono~ q Braph Canpany , ith relation to the agle of atogk, Thia do guntnt weg ueeliy retried to an the “pool agrament,* an : / paren i ™» a oe @ Swe 4 Calcoves ee Cee Hay's, 1880, Major °R, .“s “fabs, ae 120 Woadway, New York, ae Hele : My ‘Deak Slet- Ute te har tet dae ory Mary 1 ara ith eonein’ of a ‘[otben, unided dah Ath instant, eet a. 3 : WR ee De, %,: ret. hdd wE tn tease, DE ve en Bi Eyl med oning a corrmntoation frary yoursels addregaod ast ve en ee ee tht oo at pte Stet ath per 6 to es Minon,, wiative to Male fonrand’s 8 phondgraph ontrtiets, ad) Ee pve os LY nen a AP ae reryy eg 7 Tn the drat. of inter whish you mapas. Mr PAsOR, shoule send to fol, dovrmud, you ranyion rye. eoulinora,eireasnan ttre Pét son ' has only one dontrnet with Aqurpud for exploiting tht phonograph, Wea: “Which applien to all of his territory, There wera two cantraats drawn up, at dourmals ragtest, ane of whiek app&ied ta Great Britain and Ireland, ani the other to the halance of his tarritory, Theae latter, hawaver, wore never exeatited, and peferénde shontd not, therefore, be made to them in the proposed cormmnioation fron Mr, Faiaon, K ontted Qourhil yeaterday, ae onthined in your Lotter, ant AE youn $2). gend me another araft of dattey, oop formbns w “tha ‘ whdea Cate, X wilz Monit ft tay, Faison, and if hw app rivds af vere, have him aign it, when 1 WHIT rad l it to ouratel tith 4) possibia dempateh. , Your s vary ‘‘¢rmuly, Private Sesretary. * y A dorton, Rages Te Chive Nien bo, Chivago, 222n, Deut Birte Mr. Fdiain has mie the following note on your letter Of £3 ultimo, relative to tent on lanps mide by te 6, Re AQ, Ry Co.t- 7 | _ Mortont Jugs walt a little. If f get a omnce there will he soma fim. F,* Mre Ve Ke Yobliba, Ast Be, Park Beladt, Raltirore, Hd. Hear Sirt« . Ure Fdloon gaya in reply to yow letter of 224 Ulting, that a good witel Motor, with governor, Would anawer for the phontgrayh. The hattory which ia being sent out at present => the naghine ia only a teupexeey ane, pending tho . congas ion of theo regilar phénogroph battery, which is b aupsately perfect end wilh give entire antidadtior. Youra truly, Private Sepr etary, Hay 9, 1yho. Mey 3. P. ‘Horret, 424 Franklin Sz an Reading, Pa, Dear Siyt. Mre Ridean saya in reply to your letter of 2a ultimo, : : ( ats : relative to burning TMtlverized gake irtto blocks, Qf wood tar 1¢ baked vory slow thet ten per cent up to a red heat should wrk, Yours tmity, Brivate Seuvratary, May A, 89. Urosvensr P, towroy, Kune, New York e Desir Birt. Mi, Bdison has reeoiv4al you letter of ath instant, or whLL ha glad to hide Powrnelf and: Hr. Thurston to-mortow (Friday de Yours ¢ eee CON Gj G2 Pravate Saoretary. ‘awe 29 ’ May 8, 1889. Daniel Weld, eqs, 5 Nik St., Yoston, Manne Near Sirte ; XI hag to confirm the following tole gram gent you to-dayt« SA ®Absolutoly necessary that moeting shout be aalied for Monday aftesnoon three oelook. Myisa mo at once if Jasqtos will not be ah.le to, attend, 89 I dan gee him Honduy mornings A. %- T.° Yours truly, to, to CO! opt | , Loe i oe - - so . abe toe = 7 te LORE COTE IER TE Erne tame NT Sree 8 pete / Praneia R. Upton, Fane, Fdisen Law Coe, Narriun, M. J. My Dear Biyt= Here ie another letter from Armstrong, Knauer & Noe, in regard to advertising in the Sffiedal Gazette of the Paris a- Pesitions The advertisemnt which thoy suggest I do not Like. Ag the dieplay Which we are raking at Paris goes pefore the world ea Raiaon’s personal axhibit, the lesa refere@as he maken to tire welf in the Catalogue, the hatter wi2L his taste pear. How would it do to simply enlarge his atograph and put {8 across thé aheet, in the way those people have written the name of Raiwon? Nay in, isse. Yours try, . Surrey, Faglandte t iw exhibit in Francs inventions. avered by Cane Tinsty without endangering PRantef Mataons* *haxs 7 I peg to edAfitm tht foibow ing. wablegram aent yn to- , GOURAUD, HORWODN, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, Gol. George RF. Gown ud, Dear Sirt~ day ia Pe ae i 4 Otic, Yay 10, 1580. Ae %e Diak, Fag, e/a Mowarpe Srowm, fhipley. & Moe, Lan@égon 7 Faglande Dear Birte z hog «to enfirm the fllowing eahlegtams roqived from you and sent yy ht = : .¢ : Parks, Slav 7, 188 0¢ r Zeportant know deciaion on ecrtiadt.s =. Answer. Dio ke?® 5 s Paris, Mdy 0, 188o. "If not prepara to doside regqrding aontmet advise me irmediately, Am: ready to progeed; mist decide on plan Anawor Hotel da Castiglione. hicr,* RA wo nro RA4 a4 te Diek, . < = as . . “Ban add nothing to inptruattons elready given you, Will advigg further early Gs possible, Raign,* Yours truby, ae a aa a Ap of: lan ae ar ’ a ; 4 Le WF . : Hay 10, lego. * pear Mrs Fores, = . a I regret very mich to say, in. Pipl) to your 2 : : / ratter oF 4a; inatant, that just at p#esuit wo cannot rngnive ee aed 0} aes nf the Laboratory. Mr, Rdi sin is dondieting a lot of exporinn te in the Leoture Room, which 4s the only reo atition room We have, and the only place available for an oxhinition bf the phonograph, whieh I presume fs the ohiet obfOst of ateraction, ‘nd Vaid tabae are conpleted I wilt be tinahle to rake mM bppotnt~ not ter goa? yupiie. Just ae abon da tt 1e practicatie, hdadver, 1 wilt advise ye Yours vary wae iw : + tate Segrat ay. Gane & Monty Mag., Nanak, Nn, J May 10, 1889, : | P.O, Bast B37, Ronton, Nass, Dear Sir 3p In reply to your Letter of 20 instant, t heg wo aay that the statunents made at the MHeaguen! 8 Meating® of Sitri«< tualiste haw sieiaiaecat no foundot to An foot. Mrs Fainon ip not a spiritualint, ena has no angen with the movement, a May 29, 3880. H Vila, ¥aqe, Noe 54 Rue Truffant, - Paris, ‘Pranoés “Bear Sir te , , : in reply to your letter of 23d wltimo, 1 hog. to © gay it would give Mr. Paiwn jpugh pleasure to gaal st you in ths | work which you have ttertake:n, in furnish dre you With a -biograpni- eal nketeh of hinself, topeth er with hisotfeal bAd aosoriptivne uocounts of all his invention a, had he the time at hin disposal to. devote to “ works It fa, thowever, quite Arprooticaple fot his to give nny attention to enythiing outeide of his emer iments, which ke) him anploydd night and day. At. the Paria Exposition, the _ Faleon exhibit will embody all of Mre Rdinon’s inventions, from Thigh a descriptive ageount an tid readily be obtainod, and ym eoulg algo obtain fits this ao uree® an ht toriont Abtount df the ‘games’ Mr. Raion anke me to oxpress to you hie appreciation of your interest in his work, as indicated hy your letter, X teg to remin, yours vory ae) fi . : | Afy f May 10, 190. tr Se Sharp, Faqe, Sad'y. & Manages, : tha Klealcical & Industrip2 Rxhipition 2880, Birmingham, Faylunt. Weer Birnie ' ir. Raison has received you Lotter, of 25th ultimo, rer 40 oxhthieint the phonograph at the Tiirt inghamt Fleatri«: out ard Indyatrinl Pxhibition, to with atid. we have already taken stepa Wy sonmmuniddting with dol, Gow'and, Mrs Rajson's Furopean ~ : agent. Hre Hdl an ths m %9 say in sexvation to forwarding a cass’ of exnseltn Tot he has. alrendy aont every aya inbie oxhinid td Fart 9, nt fear that he wi, ye sia 46 comply with this latter reque pt’. Youre very trnly, Mey 19, 89. Daiareactoars Standard zing Parein, Fdivson Fiectric Light S00, New York Gitye Pear Siri- Pleane advange six (6) Special Meters, with all pornible spond. 1 aasiva thene for shipment to Paris, .and aesire to forward tha nt the earliest possi he momente Yours truly, May 10, 80." Hess? Se Berman & One, i . New York City. ‘ Derr Sirst- Plense udvenca six (G6) Special Meters, with all poasivle spend. I roquire these for shipment to Paris, and desivé to forward thom ut tio earliest possible moment. Yours truly, j Bee Rai oon he used! , in dron, _* xv, . * Mre Albert Seheivin, | ay 10, bb, 27. Rast State ift.e, Ithaca, N.Y. ‘ Dear Sirs. ' In répliy to your letter of 29th ultim, I iu Ye say that ‘Hr, Bigkemeyer ’ 18 marerncua fis o magneto eleatrig Ant\etion. .¢ apparatus, while Hes Rat won! '2 ian purely mégnatie arrangement. Inia rairet te bridge far the detection of Slavs and it ts also uspful for astermining tho peat tron for | dynamoa And motors i In fact, its. use is, Yechnieally speaking, to dompare tho permeatii ity of tron with knom ptandardp. Yours very truly, May 11, 89. Wti zon Floctrio Tight Ona, Now York Gity. Dear Sirste. - of hand you herewith bills for experinants eondiated at this Iahorator}, on your behalf’, umounting to $4,458.52, for which emount I wild be glad to reseive your eheck at your early corrrenione 6. Yourn very truly, Cr as mea ; - Ah 9A. st oo é e] +y 1 Nc The Faison Naahine Works, the pire whito onef. Nose S81 and 085 Are made by squirting | May 42, Aelia, | John Freust, Reqs, Aan't. Gen'ls Mamysor, foheneatrdy, Ne Yo Dear Sitt. . Ye send you to~dny several sarples of fire proof ine mulated wire, These wires atand tent when heated hy the ourrcht, but some of them burn when held in-the flume of a Bunsen irre, They have. een kopt at a heat of 210° ¥, for 25 days, excepting fire proof compound on wire previously soaked in a non-fireproo? compounds Regarding tho fireproof corpount simply ds a protec thor ngainet fire, and trtisting to previous treatment for insu- lation, 1% seems to tis that the wire oan rade. to nerve, Your's very ruby, AWASORATORY OF THOR, Ay BDIBON. : : Me Hay 14, BOs Mr, dhan. Ne Mromfied uy a7 fan k sis New York. Near Sirte | Mre PAison geyn in reply to yow letter of Sth det, that he will not wall the dar at the prie® which ym offer. ‘Yours truly, g 1 eae Stee", Beste Private Soqrata'y, NeeTA Bg RF - May 18, 89. -- Mr, We Tt. Jenks, | | Fdteon Fleotrio Jdght Co., New York. Dear Sirte . Mr. Piiison anys in reply to your Letter of sth int. - thet. he alrewty has full seta of the jourriala whieh you ment £ ane Yourg aad ee Private deerintary, bee at Se ee of Dyin ed cae eae SS oe May 23, LHBD, Maannits Fazon & Leia, New York Mity. Deny Sines - : i I bag to aoknowlonge Sfoaakr’ of: yours of 10th Lite, te Mn, Riiaon, Loaing utaterant of tho Iakter, in the form of an affidavits not rn to, re WZland and Tomlingen mit, Your at may, Sos!, Age eng ae ae cad et age Pe Private feqrasary. Range S. % Raton, Reqs, | May Ly 89, U0 Nrondway, New York. i Dear Birt. I nog to naknowl pidge roaeeaipe af yaur letter at ie instint, Yo Mr. NalLaon, enalbsing axpy of the ALLL of Oop Yad rit in the GNALend and Torlinen matter, ay Ref ‘ "Seepage seed Your, tnuy, Private Sqapatanys ara . te . May 15, 89. B39 anal Street, New Yorke i Dear Sixt« - ity, Rdiaon is mayen onliged for your Letter of sth ingtenk, ext for the phonagram box whieh you kindly sert him. Uye Raison, has tried thie form of ox, in twelve different va- rieties, and the remit has not deen antinfactory. Foxes simtiar to yours were sont to Prighand in the umal way and rewur nea here, and in avery dNhd the fonogrema were hinkin. Youra truly, Private Secretary. reentfif” ; tay 14, fatios Me Ce. Mavon, Fug’, SOR California he., fan Fraheiaco, Tal. Deny Sixt — ' My, Féieon has read your letter of 6th Listert; ard saya in reply that, eruth ean never core ‘4nto preat Usd at one doit ay dludtatitring for the reason tint it can ve ‘wrght {n Zurope, in ‘t, eld Lhe Lots, ay $2.25. If the price eould tf rednqed. to fine eents, Mre Pak apn thinks thas! i would permit Mharmah 0 i used mite oxtongivehy tn the arta. Yoqira tudy, to Parlt.: We-dnyey however, that if you ill dtimé dver to the Mos. i, Lao. Réwin Me Fox, Faqe, | 147 Nanak Serger, ' New York, Dear Sirta . Meo Faipon haa read your letyer under data th’ inate, relative tO proposed srtig¢ on the Faison Fehibita at he ‘Peris Fapogition, and in repry sake re to state that all the cats wh sch, You would ragnizs in tha preparation of this article has heen agnk Lanoratory yo my bY abled to hidp: you dut in the matter, although {¢ wonld ‘© somewhat diftoult, whe atatiatios tc. not ting eee for, Fe forende, ana ain furnishing you with aa ri@eensary informpiion wq would have t¢ rely, mare oy ema, on our rerary e I nigts 900 add thas: ‘Mr. Edison’ a Private Beargtary, Hire Tate, ih a Hrdome An Soston, and ta not eg ge tan tr return to Orange iare@id. Thurtaday vente | would, tharefare, cugyest that you defer Your. viatt anv} she faiter's rotumn, ay he eanta Bimbieas renter you. mean ‘ann{ ptange in your yprk. Yau WY ’ Telegram, : 2 a 3 a ALI right’ Gome over to Orarige John Urkinbine, May 14, LAR. Cake vea. ‘B, oder y Tedéhe Nuno, Upper normed, Dear firte E bag to confirm th thllowing castegram sent. you. qawday ie QOURAUT, MARNOON. | | Hay 24, 180. Scahle date whats caasralient applications Cage ninety woraemlled. POLSON,” Yours trahy, ges my 7 plete ® Lobel deie an May 14, 80. fene) Ineuil, Ying, lo Tey Street, New York G1ty. Deer Sirte— I bey to acknowledge receipt of Oertifioate No. 1,071, for 478 ahriven of the AnpLfZer Stock of the Edison One Milling Conmpaty, ‘Tdmited, the same having hetn maloped with your letter of Lith instant. | Yours truly, : : wh. ot etna pais are” EE en LG tf Peas. bin B POON) EHS a ies etigge PEI f rp igen © ceeds mary ty Wey ry hare f ay rereny | A As aw A yn trey os fir Ary dasy Song Lop ake reve mery. r Freyr wry borne mop 3am Wr preys aa 23 bir pv bn eee amr ae gore” ait J) a: rep 2aTly | £4 very “erry Dawe sr mmr May 25, 18380, Mr, Porey M, Allen, 430 nN, Alot Atreet, Ve at Philawolphin, Pa, Doar Sirse , Mr. Fdian's time is entirely ocqapled with his om inventions, and i% 4a imprysticable for him to ednsi der the mattar referred’ YW in your Yepeap nf ith instant. Yours tay, Ae, or ogy Private ‘Baoreqary. oe os hed Hay 18, BO. Gol. Sep. Py Gourai, Witele Menlo, Upper Nosnood, Surrey, Fngland. reéqeivad ‘Prom you yesterday: ~ sopectfientions mail Atatrdada bénth Mays? Yours traly, Dear Airte Saneh en | , | no ig a > hook rey REVO nels Se eo, sack haw the Gdaaon 7 7 hu Eclvacy me oF oan ee May 10, 1889. Toh Whom Let May Concern, This db to certify that Mr. m J. Mullica has been employed at this Iuboratory, aa an Fngineer, in charge of «mgines and an leg ty ly Lehting plant, since Aetoher 1887, He hag performed his work in. thoroughly sompetont mamer, ant I take pleasure in recombniding him to any one requiring thé services ofa oOWpe ten 6, Rngineer, $4 ne SSOSTBENG A 1A fag vee Mies fh Ma s000 * Hay 16, Leso. Mr. W, «ft, Neemor, - Faieon Rxninit, Madhinery Palace, !xposition, Paria, Frenee. . Dear Sirte I wag to confirm the following odnlegran sent you to-day i. , “W411 cive you twenty-four, phonographs with attachments and extras whorahy”aix listen at once. Better sive French Taieon Company six of thene. Also Will ship: two hunidrag mupieal cylinders amd follow with one tundred : : " oes evary wank vary fine ~ phonograph go Saturday. Faieon’ Yours truly, Nay 16, 80. Charles Ratchelor, Faq., Faioon Phonogryph Vorka, Drange, Me Je Dear ‘Stiri * In roply to your memorandiim of 15th instant, relative | to riisies? cylinders, Mr, Kdizon say that, we re mking about firey (80) of these per day, and are rigging up to furnish 890 daily. Please send orders ‘(writsen) fpr musi¢al oylinders to Lahoratory, when we will. wook than, and fill same hy stnding then to Phong. Sor, mking shimeens s0 that we will mot Md ‘out of pocket. Yours truly, Hay 16, L889. Cal, Gao. FR, tourmd, NitbLe Menlo, Upper Norwood, thifray, Rngland, Dear Sirs I we to aonfiny the following sablegrams reqelved from you and aent hy ntir NOBIDR, Ne Yo ° ; May fi, Lake. : hist first see coneraias maching and prica. If oth satisfactory large orderal exprear zarple; cable départurdé; wrote Saturday, * GOURAUD, NORWOOD, *Can'’t give prie6 until three thousand made. - However we bill them at forty-five dollars to Company here for firat thousans, forty — for next, and probably thirty-five for next thousand, subject to final settlement by nooks. Ultimate price Wil to lower as we hove xtoppé@d making. shanges and ore cheapening work. Te have up 0 toxday delivered seven hundred. They are working notisfactorily in harids public; send order for what you want now, whether oné a waek or one hundreds SAIGON, # Nay 16, 1L880.. Yours truly, Ms rab. & - May 16, 1889. dooxrge a Gaston, Faq., Miohigan Phonograph Co., | ‘Detroit, Mich. Dear Sist~ . Mr. Pdiapn has Héad your letter of bth natant, In roply het destria ne to sly that, We Whall adon ne ready , to 521 your bradr: {Bh moXors to Ye ith 4K vonnection wlth Light gurrmt. In rogard to furnishing you with head picces-with ear oep 9, @e soon as We Ime the hdwi:'s supplied with. phonographs, we wilt 9 wple to firntah a number of adddsdorieas, In ragard. tq the adjustment of the Phonogrph, the second ‘thousand m¢hines will have eitomatia adjustrente. vi, Yat aor #122 te os}iged if you keep hin foxted an defnete an wetmiis. Vied trity, | i Brivatd Sedrétarye. x ’ Moy 17, 1899, Philip 5, yer, Mage, Avent, Rue Ony 48, Antwerp, Rely ivuny _ . ™!y My Deer Sirs — I am going be aormenes very shortly in this aountr y the manufne ture of Tay Phenakeesh movements, for sale-in forei en countrieg, and shall in @£E probability wish to establish a smell factory in oe or in eome Place where Santome. Will not tnter- - fere ‘ana where ront is reanonahle fd Labor chéap, for tho purpose _ Of ansembling the parts of these movenonte sent from my Amefican factory. Also, for tho manufacture of some of the parts, more eapecial ly the tin casing which encloses the movement and whigh 1 can make cheaper over there, This fastory ean’ consist of oithor ona, two or three alien: I rol) vant from ten ta fifteen thon~ send square feet of floor space, with Rotiers and engine of 78 he. Pe, ir you can happen, to abtain these with the factory; ar ‘not, with. spaco to erect them. The machinery and tgole I shall: send from héta, and shall propaply require yout to run the mainess ond Me of the fetorys I also may wish to stot a Lamp Faotory there, and wil require 50,000 square few of floor space, and it will he wary de airanle if you emud got these properties close diceehae: or even right together. The suturhe of tis eity vould arawer, oF a gubut tan tom, or even a small tow where good Siiening facilities ara available, I have not yet completed my” arrangaman te ita marketing ‘the dolls in Furope, mt this hrangh' of the business will propably be placed in the hands of Mr. Ay Be Dick » Whom you have doubtleas met during the past month, I having given him a letter of intros duetion to you when he sailed ‘Por Purope “a few etka BO». Lwish you would look atound and obtein prices, and end me ‘plans and data, dtating the boHdition of tin propirty, Gost ur repairs ay alteratidna or iriproventnts Hdquired, cont of dba, labor foe, and, in Mot, every kind of date that yau dénkl dor wilt ba of interest to me in os tablishing these factories. “I whall ve in Paris in Auguat, when I can take mord werthite st ops in this connestion. th the meantime, I dfaire 6 ovbiln from you ddl information ‘that you can give me, 40 as to pave the wary as. fa ab. posai ble for w speedy decision when I arrive, unloss, . . of courde, fT th it praotieahle to inst riot. you definitel y. be, : ‘thre thon. Gididland ans tomlinnon ane atin: to. Ravage with somo men — ¢hott that hared an at * Patents ko ony a fnotory for falta e 1 rh eo ree run in opposition to mre But 7 feel confident that I ean “iguat? them wy on cheapnenn pnd a better doll, to say nothing of the ner patents which 1 have covering methods ad dotatia of canatruotion, wi tamt whieh it in impossible to mke a firs, olase talking d01?. / Please lose no time in commencing your inveatigntions, ag outlined above. Yowrs vary seedy, = — Uhiear - a 5 SRR aoe aE ERIN Col. Grarga Kdward Gourma, Little Mento, Upper Narmod, fhurray, 'nsland . Dear ‘Sir. Referring to my contract with you for exploiting my phonograph invontions in all parts of tho wrld exept tho Unitda States, Sanada and tho Anplres:‘of China and Japan, and referring more particularly to tha fourth and afxth seations therdof, and a Tor the purpase of avoiding any future mimmdorstanding na reperda our several rights and obligations under that contract, please take notice that I am ready to ship to you the articles wvered ‘by the anid contract, for adie and use cornmereially,.in a practicht and cormerdial form, in @rantities to maet your roquirermnts as inddoa ted by your firm ordera, and that E have sent you on the 7th instant the following cablegran to tho above effect, which I now oonfirm?» Col. GF. i, : 2 “Ready to ship phonographs in Practical sommeraial form for anle and use sommareially in moh qiantities AB you require. An impatiért to get yow orders. Fdison" Youre srily, a Ny Dear Inmli, - Hore is another letter from }ip. Praxar, in rae | gant to tho invasion of China and Tiyan sy the Rerlin Fdian Qo. ‘This eatter has »4n put aside fy Ghe last fow moths, awaiting until affaires had dévelopad to mich an oxtmmt that you could ape proach Mr. Villard ard obtain his ansistance. “hat Frazar ob» Jeets to in, the use of Mr, Rdison's namé in China and Japan hy. the Berlin Conpary. He says he ida not afraid of their competition $f they compete unter their am nama, wit he does object to ‘the ir Oa twee fade advertising thensolves as Mr. Mdison's agents Yours truly, private Secretary. Sqmek Inwll, Rage, 2 Ney At., Naw York» May 17, Lang. Praf, Wine Ne Harkn, Philadolphia, Pa. My Dae Sirte I- havea received your letter af Rth inatant, and bog % HnoUre’ You that you have ry ayrpathy in your endeavors +o bring tre Fdtain dlectric Light prominently and permanertly hoe fore tho public of Philadelphia, 1 very mach ‘fear, however, ’ that the method whioh you eaggent would not agcorplleh your Oho fect, wt would remit inv wory mpepdy dentruction of yow* 2itoras ts - ture, Hy judgnont may be widnded vy siy modesty, mt na I aannot | give aise which 4a oppnsbdd eo my eorvietions, ani ao my oonvic~ tions in “his ense do not: havrionise with your proposition, 4A is ! dmpassdghlo for me to econmistontly give my consént. Yours yory truly, 7 | : ~s May 27, 2880. &. Fe Chipnosk, Fate» . The Palen United Hits. doe, Now York. ‘Deere Sirte kL. englona herewith @ letter " from Mr. Auge eayara Smith, of Appleton, Wes in regant to en electric Lighting plant . for ‘alle Norlege, Aurara, Ils Xe Mr Fatagin eae ‘that you make an bid for thin plant nt abaaluse ahoy qont. He na will ‘ye very ‘nteh conaidera the onse ona whieh merita thin actions and ‘obliged 4f ym oan sae your way olear ta anrry uh the pila Yours. very truky,, Private Searatarye My Dear Me. Smith,- ; 2 hve redgoivad your letter of 7th inpts, in regané to m aleotrie lrkting pent for fells AoLiege, Alirora, ¥. Yo, ari have WAtten to the Pranident of The Pdigon Unive eae ; Qo., making mggedtioe to hin in relation 20 shia plant, whisk, Af carried out, as I telfeve thay vill te, wi22 remit in your realinivy your wishes in that aomneet ion. In regard to ast advkiahing sorrantaation with ue family, f would miggest that you antain whrse phonayeranhns The vattery ick gobs. with thea will min the machine four hours a day for » manth, during which tim’ it requires no aftertion, and tht prooesn gf rongwal is very simple, By méann of phonogr@ha, you would we a akle not only &©> vonverse with your fnnily, tat to ‘interchange neasieal neleations of all kinds, and algo to avail youradtf of tie rmuionl records whieh in a short time sil uipplied to all unerp Of the phonograph, containing selections by *he “foramont masioinna of the day. If you have the ineandescont Light in’ your office, or 4¢ any of your Monily are so Bituated that thoy. hey tine Shs {nannaoncent- qurrent, I contd fimnian you with mae wehited. feiuind fof otek . palace which watld, of Harae,.¢ éo away % te Nhe Ss. Bo with the use of hattarios altogother; or if after further Anvestie gation you shold prefer trhadie phonographa, yo gan obtain these, eithough Ahoy are not as desirnbte for miinteal records as thono ran by the electric enret NY eqally an gogl asthe latter fr sonveraation. | ? ! or 3 i Yours tmly,_ 2 . ¢ Fa 4 : yetoe yes ‘ cs ark ate? a * 4 meee 4 a eae a uf - ‘ as ‘ % a 4 i ; + \ i ‘: ve : ‘ ‘ ee me : Auge Ladyard Sith, Fan, bate at weg een tes ML eon get 7 eyeuet Sage . Appieton, is. . sak ree BES EOP hgh Te Fie ea ee ‘ . Aiie tags. 3 ae da ' a Boe e, “ae ig 2 . Bw . aya? ) : : cae , é vo aan BS hy ‘ : F ae s ae * g : ‘ . Ne aes: be 2 ‘ os 1 ee ’ \ . : i May 17, 1880. = I G. *, .Nrner, ‘Reqs, Baainesn Monager, 4 New York Worla, | New York Oity, o ‘ a Dear Siria: Your letter of Ath instant to Hr, Pad on has remained unanswered owing to my absense from Orange. ‘ Mr. Fajeon has given instructions for a doll to te pnt in shape, which will tw sent you ag soon an ready, and he will yw wery glad 4f you will forward it to Hr, Pulitzer with his complin | ments e Yours very truly! / yo og 7 : : May 17, lags, — : i Mr, é Vins R Hivble, | eee Fort Myers, Fla, Dear Sirt. I have received your Lotter of 6th instant, and ene close herowith my check for $200, ag requeated. You ean send on a list of rs terrin) required for painting the house und. the aolora will we selectet here as you mungest. Please make a separate bila for ry preminea. Yours truly, ‘May 17, 1889. John J, Matterfiold, Itaqs, Manager, Mighigan Phonograph Conpany, Natroit, Mich. Dear Sirt« I have received your letter of isth inst., in regerd to a ¢ omunication whieh you hnvé reoeived from the North Ane Phonograph Oo, in‘which you state that thay olaim that the hattery is not A port of a Sorgnte motor phonograph. This is a quention upon whdoh T aan axpreua no opinion, for the reason that I have noti ing what over to da with tho wisiness methods. of the North Ame Phonegreph Goss r may Bay for, your information that I hav. awen a great deal. of atvantion. to this. mpateeny potion, - sam an getting | ous a cel? which will Inst for a month or go, and.whioh wh21 be perfestly satYafactory in every respeat, In this vieinity’ anere:, are a number of private telograph conserng which make a wed neas Ve of supplying hattery power ani koeping it in order, If my of the. Phonograph ponpenies should find it desirable to adopt this ‘POltoy, they will. te ahle to put 4t into effect very readily, and sould éharge ao much: per 200 phonograph hours, the battery being 4ts am moter. I nover intonted that tho first tattery tarnished with the phonogr@h machiries should adopted permemently, ae it is simply a Grenet cell, and has all tht defots of ordinary mat~ teries, : . . 3 Yours very truly, ey, me yd pean ere abn ak ae ll ae eta ae cterearten’ of oh Pp atk td iw “May 17, 1a80, In af ui jary Department, Century Company, tres #58 Rage 17th St., New York city, Denr Sirst- ae | Mr Rat son .has reeaived your ‘Lotter of ath ins tant 4 md aeys in reply that the wra GRAPHOPHONE wan coined by some persons and applied to a phonograph of a different: mechanical eon- iia strtietion than his. They obtained the name hy revéraing tho word PHONOGRAPH, Yours truly, °~ Pra- ade) ~Seoratary, ee ncn nines cunesnieenn May 16, 1889, Co %. Owston, Vege, Manager, . : Stdndarg 941 Conpuny, Clevalani, Onto, Dear Sirte "With refermee to your Letter of 11th instant, ‘rr, at says that, the motor which, in need in connection with the phonograph is mun hy a. new rathery: of his thrap months, Zour hours i cnily, The oattery in diastion gmorates About 1/49 horse powor, tad Nr. Fadeon in of the opiriton that a motor of the sar type, With twolvo colle, wmild give you all the air you require. Yours truly, | Privute Socratary, gh ? BS f q Pao alhag ey” gy Nel BAN Lhe netee, J * aba ag =e Selina ig os x F y r ge Pi Adsen ss pon-he du bjt of your regpeveal Gt, pte Egat Of OO Be suedh Arse ag Ae tera wat Carve pawn a pla dae ede Kicee 5 mais Ae Gow oes Aad kK Sf tans aeeavion ah ane v | ie. $F te Coat «. wea & fuer bitte we ie pce f MLA Cee i ines. e ee ze he WS coce fate ened x astern em Liek we fe etrat, hin REM. ¥ ania Mot | hy Setters Bar of Aug vedo Ag Aes hence oe eh: Gate | ike Jeefe, Kno Kesentine, ana he alee dante entey Mander dervwk atte he. bec iaborreinagrsel Spe scart Pan a. GPRS ETA Os Mouth ~he Cad Ce fore... Anew. cote - hee is Mean’ ae ia ae oe or tat*,, ppt a i KPO a fhe © Mytecnets whe Base aegrs — AAa dente 8. balay ° oe taht - “At Ahaha a MARA . fe f e here RANA. hand ‘Lh 46 theut Ope feriivy at be ane - tae ana f aeda dient oe Laching | i ke «fl. Ah ff tee FIX #1 1 Massy of Mae eee ear sta he. Adee. re re on epee ee rere. Oe emt TEE 4 Jafar aecky 29 haa oi rt t Adaeeey SEEPS aa liigen 5 fee «hd hethtenhas a peninants 13 hone sAygnbia ty frvrctley — a at svuneatetan: — bouttter Me rneet’ Anade of fer Me ¢ herr fet a a en ‘™* Kirra AAA A nite Koo, | | ate. Jaan. & feewe aes herncle Par the. oe fat ANA Mek fy oS eet _ Fane thas o, At fn & Ram. Lee “be on, se Roos wet Wetor May 18, 188b, ‘Naw York. Send man to tune piano this afternoon sare, ‘ Fdiaon’s Lahoratory . ' Yr. bt, aw 2 | 8 Fray seh a ie 20 Maanas Ha | Waa dow. | Jaw Gerke hacket Wegman theck, fo ¥ 196 244, 4%, ivene -thue obdinete, are elas auld, Ong Lone F urhch, Peet ae frotlnuns. 4 Edrand Aen ograph hrokw Irn a7. 39na Soue, due Cug 23. ang Meoae th ome tine af thes! mite oi opus F er 4 gow Fale oy Aw th dase Porque 7 Te et ely AY wile pacity 20. onag, of May 2, aa. Meanyr, Horta Brothels, BOA Rrosiway, Nay York, Paap Sirs: ~ * ° tn yefareme to your lofter of 11%h inet., I neg td Anforit you that Mrs, Fdieon does riot desire to tae ony tire ther sotioy at prenem in regard to pgaittonal flonry At her housé. Shé ta very mich obliged to you ant desives me $0 thank you for tho information which you have given hor, ard I wid be Qbliged if you will adviee me what disposition you. desire rate of the semples mimmittyd. Yours tivity, My Rear Major Ratort~ » Here ia & Letter from the Faitor df *Amerigan Notes ana iets,” asking Mr. Fdisan tw siggent a naw wora Which would express the act pf exnquting by Olentrinity. Mr. Faison has fade gevpral angamations, sugh ag oampeenmno r® (which ming esta death by th passage of anges of ourrent theatgh the body), ane dynamort (sugaé@ative of ayneetia death), and other words eh 88 Qlheatronort (aeuth ‘by nlegtrieityl. ‘the trouble is ther norm of 19 here renenep enough latin $a inepire am fi dence in the otymoto ty Of thede poined wants. Mrs Faison would lipo you ta ree vise thane Yours very traly , a3 Bt} ao 8 3, Satan ; 2 iat Wrontmhy, New York, Prot. Mm. D. Markh, ‘Béieon Flaatric Light Coo, \ Prifadetphia, Pa. My Sear Birt I taxq phoasure in sending you under soparate sbver ono of my photographs, as & porsmal gift, Yow have, of % gourne, interpreted my letter of 17th instunt as meening that <. e of my portrait an your advertiaing paarhy decline to permit the us Yours very truly, : May 20, 14sb, Wy ue Hamner, Fay., \ ts otd Parig » Franca, Aa : Dear Sirs. . . : EE a whe to gonfirm tha lowing cablepram gs Ye gakved irom yen and bent sy mete . “a tw ; / : 4 i) : , Sky ne roxio, Ne Xe Por 18, Lav, y = 4 ™o you agrae bo at'Penpoment With Franc ‘ ( | ‘ Company or Yo you préfei 44 panadar inde. : f | vis . Pendent? Sea Letter Apriy Btn tb Upton, é : FIAMAER, © / REWARK, PaRIs, a May £8, Jaro, . faeb "Sant vas anhls sixteenth, Dig yor -. ; det ite énth to, wTHngement all W q soot ight, wt ivi dhen wig Phiénogrepha, me | aes they paying exerts. Pat sor. # ; RE ‘ ‘ + Se i ieee PPISON, MY, May 90, 289. i "Gable rea civea, serie ompany O dort en! tke only ona, ¥renoh Telcp hone an i - adong to show in fal tn ne> ' ran Tower. Oan ‘ho adie ince H meta. fF pe ae a b i HEMARK, PARTS, May 2, 16%, | hp oe WALL ee #8 to French Tel "hat to. td e dition." . te: Yourg asus: . Balen Lamp °,, Harpiaon, B. 1, Dear Airs: - Will you kindly. semi mm blue prints of the brick York of the oarbohizing furmoes tha you use at Fast Newark, aia woh oblige ‘Yours ‘ary, Letterbook, LB-030 This letterbook covers the period May-June 1889. Most of the correspondence is by Edison and Alfred O. Tate. Many of the letters relate to the manufacture of the phonograph and talking doll and to the formation of phonograph sales agencies in the United States and abroad. Included are instructions for operating the phonograph and its battery and a draft agreement between Edison and the Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co. There are also letters pertaining to Edison’s personal and financial affairs, including the purchase of property for his companies and the maintenance of his home and grounds at Fort Myers, Florida. Other documents deal with Edison’s phonoplex system and his exhibit at the Paris Exposition, The book contains 500 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 40 percent of the book has been filmed. NERO AY Sean esta § ° . i Nay ak, B80. : | | | Ol. George M. Gouraud, - , VIL Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Fngland. fear Bays. . 4 I beg to oonfiry the folloning cablegrama ree pived from you and sent py ma. ’ gOURAUN, NoRWOnp. May 10, 2682. “Can I now eynihit in Franoe inventions gavered) by Gpae Ninety without sndange- .. ring phiantea. Bdisoy.” ; EDISON, N.Y, * May 20, 1es9. "Corbuiniy not, nor tinder six weekn withottt ris- , king Auttraiia. Yon mist send ola Peatecles | 4 i? nathines to be Neel mohnwhite.*® § RNISON, t= He Los May 14, Las, ; "Mugt daqiing orddring until ace mechiine Pronpsgi. Yast radalved prowess wnentie- | factory. Drefer whiting automatic to | ; injuring afhenwise splindig. hualneas. * ob ‘Yours + mbes ev ee . oes ETS Sect pate GEE DEST eee eo Jaane iH. Litpindote, Naqe, 180 roadway, Now York, My Dear Sing « I understand that you ate 6oming ott to the Lahoratory ta see Mr. Fad son. Thia note is to ndvish you that he left tpenight far Pitt sturgh, lie ray be back on Thursaay, bat Ioan not quite sure, Pefore you cane out you tad Letter telephom 70 tre Laboratary and ascertain if he is here, Yours tmly, ‘ Ae D, Tati, Mr, Wi, ny Hammer, Paria, Pranoe, Dear Sirte I hog to aonfim the following eahlegram received from yo. 29¢h ins tantt~ * rand reamtion dine third, architects, engineers, Phonograph feature, send eylinders with Fdiwon's voilea, Hammer, * Yours truly, Mary 21, 1889. John If. Savin, Faqe, 324 Pine Syreet, San Frangiaen, Sale Near BiPt+ 1 wag to confirm the Mliowing telegram gornt you _ towduyt- : "do light on trendles. We have new battery, four sizes, Inst qne, two, three pnd wis months. Also motors wound for elestiic J4ght ciroults. You oan rin out a telephone wire and put sixty phonographs on one airatit, supplying oirrent from sel} dynamo an gas engine, oll made independent by resi stannta. . Raiso ne® Yours truly, - wine Vf CM he Avabiiy / . ee Lm ee ng. OT Lk Pub Gt Aafhe Lhe ff Wt On by be ees Ah ewe Crar ks Yeo Khe Vien ae ka eS Fae oo pe- Lies b4¢é Lu a BA Soe ect LAA. Ua Clana ky (2 See) \ Sae K Ay GS BOOED © igs. ae he LE 4 A Je / “it AA ae: May 22, LBBO, Profe “ms De Marka, 999 Sanaom Street, Philatolphia, Pa. My Dear Sirie L have overlooked ‘your lotter of the aBth Apri, in ragard to your resigning from tho Kleatecie Slube 1 hardly. think it would bo worth while for you to do this. “oe have dis onased the matter mony ourselyen, and hava doaided 4b wonld be. petter to retain our membership. Perhaps some aay, if wo make an effort, wa can alter the state of affnirs now ext Ming thera, Yours vary truly, Rai on Lar ao. ; Varri son, Na ds Near Sirai~ in favor of the German Nat'l. Sank, with yow lotter of 20th instant. endorsed by Mr. Bai son as deaired. I raturn herewith ‘three notes for 92,5 and $1,560.40, renpectivély, the two fo the Consolidated Fruit Jar Go., the sama May 22, 1880. — 60, $5,000, rmer neing renewal notes and tho latter in favor of having boen enclosed Thane have heen signed and Yours tears, Private Seoratarye * © le a CL pe to. fh 0 fA9, Co Ky bints, ale b. 4 A. AA / me 4A fh LEC; Wi the he Pee tint a Vane bar MK paed O- ye FP (uaa + tt aA Cay AAA AA te if Bla LAL CAL God Me. fla vipa Gwe th fe, je iE fh Ad: yt oe Re faa. O acl PAnAC ie / ards ida AD tA fo beget g £4 { . OD APA 4. (tree bean fareey f c (Apa PAP on att. {4 a B- GC, ef wht AAAs MED pe tA. fe ie LUM: aed is tA. (hno sak Pomtrner i pet pel “rh Ch Bs / fA? sy u awl, i 1 ff Ae A E447 oo, Ete ta ef ies. fre £L fe The Ea go tent v t i ay cn AULA fig - ae brah ) if ae of F ee Le ed ach are t 4 cs hee Oe ; as Se peng etrey May 27, 1880. Ae 4, Diak, Fane, c/o Mre Philip S. Pyar, | 44 “na Say, Antwerp, 36) glum, My Dear Sirte As yet I an unnhla to inntiuet vou definitely in eee to Toy Phonograph. nistnass, hut oxpect to cable you my wishes soone Ieanm. tla you ean do nothing but ansurmlate sta- tistios and general information, whieh it is muite important. I should bo in pospession af an that J aan form my plans intelli-g gently. I wiah you wotild be kind enough to write mo dmmediately, outlining the wholes cannera ial all aystem an you have found it to axiat, hoth as to France and the doll trada of any othe? coune tries With whieh you hav made yourself faniliw, quoting prheos an far as you are abln, and using aare to omit no details of which you have knowledge. Perhaps the hest way would be for yor to wanume. that I bei mtirely isnorant of the whole husineas, and write ma in conformity with: that ansumption. . What I wish to avoia is the omisaion of any datall. whieh might seem unimportant Lt to you were you writinn me under ordinary o irounstaness, us i 5 orenee may have some affect upon my plans which you could not f , 4. BN My machinery, which has an imnedd ata aqmacity of two thousand moverants per day, will te doliverdda in whut three waeks. this output am om inoreasad to three thousand daily as soon aa tho Grune iene heacare expert, You will, therefore, ane that I havo this‘end af the msinesy well in hand, 1 tant now to met a good grasp of the commeroial ond, and this 9 fully quipped alk around for quick astion. So pleasa lowe ro tina in comlying with my reqiost. Yous very truly» “Hass ih F dscns eabcss, ay geen May 28, 1889, Rdiaen anp Ooe, Marrinon, Ne Je Dear Sirai« I return herewith yo note No. 208, for $2,590, under date May 27th, payable in 5 ronthe arf ate Ot, 30th, which has been signed hy Mr, Fdison aa President of the Teanp On,, alan ermorsed by him, and which 4a to take tho plage of your note No, 205, dated Aunday, May 24th. Mr, Fdlson saya tint in view of tha. ragomt nd jus tment ot ’ bight Gompony affairs, thia ought to bs tht 2nat of your notes to recoivo his personal enforsemente Yours truly, oes fo =. cae a w, 03", a Privaté Baqretaity. May 28, 1889, My Dear Mre Gonnery,~ Iam very glad t learn fron your Letter of 10th inatent that you are raady to leave for Haxied. < amr prepared to give you the machines which you require for your initial work any time that you my «all for ther I enclose herewith a formal letter oddressed to yo solf, which covers the point referred t in yours unter reply, regare ding the commncenént of the three months preserinéd in the joint letter addressed to you by Aol. Gouraud and myself, witeli was not dated, mt which I refer to ay under ante November 7th, 1888, of it was on that day my signature was attached to tho same. Yours very truly, Ze ae 2 ary < gt Garces Thowas Be Gormery, Fsqes . ofa Mopars. Fox & Prenle, | 147 Nassau St., New York May 28, 1889. Thomas 8 Connery, Faq., ofo Nessra., ¥Yox & Preble, #147 Nassau St., New York, Dear Sir ie Referring to: the joint letter addraared to you by Colonel Gourmd and myself, and which was skgned by mo on the 7th day of November, 1888, ung which states that ‘You are within ‘a period of three calendar months to obtain from the fovernment of Mexico an exclusive License or congapsion . . » » + + to wipply that Government « + 6 « « « ‘yith phonographs, manufactured in ace cardangé with the present or my fugure invention or improvement of Mre Te. Ae Radaon,* and whieh alao provides that "Within thred calendar months after obtaining gich license or sonaéeainn you are to form or establiah in Ynglemr¢ or the United States of America or the Republic of Mexico 9 Oompanty &c.," end in answer @ your letter ynder dato 10th instant, askini f me to mame a date fran wWhioh the thre months ghove referred to shall comidngo to Ym, T ws advise you that I mm at the present momont prepured to deliver to you the machines which you require to emble you to start for Mexico, and, therefore, the term of three months above montioned shall bagin from the date of this Letter, Yours very et ‘ : : ee ee 4 ON Foe Mey 28, 89. Faison Machine “Yorke, Schonectaty, Me Ye Dear Sirsie I weg to confirm tht following telegram sent you to-day t~ “Than may we axpnet report on inst sampler inmlation sAnt you? T. Ae KR. Yours \ruly, ee s ra Coy ce y ort? Mae a i é ote PrP ie f, ae ’ Jo H, Yail, Faqs, Faison Fleatric Light Co,, New York e Dear Sirs Replying to your Letter of 20th instant, My. Fdiaon has been absent so mich ‘Untely that I have heen unable inti toe da¥ to submit your latter és him. If the members of tho Prasby- terien General Assembly, New York Gity, ean come to the Tahoe ra tory on Friday of thin week, it will ve aonvenio rk for us to ree ceive them on that day. é. Yours very truly, Cf, a aaa Lf rae i r aie Mp eo? . ir Private fiscretary. May aa, 1aso, Wet. inrnor, eye, Parise, Pranaos Dear Sirt- : 1 heg to oonfinn the following enblegrama sent hy mé and reooivad from yout} NEWARK, PARIS, ; May 29, 1889. , "Mont ef your phono. material shipped Have 18th, balance gods Satwreday next. amt you nmisien). records by Captain ateamer "ha Ohieapdgrie” nailed 28th. Faison. ® “ . Parta, May 29, 1889, Te. Ae MDISON "Tell Btoholor 12 phonograph 1 prought nad nm apé@etacle; rush phonographe: Harner. ® T. Ae PENISON, rs Paria, May a, 1880. “fond raguldor ant animater for of dynamo 200 toast nookets and 590 asnorted volorad lem Hanmer. ° Yours vory truly, Nay ma, 89. The Fdioon United M't'y, ao., 68 Fizgth Avanua, New York, Dear Sira,- I wg t aonfinn the follening telogran gent you to-dayie . *"Mre Arka very meh amoyad lamps are not yet in order. Please sand man out immediately to con- neat wp tuben with sriter: board. Ohase Nataheloy, * Yours very truly, Chan, Bathtoh@lor. , Ne ae Fran¢ias R. Upton, Msq., * Fdieon Lamp Conpany, Rarri Ban, RK. 7, Daar Sirt~- Tha following ia copy of a sahlegram which we received to-dny from Parigs- To , ie : Thomas A. Fadl eon Prom Patin, “ins I. ¥., May 20, 89.— Send rigulator and Hirecer for 56 dynam 200 test aocketa No. 23% and $0 ansorted colored lama. Hammar. ‘ Mire Fditon waives yo to give the abave your imnmld ate attention. ae ee Gn wle amen td May 28, 89. org, Nd t son ye Mr. HIESl@ has sent tho attaghed skeet ah, *O bave you Rmelegt the nolovs Sor vor Plorida house, With hun to '@ repatntad. IF you will indicate the eOlons that von wouia lie to hove ead, J wild wrette itr, Hibhle ancordtngly. May 2A, 1889. Fawin We Fox, Faye, Nan York ; Dear Sirse X beg to confirm tha following talagrams regéived from you and sant by m tia-dayte Te. Ae Rdiaone - Hay an, 188 *Didl you ‘re ceive latter about phonograph attnohment. mailed Friday? Anawer., FR. My P,* Kdwin Ny Fox. | oe Hay 29, 1889. "Your Lettar to Mr. Fdinon re onived. Am writing toenight. A. % 7.” sy, Private Secretary. May 20, 1889, My Deay Myre Fox,+ Mr, Rdieon has rogodved your Latter of Ath ing tant, and aaka ma to sny in reply that he will tw veiy aglad to sen you at the Laboratory any day this woek and to havo pear bring yoiw mpring attachment for the phonograph. Yours ey awe Snereter ys - ae ie iy, ’ fi Uditwsys ope a f ~~ de Fdwin M,. You, Bans, BS 147 Nagnan 5t., Naw Yorks Nr, Me R, St owar 1 735 Ne Meridian Street, Ite ianapolia, Ind. | Donr Nadama iw ti. Faison aske me to acknawlodge req sipt of your kind lotser of 14th dnatant, ani to aay in reply, he be- Lieven thas in ting elmotirigity will take the place of stem ene tirely an a rotive powaor, Yours very trnly, wee Nay 29, 1880. My Denar Inmill,- Raplyring to yaur perenal lettar to Nr. Faison of 27th inst., with whinh you melosed copy af correspondence from Mr. P, 8. Dyer, with rejlution to Slewens cable, Mr. Kdleon says that wo ought to heey ¢ ho report of Mreator Pe Uppencorn, as ‘it practically confirms ite. Faieon's opinion of the Aleoine -eonik, namly, chat at ts 00-4 elentriontly, tat defestive modhatlerd2 y. I havo filed the copies of this corteapondence iio yon mert in thin office. Yours vary truily, Po Private Seoretary. Samed Inmiv2, Pee, 4p oy fit., Naw York, Mey 329, 16eo, Hr, OlLvar Fllaworth, 728 Geary Street, . San Frangineo, Gale Dauner Sirt. Replying to your letter of hth inwt., X wg to aay that Mr, Pdiaon his made a few Amndawntal experiments in aon nection with alr locorotion, nit has not had ‘3m Ne “woh attention to. the HUHje ote : }? P : Youre tralyy 4, x eer vas if aie ip vee ad d “tammy, Priv au ‘fear atarye May 80, 1889, Nicholas NM, Rall, Raq, Sup "te Fored gn Matin, Pr, 0, Dep ‘te, Varhington, D, 0, Denr Sir te ; © I beg to advise you that on the 24th instant 1 shipped to the Posy Offiae Department, Yaa}.ington, the llo~ wiry Phonoplex Telegraphic apparatun, for tranenianton to the German Postal Authorities! 8 Phones. ' 2 Magnetic Oolls 2 Tranamitters 2 Rneostata a Kaya. Diagreme were also included, showing how to connect Up the inutrue nent le 1 will ship you in a few days, 4 Condensers and 10 cells of battery, which, with the above apparatus, wilh constitute & some. “plete equipment for two Phonoplex terminal stations. — Yours veiry oe 4 ( | Messrs, Jas. Ye Quean & Qo., Philadelphiis, Pa. Dear Sirat~ In your lntter to un under date 20th instent, wherain: you re fer to our having returmd your draft for $568,54, ‘you state th at the rotirn of this draf't was the first notification you have. had that your bills were not, “batinfagtory to us. -Thia is mi overe sight on the part of som o:f your anployaes, on wa have vn letter from you under date 28th inrtant, wherein you dinousn the defects of the woodwork of the inatrumenta covered by Shdae Dilla the defecta.are not the reatlt of packing, tt are cmeed by gtetn wood having ean uned in the renifacture of the instruments, ‘They have warped and cracked, anit we certainly should not te expected to pay for the repaire which will n@ocessary to put these instru ments in proper condition. You ask ua to state wint we onnaider ; “would be a fair allowance, ‘Te have nate an aatinate of the cost of vepairs and haw fount that five per cent from amount of. your bilo will cover it. BE At é vet L f Yours vert ae . | T. B Poolsteds, Reg ., Ro a to Manis: My Rear Sirt- Aah g , f T apald se herewith’ a letter: wide te give your non tne privileges ‘of thin Litwrathiy,$ wim te wanes to Orang? te nee Mr, Pataone t an obliged to send this © you, ae you give Se Se pene So ee tte en ee 5 no aidrons in your Latter, ana no ans here 40 fentiiar th te Looation of Racklani College. Yours very truly, | Hay SL, 28D. Thia wittl aantt tr Beopatetds to the FKataen bahoratory, to ne presented tor ri Mia ge aT Oe eo w Ay B Chandler, Haq, , President, io " Poatal TalegrapheCnnle-Co., ° 1 Rroatway, New fork. 268 ‘ ’ f an ‘ Dear Sirts.- - CUO, AE ye Ge ie eer va S645 40 site bee the: feiigiics: ‘Sha’ AO Maw ing bi al dent eo wate Sacdayne Oe ee EE ne af : ; st “ee ere oa oe "M122 be pind to Baer ym at the ieetstary os toomormiw (Saturany } any tine. Srehiak to.yourselt, TA, FAiaon, * Yours truly, pom ee i ° U mie pret Hay a, 1889. we a Rare, Sol, “Georye Ke vouraae haeedo Hen "np ar Norwnnd, sited: Pralants { Decor Sirt-- s et icine 2 T be: toventinn the Malawinig eamle grass. reg lved from you ani arnt ty rage ee CC oe net goer Ste teay ” a theo rye tis wie ar age ae Sa Oe OU, EP A ay EME ae” pang ? 77 ” . be a4 we HR Seger «eee 7) ete hag OR OS a i ay wae, sane aie ‘aounAun, TPAD, me ‘on Lape ee Tae we a. * Contines,. Nearer wy ens Yi Ha . Tu08, “he vison, SN AE esi mse gin sy aa 85, 108 ae a ae “ieee you ia é, o aouratn, "NORWOOD, : Rut tee smerny Nay 89, 1aHO, . we ie we *"Senting Latest phoneqraph une fifths MS Writing fully, Faitnons* HOARE grt yt Yours teal, wnt "Hr wan aenst bofine the, Hs ietiegil— a ee is rats 6 tele. Strata ot FE Pegs». Bence Ch persons 4.4 aes ; Maes fay SL, 1ABO. Pas ap 8 _ 8+ Flood Page, Maine, ‘the Fddinon & fran United Mlantets 2. Mo, hondon, Xigland. “ My Dear Mise et Bk pee ari ne On the Bath of Marah Inst’ t wee” yah i ‘rower, * cory fe whack t anciose: herewith, tin) ‘wideh T asked you~ Ri oily send rte copies « my agremmenta: which. jou. may hve in| ‘your Tod senaion vetween Mr, Hainan’ ant: the old Londen Rakesh Meowia"™ “>° cog Light M00, alse tetwnen i, Faieon ant ‘the “patieoh ry was United”. eae Reotrie Sighting fo. ‘he have not : yet renived any reply @ thia le tter, and inasrmoh an I am at presente angaged in recamMing all "Of Hr, Fatson's ngrensenta fe. in-w Contract ook, for te. parpose | of conveniem feference, ant an anxiann to have it ag eorplete as possible, I shall we very mah‘ ohligat if wren reoelpt of this letter you wild infom re whe ther or not with ecples of the contracts anked for. a 4 Vous vary truly, & ‘ay 31, Lose, Mr, Inge VY, We Pleraon, Me Re, Bhoomfiatld, Ne a, | Dear Sirte : I bey to eaknowledye ree akpt ef your letter of 25th instant, | In rely 2 ropret te state that at present there is no | position vaeimt in the Lahnratory © whieh you sould he ape pointed, fr. Fdinon already having more anitsangs in hia work | than he really requires, Jnst now he ia qutting com his statt, an he contemplaten a trip to Furope thin wrmer, and work will not tr taken up actively until hie return. Your application has | bem placed on file for referers, ant whould an opportunity. Oaour | in the future, I aiall to Pyshen: to copraninate with yous Yourg trily, *ei-ste Secretary, TN Ngee ee agp meee ol. doorye KX. Gruraud, Little Menlo, Cpper Horwiod, turray, Yayzd ards Cie ares ra Re ST ee Dear Barts - eet ; —— Your latter 4th, inetent, wherein ae atete trit *the last phonographe reavives fully realise ‘the ‘opeetations | “witch I have conti ent y held throughins br Lf you we vom "ready to promas then in raroe nun teks, ‘as wider'etind inare we . *raatly yon, are, tre nocerh | han. 0.008. and no tine wn ‘wy Towa: "in rrosending,* han ween Peenived. eee On the 7th tnetent t anhled you that 1 waa’ *Rewty to ship sphonogrep hs: in pra: ‘ead ‘comalotal form for anle and nse come *marosully tn aust auantition ‘as “yout ‘require, “Tes inpatiors. Ld "get your ordera,* tons ‘while written tefore 8ip reeeftpt of yank leter above referred to, manera your depliat peation as to whether I was ready w Proaee naihdnes in large ater we Your reply to the howe wan ennaiea in yow cable to re _ Under date 8th instant? hat thre Bee dorna@roiAl mehing and “price. ir bath mtintnatory dere urdera, Hxpresn ¢ eirip le. ‘danla "departure. Wrote Baturtay,* wien t shawored on Yho Lath inkte! ead fects tS HES OSS SPR nero Ret ct Sar eWT "Seneca rene ; ‘ 2 = a. 061, a. Ra, "Can't sive Prioe wntil three Stina a made, Nowawor, are wILing "them ut Sorty-five dollara to Sompan y here for Pirge ep conamnd, "forty for noxe and pm bably thirty=five for roxy thousand, Rite *jeaet to final nght> omant “Y WOOK ae UAtinate Price will Joxer, © as we have atopped mab fry: arenas CU Tare chem onirg work, %a *haw. up to toetay deliveret srven, ma arad. "nutdntnetori ly in Tarai of pnotte, Tey sre working 3nd grder for sy 4) = “moe, mbasnor one "MSOF O08 teindend «® To this you replied on 17th inst net ie ano line orfaring a) rend one rechine Prrapassd, “baat reantvnd, prowen tmaatiateotory, 4 refer watt Loy, wtoratde to “Injurine othornine wplenate miatnoas,*. , Sich wen, fllownd fp ‘y your ewer of torpaint dated inth Aneta int, TL .qnpgs ell. theese aahles in = ie proper order An arplian ¢ With the. sis eation in your Letter ast re ferred te that t read tha telegrang in the Light t tren : : of thon trmeat ely preceding." “bowed aitrlot iy. in. this Lent rt wml open’ that on thonograyhs Anat. “AMG YON Na ty read og the erpeatat ions atch you had | dontldenddy. fala tier owshaut” ap w = fe itiag the Ante of my. rapie of en inate, Raking for yaw ee that yow sranten ‘ne tngar 3 ee fia Mare aaa a Set onal ee Sree MED A pe : t find your speed tHe teplainns. to 1p awh Pollewe, at 1 will herby @ spe answer then lee ‘thn “rh one . give thes, Ando 1)“ osene Arrepilerity, ot yt oan 4 ine ree eee shite g “ay Di sph amily oroke ne an mohen 8 ‘k: ~ ma “en tere too Mtsae, Z.) Son rhe \ (4) Rew maahinen lena to na rad Leg on than previous michinee Tae ea . . | (3) Naw mvahinee require spartan. ‘a anaiduer ne ‘asa trot nite hares The Phonsgrm h POV I cue ts AB aveiees a pieea af meginnion an ax! ta towdny amt perfoma ita work with ANEGAYLS WOOUEBA YS t rf hive proven Sire mnt asal rn. my tart s mate minder my personal uprevialon, ang i hawy nevar hada KAngl® ore plaint as tn ‘aa Bonen tig in sonredat Ley wits ‘the pon . nashines widek maw Seon delivered tn dute to ene 5 60h anna af the n Hort On srw tenn Phonogroph Rowpanye- Tia to hed in “emelunive ee ttaen: ef the inereratenay of the persone in oe Hyesen An wu haw riaeed you ine . atrunmntay ‘there ie cod renpan ohatever ay. the dine phragee ‘anda wet broken. : They ore welk Proter ted, and the ortinmry | handling of a raaninn in veeatten waa” showla rematt “tn 20 ‘teen to te 4 tarhrag _Thia ome plaint alee as origina. with vane ae 1% wan naver cy intention to adopt rermsnently the _fhrat mitertes amt ous with the Phanocraphe 1 kno thoy are wore, teyteteete. | Ss have “axpersatn ten weanaty for more than a your to otal a #itante pathany ier thie isiness, ant ! haw Aionoededs One af tng rant os Ie ee bet 7 eee Ra a caieely amen Col, GO. hy G. oh Of theae whieh I haw rude will ww shipped to yon on “etnenday next, Sth prox. Mt Wilk rom the Phonograph four (4) hours per day Mr. thirty daya, and ten oy” atding a walt pent ey of argent to trys lution, ‘WEER run for twenty daya MFG, i san prodong the lite of thin mttory to ain onthe, or arly part shersa't, ay spareatate: thw eine of the cells ‘praporttonately, FOURTH, This in arnttes aritioten ontimnl y ori-inal ‘with your. | aelt and te diapro sed ny aw: ex erdenen voter we have had here, that ta fe wider than yonr own. Your thounls {u without dubt want of kneel edge on tht part of your operatoras PIYTH. I haw had met operimee an the wank oning GL neweh ‘aesueiene ant \ have never yot. nem a piece of pected neghtiniam. deat goed for uttinee ase a tne generat (mb Mie, that aouta * ynged atengsiy: in their benta withe out erptoying experts. ‘to sengh ‘ana inatrugt them the Telephone, the Neatete Pats tht Mineagreph, and whe various dowiacs mindind’ in tre slootwte Ment ayater, whion are han nt bed ‘tiv. ‘prate, . ali ragiirs ‘9 wm Om plained ty an wn ure oes Lise vith then, and, ewer siete on Ana tr nant aa an V inproved flateiron involvon “ sa Cale Ge Pe O whe 8 certain mount of agilention. by an “expert” wore it can te Antelligently introdread into domestic use. Prombly ninety par gent of all thn seving snchines me ployed to-day are operated by wertin and 0).0 Snepaales onploy paid agents or “axperts® to attests three, whieh taken from, thran te four weeks tint, Ivory naw device whieh from tiut ty tine te hrenght eat ay aewi ng mashing preple has to be Any hatred w uh expert, ant ecesprred with this instrrwnt, tie pheno graph fa 6 marvat of airplietty. 1¢ takan us fet ant two hours to them roughly inatenst « peraon with na previous know tence in the operation ant care of she phoney rep Hy wat the ine stricter reat te Sinraywhly earpe view and fwitar vith the raohine, or hin inatmissionn outa sores only as confuse ard ada to the Lgnoranae at nie puptde Your trove aaern to Pd that yore ha ve no one who ta master , of the yew Ana tere, tonae gun 7 yeu | aan rare no afeios ont aratiotes ane! thn phone) rap ts: haned coe, farl¢n whiten ‘welt amny An anes eho handle i. ¥ Your compl aint , there tore, in rédqard to er in shbmrt. te the: majority or ‘yobs this |\ Sere *axpert’, one ; , vey the ieee “of intribney, ™ £8 ajenne wire Bese fa j a cron deal: in 8 raniny 2 Uitne Gf fe ween we aah oe ren ePrinogean Operators” anventyat er) pe. genk ne ‘ee visionary di friouliies.ef We inatmunient would Maeppedes £00 } | Col. G. Be. Ge. oe In roguni to loudness und ONher gialiting yu rertion I gan - reply to all you Mestions of thiz nature wy way dre. that we find the new. inate t mr erior in every raspest th the ald ANGE. Z find in your oorrenponhenns the following marina, anavors to whieh follow ° (1) Yow many Phonnygrar hs AN you rely men hn romshly dee Liverina wutmning ¥ ith tue | This aes ontiraly upon yruraadt, Se aye tondey ont phonogra: ha at the mite af fron as to 240 Per ‘wee), ad Ao ing ‘averyt hin: meee ennty to ineirense ‘the ouspuh, rep idly tn eet the N21 nuriere ordered hy ‘the Marth ia Pigoon Phewonraph Str Dehals 300 par wrens Then you sade your eantrnct wba ay yon soriced ay) yourself privilares Yagad ing the tr her of rashines bad wien sm would. oa ontitled. Tou owely 45 pnt espaet Mol Lad guarentee Pree visional delivarten, dependent upen yar Tatnire Wotton ow eV whethar yar wild ander te Ane treente or rout The ie pregtt~ cally what ya: aa: ba) to te, ax 1, of enn net, feeling (2) hat are tie sande: pr cen of {al ‘Hator Naohiews (o) Treats Hanhines, te) Motor Machine for hten ert, Tags Werte, (ad Rawutar Th ranete’ Tattory. (@} Mew Owtdey Tatleryt - (a & ») “e are billing theas to the Foran Ararigan Phono. “oo at $48 aaah, enatustve as waiees power fr the former, wiion Wilh dtlled ‘ceparatily. an aq Lalrred ‘low, Vhon we have tnesmd ows ties shousind mahines “the corrvat prina wii ap ce teminad,-: ‘Tp eftact of thin will © to mike ohe everare prine lo? thean 3,00 Instr Mts gonaldarakty t4 awe tah wothlt wa pine arrived at’ AY thr peeghe CAPO Nit itments MN n Sane tured te dante, as the perem tar “0 of adneran aphr ne WHI) lowor whey appl ae te the firrar® avn vo tre dns orannee ‘alti canbartin ipa the trie fh DP ot be igs of ow aporas ivan, 14a} gay oy Say he. ve ae ed det we be aiey tween) faniitar with Shia 0 Bint, & Langer Tomogr of parte tt Ages’ a atyan Mra cre new work ere ahle ee eee rc iS hs oe ccc. ca ee (a) Bat tna pPaahit- tn are azn deys sto: bury (300): Hoty dann a NH Xoo mediioes at ce ‘Thay ra qiatire . Weel | tate wrk nen the ontery Vantrindn'ts,: Nie? tively de ao not think the at ttermiee tn prige ot See WALL. we. ac. Breate, the two elassem oF ine ane an rae t 3 Ag hehe aan . ‘ Fy “ ‘, og SME Merely ay Pe, . : ta) the prige. ofthe. twttem 4 de 4 my at, Vian. Ohl: ee ray ia Be ({e) we ‘ve jitat erwones 8 Tew + bday in thden to rinstimes ture thiy tatiory, Wp ba rake vib*ioun a 304 tfepors ; i i i dol, a. K. Ge fe tianate to the life desired, the meximm Ting six months. We have not yot made any twat the thirty aay sixe, which, for the present, Wi Will Hdl at Boo - pe cell, Solution cite about $ 1 per eaton, * See PS. (2) What is price of eothined moter and treadle machine? Wa do not intend owking an dnstrinent of thin ielnts: he we meke a treadle machine ania mater Mashing, I canmot see the utility of a aomiination of the.pes in ane inatriment, (3) Are the Anat dnstrenmte vant yal the anrm as the 70 whigh 2 atagont an. ™,. Senke 28h int. nad heen mpplied to tha Mort ane Prone. Boe up « that trae 3 A portion ar theas ave tho aume ans we» others like tho - ching which noes to you ‘an adnendny upon the arrival at wraeh you will find that. tie a ffeveme tn no way “maticien yor vehenent oritiaiom to the affeat that I have furdabiet the Moreh Jc@rican Phonngraph Conary WITH Inatinuntntes: cantly ‘superior. tq your ow. The npectasle adiustiment.of theee Inter meqdhines La more eimple _ than that of the earlier inutrumente, which, aonntitites the re Changes CP and pone baie i gE atin Soa There arn “pty of ‘thane provingrephs lin the hands of the publie right aroun Newark, and no sorplajnts, The only trathl I hear of 14 1H ennnaation with’ tha old bitteries, “high. we ae. “Yep laaing aa apidly as posible. Mr Jann Ie. Aauterriera, Narvee eer of the Michigan Dinnegwenti sas ae n@ ‘niter date th Anstmti« "ment absolutely perfects There is no relian, howevens why businesn whould t-delayed | wey aera cael PE Aa dol. u. ¥, a, ele “lam clad to my (hat the phonograph, with the: exneption of the tinttery, ia giving ertire satin- fastion. * . Having provided a réliahl sattery, the only remaining di fft- culty 4a in the wus We have ‘insunle in: freeing £t.trom dnp rit len which haw the ef tect: at’ etaine and mMlling ‘tha knives, . and this of cauran Pemilte in w rough reeonling aurface.on the cylinders. Ye are after thie tmableand wills itminate ft -siry | shortly, Predueing Bins’ OP Liar which will’ neither Shed dial tof cracks _ AUL these minor ai reiémities are inettental to the Aevdlop~ mare of mn entirely new ‘anlvarpri an, mid will invme he Ataape pea, ‘Ye are thormghly pert with’ all points where tng eese Jette, SPUN ge, Raat ibe Pha : whila we ee cotre ‘Enroagii nese AvCferent degrees-of parfeqtions Wo have pnaned the cofere {tive md will’ reach’ the wiperiative in. 008 H@RA Me . That we a now: waking, a practical oorerer of ris chine is Seyond dispute. | Any elangen thich are mate in roth of: adjustmemt or in-ot direations will mt render useLens other parts of the inatrinen}as Phonograph parts ee pul inter ghangeahie - - are amine to apie: tit in ranufpeture = antl any A peer on eo ome mort in desirare ‘and are ‘lavatiing every nerve to eke, he dinates TED ne ntl epee enn ee are Col. Re ¥, G, in. nev 30" henge will he adap ted to inatmmeante already. sent: ont, rae dakving: only the removal af the pare intended to. he ‘Tepinaea ~ nothing else will be interfered wi the . explain this. mily w aon bramine you apparantly Aeniro to be asaured that 1 will mabe no further olnnyea, whith would moan practisally that I ao not: intond to improwe the inst iment iin the tetiires:: ‘If you"wart ‘ane mrance to the eftect. that J “AM. NOt ching to: make a retical change which would renter uwselesw all the instreenta: sort out an tur, md neaeanitate their, abundonnent ant resnls in & heavy 1naa to ‘the prenent purehasars, x sive; it t ya: rpat readily, though: to interpret yaw Aeaire in thia mamer emid te erediting you with having formed tt a Por opinion of ny. Judpiete. Altogether your Gritigtans are muper tha tal and. are the result of a. very inparteot aeqmaintange wth the, machine, . z ea only reply to your pestion. as. to: when you will regeive a commere! al phonogrep h ty Bmting that you already hay oorriare celal inatriments and we wilh, . olad.to inorease the ruber: whan * you advise ny definitely of your wiehes. in hat: “eonnte tion, * i ae ae | bine oe to pgs 2 Mh ak cette wat teat oot ig at wo Yours xary tray, hae BE eS acter * Ae btm» ay ae eel diffiqulty which wa have met with here, and not realized its Col. GF a, ge ce P, S, “It han ocmtrred to ma that you my have ancountered a cause, Wa find that inn who hava had no previous acquaintance e the phonogriph learn to handle the new inatmment more gti ache ly than thone win huve heen uasd to aperatirg the old rtsnine. The working of the inatminent involves thea atic ation of the handa as wall as the intellest, and an operator eventually mnves the motions of adjustment intuitivaly, A man Gransferred from an old machine to a new one in oblige not only to forget his pravious education, tit ‘to joverconn the innulon of his misales to Andale ina famtliar movoment. Thus an old oper ater ia’ virtually harsti« capped for a ta which though short an itaelf, @mmenmen more tine’ — thm is nooesanry to mi ueste a now. rane x Te to mite irgoantnte tor mm in th ie letter to quote price of raw tattery ant ao ut fein, I wilt atriae at yu of theas as early an prastioable, Mre Misterfiald, whom 1 have referred to- vefore in thie lester sayst °I am rakiryg a teat of a storage "battery hore writen Prod ace to. te ary m@lafactory, 1¢ rims *ahout one hurstred ard eh ftyetive pours, without stopp ing. I a “use thin storage tattery in connestion with the machine until I “get some other hattery fras yons* Perhaps ym might take sitvantaw ofwing is hare sugested, am try a storage cell until I an ready with my now type of Sadak! hattery. May al, LER, The Mutual Fite Inairance Go. of New York, © New Yor Gity.: aS Dew irate . Referring to your agranment/ ci th Navid N, Ropes ‘pen the -reasint, of 35% under date 29th dnateant, which acknowl an pert of the purahann roney of tha «fend sen known no the “Kary A Davin Property, “ilo. 10,082), situfide in the tomenip of Roomftel, Fnnex foe, xey. Jersey, wy, i which Ereven® forva fire ty 4 ther payment of 4,7 70 hed ronplete he said purghese, and ‘toa 1 made on or vaforn the first aay of sung 10, +Y analo an herewith my cheek on Henares Prana, Morgan 8 ‘oe, ‘unter ‘date Slat inst, for #4, 780, in anv afnotion of the plarrent ‘mat: Bi tebred.. 40, the - - receipt of vrieh please anknowied gre a mqiag kes hae | i Woura trys - BET gate George P, Kingsloy, Ke, Oran ct, ¥. te Dear Sire f + i ansloas herewith Arronaent be trem Pavia Me Ropes and the Matunl Lite ine. Gos ae New York, In regard t the ite rain en known Be the ‘Hary, Ae Dow he property,* Moorfield tom ship, which nokrowh edger th receipt of $800. an acsomt of the purenace price of said property, ond the lance dua to somplite the pays ment, numly, $4,700, wan remittert to the Mutdal Life Inenrance: Coe yenterdny. i, Faiton would ike wu w take thie. matter in hand now, and to hare you ace that the tite we the property de ali right, ant that te “Aseaa, wnian t yen will prepared by th: Hutual people, aré in yproper sone. Yours very truly, bs a Private Rearetary. Georg Ps Kingatey, age, Granen, Ne Je Dear Sirt- Z enaloaa herewith azreensst 42, dap Lente panrees, the exegutarg of Tharlan Yarrend, remedy, done Fervent sercd Stayer ford Farrand, end Thoma Ae Maton, in reqere to property, in SLoenfiels ani Wilkeville, Thane agratrants sere prepared wy ir. Ropes. Ore of then haa been signed ty. These Parrund's axerators, ant tie other te ta te wines ty tre Pot rons WA12 you rintty Took at thes and tet at know Af they are au right for Br. Mater to attaeh hie signaure. Yaueg wary traly, asa. t Private Beaty June 1, L6h9, My Dear fourm, I ae nnenhese yeur iohteve of May 4th, roe Plying to nine of iin ie BO, of April, and a very euch anlised for the explanations lah you cake woth an to ® yow ‘poltey act your motives. + fe your them attergs t fentlierise re vith the work whigh you have men sentus ting, we hal fault te pur a that Y have arrived at econslualons tanad upon sanenen sien Peseived fron other wissen. That this Information was unetixed afth malice tovnr ds youradd £ I haw yo mart, the eensiditens arrived at An 80 reny directions ware ton Uraninara to adit of that iden. In my lesters to you | ai nek onion any speci ties part of your polley. I neta tat 2 considered asm af your arrengentnts were exeoliens, at 1 had in mind the lecsures at yourea = af gow . Ganistants before \he Srientifis foeiaties of Inglend @a Prenee, my Spproval of which is ov taont by the asaiztangee 1 have oheonse ta you in your Preparations for tam, At thie gistemes it wna be quite inpossitle fur ra to point te that partiquiar part of your policy whien agitalet a wave of very miverse critigian on the part of the publ do abro dt, sm whieh when it Feashed mt ere Conelnedd mw of. what NY AY fas both to yas ait Mad mrate, ore Sepaetadl y as you wore on shy tates ar squat sting m inf iporavion in eonneotion Witt: the Paris Reteeitien etch we wound wth tae had enue to regret, 1 os ory to eno tat do. etree in Fors ohPrespentnsn | #e you “ads Wits ehréP ef adipent wen yw part, wit insteat wou reinte the nse ta i, Aah te ate Mmhine wae pot Upon a aimtine deapbieg yoors aa) ahs ter ‘i Ste % perma y was in we way Peepers ile, Pachapa tr at thas: Vike 1 tea hat in hte Tope a perseral voy reeentas ive having a whter fntereste a hears, the oxtigbieten te eter pon Hite; and eas abner etetakee wr wail, weuld rever mw teen mete, intent, wo per we t a able, to i PROS r7welt anaiet a repel sten of WHE Chinen 44 tS Cues. / 2 agprestme Nosy the tmowe se nae Sipwanterad ‘thro e0 attonnts Of watdwitore 4 let nit irntnamint te steel pour Senter, all of witeh yu aonwtlers Meet ae atthavit to eanttt at tue vararion of @ cate eee tt ts at — ‘setae tet thet you mts te wriayed im thaw why, wh % + think @he atin wien sou have token 40 waguting the PEMte itn te true swe er af tafve we in Oe HAG? ditetjen a8 WI38, iP ney tee mat ale Weaty dono a, ‘ne aang ath, pots adja, th Wert rent dem tee tereun. There se om Anding wing 2 T mn very pinaned ‘row in YOMP Pereus arrepensines, ant thay “ thas reo are eer tenglen Ving Ped wusinean, tha | fe hear poopie have envorted all, nese aie wag ‘l = of _— amt i 30% nq ‘ath, eat hy Our pronreny dn Range Atala os stare, Pedy for yay. wimneyer interass a rOnd 42a Prva gph are ot wats thaw ¥ met have’ exe ited Pablle AON 8 pitas an ja Ended iy’ “enctea . welt nator, and i. Jee 19 noe the Amar SIAL wide at the Phong. Bragh tare ohare tn ts eounty tan pite yor FNL, WIS gon C1 Rone tteeteh ° l have wet oat Fae an dn rrortarity te in Simei * te, wef mutling wit. iva ae ae ts istea, meat Amp your Propo ae 3 Age we Lg te te F plan ‘er aumad en, Mat wes ocnaldae te pereren and gurerunt sate ae eM eH ONE BB ke me ot. ‘with yom early te: the dem Goo E> ‘ ; Bet Ig : 9 Fale Be 2 Lat xy Et ek , ' * 3 SRS ae Gg noel ae \ Youra europea. , Amer icons My Dear te, wer, of a i hyve te thank, yor lene the very kind inet. , sation whieh san Newe extended t rae Fatoon me nraatr to vindt— you at your hme in! Taghands me: mages ‘sg say that mr plwa wilt not permit tayo asnamt of, yer nenarons hoapttanity,. ay we ‘Gane tarplate only a a-ort atay in Paris and on irneAtate Patiiey, te { ~ Yours wary 4ealy, : Wig ?t C Aeaow EA Se » Sean, Fags, Laayd ston, Siondey, Ye, a Pruelowels June 1, 30, John I, tee tet, Naa, Manager, Mfahdenn Whoopie: ne pea my, etre Sh, Miah, ia | . | My Dear Str. | 2 \ bia a iit Bee sacanae: aed avtte: Of 38th mits, f | prelo ning a aaytiaived for Smee He, tog wrartey, Preai dent = ce Be the Nichignn Pres: Aiasetation. Fe An Fe mrd 60 rnstend Tageeia, the Mores femirieaws Praca A ; 5 Moe te partiatter in having Ml sich artern yans threach then, io: at Mr» Rdizon witeves “that there tn. ot hing in wn vay of pis Prasanttn; you, perenne? Ay, With @ seats of ime £ “iors, rat he tas, thersfars, peers" faasens Mans bie a sategtion or hal : dlasu eytindere to] te made and exprarecd to you, Vrdick nO aka ya . #4 the moeent we omnia Fane Snow wing meet toy teat Paryoats OUn at the earliest poust ste Man trk 5 Hr, RMileen ove that tte remslts wich 1. gn obta inde fron aterace batteries we exqel. dent, and w ts Giae to know that thw prhonogreph is fastion. giving satine Yuta very way, Private faordtary, 8. 3, Raton, Pape, 190 Browteny, Mow York, My Near Mtvt- ane The Manorandon of itr, MAR Land! ® agoxint whieh I Left vith ¥o thd other day, te not qite BSorrest, ae mma ites had not’ beni: en taro ttpon: ote toke when 2 took the heures fron. the bndyers i onelone paren th @ ia eta vnont uf the agwunt, Showy, a debe aginst in, ain) han! of $2, 80,18, Yoira vary trang, Private Fanretary. ES eT I ee a eer : Hay 81, 1889, To Wham lt May fonsern - This da to certify that Mr. Rrwin wn W4.- mowsk i, has heen amployed at this Latoratory ror the pact ae aay year and © half, na a Themiut, have found him to ye an oer. getic smd Mithful wrker, and take pleamro in Fécommending him to any one requiring moh serviner as ho in agable of renferd ng. ea eas Coenen Swr 3, 1880. Mr, Rd igon ,- Nore faa dreft of propoaet letter for Phonograph Gorpanies. Kinely rake omy corrections whieh you think fentrable, after which I wil) awe a fide copy made and 2 the letters to the Sarg: nies written, I think, mrely ne a mattar of form, that we ourht to wt mit this levter te Lippincott before it goes out. He wilt wind his offier on Thursdey, ro tint 4t wild net ett w@ my delay. | Youra tritly, ag Hy. Heorse Te Coxter, _ Faden Mnited M'f'y. So., M Weat Ath St., “inalrmntd, Thine Dear Hirt- ; - : I hav racaivedt your Lotter of Path ulte, in wesard to certain. exparionnts ed gh yar desire ve, to contagh with tho wiow of ageing whiskey qlestrionlly. As tre prepent tins 1 have on fen core ainty-seeon ai ferent agerivgnts, tO kay pore with which 1 ar obldiead to work night ond dey, Te fs, therefore, prdtve inno tid yle for we to erter won the ork whieh you waive re to take up, and 2 aamiot now sey when it world pt poss! hte for me te give the etter aonsiceration, a boa going thread She letter yert of July, anc wed not retin ukil ty fulle Regratting ry immbility to and ft you Lan, yous vary sly, Tune S, 1980, WRave Strmrmbers, Fag., AS from Bee, New York, . Dear Sirt~ I ing to confirm ite foLloving séegren sent yon | to-day’ ~ e a ae ot FG wR oe mires se take any of the atnok which mu hw lott. * : : t.° * : 5 i a o Anower how mony charet, Ae 9, cr RAP = Crh ce 1 ara 2 Aes 6 ee . 4 ry r . Yours wmly, + Feet men A une R, 1889 « ‘Chas, Wtehelor, Bags, Kdtten Phonograph “orks, Orange, ". J. Dear Sitrt- : I endyss herewith 6 Later Porn Herditen; in repare to the ant raghinegsn aant TOUPHAIS y widabs | re tat en. . bai axperd noe the former has bad with these inat ninats. Nee Faison taniroas to we informa vian yar mve ready the new pmohine that ts to arnt Gols Goura'et on Madnerday next, as he wishes to tent it bine self, are he will siao weite @ Latter of inptmetions to Hilton an to the contpudation of thin new inst Muwnte Yours vary traly, rid att Sat tint ze o Fl . ‘ ma re ry “he eeegenig mene : bs Jure 3, 1489, He 5 Mie: Coe, 162 = 184 Lake Ntroat, Mhignge, Mle. Near Sirat. 1 wg to aeknon lady readirt of your Letter of ist instant, covartin: your akeex Noe HO, rae’ date, “payahle to my order tor $174.16, why: AOS on AA shares preferrat steak. of your Company Field ay om, fmm Kove Lat to May Ath, LANDS cet : 2 an E * Pa as < a a. x ; Yourn ¢mhy, 9 te teers a ee Siena R a: , yn Pa o : BO gh eR ce ag it cae we . . re Wt ee ie Pi ob top le Veorge Pe Mingaley, Faqs, Trane 7, We We Dear Sirte Lonalosn herewith daed of the Patad Lite ten. Oo. of Tew Yor}. for the Mary A. Terie “property at Bore 18, Yee ferred to. in the mimorandun hetwean th ie engieny and Date fe Repas, wideh 1 nent yn let indent. MLL yo pingee mm ine this deed and fiviag re it 4e is, ir. prger Yor: wt ae ” gree ‘wHough $a ierity the titae to the ‘prapetey. x matter tras ‘She dead ip made ieee toa Lean ‘of tne Madd geeaierve. het lease does shia mfr sot Tiwa truly, . eed ons , bet oy 4 woe tye Tee Perot at ys ¥ tet Mh Pert mnees coven wee ii Srmenetschit iBone aR RT ANSE EAE: | . Tuye 4, 1840, Mitual Ti ze Inmrangn Coe, an! Row Yor, City. Dew Sirpgs. T wr 46 naknoe ledge rcehpt of yaw’ ootter af ine ingtant, onaloal fy deeit oP ane Davie rroper , ty at Moon fta ta (19943) Yours emily, + ey a see GS a, oF ae : i :. Boe cons | P| 5 r oft we ee | | ee ae feet Qe a Lg tee oe a “ . 1 : J ba a = wt a Siesta ta SB vn pat ees Ee ON ie REET Vig is ~ ee Jo ; 1s aie herewith my eheck, payable to the atdér’ of this Nqmity Punld adn: June 4, 1880, le Fy Adaru, Fags, - : Grand Union Hotel, ‘ New Yors. Clty. fad Sho Fil a gett By Near Sirte Referring to cur conermation of yeuterday, Y alose Compmmy, for 380,00, covering: twentyefive yearly sabreriptions to Rqauitye Please send the paper to the following persons:~ — Randolph 7, ¥, “a worth Chaz. 7. 2) - Miller H. 2, my Rend |i, 8. — : —Denhior 0, So dee Fred. — i a, — Dick ton Ye Re Ie aan Foaseingen X. Ae — | > - from G. A. > Torr Inoe — : ae -™eolwright & fF; y. Glad@tone Je Mem. ft . — Aylesworth ¥, soe Mt Inoe Fe an — lord J. He - PS Ryfelt thos, — . oe ar - Maguire 7, 7 | ; iy Schulze-Mreoe Fe Preh ~s my -Foulken 8M $F Narahril De — soe —- Ne«mn FP, Dr, Pe a Wang avann A. T. Re = Hotfneyer Ge As i Hipp Le Jan. — ; ~ a — Force Se de ee Ai 7 “\" Nao Q Yourn trily, eo waa ag ry ae ar ae oe i rf er ee, Sate, Tone 4. Ohi. Mr, ® KR, Stoware, Oossepaion, Ghiia, 2 Sut Sivse ‘ : ea : . Toyave veaevad yay Lettor e® tet Intent, ty N GA to San Phanogrgh in oOnata, X ctyrot age tysopende tly ”, Dy coy OF Cote Gouri’, avs’ ave, Gners fore, Sobsoread you corgrinie wnt ion tod dm. Soke brug will cnuttiags gee we ny seal ty coP pom astfon Veurn oergy teny, Cole Hoange %, Gta HIAble Merde, Uppey Borasa, Ravres, arhird.s ‘Thay Stet- ‘ Lendlees iovewttt a tntger troe itr, # M%, Steamers, t nndor date Ist wits ia moped te tee yionageyh tn M4. 4 aprenre that de gtepberhong seer ls are trytes te ent fey Lakes privileg 4a teat caurtet, and Pot, Stawrt nollie Ghat prrsts sation du naarsaary in ordor to head tren aff. tthe vary qetthe ) ; wof, ogee Ost Le et £f2 Aine 4, 194, Wwe 0, Santhburre, Wy De, ae Port Myone, Fla. é Deer Birs~ Ws re han mer iwed vow latter af 27th airs, Telative se the on$ Rohs PLIES, a? 7 Sra Pxpert men tad eran wt eee ge nae at Fort Myers, ard. solic Ath ry. fie nin a genvritne ion © the font Mish yar ere miaing foe tnt prepa nse. tes HALeon coset anne the the prope nes Mavoerry te | Sent tan wn c erie an nog atiecn to Fors Mears, and Jka insteister re ko ace m a ome ree 58, to be hatxied are to Ue Toa of Taint cen Latte the vettor in. ehtrye, att F tare rrch plearvne Is emer: tle sae reer ihe ros ‘ ‘ Yours vary traly, Peicnta Sashet hrs, Hine 4, AS Bec ring. Resealda Aas > U8 Paltun Mtrest, Naw Varb ity, ; fo yee! pean att ron nshaty ‘nena re @ tst of sore aqpeoprinte ate “ ‘ aage me TEE 4 for pairtimne a free moll: tye vous ds eee i ron tine Ya pinte that Wort ‘etn tre ot Recent cane: 80 vats = oo 18 oe oo ait Be rere a ie Le a to elect the tnt drwy ore tate ‘tt yeu have as fs Uhinns ane wal geri Ue aden, t) pint Vm were wayed. “oad 204. rs et Soa RH & ¢ Youre wary Featy, ree TAA a ae a el ata gM Si ‘une 8, 89, Mesors. Dvep & Senly, ¢ New Yor. Dear Sirai~ Nere is another letter whi a we huve raontyml Prom Hand ford. Youur tru ly &. Sere. Insill, Faqe, 10 Ney Ste, New York. Dear Sirie~ Ton righ. obliga’ far yours af ath inant. , melon ohesk of 7, We Chapman for 84, BOSS, Yours very truly, — oe re % Arye 6, 1680. a Ws Js Hamer, Yaqe, 7 | Paris, Bran‘en, » rer) Pes < Bete Se pom eas a Dear Sirr. ase aes , Tome to confire tha fot Liltne arblegran gent you tye tomilay to , a seat ave et a ay ; : a3 + NAWANK, PARIA, ae s mye of, RENN, “Ye nhip' each seek nh atladanlAytinders: 0 vin. Mevre and 90 via Loins “AM youn phonagreph material ae Sehiuoiky i BYRON, © | : : atte s¢ Shy x wa é he Ph: xy rong Ai 1 Sra nah See Re) : termes ery aly, ms 24 ee . he, 18 seh “a a+ pfhep AA Spies & o6-f aaron as Sa 1 i \ i 1 i i } | 4 ‘und this priae avr, of Cra, be rem ed, tf It. tecrqaund devirayta dose not, fine in the losdt whim miblected to a cuyrart of 100 oe ee 229, aE Tm § kame, “OR DEP tae we tae ear ee at eB YL rier am cose og rd be ott) iplectate. te \ : . i Sen - | Kap DT ES Mae Sy aa ge de tha OF mane ct DSTA 89, { Samed Add, mb! ange ave MAGS wel? ety Geb ao ns, Has Gotha Mao Be fra Happ, Me tte, steel de » p sé see 2, Ce ae Sma POH Ry ERE NE OY tS rede @iciarg Glee, Yaga very traly, Dear Sirs. tt a . ee : a Ae eo RR ae Ay OP diet eats : aa, We say. to Bekr el anon Moret pe ae yen Ustsar ’P 354 rr Inavent. in remrs to inarlat tne comanrd, centcute of whidh we have caresnily noteas ’ . We are seaitrs YOU theday, per UL 5, Wprzen, seve Pad tplon of ing lat in: conrotind, rhitl we ean HIPPIE Mor 89 -soaen yer bb., to mix any incre eu cat anes IR AL The opecd Ma nmravity of thig = * . * 3 compound du 3 ta As, aopper yah: 7a nr Loy Lr Va are leo sending you nome asorlen of wire, - ree ee néocantry for yo. to report on thane sanples, unless yau conat ar the wire suitable fr your ure. Ya hau tented. aanpte Tos and very oureSkty, ar if vhows a rerfect tru lation afder wii hope tn vat mete at an eleetriaal phaara of 120 esits for an hora’ It has heen kept at # semporative of 210 ¥, fer 26 dayat and it RCN RES neem ey Ee oF eagerege Sek os arperon witil desemyed, The wira npOn which these eamplow af Ammilat ion ware pit, wan muppred to c# folly veh LniatLatnd ta bacin with, ba af shirts arnoke nowe $n the ftraprant coding at it Le hqped that [todd aot Ihrer wie wien aralana, The Yack paths Ay RAMPAGE, Pan, bie sed hts ve ficdn, a eh Ane newe Trwdil mend you a fon nore, eoaping of vita in a crore tira, Re ie Ne Yours very traly, Yea, RABAT ATO! gf T354 fas at oe tren Ate ly Nye nh ene NG tar ar ded hg. a ree Qos Pa WA: » “ Rersstta) a Te Hehe gy are, Ca Ta SEV Te satya, LEO Pegs fe pe heel te . . Eat wo “ey, ieee toon, TAM ar , ROMER Ry ee Cat Mie. wycatan \ : Mee Rerpewan, Ohba] me nae suede page gt Cole FAR by : ‘ a ? : : ER 4 \ i ; / “Piece gee 4? Ba aR ee moma Eg it Le reins decorate / Ler gg rst wt Wee vy OS: 4%, ns ! chee : ae . oan i : > * j hi ppg oO p8 eed ar ty ooo An 4 464 a, i, eee ey ‘eade,: | fro tt, | ; . i . : Pa ee wpe cen DOPE cose ger The a eda, PR wh 1d \ : trop hore €] ta Peyort fi: Hey ria) aoe Sad ee, ihe ay Yah ae “MMe tery Sir Hote OP hoot Wented sien pen @bete ae eis ee SN TT | ho BP Patra ait Lo rr es | a f Tne ehh ee EP ahs A Ee Tune 5, 1680, Gustave Stronbary;, Reqs, faa’ ye, Vesta Furmage Sorpryy, a, o Tro al, 8%, Jew Yor... ‘ Dear Sirte ° ee ee vest Eenolose herewith it, Hateon's cheek for Morty five hunared doll nee (44,806), covering alxty, sheres ‘of atook of Vesna Armee Corpay, i Boaontancn vith your telegnae of na instants Kindly send re aertationte an nonn as poastdte, end onlice | es Lf eA me. ©. BAL ra enn tt: ot “Kk AR Py, we oe, seat i A oop ‘ eee Yours truly, | = / . | | 1 Sconeuetneaiemnenetaneed ar eeliaaned cee TAT pnragmees ne ome YO ae - ie ae be he ‘ \ i al 7 . F Nine $ &@. 3 Mr, Kennelly yo ee : a) : . Neat Sirt~ © Y onctona horowith wtatoe H ment anc vouchers in vorneetias with tho Mieon Birthdey Rand, ; N ri : i which I hove been dolayat in gikirg up oving to ny nob hardng boom 7 @ he on : — able to got the bis far vor) done in the Laboratory tt il ¥ ithin: the nat‘ fow dayn, Thenc Ynborntary hills sasunt 6 $89.57, An we had o balance on hand af vet $18.25, 1 nave steer a ren rate on this »il) of $1012, £0 ay to Mint ehsorh an thole of the: find, anit tinn rdiove ive of the omberrasament of adthe a eirpltur orn deficit. After yon haya exaninat tinse, Will you kinfly hint then to Mir. Gtt, ond he Hl we good enmgh to seus then ba wra. E Yengeram, who in tuen will yess Wah ta Mr, Mekson, Semen I have nem od all the Connittes, if my recolieation servtn ne Pst Youre gray, 2 Ye jee GWE. iY Fea dt abidnal Pants J Sew I. yf rae) Car/ dines df bes Ki orunckeas: yew bherevirkh, Lhe fothornrc “4. checke, urkach, sa Pt ae, jftasee ho i, radi, inc. etlge, : fi From es Che ween) eae 4 303,” Fae oe AR BST n Crue On 3. 70, | Dotot rs G 3 VITAE f owus Gok. i ' ey ae Dis oP Pomona Cu Calc: CR, i = Fe onan 2a! atric eames =e ee ore: ae reat . Lage q i q ‘ Mne 6, 1838p, } } we 7 ° ! to Te Hhernor, Maye, a Paria ,Franga, 2 bas te contivm the followlns sablograns raveloas Prose YOR rye went oy wed . a. FEIGON, WT YORK, _. Sune 4, 1aBe, ak ’ "Reni instars data ond copies Janka teper from Light Somparg. Hammer, ° NRVARK, PARTS, “Sune A, 1480. "Meter nn date, 39 forverd Saturday; 2 . Tanks peper alrendy maileds Patan” Yours trely, Tint 6, USB. Frenaia Re Upton, Fage, Fadeon Lanp Cempany, Orange, Ne de Rea Sirte | 4 With re farones tw your Lett er of 4q instant, wi ol: '. I have shom to Mr, Falson, the letter wi) mn at the ahorntory on Saturday afternoon, art ws x gine to non ‘yoursolf ‘and Sergeunt rds the Layoratery is sonnets Baturdays wmitd) Pie O'aloak fie ms Youry tru ly, TTT eeeeee semanet ine amg OS pmetes ete sae Frenein Re Upt on, Rsqe, Mdteon haar Gora vv, Semen, Me 0 ° Doar. Sirs. iv iy to. contin } Hr, Magsten® a telephone Onwrastion wh rom “ae tia artarnioon, relative “s te Ueemer ascents ng the Brosi dere» Foprtonn Yxhd bitors nt the Poris Lutnys nt the ute of the own tu done “Mr, has no anjantion * Ne, Raver fatine in "the y of the Arnoedat ton of sprout fon and pring Lar om wap acity nor tot te Preatding a “dhe Fangnet. os r Yours yery truly, Private Savretaiy, June 6, r8a9, i nem ot eran . i we { ne il 3 Mi x : f: 2 i ad : e nl June 6, LABO, i an Pog ( J Jesse KH, Jipp treats, “ange, | Vi pei # H 2 va cot ba de North Averisan Phonagrap hs fo., | 18% “woadway, New York, t if ‘ Hy Tew Stvze a ‘enelon herewith: 4 legton tres Mr. Py 9, Huhert, Ire, with whoum nae parkape youara fe LA a ph a wall known _ weiter tor the preas of Her “ark ity, ae well na toe renaer caYeeapondent of ropnter ef lnyvon femeral ne Roy Mery . Fdtann gryve the first metoieion of the phoroceph, Nr» tuba did nore _exenlient woek ef n iterary meting ty ry Pai on rele hin a Perronal rrorine that tw strule |) ace a pronepersg ts for bis orn ise When Ghe reehina war perfected, Pree tire te the eines then — tert hac wettten artiales aheut tre phanerrans, ef, ax you etTt see, hea not foraatten Ite Milajn a protiines. The Latter warttit lake very mough tw durpy Aw tits sletas end has agked of te wri you in regere to 44, He wobails ov Chae te an att ar ONY igh %o: te Hutert have a reohinh, te A elar & Herp oetted ey ditn Ww he tate of tn anrlity yp id ° ay yine Wonnsridy yin wai ae ib thé Sorviads of & valuchle nevnpaper vedter, Mr, Haloon world Linn . wry ts vo know iy thie ann we. arrungetic 7 : ited eee ny Ye : .[t : Sar oy, Yaura very truly, a it H al ia Geor m Pe Kingaey, Faye, Orang ts Me te Dear Sirte— I mg to ncknowladge reaalypt tn, ane advising ne thet o tye title ar your letter af Bth instant, enalesiny tre Ferrand gontruc te af tris Prorereys und alo 12 took into the %4% Tife Inse Go. of you wi to the property £018 tO He. Palesn ty the Mytrsd How Xorke . $ Yours very eruly, Private Rocretar y+ Tune 4, 1eBO, Miro Raiaon,- 1 sand yal nerenteh an "Improved Mane Lola Bock, * whieh you usked tor the other asy's M thinksvew 922 fing th: t this du whee yo war te Youre truly, ° Jun 6, HD. We Je Harner, Faqe, : Parka, Pranee, ‘ . Doar Sirte ZL ig te contin the followin; aablogrann reestvad trom you er nent ‘by mets *: FOIA, NPT YORK ete, en aA Jure 4, 8B. "Ie X cannot: nse now spectacle ee ee rant. haw: old once and, old. #2 | e411 patents are: necurads trowd enorwons.e Nant “for ot extra prrts. es Haniers® Iun@ 6, 1889. WATX, PARIS. "touratd han tad atlundart tira to secure patents; ude ney ever ything, at only amplain pla dovicas. FRISON,” . ‘Yourp very truly, June 46, 180, Jone He Lipnimess, Mipe, Nore): Amard cen Phonograph Go., *: 149 Yoatwuy, New Yori: « Dow Sirie- ek a oo oh . . Lenalone herawith a rmgh dealt of letter whiter tne Rdfan Phonogreph Norkn Propoao nonin: te tho af frerent Pronae Brah Corgacten thrauthout the Inited States, and wfoh © mene tiered to yu thin rerning. Hr. Falnon vat Whe vary rttch to have yaw opinion, not only as 40 the detifle of thin letter, mt to the conerad proponition wed nh it involven. Yowes treaty, = ‘ on ee = Piteqte Secretary. responéonae wi th teolt others He Liyy Inoett aia. not ae 't0. “am : aad Atipessod ‘to have lioped ‘that * tne matter waild hav Bn OR nent saan i Lt Sst Sate Soste uendk ce c US See 250. t “ Tune 4, 1880, Major S, %e Paton, 120 Aroedway, New Yolk. Desr Sire . 1 enzlese jnerewith a tonter fran Mey Resinala tray who da Mra. Hemenway ' ‘ uttor vey, Anger’ nou’ the - took ‘Which the intter holda in ap Pet nm PhLynoygrerh-* Gocrpans'« I saw Ur. Tidypdreote this nornt jg, und hw dhs nrguested tat I write: eae Gray, atat ine: i.) tint wt _the atone ot rete Pakion Phonograph Noe, oxe tity; Mrde dineinivay* ) nolan “His yAON wld tw Mr. Srippinaott, end that vontd penne place try ip ansnte ana Nre Oray in gore. - altogether proyared. ie tage up thin npttar at ‘the sreeert thre with Mae Herenwny mit nogoticte | for the redespt ion of her -at.oak , layed uneta & Lot ar a te = nt least nush ia the srymomgen yas s ‘he give ms In there any onjestion to my writ iry; ‘the Latter whioh ‘ho miggeats, and win lyon id ney ‘ive re ‘your own idea on to how I shold roply. to {hin sormnioation, ‘The acknow Iedgemont noted on Mr, Gray's Letter. as of 34 dnatant, was simply a note from my Arelétmt, Hr, Mreuire, mying that I was not letter rmelee here 7 at hore when -tne mit Wat I warld reply to it on ny roturs, Youra very truly, ‘tne 6, 1680. Mr. Philip 3. Dyer, rue Ogy 4%, Antwerp, oly firs Dear Sirte Ll naz to sanfime the folloring onblegrans reodved fyan yo and sent by mete EDISON, HI YORE, Juno 8, 1889, "Pires fxotqry proporky sie to-morros, : hergmin tronty thotveand dellara, fiftesm thoneent oere Seat eround coverad by ten thmonand aquare facet floor spact ono atery bificinis, geod contition, extra ermmd irewatiate vteinity for loser | factory moout seventy sents aqua foot, plenty grant Cor eale fifty cents, MIR, ANURRS.° DY, ANVPRS. Jur 4, 1389. "Price too high. FUISON.® Youn rary tmily, H. M. hivor, “ode, 19 Pay Strant, My Dear Sirs- “re Mdleon tan reenived your tolegram of Sth tists, acking him to arrange te go with rey to the Giltart Mine on Monday rext. instend of to-morroy (Thoradiy), and he says all righ, he will ba rendy for yar Monday. é Tina R, 1889, Now York Gite, 4 Xora yvory traly, Private 7 pve 7 ih 69 ' Orange hj Yea diney,. Pleo t eneloe 7 hearth, Iv €iam giclee Ud ren of tan hago i ie ¥ 272, % Lhe wane ber, ache entecl, Chow Lebmainy Bangs A) Gu the Jeet ob Fund, cE iivee chee! aes iuncth, ae of the | | : Jone 74 “59 aS Pevin ia helical Prawk | : : | ENO he. A a Dear dea) E 4 a — paleth fs op rary te Sh) _ oe JD. bh hav ears atk a es aig f s0000. ce = é. af mt ” Gere heakay he. ye oy mdash. , ° Me berrclinesevcls fy © My ‘7. oP Fotoks Vlooge 47 Nom Eater Cchreon - caus bevaveacsils ay a a ’ 1 rere re eT er © ATR prep : . CONE gene es. H i Inne 7, Lett, Mere Sten tard Sars, | Shoeerger hd, - | | | TI Tegr Sart | ‘ . . . . ; vhs a Mae fo Oreloso beraddth Agrrhennt hetyedn Ancin | , ¥ yr F sarcge ‘ 4 TALE aie Staword Farrand, eaxaqutora of Chaka. Fateard ait : wnt h Trova Ay Mai en Y : 4, , , Ay Mliarn, rointive 10 sertadn propert.&’ dn tho ternsh tps 2? Sicommsta and al) eville, purqharal by the latter, This Gomwe:t Nee haem duly miged oy Mr. Fdl om Youn very truly, Pirieate Savy ately. en ‘dune 7, Late, Geore P, Vind av ’ Pane, Ur anes. ne a, Dear firt. Mere Midaon ' wry anxious to obtein x trawioys as rhea Mr. Ropes. len eae EE NAN in Meomrind dy ‘the rp) the Prapertien phi ole T waa you would. wary Rhy arr this. . e pes Gh aren and bine m tracing ji * m2: to iia Dre for uh, tH] the Be . dl? Laren, re opert irq ahve. ate ferret ty ontalts ‘a in Of Paaw f eolara, re tent WO en ronghiize the round, ries OF mon Ae a Present ow heen no mp at axl , er in. ad au do soriytitons Aum . yt 2 wy are cansernag, we wp we ttre? v dn in ert, Thr. simon nat e invites y te moat ‘te he gett t)s4a trv cing, und te wi! il kay the meaperéy ‘int require eth far $1 Wh vale Tht eh Antone en ea yon atv you will ontain 1 MEOH au dated day ce sus Yomibte, Seite vary tty, PALO Morenita y. dune 7, 1289, 5 Mre Tago M113, or, Ganton, hie. . Near Sirs. Meg ae Bn dasices ra to thank you for your lottar of ‘ ae ame Paid lat instant, in moar to tah mugina woh “hd Bai naan tne! tn tet! Glowlanis He sava ca Ans not sateh faith in retary’ angint ne I { ; ¢ Nea knows of oninos 9? this ilies hav iy a upqose na high as ten “ thousand revolnt ions, 2 never. say one whioh WHA Sonn tonT.. i Yours very traly, "a Private fee ret wv. Jens weds tee ie "June 7, 1830. i 2p Mr, Gharloa T, Poytor, i. § Dr, Strong's Sattar tn, | : fara taza SpAinea, mn, Y. ae : 0 PA i : | a Dewy rte | Rao amar i ; Bios ee Hoe : : | Mr, Kitson aha rO@ to acknawlatso enoaipt of your | letter of Ath instant, He ta gla to hear that von corn ttre ce « x 3 3 ske > is . 185 Frondyay, Naw York. eet pat pegs Te Od ay ie etree nm nena eM aN ER, . ‘ } i i i | Tina ML, ise, 4 ek * a : pod MY Denar onirad dd,» - i ik 7 wat Se. ie “War eink ‘you on’ iotirnba'y ext, per Bes Be tatty of Paria (twa tpndkingbety fn aes Later: vwilguit dng dev tae nna ‘wD etidona you, Hevenstfibdee ‘of ‘arivtaotdieit er Teast en's aah Lovegrot cneleat ttyly: tie "hin we Tae Hives” mote “delayed bo yond ‘the Aime ort girmlly nde’ ithe atittmebit habit yModnestiy 9 Leet,” pat ~ hot re8-to. Lent them rp AeUT negra es oy ‘wnt ata” ko ah Eo" ie am ‘RIFR parsom ly of: tir, po pag’ ean eion in. every remeat, ‘arf : ; 6 yt io eee OR ea ee ts wot tal ge tek 8 could anty de ao todays” Tam bYdo doh ire you twonty=fiva new “phonograph: blanka, in someotion with waoh I inve made eed im. . Provereant during the rart thw works, Yeu wilh te surprised to finde tint I have’ ‘gbttah r1donttrery ef all eoutohing SOs: In uoing these blanks, be ou reful net © trakk your pasorem: teo deep, Kaxreriencn with the ole a yLinder may have Boer yous Op a= rators into the habit. af traaking the rogor dar quite daoy, wit with these no onen Lb resuirem to ba tenn bed Ug, To tncere “tain how!.tea tracy “tha ‘latter, mak noveral traakingn form haa ‘to *¢ Mighty ‘and: yor’ W411" Haast v asi that whon traekicy Feu et acere aly nhy sand, aml upon rapro@oing you wil] hear wyeolately - aie, (er aad eh Ma Col, a R, Ge ; oy) ween Tan, rors Cae ee Ea) te no s munt wimesee, ae OnE NG, tia of n ragord Wid gon tay made. Thea oylindars will not warp ax the oi onen ahd, “They art slightly afteatod Sy moi atura, tat if yn have any trong: fran that, PONE y ate re ‘pram WW, an i ean yivo yer on oy linear iget Pe 4 or moet eg LYS sy ep. equally. “o Good, Wat, ty mL nat. 0 “attoater ty rohature, aysl she : ’ been aes ch od Soe Be fe ps gout of whieh. will. be Spor joie 4. opt mp0, ‘Yen the rominr, fF oyh : Ps Baaetigte AV ne & oe oe _e wk -Paalty, wangot, Aes, how, Paid monoprepy Bir Ww ere rorn sinplo +4 t, Anage “Skt, ON ary) . than St. nov 70, Any: parron » a EBAY... Mel Ugense aa Learn, Ryrace wes to operate. At Sas an jour, ee ee ch opp Vy © “agp t igh tdey Nhe an _ * a: he va; jPinaads wed teen. a ee KG mart, to. wee instery, bi ah, 7 '?, Bore Vb TY ae i ay ' arty ‘ em Preparing to, Fn Ma CAO the ates: af wiht ok Lau ay yat luRHLe sy rts aor Te gee iA) 1 ven tt Pte we 4, 6. ‘of eet = . bg W rity ha aad Jeg! ets oF ted “ & we ?. F tre aaa 4 as ce , biskgu Dp, Bard ke aoe from YO, Mune, Yes te ®, ret, Rita Hit nt Hin ip? ae, Ste: | oe ney fey Ronen intaa he. Liggs Weds em whea ees nae n Sir, Sorte ET ET ES Stak Ba Heat gd amas Wye ey ey pd ge ge Moura gory. iis AS COPE a Dee SMe de “anes rae ciptege Shae tle aws fe ee Ge A olla SO WARES “gh fate ght ( UTA Rae oe Be he thre Moluag Gah Rel Aaktiany O26 Le a : . : , r Tk RTA OEE AS eee eR, an ek Cee pe PRE nop By fo tee . J “oe tight pa Pete tage eae eae EP ee eh PE 8 ay gp app ae apo eo 2 MTea ate a ef Blokes Pepeupgmer ite oT A i es eS aac whe aan, Caste llgdage” 2 dee hgegt a cs Ge ; yehen dip At Weg 7 FN ie tA as aaed fb Pose 8 ep ee meg Cale. Georene. easier + abe ed eke x ers wee FF Tiesto ‘Hen io; ae nok | Behe da key ty Cs ie ce PUPPY» | Brighunde glenda §, . ote een ine, suai inenen gamers + SPS lew. | 4 et carer Cota nee ee i e Lad INSTRUGTIONA FAR OPFPATING NOW ANTE Tre a on ye Ott : s ae , rf Sp ae Magee sot PHORAARAP NA i anes Wt > teat ry vee toga ‘ ’ © RM mort i pgp RM ak ET ane fitop the Peet ny Bulag « aint the pun put ane meotacls ; ‘ “sy ‘ s Lal at’ the ‘oxtrere Inne ‘ome of. “the cylinder: let tre srestacie down fang y : Yoighored tet Py Wie Lae ete tpg feed & onaily hy ‘the’ hie td a; ‘taka tho hand og the kardla pe SPH 7 : seep yg Prat Vorname ‘Wwe fete FF aa ~ aS : Re) the’ index ‘Pinghe on thr top ay the Little holt near the banat e, - Sade spe AL Hagley Se SO pets "ge tah 2: ee aA, a a “ar oy a whose ond veite ‘on the otrat che etna; und with te tin press ty ; iis mee By AGT Baie Be ies ea m os Hewes rire wrth, ‘protrudes. a rinkt angle n at this O° = Ae ’ Fg ae Saha gly che gate cde pt a er el! “igeabbe Po fans lett. the’ very alin ttont touak wI Ud rake Mt tea? and eek the ror 4 Wh Ye ee agra Sg ekes orn aa te yt ae fe rh Mogtrle ‘opectadle 4 ‘Toate tons Bart thr raw hte nna te aie wine in ante. You wil. nattee at on the or of the aq ents de, ‘tree ‘tae : : gekk OE thy Saab Pe BME Lt rk ah litve rendanius, with a ttle 86 naw on thn “ene of its, ihn, an feed Lo wi ag Oe hot ye the Aetormir ing top. cel orton of bigs eat: for. ot pe, sarge) ORR OO Sete Bee ri forme part of a elrote of which the Futerwiy As ue SOnERes | ares Peet itt OF ; Baya” tet ca vot ton: of ttn enrow ne? ich Parti x mes the oa inter when, Ste, sptg= - he “tnele in Let ‘dow, a Aetorntnes, the “ponst 0 af, the Antter, be “ue oy tees 1 ¢ a mich m4er “etemntarenc team tke Biden end pertome the wen sorvige an the “ole marht: te ee, ted ier Rives to atic serste ‘the. raaord Shes th tho apa rates pout - tore Nt roy vt phn “each aiid pad, Bean. nt (fren the aytneer, in WARY sete fap cet eel atte ‘dov4on, an s09n as the ihdrane Atherty , She aren. Ae Whey th Ort rides licttly dn itn mependet pttson nitro. Grey ay tte ae ee ee eo a aeagering the yevord. Ye aall thin acrew the Spanien Whig? 2% hy, & Sirona out in it, ont by iurning ac nepuyt om Wa saad, me ” ia aa eHaale r, at etm “hp aid funt oa up or dom an na to migtinte the ong th or thine e peste . Y. te wi Yeu vill eae th a as ad fit tn, foram on ve right hana mr, ay at. + vv? ee fo Pe at thn sreoteol han apne: Liideet bn Lea rewenen-t ‘within ‘sertadn thy e pe ye Neher D, GQ pee ord tore) s fee eg aN oe edd fixed pointe, by mbites 8 aoline on 4%, Tho spo tuole ert Cae $98 pet ont ere gietes Elly cert again hin acrew when th rapre diame te vedte wa od, the pay eR: ie ee a TES A RAI Ghee Ye oe of, thts narar has ‘Mhen euraien aa Bn to aoa the spoatne le from ete Fo see “ho Dhey tae re er eey eve tetre unhoe arauyt Ro pir ta the Lore ax tn pre vent the nw lng ‘of Bye aA ad Br RP ree ami, ewe eer bene tho yensulym no Kew, RAG eine the Latt BF. wo Vind ‘patwm th eyline | ak pa hi Ba Une Pr a tee oat y ny “he hbaumiate stineer eb: a ay eh der and lee tay travire ant indent the. rannrds The tepravemin ta Baye UE See ats bat guy ber Byores an. thie wachine, aa me a8 compared with thr ola ‘api ateoit , whl ‘ ‘ot 7 Mae TR Yt RAPE OBR og ree onde apparent. The dwiae used in semnterson vin Op ‘fartor, | ro wd Shoe tp ak a oan ide nyat known, cal the Santer ael Jodeace craw" inn duihe tive, for thr reanon. thet whan the areetan te ‘hat bm srt how tito eittion, | tis forea combed to Ieak “the inerrant rte “atinete ty on the mentecin, ant’ 4f ee rrosnire hong pra te re sh ‘ken thick a “Ship wan r yeer-, tek veda i Bb me ytite, AS taker, or ar wpa the a as ene hanes In Aoottir “the rei” : Bote eee bryan gts 4 Been: nag stnert thers inno presmrs bruh Ye year Shton ‘oan nh any VEE ME TA tree hm ge Lia Peete way cheno th post t4 ons ritder the ape ated le ‘en end whi ate be“ To is coer | Sa Py dear depormined hy tp ontirbiny ay fee trewure wee aehedis ‘pen’ ee a 2 hte 6 Qtrbe oe the volt rhe rue tatguch sy front of. the “apedtlinw he ad 1 ya Mayme: tm acy grt at dee Watne rg ‘ re oe ee a a Z Rn a reste "pon the atead cht wet ee tt Mts Ashe cae ea The ay Ain ee Del. Hat oa neta sn eens eel wh rad 0 rt tg ot het eer: yicv ae seaeieyaus PAR oem SUS UE EAT eee . Z : see 3 ee . Fy Sv tae Saeet > ’ . th ne af gar, Strat bars hug. rand tris four 4 Bee Salainkg Boryer Faate: o ; ~ = rea DDB Trae weremat ih 8284) ate aA at aS are oe ya ae aN Conn aad Yar’s yp HAG Petabeto’ PLsee vas bite tt Ys ’ r sAfeeo Gitar tae ih. aR’ austen of ren, were wilt up ange err ‘ ae nas th ‘ot eit tie’ Wi aha ae tire the rHellae een mit ‘and jena ol ft ag Baie Lage ARPS aeh Chie: tewwmelde repos Hal ap obi Ore! . ae ounr the gue fh 0 y Uurach thas te he hacen BORFEIT Its Foie salves 9 WE RRAE she 4 oe a wil) wash the cornmtuto sareatlal tu: eaab ao thaeh andibe sti oy fl ourgta ns with a Littie olsonel, 2 ti veneer pinks He BORA, Sadahneteineie ponte itil that tro. "2 wee eae iy ty Brey he arr ta sa vert ates, SOLE ts aan, taue held the tao Lasge sey kn dover. wee i 2 8 ogra sence ‘pe sonasatay oem. ho Hy Ea REN TAR Lo ox ‘gave "4 ‘ot tis : Agh Cea Te oO eia Be ste Py ; aicaranets e Latent vk at tie ote at "ae" seit CPide,~ nd pe ty rakes aa Stathe ae ene" : stares the wehy clint Yop O48 20 Bite hee 4 jhe’ $4 eewharershay sre aataeink? tip TER tLe "a nove eke i fae ¥, ed da ‘cinneetede, anery Paper ay ae" wia.tinath carbs kt bait hpays ot WE fay, Battery Pre oe “Fle: anode gy Wate Bienes: Me abe Hes Wiay4 wigh. hore tngrenand ies ae wePrioheaths three nthe, PhAnyOAABl npc Sit iY diele fem, for toe ‘ % a *e ys wry nm: ey tet Me Ae Be Pah PEP TR shrsatt Agate SAF Aabetiaatd = Ge cat sause grest é » ary. Serb bhi ar, yin sat $ AR Battecy. k F a } i) ‘es bat Yeap the punt Gam Abed ip ae, th aa gel tae BO RTD St gegee® Sag ge A Me Sa cp: fows Sob ph hl et Rcd ‘ a hte ire foot ba ce é 2: : a Bere IPOE : 4 ‘ ’ t ‘ . Bs ’ ‘ é * moh, he Shea aay 4 oft & Fie es Ceti pee@ny ve Cer ow Pe tags we eats 7 ae fee : 4 4 fay OVA net a rr Me eee ae ate , ’ ; “ arr Ht ene tga She int te bee tite sk owtg rh te eee ge tea | bie Wage Co Seep eet iia sagas : 2 : a {Pees . kOe Sn LE aaa : Te pe oerg ay ARGH OME tease 7 wag Cath wep m@e eet arp ac. tee Pw ® “it egy SPR eRe ae : i Se OER cee se TE REELS oeever Sidcnasee seer ene btaucttons von carting uP satytay set frame contatatag COPPER PLAtES fn atddle o¢ Jar, tirat turntag round strip Of copper at bettom of ftene ants3 it fa at rignt angles with the frase, om ‘sf : ae , Place on either side of frane one stiek of s0Ds and fay SP with water to om within SU Saohes of the bop of Jar. . Peae brave regs of beth since through the two onati eoene holes ta cover fa and attach tyes te the paceur coumteren, eave beteg tates tat they ‘ere cat | ta perraltol to eneh otter, and te the Chppey Peete, aS . | Oo a Place cover tetee sinus atteonee) en jar ‘a @4GR s ponttion that ihe two re ae oo extreatt&es ef 0opped freue fase tuedugh thd two fargo hates tm cover, ct " : , Geacect up ta worsen, Vin, Dae elke it wee pet: to the corrsn of the i — q Wsnt-e038 ‘and pay paétiveler adtoasien s8it too aise of the copper trans, [ Ke ; og aad the dress reds af Te-aiaes, are Ravi i etven ae (he ‘pofate shore they are ° Br conneoted. cuery ohoee aps’ - NT ‘Wager ateensy, Setoe OLose the Battery ; o | on ttsott trem abort: ‘86 $000 Ajantes, wien phe darvest with bore isoressed t is if beftiesonsty to von lie reamngreph, i; 3 : tO ae ¥. B. Do nen ahare elenash dnqgey tied qooasoary es 4t wid3 couse grost | 4 7 3 f waste in Battery, o : | rmeas em « = xn el, eu WW De ee Ool,. Geors. ei Bohai \ Titede Monin, pper alata _urrey, Raglan, Sy hye. ; ™ “ : - t et? Bike Biss a sae . ae Dear Birte '* z les? midine yo per Be Se teiny wt: Pardee’. toearrem, four ants of the noni" Yaittary endut miter “1 nee 6 rravbearly weihe ton yo, thay Porte” of it wi 1d oyaratn ane prune tbe ie ? t ~ Ae FS tached te thas gat af inte set ans ie ea to. ae re w nays re. 1) ¢ ry ¢ ~ irc . . ¢- co ee o! the phonograr a ya wala tings Adres otdaa Pee ‘get tage ay ene Hyyype - ny fhe ree startiry these salts, 9 Por the preaont ple won Oe Gl ere dy th ed sattory xo na ta rivk “te rb) tantian of Rhy at ite dehid ia, Farp it for sow a preonte uns. Yours wry ear: = . Ms + ch Strnd 1 uF ? 1889, Wentoen Furrnnde. Sovpen y ,., WO Strondorg, Sanretary, 3S oat 'Rt., Mew var, . ' r : . . rad ‘ o . te a °4 we Oo ae ’ Dene Hinie Ce ae ‘ray ; as : ; ’ ve . rs oer 40, nelapeloiae am af igor your ‘lett relat fer thane pened iy Caress co TEL Yin ie y “Ot AP re af | Grn at aes! meee ae P ‘ age Boas ¢ wy * rea j Ce roe ‘er yee Cachany in IY. Arey ¢ + Se, Rae | Ae a de eye ae Sy : u t ya “ . a ; ‘ er Co me age SARS, evry, fraity, cde ce . vo. i . oA we . iS June VL, 1S39. q { | | q q i an ot ; | [tone aS, Mark, Mage, Mhog-Proagdent, — , i Vastern Pamayleacde Phonocrarh Coy, JAA FLCtH Aven., Ps eteranch, Pa. ened wil ', | Neer Siete oo, fart i | | ' : L. hey te ea reqalps oft yore Lets bak: of stn Poo LH a ; va exist ilant @ iaewrerd te Wea ta thee Latte, Town quime daare wat the ’ ° ‘ . i ese ab SSE a “ firnt: hatserion sent ant wth yt phere et He are yrnmnt sn faa tors 10 ‘to i 3 ' ‘ ar it wats naver hy inte Hahn that “phat ‘whonla he miopeed perme 6 mT Peas een Se) dnonti ys i howe anette Loe nyry’, ak, th topteln & yalianio nettery witha ery, Vg eer sfor tbe phonagrey! 13 wh yon “el ul in Sy te day tat F ‘ave ae 1 ge archer 2 The ea eepard rin tn st pleased was a nrghle ne te rem wr new ane rien ware “not acne lvoe’ in ‘ins. 2 wae with “ern Ptrnt phomagrag sa pied, ¥e WAP Lint, bidadl =f are real ivy is rpees an avrry of rt to Sibr ter thas Say the Rinne hai po andy aa shatter mareiftic Line and tires We Tove eractal aA rok tee at Se fowa Phorogapp Jonpan gee WIEST fet notified by. sirculer aa fnory as Yo BG peudy 60 exit iy ge Webs as sede ai ni, pimze vt toned ed ti the are aqnipp tte tt, ard tht vibe We will rake these eelja in J i at 7 “J . # FESO Mitra, She intone MoT Po esthay | The mRliary aia” (4 colle ton tatgory) ttt mim te ORM Ph Pony Nene gam dese for ad ior, Ant than by nine AW lette Drevh sates, wf mm a days Lanaep, : : Th orsearn OR Le meat ion at mative Power, somrsh ee ta 4 “ ¢ . = . : . OCOUP PAL % mp whey TRY NOG ba op, hen, Lm hd as yy HUE aay ers why y mabe. < r a others, tra whden f thtuk SOUT Lint famine dta to. HE Ante im so es or ie affent an PAB SOU 5 i wm Pew 4 wat Li Rh keys PHAR. Au REE SON ee. BBE NER Ae: 3: Wor comes PAsoe: a PAL) Ay nee mt yore Corvin d aR, IPP, and yen th hy SORA oP “” Caborie ar new oir ate ty wane ; Onyetr, cre flor £6 a ont Lel@p tors wees te sates stat TRAD Pig, TU $4 rye a9 mth eR Reames ches tlit mad ued es ae bey sttaatin an the raquironets of yaw inalre ag” eRe: bat ey tee Iesen wen, ao WOW! be eae soa ant the. gates rege ae very aight, ao aay at * 4 es A Re - 7 . & eH w tay, om tae mre nt yars ain He alee Var are Pe Ht . ‘ rare 5 5 PMWiRE Ly sara that wa “gon Mee iy ya with ators ining pi lege th: Ug akeodtie Cheon wt Ly ato Mts Ge Pate ry et ut sitarin bY ania Of you cwbooray - ‘ as Ag ; ears OR ley op ey ttniv ; eS oy pret : Bet _ dupe Li, Lana, theres vty, foe eh My Near Hix, = “Tt ws Li bp ite teponed sie itor 1m? 40 mikes . Perrone} ox! htt at the deg Laude itntvar and Jes tridal on tritdon whialy into he hete n't sey fate, Moy, Sermons tne Raptenibar 4th, +7 : ea ‘ se Shy er Soa wet & to ged tate tye eet a NA 1889, far the veakon tht’ ALD hye apparetie ie th PdeTes X ehink that the mopa rich? white ns Re FLT aah witdea ys OT s *y ‘ s egos ha Bag pee re Ne ten Big tees St Yat ope aS wise tg ®, Prestor, Mix, Race, a4 Bos yt # i oe ae Mee Yors “June 22, Boy Mancen, Raton & Lawn, wee 2 che, Dear Sirat~. Ea Rega ees ey ; *e enchage ‘heron th “ete Lae Onin , tin toopte ns 0 af thn Blate of Sow. Jarsry, to. the effrot. that the Bolan Phonogryh fo. ee been taxnd $1,200 on tte rae ftnd, Ona mw fevendt de rede to the af fidawit rhieh ite, FAlfon a onitted, and ei toh porkape ray not have voarhal the Cacptyolior, Yours very tmaly, Private Arne ui, Las. Masurs. Dyer & Seoly, AQ nal Bt,, New York. cy e . ‘ : Ter Sirns~ Mr, Pais degires to obtain aeptinas of ath patents: ewerting the SahansehiofY battery, are piso, ere aa saves ut. any: AasLanMent Of the ay rater ts. rep, baer reco te yar te. part Aer In the pane AE United Btoten, Tn eee ronda, whe the peeagnt omern, of the pat ate ams, or iff mr. Mogrsea ave chron pare: tant vere Yours very truly, oe. ” . a“ Bed Fog Peivete Secrets, 4 » KO, _ mune ant pr : ; Major §, Ys. Raton, hoa § za nate to ARS, ‘ te ‘ 120, Srondvay , Now York m | Fo eg ee © oY May 4 ” | att Daar Kist~ +} . ; : Pe ope one apegith erate af ow re, Miar Pr ompler: oo : ae contre ar, cavarity the ed oof te ¥a Aeon a Pronoy We. yet en af My Talegray hye “the deni: oe WA u he gor toget Y ix “ran yer tian mvater of offiacon inal yom, yer ciroutt, reper all aae: af in the gircuite Far imssanat, tf we aquip a oelere petone|n Mew fork ang Phdintelohia, astablishirg, ecmpinieat ton bolewnen Chose tm pointe, Nu lromanos eouls siiein any maser ot Antenne ai Se a f: fices on thin wire ana oor reyelty tent still resein the mie, $100 per veor, Daler fond yoo herewith espe af ry letter to ify. Mellen Realden, Gene Mayptt, Yelegreph, Wltirnere & wae hy &y, Terr dute Mardh 28th, 180, tegothar with his Latexe 42 te dApted April 1sth, LBRO, hath of mich rolete to a rey contmid eR ish Lwith to hewe ‘proyered patween Mr, FAL tnon ane tht 9%, A&M Ry Be fos —wrory- thing in the old eortract vematne vw he How, bgvant UR o huige Lox ya ata fiw thoy sory L$ oat.ion hetwom taone rot nteg® we reel aber ts art FBO, qe sypttam royalty. Ya dosive to rake a tmpeclal array eiannt with thie Sorte pay, whereny they wil} pay we 820,09 for each completa wnt at Phonoplex Anatrnuente nga tee the tinna. Thus, if they hed a me ~ ae wire Lwawenn Naw York ret Paliaer phd wid we antan Li ah ed corerini Hof, for tho ‘faa mmmts eoployay at New York mii 630.00 ror thom Brie ployed {n Phaladel phia. ir they ware te fn luae sev Iintered! te . orficnn, =n cs aaa Sen, a) for ansh nme n° inatrumente want pr et ue yg WN . oe bet nner bad tomer ANationks es State Rectek ey, “4 ry Pe r Sime 11, 8% ' a , We W, Jasqraa, Req., 134 - ae 798 Min. Ste, Boston, Mari, Hy ry * te Dear Birt. : m Io teg to cenfira the ep Lh veri ne selag Man Mesivad Way ie you ent semt by mot~ afl : Me "te at. Ae , Tatos , j a ; ‘Ratan, Jae 8, 1ARa, x : ae OR eS eo i Saye conclude the navotdeticra, Wil sal) om yor ‘Monday. Me He Pu pies, ? ia Ae o, Taterg> .. ose ‘ a Ps aatton, Jure a, isan, A. Piyadtora ftseape ard Piel! etl go in ry MOR Are world Mise to cet Mere Pttrone an fs “see ther one Waite htnein Meésday or : Tednoriays Lf not, wher? Anewar, “ee Te® we, Janniita, -- “fans Ath,” PRO. : Nr, Maulaon will be very glad to qe So aC your Peragtore We detnday nixt, Ae We WP Youre truly, os OR ete Priv:.ta Seqvetary, - Ais xa od Inyy Mine 11, 89. Gol. Gnorge BF, dourmrd, Hitele Mando, Upper Sorwoosdt, Surrey, Fnglen ie Yaar Sirs- Io bt, %© aonfirm the mlowirg opbleg rams sent hy rp i ’ Aw ami Yecesdvead Thom yaw} TROS. A. TDIRM,: HRY YORE, - Jnne, 8, L&Ra, ' "Nic miohine laeve ye aterdny?® GOURAUD, MORMON, . Jum 8, 1989, nN “Sew mohine unavedd Nhly selayed: Vednerday next. * Yours tm ly, jure 12, 1889. Ny Dear Dvay, + i778 Se I angloae hore th a letter which I hive received “hy th tu tro erére from Goi, Gorrnud, in rename to dal phonopraph patents, Onten 80 4 87, together with tro reports wade Ww Sir Fred’k, franvel)., under tha hea’ ings “Case 8A Pat ent No. 1A,SAA of | lat of Soptemmnr, waa” era awe 87, Patent No. 12,594, of Let Septemoer, anu,” , ; Mr, Pah aon is amt of tom and will not yw hore un'd 2 to~ \ | morery, Tol, Gorm rtaten in nis lover. ord loB eR, that it is _ of the imeatent Importarce that ue ae doownmta whould ve con~. sidered Lee's 0) oe an they have to bo returned apy tn tire “NS tor filing py the 2%h ine, Ot+herwhor the patents will he Jost. S To aeodd nry dalny, ahe nature, KE osend Akl tha doctmonts to yotr “S “Dr, namilne Bary, Ini a separate pac nage “he will hand yo a mamber of douunonte, whi ‘sh t pelieve relto to tho eeu haphor anda’ to a te. drs of Arsern ind Her Liner. I hiwe onbled Gourmdé, an he S roquesta, advising him tht thage papers hove arrived, Will yoy S kindly give them tho attentiqn wrioh thay. ve quire. NG -Youts truly, Private Seorata’y. ne mer ERs Rm on - penetra onettfen Ch a AL. Coie latelry ae a “4 Goo Ad PHL Plo-w08 DOM opt. Gn, ee Cav ye WY; | Acca Jin . G iret ate Tse WS tte f eta | bine On Gihy ar be ety oor fA os eo g PRE CO Me mn. pileey go: neste ty ite aves Oe cs PAL: by THK 6 _ | ey, Rha OnLy, Oh Pkrvvg" afte >. pace Co, ON Lig = oe Ltt Orth, 4 AN . Ac, » [AE LVtddtd Ms ie a Spe he AL A a Loe AMAA: er AAA gn ; aban teaay se eae SG EE nd, A PEGE 0 Fo SE (ites eg aot = Kia By. ee cinak, nel Ne, Lon “O- Chisy - COL - . ey LO Dice eve ee fp grr Art, Civrte, tn : . che . “Hh. AN the heen oie . NE EER ep ake ra oe eee ee Shey Gicias PE. Ae wes net KIA Life frau padre tao & Atte - 2 bh UA 4AVN, 7A | Id ane Mep-t the, Arattey Gosts oh P=. ASL Ch UKE oe Oe h Oh abe en ats esnee that WE 0) awe Vay, *, Ppeteeeery ee nee ge the a ane a, 7 FT? Oy ( ( Oi a i i, Ae Thor Ap Fateon, Ture WL, LRRD, Wachtaiewiile, poy Ferg ct. ctarted Jor Saettelaedi be m 14s roymhvad separatua, Hewnive., | ew fparvts b. Che yes Lartley fons TE STREP tet te nt ie ss anne G of Wekey Oe Cel hey fog Vt OR. ) Coca. Brat. 1g C -- ate me tereene etn emer eet KEL. fA/CE er I Cc 7 an C eee Me. BALM i . ' , “s AK ALE a le 6 c. KCL. es Ctr OF fay ot. Cat S thet “ye AL oe a ue : ae Doe fr Mate pt Hh. Cite LED parte’ of-a phsurpenphe & a Pop hae K- fing uA a Flan ar ae oe - , fi AO MUL He a : UL pare crvele fle. Ate Ce Certer wk tye, AS 2 Sees on Cpe fit wet G te AA CULL: Chere Py eee so ee. Ontey Ge gi. 18 IO i, a a sees anf hats ANU ANA A CAG a eo le ne tM. take fr see) . ei, at Le le ere & B17. we ene pene eee en Cpe ae eet ta — fe oe LAA... t. O oo ; io | ee: te OW Mi ds; a i a ees , NN he he Cou fir the felt a C.K, & ee of ers ay ae Lilie I k oh. MAAATMAAAN | URL © Af try CH AAD - | ue Sh aftr A, Aprttne Ce Cnaecs 560 £ | Pee hte Ktw Shae a: » Onnt_B | AM. AAD Vir RW. AAD AM , MUA, wre A? vAt. AAR to OMG ACI 4 my ; btiimlie. * : ; Y, V, DEVRY AAACAUNW ae oth LHe thas Actin hunt Aft” . A MAY Att betes, ‘ Arie rite 7 ; ( LAA, OGL. | PRL Ge Ly. Gute | Bt... Satin why CLA / Be oh | CArd nen sla CF, Up. le Lette | AK, SL ‘Kapa thegp. apts Afon fer —_ Pe LLG firAptid- Abts, bo or btn gore br lhe - PUAtad camry, MAMMA Kt G ferret ae eel abn e hs former “te. HMarvgwrawsy, 76 Git /eerrty ‘ | 321 Cot ee Ore a iis. SL you . ee LALE- Chtre8 pp Oto afr. As i tr hav Orr focte Uf PAT AKA oh rut fon ae fy Ea age Catt GF. tHe tiara C a poate aaoroas, o id sade Met GE aus suite Today Vib phaluMndont vee. S- / Atin phd ALD A ca by Pf mee Eire Cage gay / L fe ‘ ’ Bee a” eee ALM sf M¢. CAG fi oe Cay (At (9-TA 2: ee a | el Gigs ] Crt BAMAALS SCA a G4 thir Arg cee om Yr ak tg, THe /¢ Or te levi Ze : “ 1 — : C tniy- hry pre. rte kh w1le Kyo : 8 Qader Phane Ap ALD poo DACA Ct0tom b Wie Oanep tae) l AO RA RL, | pe. Glew t UG ert te Cans ; > ie aaa a AAWAGLUARILAA pees Athariz | ads Anti. etio-ary Ss nererg . Dee paeeny we es rn O58 dine | ry ROY The Tetven Phanograeh tay Mig Pay, onthe HS UILE St., Winston, Maucne Dear Strpte ot Lone. te aentires te fal tovt yt ta Ings ran wink vey to soy e+ . : "Hr, Heat con wnevaddnbhy csd UNAXNes tAdLY bin : ‘ tefetnes dn Pamaylvanta and aanmot pet hy : ‘ Qurk this weak, Toiat theratare am ny ’ youre Morestersa to pontpeme lad used b peat seek, chon eH lh ve wlad te comuit thal cay sees Cae Py Ae 9, Tate,* tidy, Jun, a, . Masor Sed. Raton, \ 120 Wwouadwas, New Yat, \ 1 Ny Dear Birt- , ~ Mre Matan {rvon, tie Attorney of wo Pal avy Phono~ anich vow WP =, Coe, are Ww MPR you tore ow monies, and witnt arta of the nme aontracss whieh are toe wy an torad Into \ tara\nn Me, Uden pout that doopeny, i arvlore ra reed th oupy of tha ners aus whieh tp the bart of the eontrau tn above re forrad te t Waite ony} your atten tion to the ML owdsy podntah.- (Ll) The renorantam lent mimad previden sheet Mr, Vddsorn is ta rae selva tna~sichen CUA) of too darital Rack af the Toy Phanoe Soo, Wid ch. Wopottion 1s to ia ad ntainnd, with respect te ony furtier dnortiane, ao lon: as Kdfaon retains the stock so danuad ta hime Tt also provides trot ie, Bilao’ ‘oled ny: of ntock in tn mn at lenat forty yer sert (40%) prenter then tin nunvep of chorer dined to Madden ard MLAland, ar gold to sattle thelr a lade The Omit of tre Tay Phano, Qo. ta ta tA Anorennon ta Onn Hite Mim THY Ne 5 hide ARON ¢ af whtah ik $18, ms Tho aaadey of / at? (L) 10 ay tea nig iD Eo a POE sales st sentt Y boris nd oft ‘| a Wit rita a + ® Mau set WDD dens, however, 12 bo in aati} ad sy Pow dane be Sheen 10,00" shimas of stot. and Mir, Matai ak, thrrefere, entiaen te ’ 1,800 nheran in ozone a? the anent heey ot Ws Seed tad ore Sorred to, or in all, Fourterm ¢tameaneu AAPOR, Ty reecarl to thot pairs of the etorauidin wd eh prvefdes that Mr, Faloin ia entitled ta onpeadihty, oF any Sttiee incransa, "oe loo: an Ral wim think tre Phoek ao dames to hin, the cantract owhted tte. Tthetace a ones prefered yrovider that Me, Ween wail te mmeielea thin pis. portion of any ineranasa at ampdhal st lea an Ste, Bat on holda ance MAihth of the whale sapdtal stake of tmp Meg aeeyte Pry ds Veneers Aha, 15M) ahgree above ya fern ta yee, wah da very desire ie, ty oPUEE Te Honkin Me, Melson te otaltie the eeprtegm tatdes char pa PRR She elt ha pe on tte Mat ap the Toy Phong ry raph Compargy. {S) er. Mabon agen ta ghee the. tse Phonn. dow hide Sette tayay. dane yertsaingne ta tev phroyiese 13 eae otnlses a pee ng at hed a yeatea Peps See ante os ‘the AR ORUAL EH af the apretnmnk® new LALO me piabed, e. inte inaen an pteraread acre fom of Moaganea dy eewere BSG retat, aut he has aden repped a. peu tie. turin, esntradt. Tite vaonfacturian contreet dn to aontfwar fp force eo wing bre it Face? the Utero, amt ehtn Mr, Hetehdineon rend ths ‘matte tirtsy: rantract 15 mv teeny, Lt nt ek vp ot hat ortien ar 4t walatine te inpravenerte dn vathads of mpm ing tice te, aiqared nroadiy Mr, Babaants tibirg inventions refarr ad go Bho, heap, if i BA Neh Wid BOveT Mah AAVENWOb made fai gest 08M ry ow OL iy Oa af it 0 ot ey “as to rin.tae arin tin rere DOT Oty rat peoy Lo AS sty bh tithes OO8L af I 9% rat ast reg ser td at TOY ‘ nadate gt shop Bote 9 “gees fis eo’ thos 42 tap Paral omitrian aay (aaah of the aye een 2 teat ga Leg % oP WA, Tht fivias Boot wha prtas ey eblen the nor ts are Wdiverad to te Toy Phonne das ay », bat} ; Amp ate €3e Spea 4 mS , tate ab 4 tue sete NS EZ Lt ay ty, SSdesiae, Sy dyn wh byte veel, Par an Leyiett. ate pean, Vale tepdrar da ty NEL TEM a tone, Fea tty Pee Ney * \ . Lr kot conta Beam Lie we “Gr bey : Aree GUTOR! Bart ten Mae elit tar Grbac, nnd aeyace Mr, Ralnonte Sita (sea athe air e pated of thie 18) poner ody, (BY In aD ee negnts Mion wi th we Toy Phonograph to., 3 aan MA] gent he *r@ CAA the Ulearaatan of tede HURE MO mE bo tn an oF “POLabes be Ayy. United Stators, oT: AMWt 8 GLK ay reo prurlt np 2 Aint tho Ptaakimpial My, RAS ger Teasves La ontver hier in aonst cerntten at phe tev Sd amce thle ae L™pty Sav Payers 4 ep ecusaminn, Lomavtion tt La, na tne SARE RA i tea Cat Ney, Nop inge tt gan tn yn “ey bow oa olala Yor apr partion af shape vend Cop at taye, - (5) Er the pans dee tuoefay cantraes, Be. Nal oen Tes Got bo mpm fae tuva foy shen, mow Stes, Me pebae ta be ange se fer whieh shh fas Ino hittw Thor, peteetars append Rapenea, ory are Be Suge oa . an . MYST Ca the athe OF ren thee ot Sara per cart (40N},- ne Ws ain da ta have a rayalty of 208 on ths orbges fey hates “ Mroh fae ompansod thd - fmopapecly fr tir carte faatrouns dintrads, dnowid Mode on on eetdet a eoem) te See Hey Bebop an tae ogee ese in, the OMPY bea ate: pin fag teeth ye eR oe Lea yor May id ith ove gore tes diy, veh ak Ue pavatty: af tvorhy par ctit (AAR) on mar) ete ae ee %. ee By reat eta - oe ae * > R orks ere ag Pet re Seqiank es pee a ‘ : oP at re. Baye Ge Cg Flys cake I Ma fy ge tet fe ow Mee tag ge Emte one eh nt bo ow had ea tebdted on Waysned i ae toe hirt Reovht ath pau pttentien Se cna fleet stir at ne cant 4 petwrta Hey Pl wa end Teeth Ge Regs are “eae My Tag tc, inde ctx) yeas Sd H . ae te og pe e ‘ . : rn , ake Fan od Mota nt cee | Hee Ma sea hte Tay TET Tat bb GT, a ’ tem yet ate saat te tra Magen Phowg7gth Gee, ane bre nae i an center Mee Vly laa, Tpe quarse referee’ tu geen Tele eae Fay” I ” eer ta Ase yes Op. Rode ope enalourtiee Tiaase ind ett tO dais Pag tae aad seth eta Gn the Ute Maton ger seneomptlbon end rite: te 238 ipa eed esa t . t 4 ry %. : asin Hae Mitre States Doe ye are Soe ts Me tog un ie Rion 2! a ‘ ee rtobita : woe tr ftp arto hey * . , - ' . fi : My Vy LO alate wabam eg wse ee baie JE ee SRN: : . 1 i TA Dine on? Se TONEY Ade Beeuy se to Mr, Pat on et UGh Inne Ter cath) @a roo abts en cen rer aenteim ont the paddony Qty Sg Mee ni. ce Heb cade oy ere: ta) af each me ryeys nebdate et ee ea Nee ure ard aele ue the rorcacant ba Sas Ligmntce® Tre teense. a ae cert Oi tit Any eee an Ay fo, £OW Bai cen oman tee tore fae 2 a e ca bol one ns Stay tring : Soba a mernornt ni es Ua bbe Gesths see aecaomlor fer, abut ; tie werabty ef tam cer atng (LOAD abo opr Mee Te pparge tt eh | re fooeegt Lo¥ ih Haat , bly otk. i / ref CQ) Yo Abe vot aaa ing oe cay & yrorasee by Mey Hatgh tity, tee les a glecse wodel pravtien the qPomy cabian la renume turer offers to NA BOR PROBE RR Arend te nk ew dese prbee tian tear yrneee 3/ Hy, Yat ann, We Toe Prange See ‘cdaL jaw the wight te wagers PS ped apy the frees gto 8 Bohne Fade tops We ph wt fee Pon ry Par Ds sh tye aia a my frgk Fg: < ! ayy es as + wey et Sele , ay: &. : Brest fo repo Fa een the yetue ad ges reomp hy da ey tes tetsots gt Me Shaded tac lestooweenra tbe sto tae de cat wy toe : oot Esiviay aeothe wal, niet, j MEL ES nae fe Ge Be le meet A aranh dawbedifah on ne gaan aed ant The hontnet eer ig he rere elegy dr ar ee pret tad fir lupar, vee peat tertel, oprrai edporag oo on pavitsetnrer'y, prtit of ag, 14 rm) af Gress die fn Nk gintehaet te cio figse aataratety abl the ane pe y . pene: aeheh ge TA PMA se red @eyen @, tar use Mas gin the Tor Prony, ht. te tng, eas TN Wwe.e om aepdtmte wo maths cf |e noche Theta at tee Gok GS te tpsangtea bS toe othe de ge to We tie aee . satis Prateew ca ma te Bema ny gals ives. aay gas pitley a n anerd wy] : Weed, Abe Vy s Wao eb Pan, Woe thderh, fr 8 Mah oti er eM Oe BM OP oak mle ‘is Soest to pre teat Myre Kile Was ; . fog, Vom eenteeatte a YD Ye da Perit ty seta te tree father, ure ©. rea ; oe Boks Qe lek vee etapa gorse Ab Sow Loi cy i are i : eg ia ie on tay seme re ge nee Do ah ge agence tno. Se Mee cata 62 fv Use mays he ar wie 2A Wo Mndtna Bry “hye Morse +6, T Pees owen dy Ala wgecomnt Aah a ae Ww fe eae at She oMeaegdh Uysry sad ays ty Hr, Fath way 6 fed not apatites Aone. wind ferciga fudre de iain hau gogthad, pay Une we “Bt Mleeroy apt Goo waka ites are ¢ Ltn Mite Tetyy canatt with einprgt te Are clan, , 7 ‘oe Youta very truly, ae fer od tre 1 ein We . Pt fare i etd fats ag omit Ve dS tobe Pa rl | ompth wir met Pah Pir Oe we Oy Oe: i. ‘ gtok } Lt ale PMsper 8. 8. Raton, ; ; TQ Mraadeny, New Vow. My Sianye 44 - ater Oy Se Gi egrecaent between Me. Marea, whe awe? Ge Whoopee ae eT, Sager, Tate dete lew any of + Setotups, Lae, fe fo Mee Macatats vircesuw nrreniantes wets Mr, « Lappanee st god the Pes scr Phono hh fampany, way an ymmr hinds bdovaag himdds Tot ie Raew ae Mel tp, neo ta, ot tne Fatwn af Phonogei Boo, Noe nny alatmeoupen Me. Bdbpints tedaro fnaverttans x * reMedatig: te whaatay arts, ey Hey Maco pop dat aren ln teat TO ANY Privat Sawn tary, OR LAA 5 ff 0 an. et b-<2e. (0A. IELTS bie ei BAIAAA Of AA AAP ffo- tas by. Meow By po. (bor ete “G the ntler off ‘pease Ee luhiod oat: UI’ - teaaurthe A S00d che, Cet fos ay G & u te He “eg alt, ff BO W004 eneete meer mnenenn ree a AA vty. tah AAG AM ala Bate Cha Partin > pene? Ae tA, thins Ls eo, K PUZS* J CA, a i ye ee nee pening oo Pe was t. ct On frase. SLD Copa ws ALA A5AD ae he Ay wha : Ss Oar 7 is a ee senna A es " feat. eae = t- 16,000 vA Ce eee ey eae. Oy ae cin , 3 Ke foro ohunn ves 7 2 G/ ewe oe At eb Le jor K.. C @.. AALS ! . | (Ahly as pee de atony le © “ it, A MW Adie, 6 reed at ort AM, . yor Ment..-a Letr tpt Te byte Sarr A4Y, 6/ \ Mee ht AA aims Lh, APM, Prte STi Ae eee TG eo caus bps e Seog York Joie E/b 6 : ont / aye a : Tore GS. é i Coe Paes Ge. on a KS Peay rege tle MEL: gots. *y ~/itt anatt nl iF . | Moe us Ley « welwere Macrt™ frre vie we PPR eee a fee dérrecl, ad ra 7 ft Bear ein - - y aes ee on : , ie t fe > oA ~ AZ, CALS © Peles eee 'E. rs An ‘ fee Loe, thorn ai x Roo aa . : . ty * OS 6 z : ve ec ve ‘ee ve . "¢ ISS§S i iv, y a . he : "9 a a ot YS : IE fee titel eae 3 & Yor apeaer Fh =e. = Valine be beets. a. L0. Geo 706 | ne . VA aaa or ee treet« a Ce a Pea Lh - 3260, | tees Cgke ou fore’ $i LTH SG Aear of Lp atarnr Ag ' : 4 | ow Aen eT eat ee ae trae tn eee ee fur Apo utrty | KAArn A Ae Are. 7 Cnet. co a le CLA fund - pro A Ae poet Tt of finn te Mtn, tases bon. AL eee Oe MARS oe ; | phate Par Mr darned Gi ee a8 fatar av Cr prngs- 4 he geo far ato Yorn ms x. —¢@ at ete 6 Mh Ene a dritar, Ayia HinKe af: My HALOUS AA? VOC 4 O- fs eee V attent F hig ee Caw ay Pun. Martay, , anarasts ae a | 7 I prank trp. ath Akt Arctirnatioos oy ae a Ye ke puitiras Ae tinue, eo, Wg My hada any) Ka Carer Payee $f. nd eal ther, fornia wil cthir oe tase Opa ka oo Cd Of tay Anal 4 rth. ; a = = a RLY oT EE 7 . Sg DEeR eat pe : tener cg ttn EE ae lo ar —_— ohartikear Vee a che A) kon hth Prnghatrds Coca ie gig: 7 | fuses iff Cet Ge Ot EGouna AAA Ax Cole i , £7 ag ove Ge of Cnpnasey Len SURAGA oe aun 37 “huey atta y ee, ode, SMin~ pias ena | Che ROO UA fr Mfarrrg CPURSUAAN is eau t de Hiane “es b Mb srty 5 a DLatte 4. ee MY auc &, erhondrrie AAA AWWNAUL Kate 7 GR rot Oh. pF Chey ‘ nus aru Miers a “tte, ~G | ; * Cre Yourar2, epee ae btn nner boda aL . He b: a aa eee pte ag wis ge: — a ee / Le. ee (AAAS L Bh. Pa ee Vy fe frse, O_a- be A hay (fata. tho Anning, ae“uy,, Pi Arnlta JS, wun PH oe fonct Ke vee AAs Se owe vet) ie bntrce M oe cU. SY ALL nag il sae) Pa ite awry Sf (ale ia LOL 3 : tiki J ees Cpehon AQ wats A pay Aeew ara hrt | iy © Yetta K pm te Ver nee ae 4 Oy. HW. Aa dheirg 94 Hts at had tia Ba a PHAM, rhe Crk choy ba Repu ble: Ake S910 apa ras SLE, Le ~ forages “e anne. te Ahad po eae ee ae Aw Abiray Hk. ee ppb pone eed ise Sore be apo how ise bw V oon Peer a Vv Con Cee Le OnGa ony aghota Ae Tree ees ae ee UA. ea a” Z ros A ee KY AL LAC Jt PAGS, BSc! ea ay ee Boas pois tte d a sale 362, Gp AA Ad ZX. Rye yr” ce Po hak. Annee thak. Fis Opi HG: ly _- hes : | Ff hte Torr pretty nak he CMA att g- ers fe, AAD thrt oT A te poy. a Hw oa Mf Con aoe MAARL. oe a Lane brim yee yz tb pal, ian oY ee Gills; Pics hey Ku dobfe wot aK > Ps Tis : Mf ie of’ Py errr ta Kat to Jy ares Ale . | ; : Kh AL G eee “e pA oN Frnwe 1a, LEO, MesrPse Neexol, Norse & TH., : . New York ity, Daar Slvat~ Tomy te asknowledge reoedyt of your lester af Leh inutmt, incoming of that yar doliverrd to Mr, fauel inl, in ‘aa tonne: vith oe Inetevatient, 1682 anaes of Paieon Gan'l, Face. . Ove ettckh, mid O77" Pataon Gen't, Rlee, Go, Trutt otk. cert (fientes, thn eat SMtays We coll aternl hald ww yon mralnat ry note af Agee, MQ}, TRS? cleo atating that yor have davited tht note to my §/ae ’ Yonta vary “truly t Beene Ail Bl oe x Cah Wed seg ; Batata ae CHARGER i, tations flaiy, Naw Yay My, Dray 9 re #€ leg te COLLIE the jit lowing tet! “ram wont sm tomar yt. “Pen: germans Reeder, wa an Oy Linares, @ ere. te Nays ve f * pant ofl ” oat ei , reer fir Al ie ‘ sone ee ae see Leute Giecsa, Fags, Gort, Harare, Proiffte Puarecser dh Aanr at, Rani Peunetoer, Sale Dear Birt 2 : N {have reseed, yout better oa? Lay were Chat Shea mattery cont ont w fine 4, Afi, er syintacct, Hh the fret pharoe grag La beperfaet. & rm this ree {town fint ab, pnb tins forer Aor eiaen Teesagt aps. One Ore ht arch Upay: ya, Stak wo vare pbLiverst ta perm ont © my rev Widtery daa net rering tee at that #2 grant pisecurs to yer La ponerse h, ond ao am, T hed to uae the treqorary eélle atdtb.are nox fr your her day Thee a ome rant . tery, ebbeb ef 22 be, rat {in eating of MM ty Aiwa spy, toe rp adele wiry abs sete N . ethk wom the cheno ea ts fr Erte Per ae ating feesh,. aihar et tae ert of that toe, aarth de in 4 proportionate ta te . Troe wagll eet al an, ; 7 oe R panta, ord By thwehy tits Poe a te Ya ate deine ovepyth ing ah it ots pated ays $5 Fe fe art thea Tetterias ot Rothe rallied geeet ype fem, ar a nibh & ary Dively gepreeiaion af Wy Nigt seaman he ae yeh Hage on 3 * ra ee _ettht vast Hom bed: atgnry Stal. Oe +, att soy fad woes | RN ops OKT Waves tyre ots fon thle Bes att ceed ay Pe Pan soe marta FI parece hTt You, Mer wp Apes Sore Phanviwsess chemin, AC pose paper a! Benalla hood BYU, DOTY ag engina, ar te He nttorwet ahaa, EMER ROAR wie th nak oe \g fer tel Pagar. $6 teathll ths Siert. ddgag oy the dwanytsete soy ane Be «hoes Ue tn arian Oy Sip moti ew kestae a, Yas byhwa oA See Meaty wr in eR RY 8 ghtioss airencth, | ite Nese tees tn, I thhky genes aie, Be yo nee tee telep amt fo, mw SMegeteme, car aka nl ii Ok PRR OO ein usa ree ee Stes coms LL eer nae ar, Wo Atle Be chant mi reabte 6 6% eu Paerity Yer eat cote opt ER gf v a. See tn far Pere. Sigare PRa ec ant a twos WELL we wom aie. and Tt ods NOe ent oneh to Tan the ates Lotion ora ret, Nenad a Sey wuld One RO ir srr SB asm por ae, ito on bye te fit Rs AP tPandte sweeten, iy OF E> Lory « fe. Sat whan the pee redt ony 48 sent ob, the ator rashioes wEIt Me ove leet ays luatetiw) at © teid gaa te a Ate tt on treudlen ¥y ‘ # “eo Bye, 68 raven, ef tommy te ander ary kind of waehines ys please, ane Phat what eh yen tint beet atapead to the re aber pty af yaw yistorrna Bs 46a aint erieh yt rhenkk ar der, a se mene takes wit tin itag oo os Oye ede outt, erst Kopel Whe ta gee ye was “ye Res pub a tow fs Panpat lyrng pee nad de Tat Corr visas Lot mast Ses RAE Cee y Ee, mab @ ete, : . Be te is thoes ‘ * ahs . ac the dagen of tlathaes Patan Daw ett ge adi ga ty? pp 7, metry fem then setae yee for Eee erpet ing Hyper ah Grcangany ore Baste ye Aomak be nvped goY tay Siged sa } 7b ol waite: te rd rot deme we hewgaitoniy rf emrestty tong “1s te, PL py me th tw eva bgie ann oF HT ODsa ot retest yet ry ~ ager ig 38 bi erat ait Sig” gags: rs beet gf Le panes eI Re AMT A a en! LOTTI Rs 1 OLE a " : ee a : e L, a. athe t lav ato: a thee novelty, one wien 7, pray cae better ipytere ye. { Thy, do expeetxe to pit that yet hd eleoeay sate apne pe seation tifregrn ten Cyne Giegelt, am MAL Sorwnitdted pt are. PAB OAPRARL iy YoU eRbteftation a te ita meragions ay Yau, wory tostiky, seins pease Pe ee “EY eed foe . My - . f) : ? é » eet 4 ig . Lt : Peace RE dioviay St ee en a eh ee, = et je cece, fil cy ’ oa s 2 iS ee a 4 bey hecudfork A Lied cace Ler: OCA us de> u Kh Oracle 4 J beew aah stig re ” Ath icte Afr Mig Glug for nate Me UF it Le Cr borilery wy Gfeele hpur- w& tLe xt t moe! € dee au, y ia War A GJhAh te teu darcic, L fr ay eee eee TEL, NOM e hey, de will HL { ot Che LE te KC ra “eeac'’: Hee Kiri pre fle Wilk te rit: ti hihihern, an, © ia ” ie ul, © Sexe , te bite ns Ae es, OPO PONE BACALL AR f— . ebfete. “Cos TAME ke — f: ESQ eo 4 2 > A Ms 7 = od & = e. aaae™ - PB, ot € of 3 - ~ Ss eS ~ oa eg Bs eS - 4 - aes ¥ € ne Pa a ; “3S 1é « = » & a. a ied ag aes ha ‘SS : JIN a = Jo PIBorash . & a choy P yd> yee 1h 1 P89 “Oana Udy She ch | e ¥s 6 telat pens eon ‘iw Ochiai hech for § S00 bar. Pages anv Minh my Aare ackn ewtede Ge resuphs Aancl gree Q. O.Geto Boat, henrsticy Deau dou. pene STS Era . i . 7 ; z - nes eagle : \ \ Nine Ll, AO, cosa of B r oss Geranye %, Yan Riatea, Biiey 2 MALL Stren, Nee vor dhey, | . . | 1 * are a yi \ | aim + tld i |. 3 ' Hey Mili cn laser ceaadea! the (etter of the Haylanc +o) nerd owt e : = ; 4 + ee tden, v ‘ . yy eee ee US ERO EE LIES ' ' 7 . = . - \ \ ‘ \ . \ Aeagyen ae Step i erey ‘ 5 : Sp AY hogar ht. Bit, , eX SH payee et if eye ; Ui Wee ty Moe vires, : ee \ : ; Beem Ghee ve ‘ . : , : : \ Vooastere Genghis 4 ER becent > 4) ent te we meonrrd, a * tse Lndengetyere: of & AOE RE cree ae gs Wi deto Broey sek Marlen, Sep Mae de : . \ ‘ Ave ui tet, May tat e af (ane Dy 4, MK, the same dag, Meepenk : oe ets Sree ge Be ie extn by deo Aan a ; a ae Sinw iy, SAR AIM 4, BLOB BEDI, SUR Bae, 35, TELA, OAKES, aoe eo: ! - a : : ‘ : 7 Eoige retour Heveat $: steer: 2h yhht 8 HARE Sle none : : ee ; Roe at . Agi Mather y Taey ee oe eee et MHA: ep tog Fei Ted Foe \ Tea . a . \ ‘ beet Het tay 4 Fyatees gy Pewee Cay aie tae Katarctar a. * et i wet a Npouget bbe, wx Ft ee cat de MPEP HP ARO a taken et < . You et bi aioe dist se NOOR Fn ber iae shee Lee, rr wh, ate : Abe smyth GF Biff we 4 anes t . ela morris or Bae apap Bowie ti Pay eae Pee gS |e i Bete ceeds S16 He : . Wabet nue Lalertatcme, MARR, butpse the g | ee y *s : PhS ace zo, Ea oes gay ths Eat thd agi : nt cs Mewar, Sar hte S trey oa Ag reat te rape ar lige. Boe we Ng deen Wowkes alee hi, (45 that do ode a ee Pee tase Bib tL es Bi Arty Heater . j : ith ben Rite alae hale the eres . ee . Pa pet gh Mor Rodgh mite FS drwy , Sen Gone Ua deta’ Pin Soke esta bet Ha heey, tp ba wbtageds orem ch oe, Sd faa OAS, nite pote CuP wsek ee ties teeemen ye Coe bay day l, nenele, #) bhiage fr Raha mess Ladntgey ee ‘at he frees Phew NL La kemt up the gregerd wok ce th Aenea i Lona Menke t Te te Ferien don Bae Hon res Ie atye la, RM, BAM, ann of ete ins a PH Meat : Says, Toure, te caver bye seach fabeh geo aes we wy tn acu ata wa ‘ fae os Wwienty ene Pots, Tica ethd ates ap SUT, eee: Aw stant yeed shu ; : q j ia ; ae | , . | ‘ i FA eps ia th west e ne aaa y te gare WiCis rapier bsg ruth Meet! St Somes epee DAC, savaeae” 40 Prin eta 8 ! ah ; = : Bn - : vo frothy ae nea g ABE ae mod getae! ners, Ate shew oe the fobbataey shane hey preeone Pos Pe oe VF et : k a7 ced yt H y or, Ud tasters ™ Miler boo sock teberphen ey nt, way lag Ot pan wat staherert afew ort seats. Leth dave a cakes abeeb an Rania ry 2 OAR 4 wth wer tae abateerh te pan, mr vig? ¥ tuk, ae 0 LOR ln ernment VAY) oo Pre awey? MAP 7 \ nods F oot nt eves tt yetey 92. Tear Stet. Ve OMet wnotet of the weotlewee ay My, Fea ‘ bee 4, 975,000, warning Hk beeript, Melee ever pa gee repre SMS MPRA aa Gin eke mb har ea gi iy Relat SE EE A Fg ieeiec Been Fas, ee BON Pach lly Phonggeeed, Boy - \. eS , Rar rege gaged Fy Py * crore f co eae Oe ee ee vary snawdwnts Rouge st vats ac age hem at hy 3 ‘ater tn shEW ayeeenista pot fe Ne ay ENG wR PRE EN, teens shri loe i hk s¢ , a re Sonee teow, “et Ask. was ofatt fer . we ; ' U2 BE! titer SSN, tpt | Ree 6h Senta te ey Mie Me oN Sy fs fe tee on toe fn wal at Pare, «0 Pe artes ty wee better, SRE ret yom pues, tim, : : ‘ :: Nt ge 5 we oasly Vi st Segoe ME pO Oe Tieregte te hla Ye ®). oe Ce er oe ote nak priytte oe Rinklern Re Messe ceed, Bore, Bayer HOLE Mate: | Neg vert atts ife Hetiye Syet. Aa tying $e vont tetrad 9 So geaderm my, Lore nee: Belpomy sae 8 pete Gite e pe ef hd Ss oeyty stad to gee yore) o feared ash Mee Boa le pone Mopars » Ramee ay sto ocayur be ‘i ; : alter ents, Let li oeeife seek of yas reacqgtiy, ard gym. Lm Boer, Fey Ba trvet ye t F Aeon y Coy Aan ~ si ¢ on ri . no ca fred Propatn cog Ueto: 4 Pande” Re Ne Jainap Bray . Narevioon, sy ft, bos Tee ae Hwy. Yrs Woliee ashiodt at ab Tacopatory toe steer ain, br fegare te nee ing Mey wie aq orp vere y fe aba attos ef ba te nay PRegtwte Neve nay sot Stee WERE reapers a to Oe trang tee apr 44 faye ong “tna a RIP eth ee . “Ae Tra hie ty Bercy As Py sor, Ce Teeters a8 ae Fatn a: aT PEASY AGE UM ne mgt 2 SO PRAM Rn Cogn, aon Tre MH At Be pb, wits te hobo ne the SRPRETePeLt oye UE Hal ene asp nt) ayee Dae to ey ite, Cat ee VATOE, BENT, CROP AN Teka non nm te, Wel vae lo eh na ey are, OF s Bes et itep with tek Pye ae Minn, , ; Hr, Taleae rhe ee ta wg omg's, (SH ws, We FAT & M Wpee foe eG gots Tt nn teh aweahen wit, nN ey ate Ve «F419 raed - uaa a be seal won rad ab? So he? OE ee aims of Pyaeycaree hem pene tt ¢ ‘om hel, ot + — =: " se fr 6 NST aN. ~—p Terie ae ten —. 29 ey H+ OF Penge eens: _ ‘ ener acer : ceueheiiienetd ——— ro gerry TT < peenpmmmememee i Tree amg, _ * Case Et) We, wy W, Se Parry, Kine, foraclssetes Patenions & Mteack Ticeher ne, Yow Yorr ity, Dear Sirs. Phen to aelne late with Gearon reseint af yout cheb fer SAI. fap payeerte fo 4a ws see O° Sesto Birnert flog stants Binh FAD Mt oar Marea taste Nag Mn at the Patras Parnyet Say, foe 20 spewey oF theie tags, tate, We ear iets onfanae coe from: Gerth toate bardet prs fhe fay on tam ot dersey ay Mr, “ates c ARR ae Tee | deep Ui, 9, . MS ot nl jer, ¥, Yirgater, fege, Orsi Ne Ve faer Birt. TactkR taal , r fe mela nerari te: aprame:t for tna sal @ of property raters the eats nf Rtase Farrast ai Bowe Ay Mit wn, datec rss “enbacokt 4 t Bh nat hiparvin yoy at Um aa, ISK, eli 2 told yeu poatenday 3 wold tered yan, . wm HA yor eMmls have the MereO yes WN the ines of abl te . propenty vrish He, Riiaon ta prtainni ng tra her par abana? in ieee haere The dasd for the iepae peaperty, spon widen HY ta Ropar haa «& rum bee, Wan Atom Hoe. Raper 4th abt: tea other parers, fo be viaam An vor bsbay ayt Bahoundas tee free gH Sh re : wow phth figt ak sav aerd ty wwe Pilea, bt et, 3 «te: ty Se ¥ Oe arr : sat whe at tre, Saree fim Ste bore thee: Liner ack etter, CEM Mrs Pak gen we ype kis seaty deelroae co having shin Shekd ig Jae bdo BAD ey a Ageseb ty At Winer Moa A ak Ma liaet ile, whieh ais ke wirat the peter 4F toe Farverr ot fect poioety gob, Son sat Ve Kiev , arg ee a oe gee wldte, OF Brera, ite eS wet 4 ageae tho Lidar fee a? Soa ater gepghAhei ty Hoe eR tel Ho Fe pe, ee ote te Wee fh ae te ep asatea V4 faa he w As eet WS zat BS cae ae ely Ose oe ye beter. pteqers diet a ern ee BOPEE OH Bee te Ca By ee gen bee rune cee a rj rt og bet lem tak arr, wh Ct ont tee Cate. Aoi efiry ff Ltr nf as 1034 ie ay tay A's Mf es. sie Bloc. As t Lp KA: fe et fea nr hk dS a. - id ee FR Bie ar ky ‘Cy ee cae ha” nae aes ma. a 0. be [1A “tent roe fast ft r srw tad bh ye ae aw CPi agony” C ews pe aks o =. P oa r wo Aa he ae ? y poe ge Woe LD ; are 4 ey Os ae a ’ 4 ROTOR B89 mT De Mee S we Fray ta sell ree ded ‘ ‘jig Ce) ae nA: Gueme Pe eee Aa. Spek MAA SY eis ate Cz, * 23 Strat tt- a MEV | oe oe va ; ?- ae tp hear der | Se ee neo Ads vA eee oe eras Ha fOr &... no! ae | ey [eta —~ D eee O- ee z : Wan deg Aner 2 PED, yy, A}. hh, Oru. Kaen. OG ere eh. az Ace a. eee canna Ge - fowe Maen O Co, AW > CS te octet OY ey Ne oa eete tna tt enlene hs as ae 25 : . EG AE Oe a ee at ary f i i ia ’ , ; 2 ted YM :. Mo Neo Sosa SS < i ae . : . : oe * ie In fartiee Parasite ta vag ethan? aca alt, . : = : Hag . > + 4 ret ’ ayo te mod avant . yeu nes werrdh teeta test ta Baty ates PRA tothe rg byt Sy az) : , ‘ ‘ 4 , sep a thea theme op rae Tt net ton: teal octane SR PYYeiS Petar tecen at ae ct TF pe mm tebman | : i 2 car 94 3 i a amet Ancdwte ttre ait Pores th ast towte whe eM OSA gtk eu) : Meere y ry wet BAD é 7 . ut AB 7 TO MD Orit. ow? ‘ Iretta howe are tae Tt for BY Ad ney Baty * 7 ’ F tos PL . , ; * iit Sy Ot {arte cane Hore. qantgcag fire HRD ate Gs tag ont Attw in Regie she PART tG seek ate . vee tim RP cog th fre fh, NOTA TIA aotiae eifivata Xt oYtNS ce Sete cm re mance 2 AUT 22h on ee oe 279 IAD o\g iT. i$ azole ait po Tone ag ant cy etal 4ay ‘Donte Mator S, 3, Rat or, leh Trontway Ts Yorke wat Doer Bis . 2 enclene haranttnctrart Af Lotter fer tr, Rot Gray, in Yacmed te Have neal atagh : | lotear I haw aaia rere than oan really ntoemery, ao ei mphye for the pirpone or mation, ome thet Ll hava Yours truly ; June 17, 8A, In the first part of tyia s os e labor &t don « my fdea wine to sive the tryression that Ll des$re to euwnit freely ort? milly all (nfore a Little out af py way to eo ade Kindly 1 no know Af yay gpprove ay thie Lothar? 4 tit hive conn omar ik re ‘hae 5 1 ra . mig} 20d a oF EHC AL AIO vad I, 199966 of vients on hanOtrih ngs At makina HL ibe tn the sper wn 4 Pant Nitive Seteent barver wy Cae Aad ie Leet fare 8.7, 8% Mrag “Lifson, ~ S have eestesy Meg MESA et eer Paepanat, Fr’ fecard.tOtin cativata fer sabytioe the MOLEC agit ‘da te Byer se Dokare eagetees Seis yo Sayreld's leet ar beers geil ULL" PALnt ny Mo f yadetatio’ hdl yal wane Crepe wad lod nge pad nad To preene tte evp ee SELL ae le nb Pe Late watt wa her from him egetne Makioet tio DL will nes Riwnsa’s Viet tow resorance ’ s whan ordeting: the Hands ee “ . oinse neat * | ai i ste nan berate / ref ete ae to a ee ee / ee goby a. 19960 i oo ctw ral gp M4 ° is satgoetite : NS et: ll oom : u ¥ cere ety tral = me? g Ort, tony FB Gorges, (AT Ante Ath ® MEM Mnetants alzo veut letter af Mat wlt., met ice Pe aa er Bi a el apie to noraantes tea ai th yor hy atepner mat ig trem Ue ar a i i { { ; | [ ‘ i tana Leone, Adttle Mente, Spoor Worsned, Berrsy, Pngdond, fiom Sirt~ : tnave juat tH ae Lvic thin rorning your Latter off Oth ingtant, in meerd to Maaes AA ANT, ongloning | eoptan ete ters to yee tt Prim Hr, Have angtac, your Yous ish Patent Ane, én: Ganon ts m7, att wied to eidoh Font Ch) copy af Latter Por Bre Hawtizghan ‘uncer date Let inst, to youentes (2) aopy ar Latter me Sey Piedthy Rope red t ooguiar ants 2A wit, Upon reeatph 2 yrut feprer sosmmntcut tone made try; bal tinge Gasen WA 4 87, aw F Mave alrsacy atsivod you, x Aspecd abel y tore mane Vener, a ry Patent Attorneys, He naras i er They Aignst ag tre arts Uniamt Rie, Bnd YavueRe Orerythdog to yan ty We Re MURRVIA,® Eth Sihante bk a Kant ag te Moana, Pye & Reaty the Lateeys gaya ledrmt borin and prepuma te th oa H ogoeh fad A she ake Ns 4 it td 4 y irae 4 2 ie ve oY ee ima fent a a b i. wih) bd wee Lives. 49% nth * "FY nana’ : BE Nee KAdcon Pilskeneh: Serkan, tov $5,000 enoh, ardar O° Those Ay Maluon, ond endraee hy th: Mine 17, RO, Mr. thorns Bway, FAL don Maghdine Verkn, 19 ny St., Now York, Door Siry- a A ovglout horavtith 5 four’ Menthe natern of the wide payahto to the, O later, thine of whigh beer cis te une Wth, ani tyro sine Sth, 1989, Kindly age knowled go rnveipt Writ oblign . Yours truly, BROT 9M. It -asie mi OUT no BAT "to $ : ; ek : : Moa toe erna and Bete sry tty of Parad teed dais Ndtacite id rod Youra tty ay a re out ae * I a : , Fes ua sas RAS os ia Sigua gaat re pte Mane 3: Ug, Horace Povanonde Pia. ' Bad “Mee vas Atraetk, 2 y rt © See Now Yowr Site, Reny Sirs. On She Brey Meat Leet, YL vrata YOR, Ye mestine the retire af the ploterront:, eich vere larrad you oo your arttoln ¥ dry the Monmaped Seu Masandie,® nd an set yer, te terola vitient unite Apt, Atthe peasent ther se ayes very paeh e Leshoratar: Phot ayresey fy Che Rowand te were pce OM ped $F uray fro onete af resaicg af this lettep yan vende rinthy retire tare thot ptedypag Hers Pa Moi ae fa, Yor say tritly, Mr, Thon, Sirt, Posie eBoy ate Ve : Near Aste ” en oe Cee ae Fe ee Trorapay 4 rr i ther a? Uth abtion, thioe ta ae geaition tn Me, Bea sare aside se ote Pgh YAN Ge OP apd lntheabe . Date gh ti : ; . - Yours amily, rae : o. +, we HE Sh ee ta , ee ie oe Private Masts: “37IR rae Ioysem pk 1! ,oLroM Ares PAH. nk. a CO Se eT, Hoomisr, Kaye, Paris, Peanae, 2 : ft : Nig v Sirg~ 2 ; Toho te contiven the following aah legen regal ved : Seddevare Eh tn tty ee om a "Sut Talaon phonograr letter to Mies Matoont | . nbue gortnet nad Land evlindark, flosen axtyn hatterieas cfarhracges, and repair material, * oe Yours tly - woe ee Pe a © k a? oi olW niP thal ort fh Lf mk yes | Va VL oh et EO tno * tite Xow te MM Mh of ‘une 18, 1880, Thomas ¥%. Comery, Mtg., o/o Nesars, Fox & Predie, #147 Nasam St,, Mow York City, Neary Sirse Referring tory letter to yan tinter dete May 2th, 1689, A copy of whi ch.I onclone herewith, and which montions tro soperats periods of throa eal endia montha, during each of wich you are to agcomplish cortoin results, and referving more particne larity ¢0 linn No, 15, being the lant lino on the firvt page of this letter, whiah readers "three ronths above referred to shull commemeae to run é&a.," in order to eliminate all doupt arto which . of the two periods of three qulendar nonthe in‘moant, please ine sert inmy originn latter the word "Lirst,* hetwaon the words “nonths® ant “abave,® whtat will maka tho line read? "three rontha Biret above referred to shall gormonaé to run doe® Yours yary truly, a see wast badue of att 20714, : tow thet Mh WtvlA nae Yl to tester fore lid? add namin debbie June 18, 1889, dol, George FB. Gourd, Tittle Menle, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Fnglend. Nenmr Sirt~ I enslone peresien copy of a-letter addressed to mynel? by Hr, Thomas Be Cormery, Under date May 10th, 1889, to~ gether with copies ‘of two letters, nddresaca by me to Mry Thomas B Oormery, wnder date May 28th, 1880, marked. A mid “8 respec= tively; also copy of latter naddresred by me to Mr. domery, dated Ino 18th, 1880, ant marked a, the joint letter adéreased to Mre Comiery hy you and myself was 68 dated. It was aligned by me. on the 7th day of Novenber, 1883, Mrs Connery desired me to fix the date from which voula run the period of three calendar months allowed him to obtain from the Qovernment of Mexico an exclunive license 4&es, end letter Bwas written for the purpose of fixing that date, hatter o ine communieation which T have | or the purpose of supplying an ommission nddressed to Mr. Cormery I in letter 8 that othervine ndght render tho latter a little om pipuous. Yours vary truly, nf : “oe an eg te Ce 10M) « [0G Lotht | | tn 0 id YLeayes | iMfovis TAL orirl ar0D 6M {? 10 om ONS x kt adtderaen tanLoxe txt? to : H8OThba tet at 1708 td dada rdsi Terk qari th with Ne, 06, of @ yan date, on the - aa “: e en SER As Nevark Ne dey (6 Yen ovder, tor Ten Thone *) : > . gts peaqaeh + ’ . aon} ete lester (B20 000), tp exales “ot For vou Sok ter page amenntt “ : i : L nape fe: Pe WAMKCA BIW aw Tey Ce wt, 7 TOT NR RR oe meee Steer eee peepee re hint 20, 8 Pleane pive the bearer chack far Twonky- five theugead dollars ($25,000), whiiah vor have -rag'ds fmm the es ee North AmeYiann Phono. Gas Lor the Mdison Phonogr ph “orks. “atala Ho ah Aa Geertan mation fei gu Hos Bo Serer | bee kl ) A". me . ’ aia crene Y, ’ \ Vito aro eo) Face Sean Nagra y* \ sive. ast Xe, Nae) Ms; A Biren 3 Ms eee : A a SE as) a ices . : aa ve . = “~ vd 7 ie Pee X, Sikes. shorlajsck “* jf Hid. A eee Gs ’). ved a Cae Hay roe : J Mea Lf netdd : y fier ok uv AD ecard dvv:. f x / i : Ob. ULL ho at vi i the 14/0 tanh “7 ih tarvebouuy + ous both chee vi fev Yoad. 1 A Co Coa ct chen oul, ye seecee fon truly tle yy Gow La; Paty) Pho CUd- OU Clhsawon ee ee een i STN ae ererrmerememagmee en ons “pn er SN Rt TER ETT SRR TENS ager ITE SPRITE . “Ds ' Morne wh» Ly Sf Naja a ee bape wet. ie Ww wa Rf fnnatWey Cbs 0K. fds, 00, ee oF AAL TT > rp MD. f svt & i Co At + Cot 0e-w Mamo. a vk Kos | : Re on | an A a mon) Sed ee toaya vitae ethar os LI enaet 7 e Nes 2 hits On Rist Fant preempt . owdae ast Tet yan please qaet a IP EARS PoE! ere eye ey aunt hye 2a, Lee > she y Rtrely athe ad} doutosa af tta laants ans F wR th ne neat arabe the pataed deus “a nibh “ab age En 9Q) Hegotrs Walpnum & 6o., : = 20% Saati Fourth: Ste, Pribmveeiooia, Pay RA RMA whe hw YAO teen Ne Amr toy 8 Petes htt ees Cage gear ore pide’ sie varearded wore fo fe troifvdas cate fy ever Lather af Tote Yeo te rot seb l mat cosadaheat bag cobb ery hey he aay 4b dew tee tatatyeter ov cenqastrat day cop avserag Ma 43. ageRet ba a cee ore nAlers i bo Moe car 2 ans eat ‘ Ps ree + < nl “ une gy x ed Poy gw comirtioa, “SR ool uadeclake ta ormet on poh wis aengantanse mae OP fer, pmetding tie cape ly ar oast ond neal aahe wineet? Malay ateak Gaus cer runaptagz, To sive ape o4inita : ‘ Lowte, ee Be FAL Ga Oi Ch oes Louth, das ar loeathor Samosa, . . ' otortne, oma dite ar ara nyer fee 8 C Psd hte Bay Yue saab best Ma, of guarwt, waite : . Tin BO tone ci conostivatas pac aay a7 EF hontig wilhivg: T2 par a ut\aen) eon yah an Loo yne® Z : : \ \ \ ee ee | geil Mae tay So othitae th te nd tat. eaTanp | AN? g nek Yours ary Hay wtanat med a Pd RO Oy Ee, Para ‘ He, Thelen Bett i, Iba ant dveg AU Rey Sty, Mea ce sy " enoktsirids ‘ The ny Sirs Coots MAAR al ERR ile: eS Oe BRIAR SO as OY RI aia: ata A mbt: Pexnee OPEN Pek My eee te ne Peete DD, ad he hookketping eo accounts: With eugtomers ig in the hands of “Mr, Tate, aa formerly. lt in nlso understoad shit this is not an engagemst by th ‘yeor Int simply ‘vy the ronthe ; : ‘Very truly youra, a | TTR ON orn ema “roe ceeenmanrtire te areata Rs Sic oobeit Srp eg eet i cad Zi | » ' i A7G | | ae My wine Pe) » Be eg ‘ ; . | &, B Raton, Mer OQ Brant UY Verh Pew Site yy . “ a a et Lie - 4s Dore | Nie bettsoomndea soe Maation fvies te Moe Lipps oh wid aa Loads, Mau Booty Ais cnc Part et Gre, On SueGuns oP yhuande poly tra Hos con Phono, Warns, ail Me Dopp mac te hts Anruse Se ak Besjo00, Vee firet payment woteh ha MelG wa. Cutie sy Ansenet dn Roshan, and the onguk was hero Da Rre Ineilie The envond parmait vag maa yortertay, ant I notiead ea: that Mr. dypineott gave his personal sheak, Hr the amount. If -was on the Importers & Traders. Rank, of New York ity, for $a5, 000 unc abwnes Stasce Hy Wind sott, * made naynhle to tne order of tre . 4 vying positively (Mr. Tiel) Kaien Phonesran “orks. Without ) whl Se able’ts tel! ao}, Lo presrme that tha tirst check was in sits as Porn Couia thean cheeks fin ary vay comuiieate matters notyeen tts Phono avis Works und the Herth Ams Phonos (ue, ol betwarxn ire & Fdiun and Mr, Kippinestt and the Morth Amoriem Prortys foe? I krow-that we have evidenas in writing in namird to the Hegored co iet ronmemaeipeoy = = . fe E . af, ie Poe SG Tonys ; - 7 + hel [UTR Sette ertrntmt teens we wnctee ta rin api a swe oles j Trae, AE tema: = 2, e x e ty vheek, eater Foray eee ad tee by stow why, in vas iste acig Oma I Fe G02 asenemn % be PTR Ite Shah tbo wat see i i belo kd he Miamighed in Ye gard ty tp B rere Byoxiss ma) 5 on . 7 : | five Glace o Was DE date omic abner a wetye WHALE st. Get pe F . Fe at Pra er i aycctaes woe F; a) ‘ BOM Wnt he RSG ay RAN LT GS Ui ne eessare tela fi * | ; ; : : fair ti} it £ SAY cr a: . OS SAC PPG tae wi es H A i ‘ poral SiO WA of QB: : BOE ange TE CPE A Aig ; “ | at a CLS : | : : . . Vv way ee mi WV 5 yy # | a fh op. Itai sy 5 | ee Private Segr® tas: nd tsar k gles i poner. jad ghar! ; f eo mitherarh py BDSM Fes Thy | ‘ Mr. We Wiinowuky, Sanat § ‘ 7 ‘5 ; panaTs Asty te! haw # 104 Washington S4,, Wes York. ‘ . i “ze a 2 io THOrtOdT noe thet ae 2 Dear Sirte : « t ; : : oy : od leldn ec ole ‘ Lobag to acknowledge reseipt of Laboratory note unt eee yefarrad to in var letter witront date recaived veaterday mon eared in timta - nine so onads Lind adoW sin rynrodt U on ba nee th + oe need Neen YASS RES RR eS Merch CT RE ee ra Caiae ee hi: TURBAN Tet SS 2 Ea venes. 1 YL domly .Naeds BAP Set She ay SERN Fs ae Ge Nututg tag "ot ad dam ade red re GF yt tlt Di! row gil tht ytarivaly AOg Or at1te aed. COMGM MMe LE Pe soe apbeh varld hew ta he tht Ihe eeass wath dry BLOM EC Ppa Lage wi th ne Sceptre: com ye Towmet dear Gg? ary Coen sim ds Mateat of and Gene Ditepes Yourselynr and tir. Fai Inculs the Can .wcien which are formed for axploiting inven ; ™ a, , : By, fiens oflf, Batson, te desires an interest wht oh will ive him agi | 4 t ov vort letter of Shh fast, yous tore tary gs * voiet in the: conttol of the Gompany's affaira, and in parting sf Ba such t artioen of steck placed outside ath aasr eoeatderatfens On the other haw, he might pe willing to {a hands, he shold recoive n antetantiat — i his pights aa warld %o@ represented by the congzicer & cash. "Par for tna Whole msineas. "We have ao ent ab Meghan rate to follow in ts is ¢Omecdtion, and it is, thereiere, : rppmadtionble fo* mata an just what ‘he wottld do or what he Wai? Se ODP eh day eee Cenerentola ge A tee aitney nor or in the Pe eee ee te Leben 1 ud tert wht UL rene) isos bod ene nett. ybnatt NOLOD- dilooges wetter ot dupgy HatALe ° rox At tw add ris ad tih oth to ital E i) ent ant solov an = ro ktiaq: Howe Ade ne poopy taosa Iterentenoo Heo Anse 8 ‘vogtentoo é Ee aot SMA, ea mtd ® UO sot ieee tos veethon pf fie Someta tya avin * “hs Foes “Ytes doen paces wna Bead Lh wad ragadesre / owe gansdaeriatlon, yrs sartren dsterde cod tae ae a dn Soa Aemecy, mt os caight ie CMU IS maehts now ho weit tive it coats Timsety toca sutties aoe he WASH RO pe dacs ye Jot hig pleygedor sine con pmtection« Hols be aura stad to arc soproved by Mr, Mdivon. . tour teasiract ds now tn the course af praperation. are Lf sie ta cen mie caries RP, weldhovay bicly pear Ar ade Trerett Frazar, Mere, 124 Mator Ste, New 13 £4 sme powehtony op ht é . ag title of your fim, Is it a partrersihdy? five me the names of all your memsere. ff teane adviae me wider what State law it is Yours very truly y3* , ‘gf & Ls (ore oan gts ree ch owepsl Sot of , : \ Ta noksogy | Vioowadty eT ONT ot ribet i : ALS Gr NOES ad fet as oe ted Phat ad bfacoste BCS ese y A Won OF ake uy Gfiw oe Vd teruertut ab th ehosineete pear My Da Hasan Reto: Yen not quite glear in regard to duming these noticean for Stoskholdars Wohing of the Ndi oa Phonogreyh Ooap arc, and, trersvare, seni Mr, Maguire {nto yo with thia note. He has with him notices to wll the avigindl atoak holder s@ Qe te stork comifteate honk of the Phono, oe fa not here, sro IT have nonn of the payers to walsh I em refers My recollection 18, how « er, that when thie gtoek- was placed in the nends of the Gar fioid Sare Deypocit Goo, it waa aul tramfertad to Mr. Fu. Pee ax nopting vive shores in-the nam of exh of the other four Divedtore, 5 nonely Batekelor, Gillian, foemigeon and Tate, The ayrewn ait with the Gavrlela Co. raters to these dertitiantes, giving I . think tra pamper of then and the aharas raprasented oy eaohe If tia 15 cor sect, as Lue almost positive it is, then it is necepe amy £9 gone noticas anly to Meacrs, Paigwn, Gilditand, Tomi on Ratehdlor, Tate and Mre, Hemenway». . os” : Yours wary” ON fot OLE ELH ties aye v va ' . : Priv wo Ans ne 21, Lae, Pe LM we alts 0 asolton nagnt Hy Degree iyo Fragar,~ OA ORK MD th relation to the gestion whiak L- mid it be Rar ott. : | : heey bh oar vor, Se Ree eS when I last had the pleasnre of acelryr yot AOL t tras Xcode ia var a sae s » As to an alliaras vet ween yourselves ani the AT Ot To spony” Geri. Comporys » Live gotig to Marope on the 24 of next ronth, aad ete tant sive wad ww very glad to take thie matter wo when I am. ovar there, in Sion otne ifym could advine ine in tine whet your idens mre and Give me a nt poms syty é panera outline af an aarmpenent whid) wailed oe sot? factory to Le fer trs8 ¥ forma yourself and yaw rriaids in China. ih od tte frngtit ot eebat SOD Rt gs trlt Private Saoretary. pe tage : To a eremey oe Ate ith fo oe aneeie q ot Se | 488 | | ; | i ie | ; yd | i: -s 7 Vinge 71, My \ i ¢t pt clin? & Ww ) : ii } Manoves Dyar & Sealy, een New York Wty, | : Dear Hingis Ley ta agknoeledge rogetpt of Portugese Met nt, - No ekias, Siyt. Sit, qk Hr, Aad fon's Orn LATA age ren ges, tia date i vedi A Live vegr ppt. To preavme tats patent deer mor’ Limts ‘ ae ee e faygt> 7 ‘ ; wetrogadt hg on my Of the Ore Willing patents which yea have heen taking ont , | DO sages nae ea : Nyreed An in the United States. dr, Tat gon newid like to ren chee g ‘ agnsured on this point, ee _ Your way wnty, Fg of f f y Cae, fs e-£ (fie, tem tant i we tok PARTLOW ra 0 odd Yo Yan pak SAK heontn Aunt aaa by aks ny OME L 8 Hike | it so AO‘MeaN Sue BL, LeBR,: Mr, G.I Aaron, BIA Montromery Avercue , Sax Franedisao. Mal, User Siri- Reply tr: to view Lotter of UNth doote, b ropnet to say thet Me. Kdisen js not tins at the raat to wiva very men thought to the apbiect Of ver Aiea TON fe ekye that ir you wilt consult Paraday'’s Ronearehes, which Year ster, prauasly : fira in the Puholia bisrory in Sin Pravulseo, yi oan obtain date beating wypen the aention winch you have byawit ups Are Badeos dogs not think that rarniieen de sald vowle oxiAiad phevagay theye are Qo omumipr of tatteriar miata » (th in ay alae tmaes TAYHON 5, KL ve in colntiong$ separ mes by a poms Mp, art wetel.agt ped each other, ari the ramilts whieh yon hava obtalindd! fron your enetunes probably a2e to the ration bet wom povmangatie oni and the enl- phide whieh you employe Letterbook, LB-031 This letterbook covers the period June-August 1889. Most of the correspondence is by Edison, Alfred O. Tate, and Samuel Insull. Many of the letters relate to the manufacture of the phonograph and talking doll and to the promotion of the phonograph in Europe and Asia. There is also correspondence dealing with the operations of the Edison Phonograph Works and with production problems at the Edison Lamp Co. Other letters pertain to mining and ore milling, Edison’s phonoplex system, and his exhibit at the Paris Exposition. Some of the documents concern Edison’s experimental work on electric lighting and the purchase of property in Silver Lake, NJ. Of particular interest are two long letters from Insull to Tate, which were written while Tate was in Europe. The book contains 507 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 40 percent of the book has been filmed. i | OM EYER Ry TEE e My Deay Pontrend,s -.« s vomee the, receipt nf your: Lotter, davidning ‘A ey r Pe ¥. a. . E want you. An dag) vi (th NY. Tate an DLiy ary fread y AK Yan yoga a vy Ath nerael-t, Ay fs him exary Treility ta Ssead L Lorient hire eee r sal? Wich your y Fas eoeaity and \n detail} see asibmitring te rim nhi parars that hamay aek for or \het may ve necossary to agcmaint . his: thonayhly with the work in hana ~ in short, I desine Svar S hae thing to pass throng n hie besora reaching mo ana any proo si ie Mrid cn you neve? meh: 4 to ha pre sort ad Yo me Ww Mry Bite y ain hes iM ‘ Bae OK . tt cote ugk ma vor ents Puro AG, art of which wil Um Ly Cacliiie~ 74s se gi baits Yr tate yoy progrein. Mr. Tate gaits for Liveypoal ea July fii, Se S. “Arizona,” a a » **@ ‘@ + wer. eoms yee wory fimtho, ‘ <¢ “ ” i nt haat) re awe $ t or My Dear Inari, ‘Ga Iwill sea ve abot the atta snd Hoge Youra truly, Tune 22, oe Ratton Ten Ocrparmy, Harrison, Me Fe NOergr Slrete- I rotam herewith: note Ko. 28, for BBA, only airnead ov Mr, Mafon an Pres? tent af the Mai sn “om dt., the some pAavimy heen analorad with yur Lettrr of lL st instont, My Near Insll,- You wanted to prepare this statement voursel f, and I presume you will ¢o vo as soon as I send you Balance Sheet ov? the Raison Phonograrh “sine dune lste Yours trmly, . Sem 01, Ing LFsq ? TR ence co eer oe ema re a ng aa na pe : pe 7 a0) NOS Boru eS, | Yeti t Weegu, Boe, Moaea, ‘ Bae Bay tg Pine, Gry, VR OE Be . a ne fu Pra. oe Dale 1 Pprssas? Binds. } : JO fae te bethany te Caddies Lmieorsncia Oo perbertty ' | eer str and cesdt oGy mp ot} { | TAS, de FULTS, Pine on, Late, Tear ih wou had dviaama aireelt tu resale of Tether of Jourtecr”As this mov dos) fel ap velte and tuna raged var greed phonogr gh, Wr ae ab otpe es vow aig ne hy Cynaua tert wo it, ae Iorts Qlass.* TALS GLASS, Tone 1, Uso, We ons Sh orders Coe phones samt to run in mutinie ure on londred volt etreaite, Ueryrla battery wooing inator re sires two volts and to and Nelfo amperen, Ya ean pot tyirty sudseriietas on xire in aerless use a regintgrae une conkinalty presen ing switch at erch phane to throy wmper- sotins resi atance of seveistenths ohm dn siradt; when phone ott of use phone plug naed not re touched; add Gnrewn rilver enil at ststion to keep gurrent nonutaste You can attach: tts to any inegandessent gitoude dn alty, or by vans our snallent dyato you can avppdy five evel vlrowita. Tinow may have A Yantatycc® Ot fitbesn ohut or roxe with Yowar Whecribere. Our new battery hes ron phone 6 dave four Lowa dafly fall aspeal and ie great aicaasi Price dynamo two hundred sixty. POISON. * | Yous Shi . PRM, Ack: VAAL ALA eg <2 | . WG . cehlty Brithricg a iP aa = chy dents 8 Ki Y Ne a. | eh ahrrw ttre te Carrio, too fh. Cy Yy Seti BP ape ctterenten au 1999 toy owe forwtruty ot™ Mrhevwtr Wee MOON Att ond the “wtrcerts PPL. Beg errvttiacy the Wwia, Wee OWT Kafe sys ; : OE of Ave we. CUM of Clas era ritelegny, id A prrAh dbs? Ae 7G aw Aativer’ eee b-y etter HIF | | a of Cur bart uty Ce f fan a rs Bo of Jf 12 he a | ty Ow ae eae ad gi do FN passe, Cg Pp plat ace, Siar akS Ent ar e's Butcoh Patent of —* yeok. Lo ten. vty Ges Rete, fi baa wt-O- 1 rere ee tne Le - butng bhcig Ca frre Cs nes S00 bea ak Yau art ene. Oa Uaree agreinwt Ath as a) My arr fatee Regeln a a | fr a prratard ag a, Gpaphoph onc asa & - es A pee hen na / ty : , ; A, é ft hein ae Chay Ob go «e ay ae LAP ELOY, tank, 30 Tone 8P, 8a, Grey re Pe. B44, Nrumicd, Ne Ty Doar sirs- dobnd a te nveraatton with you some tina ann te, resard tO rutaittine tax raturns Ler tho haboratery a. Purse! Yorke, anc 1 itbereatond yo to say thet Awe wth fe +, do, wasn no% 4% S112 out blanks wid t.owere Nunians 2. tt: Ship, wnt to let tretir ‘reprasantative AneAsh OUP prapcrty ge con coMance with 4 ¢ own fudement, The blanks have recently yt. oh J20, OMA Y sands dike to be rracsurad ‘An to the correctness of my wo verstandint. Yours 4Ly, % Mane is ; My Dery Me, Tuylor,~ you ti 5 moran st- “Expect to go Kuropa first fuly visiting England and Gontinent. Ta my insurance Wl vist, Please taxe any stOpa that jny be necessary to mrrange it . ‘Ansvar. As 1. T.° Saag ari ee am abroad. It is prmhable that Ll ahall be dn Bares fe nos sicerable extant during the next. fev years, an. Lofieu yet do whatever is neressary for the protection of my poud eion. should be mode to cover the whole of Furope, Piesse auteeine this can be dona, so T wilt know what action to take. Mr. Fe G, Taylar, Lintsay, Ont. have my policion adjusted in suah aronmcer aa to ia.er oma oe i Me L bas to oontirm the following telagyan cent I expoct to ba in Turope for aipnt tw months and dasive to Mow 22 BO, My Dear tari, - AQofne arms meeting ot the Stockholders of | i ‘ ' ths Fifi say Phococeapt Works, the vollow ss Directors were el antocs ae t : : P ; | Thores Ao Bad son, GQiselas Aateholor. ay Ty Onttine, | | Sasiet Lritl, novi Ae O Tatn, doa ate not a etockholder of rasore. You ou srt to have tonne shares transferres in order to quali fy re os a Introntor, { Yours tmty, : f Bamvel Inavil, Kaae, New Yark, mae Bh, oY ge George Ty Van Sisten, Naas, Beale, The Holiond Saaiety of Rew Yor', 14 BYouar,, Mew fork, : Yr, Raj aan nan receivad your anrammniont.ion tar if . date Leth dnatent, stat in tat he han been nerbortad spy Mit. Gans Us » 43 : : 2 : : v4 ‘3 aa We. Van Salen for rechorahip din the Hollant Sowt aby of Naw ‘cork, Fy and Kew hii $o aad bis genealogy in direc* male Line fram a v4 Dutohman who aettied tn Ame tien dafovra Ay Des ABTA, | L know that a few yearn ago rome onterp ri sing yenealLoygl tae year A, 36,3000, mat Mr. Nai son has no eopy of this record, nor co we * o , 1s ‘know at the present t ine where it could be fount, Bnd Mire Fdi on - fas to other data, axaey tins, tamily tradition. He knowns that nis d . 7 ereatg prente sreandpthear was 0 Ranxer on Mawehattien Island, dine his 42 ancestorr in airaet mole line were enon; tae very ELy setters upon tha, osmind, Perhaps you, yhe aw fed diar with the ane cniat = , £ nt wsyees 2 tren ee. ters, migtt kindy suggest away in whies tea. 2 have thin hati, Yours crexy Tune AL, 8, Felt, Millia Sy Mask- “4 Walt Sty, Now tard, Mae Baar Marks, = Zo have teyeivad on sory ef vour report under Gave Pins Ath, wa, to tha Prentacne anc Direetora of tha Mal on Flagtric Tide ht ta, of Philadel shia, an’ lo think that a Saw waorda dn reemrd to or arperiensa at &he Pearl Stract Station may se of haneTit to var nt thin sine, We fom that the nert peviad te tare on new customersa waa Gueing the avemer mentha, and at that time our nolieitoss aid the peut work at wd the your, Spovery int nights they used to go theatca the ¢isteint, and enter an eatoblishmet vhere a lot of - Ban pets ware buniing = there tha pegie wera poprimnm their heads Wid parstiring - end Betking che pone iator sbay vault commence TARR CbAetoig Light to hin, and sonld point ont thay 22 ine fer fa yorlaga hid wks jeta by inemndtsanyt lamps, erch one of the Lanter wong vw. fy Me ne thon peryer vit S . ee OO OS TT CES oT , : + yoe\\%RphOrS? Bay Bee, Mama te Vit: Hg; Mae se Scr S . F Me QE Sa PANS ee ae ronan Donne 1G alee hts : ar an aes ELL, wa, t, ten wa % wey %}- ; We Wes Shah we Roo en MOG WA eats rhe ale Litter? Gara exe ee diem lhe ORE t tar Fhea ai nti + é : J ot} bal y by: . 6 : ; boas je 7 att by dig? 91 oe a) A aoe pe teh te tm i i Lae i q ae fe, i) Vass . t YOU tag 80 te sere Ade de Photacar Phi ts Xora very treat Y; iy e o WO . ” . ig L te fA a. a) A. Meta a” Ge YY w/ an Bing Ap MAD Mra pf fe.e Pe te h. ti antl wt. Pte. % fee web ifs a Wage. fx, AA ¢ kt : ate 4-1 ae J He. - eee ents, Fin 2 tap andl, “be ¥ lhe o Kian lot BAe AE My Pane Pear. ~ dt te pe athe that uation the course of etn epribe vem owls qom tee fii it destragte ta sontraciyt we Slag wa the omsurieters of the graphophass make te cwaptanlity dr, rreordzres noun by cutting the wax with a knife recorder, mad 1, tharefore, fend you the following information, an proof of your antinipoated assertion? "Sea YA NATURS, edited hy Tissondier, 187, > th, is £ page S48, article on Lemhrigots phenogreph, whara a out ting tool im desori ted ie connection with uterind wax; also Hr. Raien's RB¢Lteh Pee tent Ma. 1644, of LA7H, paragraph Sf of speoifi~ cation filed Oow mr Sta, sane Fear." Re te Dven, Fede, Now ToTk. Ne the Raeaer, Be Peete Medlit, Maghiners Palige, Maer uvtion, Purio, Penna, anh yo Loans; to gontimn tre Sotlestag gabbegonm Ad teutants - | NMARY,, PARIS, June 2%, 1880, “Were vour Incgment ryant furdes, Grepho- i thonen only clad ta erisins lity ia ra- : . eonibye by gutting wx, Proeara frredi~ nfs gous! ba Nets, adi&Zad oy Tis- 5 sumaice, L879, pegs S49; srtdiele on bor yelaate ohonageay hover gutting tool anc i | ‘ sterice ven. See plso my Beitisn Paetant ea ? HT Mantas i84¢ ef L898, paragraph thirty of H Hq: ase Lapation Milac Oqtowr id, mrtson,” ii Wis Ne Ba, oy We te Horsnsy, Mivte, Paviss Pranee. war Sint Loansg to cowinn the fl Lowing, anblegrans regaived Trem win te MsE0On, NW. Ve Juie si, LEuL. Wink rave qitak bound cenies Faison's patents; if ne arpires no rendy send old by next eteannr, © Poison, m1. Y, dune Bh, ao. "Juried laspest exhloita tn ten dave jit aprolitha Lf you wisn to make spegial alaims te ten greph os write at ona pint praparing im Stuer Por ony whtae vuble salient point &r phonogsted: fe grape sosng payed ridionlows claiaw if yar er ibe cebis mn te hale fury will letter arrvivas aprwver, © Yor an vey truly, cae > a) Pi a ‘3 Jeeve MN, Liprinsort, Nar,, Nore; Ariortiony, Phonng sy Ga,, LAD Broadmy, New York, Dear Sirs. Ran ly trie ta vour Latter o¢ th Instent, 2th whtes “OU enaloved capy af Gao, WW, LAttlehalae Patent, No, 404880, anted Jue 11, 2PED, LT rotiyy, heravith your commnioat ton are the Patent referred to, Mire Mes Yn having mde the foliowly note on the fornays "It doesn't infri nge ag all our thin, And this wout,* st WOT In ve mra to tha Phonograph ix Mexy eo, Mr, Thomas % Sonne Ny lite Minagttar 45 Mexiao, nas the p wvistonel rishts for the inst nont dn Moxtoay tervitory. Mr, Comery has, I think, alrenty started Por Nays 0, Tit he ean be utdransed care gf Mesarse Box and Preble, Mo. 47 Haasan Ste, Now York dity, Yours wary triy, 3 ° v ‘ .] Mn AA, Boe ? Me. WY. OR, Perry, Donee lL tdantad Stace & Potminye, Kxcranan, ‘Now Yar ity, . , oh ZL ensinge herewith copy ota Ietter trom vr, “Ww stave Rieamiace Sacratary ov the inatitien Runsee Oo,, teogathar with copyad liet af stodholders whioh he smt to me aad whieh shore pll the ato, axeavttees tag disued fo Ye dhman and Strom tery. Fran what Stremhert, sayo ‘Wh wold apnea that Mastecn docs not own goatroh, ar the gapdtaloar the Goyer fe 3100900, Ci fy thousand collars Heine accounted fae tn tha attaghed, and tha other 359,000 Stromberg soem torny, 13 divided batwam rinsel 2 and “estrim, sithosh loam vot sure that I round pis Latter aane ractiv, aa tt in somewhat ambi gua te L have written bir: for arn explanation, and WILL communicate with you an noon ag T-hear from hin. te Mi, doh Nhe Tete nein la, Mmagers MHtohtyan Phono ach Whe, Nanri, Whar Lye v* ‘s Peplying to your tester ef ete Ingtant to of. Kao con, tas hatiar wihl forward yarn prongs an qe Pia Png way advad yaa, stating thet Mr. Priworn wALL be usd Bo eet Mee te oli vt tire baboretary ary time fer tia mermoys4 a cee Piece ara yw phenogran far the meatin, af the Miahigan s tela yt Grand Rules, The moteal gos.ndera ven fare ’ “, ss Suthurday iapt ny Expect nite Yours «ory truly t ve He Seok, Witce, Meanras. Bate eo Inatas, New ‘iser, fear firt~ Saplydiir to your Lettar of Oth Uiatemt, dn resist to tha Midonn Pronopraph Marks Prostedont. Thorman A, Fdd an, Seety. & Treane., fH, A, Tate, MIRKOTNRS, Thos. A, Fat oa, Rothe Inn Chitesen:, Showlaa Matahvor, Samat Insbb sat A) frac 9, Tatas ~ lem oting fa salts moatiye of the Directors Tor ane vay this wask, and te view of ry aemhemplated wo wore ad, Mey Ingbl wild be oleetad Trencurer, so Saat if paper. Ligh vat ata pvee paring are to i axnented cmder an date Lutes tian ZO ELS thie wee, vo am mae nse of this Latorimnationes te; Yours wery tri de Kao S82 sey Magy Pitts ar ae ay Dear firy- Mre Magan, sata Teaeved (aor detber a loth abgat. 5 in whegh gree ray that Mey Loris. ok ost re DS aU Pomme cat! Wan w Trandla Prange | KEIN ay nee Ee sae ty Moy Mes ena ROh gra tht yar neve racefsen one AT fe Jet pe)eg mlfere tia rp fe | thedewe L enolone harawith a photogs at be Letipey be paw hava yet ors of tesan yew cant fo ard ana, Ta royuit te phones ns dlunva fore aingle coaord, we wt tt ta & Rho thew not only ve able to Suepsr you wlth thesa,y mig witt en genat iimbss of aifferort utples of rhosogrm bina ae all aindn of uae, There han haan se ineh praggere bought to oear upen te ta fern ont phonagreaphe yiiesly, that Mrs Roataon haa got had ting te give muh attergion to the mamifne ture of thee vlany, He bau tikon it up now wtyorarg)y, ang you will very ahortly be wuhe fo gat everything you ay 15 f° Yourn very truly lif rate Shorobarts in that sognhurtone é Mr ae , ae id. eae oe fv ATE apm a fer’ ra a LE0 fro er Oo eas a Dre , ie rw a | St fo Be i eke ; Y i vw A, Plead. | Alb PRA. Ae. 2 ie coo > dey Pe - The Thus RO FAR 7, wi Nee er Foe () me eo few PQ. My ve AoW. Lees v~ yor once Pree hh LB or Zz atte cet Me Le be pote feel A Cot. Jima’. hi. : , eer pa AA es Pan san ter €£. C a Go # hs Sass ae bo Fhe. | A Sd COO bone a ts tvs Cres. “G oO? loa Ce a naa ae ‘Ved y, : jd fa. fom ehege “Cow x - Ta ct a 0g) re a) A peint Py aa we C-. , Me Come | ty -- 2X ee oe ae ; et aw A a ft or. a 7 of: a Mar RS ame Soe G&S a + mee ag, a MBE che. for nan Raw k- fee oe A ae oe gee wg we, pAMipy GP Baw ep ae, ee a a Ams, aoe ote Yoyo ~ e Ios. fee AB age ‘ys? tf vw. ae ww de ; MS A Lee. ia CAA: ra Lieb Ph ME MM 7? Ca aon fietey ls £ Sep Be wR... «- ACM. Pee 6.00. fpr. e the, on Hee J i ane bat AKA trek» Heke Ae, Gorwtrwnwroau, la Fae bi ey bapa e a Ate a Af ee tte hey ie nd ho Reus - Br. seq Ce s Fasc rant nnnnoctidaanbindinentia ceased Vie ue Gt. PA : Ve & Cr ee 4 tog a C/A f ftir f? Ores, LI bye f ras t pas oc AS a r a fl 403 Hay C i ot the ae ete A? ace ae af BA A Ey wey f | ee Sat he ne bloson eal iis Ns AR Ge nn ee taal : } (ae sre ee oe € fio noe. a PHO yap -% th, fol, se f- Vere tt a Ge FF ww gale fas gf ty “fhe, aA. f Bp et, oh 7 ar Bi Reed rs le He MECC. Fate ae for 2 ff Be “f? aU eb ee wih wy 3D? * 49 ‘w » & a. 3 Me : : be 5 ‘ ae as Lfl. 4G ai BoTy tart oy PL 0, Mt Tan fre prio y ¢ Le ag. Je bn low Jew - 4 tie * it f , * A . a MN n. ff 3 ay we oa hh etard. of Pt a &. Me off oy ne, Pome wf ; DS ere Pb en rpogte & oT [A vpn) og | Het 47 - Aeron feo 4 vimanas J te PAR a j * ~ wv ° { es 3 C a Noone £. pobgtn Pf mbten a ee Get a ee £ li. ga ot: thr, Re. Cae. rf Ay A pais es, a va ae core A eat Aa: fu eb yo sf ae nba pt Aas + . We a oes ites Ih» Sty. z Kia a. tur. piteta vee uap-tay A Ad- ey coae o ah RB LAA * te Me aart vee GAL. Us ew: ¢ aah Ls me « (Rtee % Oe Antonia ‘regg & Npper oo, 19 CLES ft., “Yew Yor 748y. Rear Mirgier With ra fivenge to you lattar qt 2th instant, An - glowing our aomayniaation of 0th {natant, addrqanad to the Ane emia ‘irene A Copper %q., Ansonia, Sonn., th ptiioh ma peaked if thoy sonkd gupp}y ua with tro at rips of shant Waa’, annh 19 fh, long, 78 inches wide ang onansighth of an inch thick, we ha to tn Gow you that your Loteer of 22nd ing, was turned over, in’ error, 4a ong af our enploynng who knew nothing whatever nat the orfer dn pioation, and who repliad to your darminion? day, wi die out raking pny inquiries regarding the matter referred to therein. Me vendiveA from Ansonia on Tine Aled, A teleqren in reply te mt Jetzer of 2th inst. uhove referral te, to the affacs thay they | ated supply the Waa hy mune 2Ath end aNnting us if we wanted 1% mara or potty, in Heapmee to chiah wa inmets stely wired thaw that we preBarrod vot and anking then ta expedite shipment. ax moh a ions nie, 4n9 holenrana boing diay aontirmsd ww le tter dated “une "gag, 88. Ay te Be ‘toe, wRe rwnipe of var Lyater this ising, we Amends ately w gre y™ as Lolbowg!o *hur aren of Awernioa: fis two neripe oF nrass, all right, Imery is toreane, “rating.* ve srs that thie wreae in altenity mi itn way to the Laharae Vory, AA WH oxpaated to Paiaiva SF tomt@, und will bach Jrnon= verLanad if ite delivery 14 an) ayia moh longer, Plager advise Wa by reem mal) regardini therm ter, Our Orjech in sarruntonting f\irest with Anwonis, wan to sano tine, tnt in Nture we #23 aifrens aij mur Lattang te yor vow Yve% of fige, NP letter of AM inet, rotrend herewith, Youra wery truly, Enfpon Lanoraterpy: . 2 sake My ad Manevar fioan A Thaoe, ; ao mashingtin mete AONE 1.7, wh Denar Ki FB ip se With np Pranae to ont |r, ‘arth 's insasypoy with ym of yOnsertng rel ive tu Matahraker! a tetne, With nom ertnding astasiewm, we peive yay to tirnish up with two of mae bathes: an goon Ma poartole. If you apinnot deliver tho tw me chines imipdiatay, pleane aend the one which Yr, "hath examined to the laherwtory, at ones, on we ava in urgent med of it. Please yer an mind thas we with new gtinding attnohnent farniahed with emh of the lathos. Youra vary vray, Reiaon hahorator y. ny Pe co iGo teense Win Fa, My Dear iP, Kubory,e £ as Sty, Ldppinomys sora tina age in resara +9 your rhonegraph, ant 1 sem him parennally the ather day, when he brought the mater up. le asked ma Af you untlerstont thas 16 val A he impractiaanle fir him to give yao a phiinogreph and pasa Bisle to 1%, He mays that he wil} be YY pad to le yr HAY & manhine and make you p pebnve of the Pall wre nt of the aneity whieh ig ahaged others. This would w praetioal:ty the see as thoach you owed the machine, and I told hin that © wns are AR would te quite matiafactory to yairnel?, Of annrien ths Norgh Aw riam Phonngreph o, cannot relinquish 4t0 s40244p any phonoy pha, p teahniend ity whi ah poo beni wild ner | yay peace af rind. I think Mr, Uippingots om Vea ron have bribe rae cldne AY ony tire if you will apply for St end Io Feet Winere $0 aerd 1%, Yours vary traly, a Sar Me Oe we eee cree Ft wre i . P + . . & : p, te "Huhert, In, ¥aqe, . Private ore Wye y rs ; Nellport, 7. I. C8 bnnt oe, 7 Tune aA, 82. The Yai aon Vag tine “or ka, 1Q Dey St., New York, Dear Nirese The fa} Loring is aopy of a cahlagram reaeiver hy Mr. Rad dan tonday from ''r, Harmay Parig, the agne having heen tanemitted thragh the di eon Unita co., New York, ma Mr, Ral wn desire’ it referred to the Machine Yorks, for attention:«~ TUCHAR Ay POISON, — Paria, tune 26, 1889, “Send Tabbit shells {01 mimnor 5612 and Munfaipa). dynamon ono each, Hanmer, * Youra truly, LS ‘ cae a, CAS Private Seaty. ee IN rn veoare. Taa, ‘Y. Cine & Sa., Philadelphin, Pa. near girat« Replying: to your poasal onl of Hith inct., the repaira which wa ara making to the photo appariaus 8% 4% vat Aorpleted. Just as anon ae they are finished, we VIAL ahrtuo you and mem you a hill of the expanse inourred. Yours tmly, RPaitann Lanowratarys . ace Re LL faa ea ag “ate OF, LARD Ae “tab, Pon, rat a «fo "Sime Shipley a “a, Sar dem, “ne lens ‘ew “Irtis 5 om t eantinn tho POM ye vonage ye yee tren yes Mah fr ant t« set oe. wt ge dyll a as RY ‘ Varia, Surnherg, Sannehera, ‘Sema, wrtin Mryered ik Pirpean tradewh.; Texas ade vise bredige retirn ta emvnna ratters Nheemaity nertere sm agi, ould ratam again. ‘Carga’ nineag pnesthle in wustost fol wy enh ine Loy phenna. Diek, Anvera,® “ ” sf eae # £ ’ Yours Orily, es ah A a Rd eee % — ge Ee a OY ou » « TN tenn ce ec ay a Jeon #7 vb SSBF, Cs 7 ae TRALW IS: bay r. tar Ter. J want fo he rugyleoe tt Bf : D fheoea C Cascoy 7 VK. € : wer a lt oe ie ca Proves aon Yhe Ferlagecat tee YUN? ¢ ae Per nigg Caner s nin Cerri accel Guay FAQ 2 t v Sate Gous THOMA CS : ‘ eeke> A , mand Abawrun fl Ke Ofoiak ) : A214 14) EXQiania { Py e : : maf). J lia Re Jape fy alk af KK, My Kren HAL dla rf. uA fo Hate and Fez J ie | er free re Fie (. Ky mrls ory ' . Gt Ne wag fore LAW ng YVR maa yLoiw , Aorat OADM. IFES tiX th 4 ‘ ee VA , ‘ a. ; , VAC poets lm r fA & > tent on, feera OF 20° * - rT ’ Ore tabkcount and I do not wawl mony On Myvi : f Yours tree ey a “> é “Y ate ~ “7 a of Sclideon, Lt, ee Pa Juyre a", ®, RAj an Yep %,, Harv} nor, My a, AY ALrys« 1 return herewith sixty dayk notn for $10,000, dy simnodt hy ‘tr, Falaon ag Prep dent of tha Lamp Go., tho wing hesing buon andloned with youn of Avan dante, Just thig momert neg 4. Yoore sruay, Private Key hy. 1s a i0e oa ewe al ( ha bh A ct apeech i Aa-4 Hheva tat Ny dems y Oa . | | csc CZ CALA MAC pe AAAS fA ve A to Cth the phn rrs A} hich fr Aye Aut ies AYUNAAL A SY mets lhe Arefrr were | ( Ke he te aha R-ry chk AH Aff py iti eee no DONA a> (AAA D BAA 5 AN Se ae ges aint tes G AL ANIA kh wu Aprry bl: S Ae ts LUO w AH AKD AAA AM. ; ee cs op Yorn. A vyste aot Ute! fe ae fu lly | s woe lo “Che Aéetnkhs a4 BRL Vis clas Vf ADO Mt, fA FP heoa Edroow Kp Vu. one tare any wufermafar™ , re on Ture 24, BB. 8. Rian, Port Rivhmond, 8, t. Dear Sixmt- : With refprenae $a your racant visit to the Tuhnratery, Yaletive to snouring enploymeng, Mr. Mal sn eaye that he thinks he can ive you a position in about thyee weeks from now You had batter white of a2) and eeus at the eri of that times Yours very truly, Private Secretary. i09 - tae aa #, S\aqeeye Na Yorn, “Hits Mempres Paton § Login, Vew TS Teer. Tris Replying to your Latter-ef R7th ingt., re hat mh Vpanagrayh Yprke “artifigate af Milky gat atogk, T sinttted tb aten thie conificate when in your of flee yratertay. (fF you mAZe bring st with yar an “onday whan ven dome tp the 84jen Taep | factory, at Varrien, ", 1,, to ation the meeting of Mocrhoddern of tho “iran Phone gr aph compary, T 44} Barn fh thore, In ro rd to Mtoe which was ineugd fo gorvinan, I wih) hires thie atungod, no it ¥i12 Byer om any bigkn ae having neen ign meg for anh. Yous teujy, A}. “ fe a she ‘ 4, : ‘ ‘Syavate Sonrotary. 110 CC, ‘terra, Yaton 5 SANE By ne, ro vowivay, “ow York. wer ertte “oer brace amy wofyte ORT : Hoe, Qty, : ok : t her $o thenk yon for yeu Lever of ides fnetort, reer aS . pecerains contr aes newer "re att son ons the Raion we weal ka t Seated. under date Retener ii 17, mi in we vie POPORY « - ogee avate thet, an your apinton, ‘i¥e rat eon’ 8 api to retrhurmerent, oY ecean tae. Seg Sree cr ate i vay tor, the roneys whi ch he has ‘anps rdot Ap perrooting t nts process. ‘for vee Sakae ane cs H, e ivan conaomratton ie a wna one, ty ele prey a kaney raearn id as the ner eteant hove resort ta, wate label ondonme with ad ‘letter 0 ymrentven asdatt ante, mea ' q*6: dnttant « Youra very traly, ¢ ae ™, at. ‘ “eacn ity Fayelane ts, Frage, V@ "pantinny, Tet York. a ham! Cit Chane ta to ca an fehtatidon ta Mh. Sohn, Me 7 sore qk wor, Ang F think you have bom nepied to in regard Ho apres yhonngtaphs there, ao pre Age randy ‘ef noreminiemtten fron tna Cegndion Toramment of fotala, tn wsiek it in stoted tint the fopvetary af tho Vlectriqn, "sha son open Lee oe of *, von, _ tie Te, map liad to the. Hininter of Minna, to ontain purdredon, in order 4o. enmipa the micogss of tre Neoarieal sanininton, weed He, Rat aon sharia: be ahliawat t0 pring ‘into canes a imuter of alea- teiaad nav Stee witoh are patmted in jereea, mod Yd “maar the potent Var cannos ne, tpo reed. this my iention wah re‘torrad to aha Tey atmmt o¢ Cnetice, witoh advined thn Tap*®. of Ae ae 1. tre fo eapty os fallarct- — Ste toveroment will nat. ohject to the wirtsing of the gobtn fn sien into Ceneda fn: hort for the purpose rent{ored, mt cannot bind thita parties ‘or puarane tas the patentnns agoinat Trp nyk at shair ins= qnnd4e (fi gned) Rott. Sadgewick, Me Vy J lig. foo Mepre wt the ae eed 8 Bh ba eet. ge a ge abies Bnd curadlan dew, rae on nem whet ayitor, FRE rp tne An bee FO sanity, cmp ner te ets hy doltton, cmd “Ry. be we yy WERE gem Gat Je de omy pe eeamery to TOR Bhat yp mPOA Ya mund Mfore venplying wha: the meaieon ehidh hes wort! wate vola Of yap, f Yours very amily, Prtente Secrotary, x ™ne an, %, Mator 4. 4%. Raron, New Yarpy, . Dea Merte . ‘Mase 29 anusher Lawsar from Mr, Gray, Which I have MAb answered, ee SPI SE ect 2 Se oo. “Private ‘Sw etary, Ure dertg NYP, Pasoon Neg 9,4 Vortpyunbertand. Avg. , lanton, “4, °. “nglard. Tear sipte X have yagatved your Lester of JR dngtant, in rew gant to “tr. “Wey'n indabteinens to yourgels, and am sorry tat You 1d not being thin matter beofae wa tarier. = Nu, "ley ape pent to have hormmwed mony right ang Lec while hp was dn Fone om, jotwithetending the fect that we gévanded him sbre S80 more than he ms able to asgount for. 2% take pleamre in -enele aing Yrchenge an London for Trenty> ive pais, whieh ‘Pr. Yateon has snawuated re te forward to you, end U gannot te22 you how mich we rearat the deception which wan pragiiaat hy it. valey, Whe sce onaded in deceiving not only atrrelves mt, 13 mppenra, everyhody dae game in contact with while ahroad. Ha waa pronptly diaeharced upin hia Setarn, and ahowld ho ever turn yorin Landn again, if f i def ae fs Wi21 not ye in conneation with any Yours very. truly, Private seorethry. My 3. 3. Misen, 88 Nerdhappten Row, Russel) 8ae, Tantinn, Oey Youginnd . Yer Srte T have received your Lattge of With inatent, in ren BATA TO ', WMlay ‘ns indebtedness to youranle for hgerd, ana regret | Vhat ya 214 not bring ths matter befora mo @arjier. 1 tare . plegmare in enaloeings xchange on Londen tor f 4-15-20, wr. oh you State is the emoims de you. ; RAE Mea mcr lela cree g © Yorn very tray, eo om Ca . | he ‘ Ct. ; (. ch, 70 a aes Paginee shoe as “A aes wee aceon ehees Bey t4. . thyme "te Orbe ‘ ‘ ¥ a HE om, rd od Gy a Pe ae de emr®, >. 2 1 aa, an “andy, “nly ahh, J nave oar ©: jaere Able note premnqed fd YOY On fat day, AO YM) Aa), was ahte quest tan wp fox At naangd ay: are Lnnrans nyen the ioadan Rey le the racandl ty of peehing ria of crawford. Youm traly,. ; owt ae tf, a meee Hre H2liaepr ,q Hua do Rhone, Yokes "1 phwmpephen foe Topans they mist not send any bile Aireat to tram and Company, nor mune they rend ary to fol, Ching and Gorerund ’ 7 - Ly yinn MM, a, ty Tear Ite, Rtew mn, T have to aeknow Ledge your kind Latta o¢ 27th insant, ant "tr, Rétaon ake mp $0 uoknowletge your lether te him of sam date, ''r. Vdlaon ig xing aeny on ‘onday ee eaent, to te abaent all wack. If it would be gorreenian tn yourge2ie, ho - wonld ha glad to neo ym and any of your friend.e whys wnt oag with to wing with you on Yonday, Twiy Reh ; I dogire to ay a fen vorda te yar with rilation to Wr, Stevenson, wheel introduced to you when in Wa.on. Ce plat which Ir. PAteon had formed for confuoting the Tay Phoner@ph how winesa, wen he was conaidering hailing it hirasel?, Was one tr ¢ Onn oat ory with whieh Mr. Stevenaon's PMalifinationn weld have fitted hin to take oharge of a gortain part of the works Tin plon was not juat the sumo an the cne etch 78 Prepoae, and unier - Gh present od Pemetaness we think upon {Retr ( ondideration, that Mfr, Stevensoih in not # Loge thor quali leditit: the ports. Me man who has to take aher ge of a mumber of sehelea, Bhott1a ho ati who has hata thorough training in cormeraial Life ant wt hea ne thokingh Mowledge of msiness men and “sineen melthodss 2 ao Het thist Hr, Stevmson has any resources of this tint to ake spon REY Senha ea “oald be anteidiavy to shat of mambvoture, ah nb droid aah We 1 a | «te . Oo far an hie ow, ORpetlmond La Atha Aint, ANI {it wonda Ya om btap, shareinre, for Far to look in anotiar airnation mr 7 Vinkpae for your Canpany , , A rere important MHjJos thar thir %a oonalider et thi? prow, 't time, isthe one of mara facture, mw machinery te her, pirat oe are aotting 1t up, Tt your Company desiren ta take atv ania zo nt the hr tatense trade, the manifacture of mrments abe he + ane mented irmedintaly, ant in mffiot en Plantition to meat the gone Peative domnd, The only sate way to de, is to atart UPON A Mra eile mmbker por day, dertainiy hot less Vhan © tieaand, ang athre the movements wmtil orders are OMeained for than, — tintwan this $5 anne, you will Sint yournal ven drs & cuntpla of mmnthe CLA, prmangs e087 nothing $0 weld, and will nov ya BblM vo kun wring Ot the large trade Which aan be CHtAnLLanOR thin year hott, Ned rere eapetally avrsad, in view of tha Paria Mmostiton. If yim anop YOU? mupply df rovmonts up to .tha mitk md plane scmrepiven m9, pow tion é ele omtraots fov daliwany, 1¢ #321 pi0an 0 tran wing. active mainens ar Lean, & yOay oa lis than if your mariner La rtigg: je dotavea a fen mnths longor, The questions Of manag mont and evaricmens of agenoles Jone hy yorr taking time to delinorate Yan, 1f deta yaa am, tehing. 4tpas to render theao as maton Botiva jut mB wom, am tHhy ay ferred. Ry , S. ah. In repay $0 tha payment of fin, Off, tae on wy le’, tha sr rangorent was, that this payrenit.wan 06 be divland mary re - tween Ur, Rdieon ani the Mateo Phontgra: “‘ompaty. Your waaariy 49 to,pay tho 36,000 to the Kdlaon Phonogr ph “ompany, ms 1, MAS Bon forgoesn his proportion. I think !!ajor Raton Lar Alegsuty gormantoatod with yar in ragard to the ahove, ir, Baleon desires to he romembered very kindly to youraglt and Mr. Fiala. Yours very trily, | - er a ths. Oy sé ee wa * at, Mee es # ‘ ee +? a 7 A As jet mA Py Mare ‘ *% i Pay ae ae PYoumte Secretary. Reng. ¥. Stevens, %aqe,. Sonton, Mass. 122 Tye AR, MH, Confident . My )ear Mr. Stevena,~ | In yor lant letter to ne you mentioned the Orawford contract, whiok, an TI recoliact it, wan a contredt giving ir. 7. 'C. Orawfor@t the wolusive ogenay for Frmoe, Mr. Crawford had asnoeiated with hima your, van roamed Mame (ew %), who is known to Hr, Fdiaon, and who hea been comeaced with the fo mmition of one of tha Phonograph. Sempardes in the United Steten. Mr, Maguire onlled to sea me the athar day, And tol? ne that Mrs Crawford's contract ‘haa lapsed, or words to that effect, ant si shot to obtain from ro information regard ne, Mr, Head ons repatdosn whith the. Tay Phowagtenph Company, 89 Bs tO anshie hamaelf and Sir. om tora to ‘doeide whether thay would sed a ronewh of the Crater’ ‘agreanmt. OF eourse I do not know nyon what gtunde Yaswite corsigereé the contract void, mt he appeared to Shave ono dict. we upon tat point. I do not know juat how valuabl: ‘oklig Ln. imactne AA ‘wy Ye to yaa, int I give it to you for what it i wee, Ed TH gun Vine 1% an you donaider best. (Gif i _ Cit enpy ray, fane 7, 9, Hone 7, here, Deputy iinkimer of Agrioyuleare, OsX awa, Canada, Dee Sirt~ , I have the honor ta aokmwl aige thé reoalyt of vane lever of 2orh ituane, enclosing, scope of the opinion oF tht Lepury Mamsr Of Tusvic, repardzrs, che gp licarjion for ade meaion of certnin parmts to the Su. John Pahibitidn, Yourg stmiypy, pote, - Cf . : fe < - gt Fi - tt th rE Pe aE oe neta tun oH, is, iy Deen Pe-ry, ” wi9h Pelealon to BO" ans Hitnann Compas’, { ae 4 T have a Letter from the Ree. ectars, '@, Strckinere, in Which he stmes shat ltr. Veotmm holds abant 408 of tha afore qigital of the Compa-y, the remainder, up $6 INN, a} re divide pnaliwem ifr, Stromhery and muepyrowniers. a Yompany mont ions 30 or .4N aharen of stom sii gh he thinks ne amha fd, Ah por. Mp. Mdiyon does not care tf Turohane those sharon ab pyanent, boli eving tht if he watts any more of the stock, it com bo hotgtt for lesa rong Later. on. We. Se Perry, Taq es New York. Tune 30, 8, Miss Joa. Sulworzes, Ayont, | The fnfonin Clagk 70, 19 "Lig? St., “ew York. Nerar Sire. Replying to your Letter at anh ‘ingd., Ne. Ratan 18 cling away tri Tontiay next, aml wit not Mack tmti) the 96% mex, After that, he will ne pind te adi ya at tnid Tinh oP atory any day cbnwent ant, td yoursols, Yours vd ty tritly, Le . 4 s a td oe £? Wn sage Pod Figen Ghee Se ede i + ’ comn y : f pat 4. ” Pyle he Taare tary, antrasans ter myself, undar dete AA tmat., dn whieh ht sivas the tinn #0, 80, Oy Paty, Vaqe, 120 “yoretyay , rer Yore, Paar itete T endonn harenith Weston. from Mr, Twernst “ragga, infomation which you aged mm to obtakn a to the titre of hip firm, witdoh it nypearp in a partren*ahip. in the Inat part of ante letter, “r, Pryaer dest thet hia ‘Apan fier covare in itp wageney Teen ene “orsa, whi rragar $ to., Shangres, saver Thin, tte PRS} Wpinn Enlands and ane: stray ta Porta. Th Aavused gore gts come apts china and ioe, and 1 Veen ‘that thet would cover Kg-en, the Philtipinn Inkends and ‘hp Stral ta Torta. Yours. very Buly VF, PC gee a AP % ae ae cara seer 135 | . "URS SA, % { ‘esate, oer t Seoly, ‘tov York ~yhy. Paar Pinata We rac alved yoste nay the follovin, cablogrem trem . “ad, Coud; ~ ‘Orn wa sompl te Sanns 84, BS Damark?" Pleann tulvine un whet reply to me tt onl. Jonrene, s . Yortirs, Rrery, i OL, “ SE ey Private Seorétary, | | ' June 20, &@, “ep, Rdisan,e- Here are two mblegiamy from dournid, I have oorrantioated with Dyer 4 Sandy in-remra te thy lating ta Caden 84.6 88, 1 nave done nothing in remrd to the othor. @ Ont ree Ae % Tat a. Me por , TANS 56, 39, Rad aon Phonoprigh: “lark, che PUG, : + nea Siras- Tlease eeivi 5 & “honagraph to the hah oratory, for use in ny of fine, Yours truly ' ea June a, RH, Rdt@on Photogreph “orks, Orange, MOT, Daur. Sirgie Ye have raoodved tthe Following oablocran frote We 7, Sammars. “hen and hor dia yar send trendle phonograph v j — ant them fas Vary. Kapmer, * i .. Please advise us howto reply tn thia. Yours truly ‘ Privata Teaty, Tune a0, , SP eh r i § ry. RaLoaan se T want tow new eylindera which are not e affogted ty mixture; alao four mtsjeal cylinders wish wil) not Mretch, You were to aclest all these yourse] t. Ae fv, tata. Ne june 36, @, Randolph ,- Mare a dat of the A mindoal oylindora whioh we have, and send it ta tho Rdiuen Phonograph “orka, and sek them to forwmrd a copy of tt to tho %, 7. Phonogrmn "o., wh desire to rake # aeLeotion. | a 140 Tune 89, BA, “@morgagrvur tarry, Yn'sul i, ; ben iy PPh, . : Togive Son Ate feelin sty ‘ntorsiation dn regain to onyrrnnt, ‘| shhtore tr thin acrleat- Phere tpt te 7 seo th Pre wey fare og: 4 siule, MOSG.. UMEKES EDT GETS PAD EAS Gat ak Gdn a SH TELS TR emp annate Vea net tae Nyaserde cleat So, ws enpeclrifntsa aenturtad uy ‘tr, Fal soy, Irony LAparatary OM thres dye VALLE, samingtage to 44, 458,02, Thane ware foywardan? ‘'y MN te the Ts “eressany Ered wora ratureed YY thar Chery oe, “at, who wat dretoneted tO Ore hare and wat an aye .* Plante as en fe natirra af the experiments which ara named is sha MWaAp aN ta the ont Qo whieh awtbhoard ty thon Oxyparina ty Mac haan e onda tec, in ordos to have thean niln inteilivenaQy — MH Idired, Le te "NeOguYY than tr, Melson Bhoald 8 nrerent ar wy inter tow whtal ia red wie vp, “tet, #8 na one olse can give : \ th® Aeoangery infornmion, L haves not hat wr spportiunity ta mabe wes wired: Fyn trent fav gre. Bena of tute mttor , 141 "a EES Sim ¢ Cane 28 BD) yen Wr ah tye Bays SOUL han pare ba nant a noir at riMerant properties in Teomeaid, Rhayader tor ad tha whet le af these Ser ayert Lon, AML psyern Pelat ti G0 Sree ahah AB cerAtinta, dreads &o,, arn in the handed Of Ne, Taareo PD. Vineriov, rhone ottlea iy near the Orange Mat ‘4. tanh, Ao, oe Toy er we hep cated ag amr laser? athoragy fo ALP ay Gl tht pater, Me opera ana plow toy ite. SP tet a Vane, Tor bis &9 bes a snes eae oP gh tins Srepertien, anos Hee pe meter yeh Rpe coveant Loundtarties of anch, Tn Mime proverts whi ad Ur, Meh aan sarehesed ts “loan “ield ds know bs the MASP ANS premnrty, and en wninees Prom Sav dd oC rnd Tydin aa Javan, far 44 autia GO Ate MO having hey pale in sesh as the Line of pevanere ay a pottuese af OU OO awunined he tf, "At aan tn faear of Lyaia Seve, NV, th premant mmatic, tyr, Fahaon rage a nest of Taj00e en aswunt al this partaaga, we hy ab wae Tore G9 or Finvaleay) ant whteh he wat ta ondorse on the bind, wrod sh he ntates hes fhomn cans, This yekes the proagont ‘ widuat of the cor tone 15, 005, SUL the other proparties have tg, paid Yor in Pus, with tre axeartion of ont. Thin is anotrer farra poreriy, @doan suly Moah there La om payment die to cars (phone the weecnaso, of 24,909, 210 heaving been pal@ whan the grace nat whe viedo, veking the total purchase priaa, $4,000, Mv Ana Loy de preparing for una deacriptian of oren of . ve Se ent day taken fie tre: gh AE ees ae SEP RN ARIS OME ON & tba Thee We a att aay we PA ine hh oneedad yey Woks owe dt; BT wOv tae rey raoaee TO Wied cde te Pe fer Ble WE ra eye EAL rey Shek BRO Gwo oid] CL vendey NE On the “Loortd ara Woporty, ane of wid ot Ia, 3 MIL 5a, a hastoal “GIL 4 and ithe ather far the TONITE AF cattottas, L hae wtartis A PALL wat ne “Ke witha ate Hulise kar® tn thin Tabarators tow tage nie WLAiag, Anda the Vetat ia or POMEL MISS cor ov anes ppg aOdiye Poaorgel Fénarvately., - dade Ath “isn te ETE HO fed ore LA eo are ett die fa pohioney, A Vonrratlat tone OP be elas “dire are noe riadee:, ‘ meet Ta view at tha axtert to Which oir. Kdl gon TVOlOnaD wad: ip ta tha rou Crs tuvineg ttodnaga on 4) age new pranereiss, { wept ta Ranetiale a few Qeys wy fhe: ASHORTON, thie tog bead ' feed ye ryed é, el 46 FO Aotatn exaertion “ror, etnvion Sor B rauakar af years, Te Une hatwom the Townsh ina OF Moats ota py “MATE Le sivizan thong args rtsen winant Agial— We Ur, Ong shetoy la A pep whteh stnws this Line, as BP wad on a GA ty tee Tore ip of “aliavite ar dn the Tomahin ae “LO cere Lasy a WEA plea, nag MAL th tice tren) da arnar te ot na iF intendon plavirg, off ona Youn ship favoranle terme aa ORsd ye, The Tee con are aontns ssa aan bY A Committ Pa, whivh in alected LO OPT uy tounieratind, mmantiy. Phe atlian ot Asseasor Je alsa wontarthes ar. re “bayged oy our Vand ettorray, nae dee ost aheg De Tawnnt dp Coed tae Cave net ths power to geome oxonpt don fror taxation, ott’ Great we ate Roe ou amosmionte damn hy seek a Ww eretanaicy, whe tho Assopser. Aa rheates shove, Jo ome ha Samer for “Or lone tele “amieldp, ent he gave ed the ona tvtor attion thas “re “Angad ov wae, fi cables to ae we tie other i) eR OA Oe ae thay $a ward! been the annasaventa daw: ta tho Loven % yecas le ~ofnt. i ealy honk this omtter up races tly, err, havy not yaen note ta fallow 4t mt savared ry Yast inteeriaw wi th thn AnomtLota Aananare, above rofanrad te; cut To taak that taers mas. ba HOMO way HY whlah oa colt ootude exesption form .ortain rmuncar Of vaare, ido ane faa mulorted wae urs “ingel ay hes Shviae’ we coimerely, I: WO one evar it, Wa 8o -oOL wank tO he ne WHA PATON of thud ACHR s | “AB at hare a8 no way ous of it, “m aah tohave o proper wdersten dire with sew, ond make then” or frtenda, ‘The tire Le ea thha ia the present, | Wor va dutermation fo mri nae that, nla the Tomshipa in rer Aieerak Awotie: blanke ba the variour eee ie an tahe Linhmente, ard ats ta hava than 2s Lled up with information as %o the value of real aaa athor prenerty, - These hlankr showed almyn on ignored, ant the Aaneannoy a} Lowed to put a valuation en himsel?. Thay upvalie asasae for anout 40 or AD par cont of the actiml value Mr, Snell, af YT Pag eevey yee ine PAY RTS Ayr You wiki re aollaat that I anlied AC UTINT AS PHAR. ats SUPPRESS SPUR Tes TR your attention tho other tay to ehe AMIOTOTT AM PITA AA, fonths. Thees somunteatiors oaplain thessolyven, Under Inatmie J g i 1 ; fant that ttr,. Tippinvote had pivorn pass pdewonel oak vor the lunt twenty-five thousand dol) ar parrant re. oon ageaun. af the ahove, Tals told you that { had mitten hago: Yatan, arc To now attach a letter twm “usar Patan, under tote 28th dretont, in eWMah he mygente tit wo pero a glem inde sending rub Me. Lippincott na to the aqeount w whieh the ne atiecds aro te be applied. Aa ra pow aval: with Mr, Lipp inoatt, T hare done nothing ahout thin petter, hut Leave it far you to aiiist, ao xugsested hy “ator Paton, TINE #, SIPENY, Lattaeh lottera fiom rr, inorge tunro, Sea'y. of Mdiuon Fhono, -o0., Tondan, and 1, Ty Nixon. . Mra “Sley appenty to have hoerdad with the letter for about two TON rom Ur. Na} aor, T havea Porwaydad to lp, Munre Pxehange on hanenn for qersy-five pounis, amd tor, xen “Yaxghange on jonden for Anwbdar®, 4 itny ta in ie, “dtson'a dent, apart from thege mpsherny abot 40%, Our books wil) snow tho oxact momt, "th weseg lent oronats added, hin averdrars will anount to etwann four an: rondves dollara. “Whev’s rather nea mMmy, and an abtrnpt AMOOI nh hit muda te Pageyvar thin tndehtedness, | i j i Seana errno eer peerntoen nese e—ererara eee me nnd. =e Through an arr of Tomlingn, the eee ie ee any oe Seg nuterey cur poet PUTA TAL Ne. “Aypinnott qonteaata state that the arcunt widen “esa, Samtnway pei foe har rtoek wis "a, o%, Thin is nit at. “a gold hear 150 ahurea of stowk, ab “14% par’ shore, and the aheoak whieh I maeivad a’ @porkted in the Orange Natderal Sank, in tho ram of AM Tate, Trwese, War for $32,750, amdolph ims the chesk hook of shia Trantes asomut, antl n eartifiaate aan se obtained from th Ayan Snel cank as ta tha amount of dapsait, if tho mma ha NHENOBURTS ¢ PR Saat crags creme X obtains’ one oft tha ort inl copies Me PPI TS gy poe ‘ of this contract from Mr, Titler, the a aah be other baling in the posponnion of tha tro tla Sornace. The gopy widah | had dis new an the hiadn af Vator & bets, to psi * eent it for the puryoao af hate axe sl ecined aesiain pyoetsien wiaiah ware not qrite olaar. Tt have westtan Paton 7 Tate wo return Whe contract to thin of Mea, and aya ib reaenre hie. Atowsdloos put in the aafe, tone ther With 9 sony of oe etter an Bo hl., and their nap hy. y, Fdlean agrsnet trogen AL san of wary to perfeer his Ge 'Wdiine. proessa, tan wrote, ay reaqdlet, wan 2e8,0C0F. Tha share on our hooks a re 4 ‘ 2 at “ne prosert tise: sada fon “Aplin, is wht C17, There tas te gos wine: expenses waleh chould \a weliton off againnk egpe arent, sak thal @an ensily te detoomined hy a - ‘yo “dd wr han inwdmated bis pes a nt Aue oxpetipantay Ap net. ‘re Une | Fen deesre ar an ae tubing batwaa: himaelf and the Ore “thlirg oo,, under thie vonbrare, If tho matter ann ho @rranged at thin time. SOT YEO pare, “ator Yat.on oan explain te yo the’ teal Repagt at these atfeira, 1% tvald you t onany that bad wrdteen cr, Stavans maatianl ly Wi tharnd ng py Stevenson nn A Sands das e fer the noast ion of raver 98 the Toy- Pheno, ns : we made an appaintrent rar tt, Nay nto rom ir, Stavena ant noms Of tas other Yreatora of the COnMMANY, at this Zahorntory, “wy Heh, and -% sits Aletnted a remoraniin to ‘tp. tat mn, Which EAL he peaaented te the Lattarat th a% tirr, the substaned of whvah La on falbown: he Vay Phono, ~o, mute a Contract with Teil, “Reem Sears Tor V-anse, & eopy of which ty in MAfor Baton's bands, 1 hare a lettar from “r, Levens, under date 23th inat., deowhich ie save that in in at question xhathar this contract fa a vA bie one, Oy oe “AUR CEM to the Laboratory the other: day and ahi is whet be wan asso oiatad with crevford in tha rather of META Contryety WAt the eantreat had lapsod, ant that he wanted tG obtain a re infornat ten regording ‘P. Kai gna rolxt ionn witr the ‘os Phenoygrepn “om-payy, 20 teat he ant “rawsord ems | AECANe weoothor thoy vate: ST & YenowAl of theiy BEY Haro nt w it); fre Compr a, “AD Appeneed Go have no dawkt as to the candi ation ae een Peis han eee ok. hve giver thin informat ton to “'r, RONMENT. ; te r, Ingal. ~Be, ron all af Mok's corrmapontendm, it appear that Paria in the praat dimrdmting aentre for the doll trade in Furope, 1@ 4a, ‘therefora, ‘af great {rape wtar ae that ee Toy Phanosraph “0, ahonld take advante 9 of any right which ney may have wo abrogate the “Yan ford contract, Other sise that - rontlenan Wi12 contm) the mk oF tHe trade nhioad, TOUSE AcRPREEY perene te, Bad mn's ugroommt with the ; PROMO ABI OTA, or ee f Shonorraph “orka, under date 12th Fie day of Nay, 189, rrovides far an isnus to ltr, Tdiaon of fat ot the Capital Stock of that ‘ompuny, or 1, 540 shares. 'r. Kalen agrand ta place 3h! of thie 1864 ataren, or 892 B/LO shaven, in oe Pare eat 8 : a 5 . rh tho hands of a Truntee, ap te oapdadined in tho above agrromant. a Kator, & Zaria are pronmrdy thin “rint asretrant, and the Garfie la i Safe Topoals Songnry haw heen raed as Truintae, 1 relieve the TMBt Ape t will . ’ “. My paar Sint. : I danive to int roduse to ya o. Priyate Searotary, vr, Alfred 0, Tata, Who poen to “urope tn ‘gormention with noma of my personal tneinese. — _ I would Like sey Mmigh to bn informed as. to the prograna : whtoh you are ming in connestion wi th-elactric Lighting in . England, end -as T wnt atreda J shal) not ‘be able to ga to Fnglané when Yam in Furope this fall, 1 have asked ‘yp, Tate to anil pail you, on-my behalf, and’ W321 approai ate any information which ‘you : Sige fae Co may sive hin, Yow'sA vory truly, Sragt@rmyh, weet see July 1, 88, Hafor 8, 1, Paton, 420 4roniway, “aw York. ‘ty Dear Adria X enalone harewia: Latter Fm tha Fai on Phono- eraph Tov ‘tte, "a., addrazaed to ir, Mdienn, and inforsing the lateer that up to date there have heen no anles of dolls redo hy that Corpnacy, wider Meonsen fran “Mr, Faleon, Yours traly, ? é. Private Sdcreamry. fase Maly 2, 80. ty Near Int ,- tare is ry Lettné ‘fron Arthur“. ‘enatera; r of fared Nt a y ain: man ten doliera a wank to orem hate and tak charre af the dans down ataira, ani In ndiition to ERS, wke uP tha work rhids young 'iller haa heen daring in the my of arvatie ordera,: raiaiving ant mipping qooda A0., AO AA tO rel tawe want er | ax al low btm -to work with Renolph on the hanks. - have, in woe e add {Aton tt the Tahoretory “honka, thoar of the new pamataetaring worst congas in “Lrontid 4, and Rand iph cannot handle it “at, me can get along very nidaly With iilLar'n aKed a rman, ae " tn, 1. ¥F therefore, naqnanary to relieve the latter. : . 2 a er a [eee : oe Tom vary tmily, 72, , Oe ee + ; { ve > vig poet tf o Re ’ “ ‘ Si) cgadgt ats, BE \- E P, nh ‘Youre samntard aL cone “ter ae : “par Wonk, aa HOON anne aan “idave hilar os BES es “- prasent place, "20m his Latter 1 think he sama Inmlh, Yigg, in 8. a youths rr = ae PES ans Se" oe ren ee Add ietonal Mmroranda “or ir. Ingil}. MASMBA ICT MOM AsT Tha memnefas tiusting contract whigh fs aU Wet TATY, heir @ntared snw hy the Ymon Seegeary in with ‘tir, es aon perannally. It lair, Fdiein'a inten an te aseion thie ¢ ontrant to ene Phonorran: “Yorky, ani he is 60 smanzgva n conalderavion. - Thia consideration in tn he ene amoung wigch VP, Filaon i6 gatn, to pay Mak for the work he hee dona in Parnpe in investigating the doll trode, = T rintlon thin a the mStor wlll not be overlooked wiyin tha time conan, PASTORIS YT PURAPR, Ne havaon S42e in thia offise a ruehee of Lt tarts trem ‘re. Philip &. "yer, to;ether with plana of varlonn factory prmereion in Yarone, which rr, rad @r sem for, Twas will on uaefal whon wr, Fal On canon to wees ‘comiter the cession af erating anmemblin; shops over thera for tey phonocraphn, PUROPRAN ITH. PLease Alotase Se Hagnine the mirtten of meeting of Prapaan Cempary which we hald ae the Mei sen Phonoe creph Yorks on Sasteday, ‘tne Beh, @. PHONOPLYX, XT entlone herewith two letters in rad te Phono- plax, one frar, the “inoimmabd, Hertiton & Dayton R, 8, Ge. wr, ina, . = acd tne other fram tho Shisago, "ook Tard & Panifis Rty. THe Yaates 38 vary preorders inaamich as ef hove a naw tittery wich with ~ teetad ay Altoma, ard whigh we expret wil lant Hotwam viz wonthe ant a year. An ponn ne eo WAS raaom of tuts tate very ofiewing o 1 te for ane ranth, this matec ahmld ha Pollowat wp, ra in she Relenraph hutannan ®& Avery etdoh Inatn trom Por ty six unos in corestaret aacellast. by 1, , Ne. Sohn Mwtad, Fain. Maohine Forkn, fehensetaty, ¥. Y, “y fear Nirte toodayt~ Ibe to confirm the following telegran nent yn “Nave very seriona corpl aints abot Widgeport machine, They alaim they aannot nat the we Peres ant am only get twenty wits. I an afrald of serious trouble with Mr, "tllard, win controln the whole tuainnas, You hat hetter co to Aridgeport toenight yourself; take beat man your haw an! leave him with machine until it ia absolutely satinfactory. Thie matter ia of great ime hance. Anaweg ry hase, ° : Yours troy, SAT. Tas. , Lf tp ‘ | RSE Re B td H Ls i i N ,. ‘uly 1, a. "ty tear Mfr, “witht, « | Thaw hem a0 uneartain an to whetner ry mainean Tuld peentt moto go abroad thia year that not im “1 tow day havea T heen ahle to write “rf, Sarjes Aafinitely in regtd to nie kind tetter fomardef toma theugh wurnlf, IT hag ‘told Mr, Napjea that Y eharid he ware plnaand to ageeyst of hia hoppdia. sa lity any ‘time after thea 18th day of Augeat neat. Yours ¢ mily, "4 J, Yond Wriphe, Paqe, vaw York “ity. duly 1, .are, ity fear Hy, Hav Jon,~ X have Damn amy an mah lately that 1 hava not hefore had an oppo reiunisy to reply to your wory kind ‘Lettor, tmder ante May Rep, 189, and tn addi tlan to thin T was not altogethor WM that my Nusineas here would. allow me t taka & holiday in Fampe, f find now that fr Om. get-awny, and it in RY pranent. intention to andl abot the and ot Must he Tt wh? give &® erent plaamtre to aasert of ym kind hompitality at eny time emmvontert, to yourself aftor she 18th of Angnat next, Tre arrengenentn in vere’ to phonograph I will make when I at to Parte. T have a man there now tating radordy ofthe Leadireg meeioal artiata, ant he-will haw a gond aolleation ny the tion I err iva, | “ith kindest Tegarda \ ZI am, yourn vary truly, John He Wear Snny Ytaq +» : aa Paria, Tanga. Tec tae Bo isha y aly t, AN, Vy "sar | armer, « "Ak yor kindly give the nearer, ‘fr. 4, |. Lewd, an otpertunity to sen the “dfn aint, A the peaple tho haw rein trom Puria thus tr, state thet the grwd to ao enorme avonnd the “if aon qiarters that thoy find Lt tepne- whle tn ovthth a whew. Twat like “rr, Lewd to start a tntter fnle. Youn wary truly, Private Soeratary. W. 7, epee, ages Paria, “rannes fy, Enaedd | Thin aftemom ab tro a’aingd, WA we ane Rogkholdera' “nating of the Phonogra: “ampary, st “girisean, vee Sareay. Ur. Towla dictated the mimtien of tho meet ing i the Stenogrepter wt the "di mn ag “o., ard thay Will he writeen ont to-en ffow and ant hers, 7 haw sold “Maguire to former the mimten tor, \awin, witha letter ashing hirt to read them ov art and agp roy? the anf veto th thanto thia of flor to angie iar the “inete “nok of the Pileon Phonograph ‘ompary. The Nurnators sheeted wore, Thanan A. Sdion, thas "atcha tir, Teeuek Ines, Ay QM, Tate, John %. Rantinlph. If 1a nearamry for youreels eat Yeu ame rot stockholder of Randoiph €o qualify ae Tireators. Hecamt at tha prament ¢ ine. You yvepuee five alapax aah te patie fre Mtre Lewin edge that if cannot get hold ef the ods “mvt lhosta pone, we ean 46% & naw one ant quad. fy you rim, hen. Youn rity, July 1, BM... Mr, In oultil ,- HIE yn plage see that the Phonograph ¥orku ¢0-46 not bil diract on Gowrand, All his hills rhovu ld pans thavugh this office, so that Mr, "Ydieon'a royalty gan he aided, . tka Thanonemily ‘irks have hillnd Nearard with some oyline ders, wae with nothing else. The sane applies to FPrazar & Cos aipmont 8s to China ant Japan. io : iF igt 185. mily 6, 89, W. Dr, Marks, Kaye, Raf son Rlectrie Light Compare, #44 Wall. St., New York. Dear Sirt=_ Mr, Fdison desires oe to acknowledge you favor of 3d instant, ané.to state. in repiy that he will wm iaway from here the whole of next wreak, He will te pleweed to ese you, however, the wad: Following, It ia diff}mlt for him to mike an absolute appointment, bt I think you wilt te mpre LUikaly to find him here aa in the afternoon than in the marning. T resuen you Myr, Maxweli’s letter which Nv, Balson wh read Yow truly, oy Pe ZL, oe ie i Ge ed er ces on mi ae votes ON er me Cee eal ° ~~ + een gg et 7 = i ein" - Pe nnn ew eet! July 6, Be X Hy Yard Leonard, Yinq., Ohiaxsgo, Ils. Dew Sirte ~. Your fae or of Sune Rath, introdcairg Mr. o, 7, Reed, t find here on ry going.over the tmil this mrning. Yt dvew Hr. ° Faison‘ s att ention to tha Lotter, and he axplai ned that xt would ve inponaible-for him to place Mr. Reed at the present tinn, as mst. of his work will be suspended for the wext fow months , ond ng to his trip to Rurope. Mr. Fei eon. suggested that Hr. Reed showit sonmnieate with him upon his vetutn, which will he sore tims ring. the month of Nata ders | Yours trply, ( fe ae a ; ce Gr / woe. Duwee ie \ZL2 ie Lo aed Gees 6 Cio, ot ee X neato anye tt Aa = nee Terme ee matenee oan oa 8 ee 1 Rms, wen te. ree \ mae 18% July fy We Mr. %. 5S. Mallory, 7 WW. Rendolph Street, £ Chiaago, Ws. ; ae i a @. ae as ov be Wes re Pee : / -f Ka." ; is at ae, Cla tart fy WS hk 169 See ce g: Fett G | Snafechm he bad i ad Onan Oean/ Die Gon . : CG dice dan wan anh the lather bs In, ! ley he ae eas ae 7 me 4 aia BOM bane al 4 achive joa hie Snether Le a “uadou- anc i i awaa the Wdeh = 4 fow thilduw and © cbtimiol on a plaw tra tre afforneme, and fins dang ao JS ll) wh fe ad ey a es ae ohn Aare am thiwatah the aan a 7A Ne would keke onuck 4 pe Lhew bry ands f fnow et oth hase acew 4h we, a greak tibfe Alf, to th. fag et have te spay a Jory Io an from 9 Yow ww pte anc ts “Ther abme saad y, a har peal ass Yo Schum Kabovicte Mf July \s, in " mit Rita Coy, | : anh t a : 287 Yl tet jae then Yor ae ae egy Shrir ide eodeceande to gens tai open Hewat pf fertoy, 4 hee $ gonttra whe fo2d dks tel bi Bent you Bip ATL nd wpe 1127 he glad to of: wy a Ih ineitory ‘Loemorst Det egan élowan unad swel-+in, * Voupa Ardy, "s . “x : duly By Bs, Pa conndsan Repy ee Poe. Py He Pe Max +p, Keay © Dyguas,, pLavatlwandy, Mio, Bhar sia. «Aeterna wivHs yGn gat the bh of tonih be ark kna bed TE PALS re Foyt to fA. yee Letter of 34 wl bine, inten reg. ‘de Meta Tatsitehuy Non Acted Yours qty. Mre Hast ne Ra Eee She, Pats eb nebeaiat na to wefer the Onele 84d gorr Gapdtidersdd fbn aura and Hom iljon to voureath, N ore, inh, & PAA Tuly 16, 8, Te Be HOG Ts Headey - fo Peawin M, Tox, 147 Nasrau 8t,, Maw Youd Near Sirte © : ; EX keg to confirm the folloring telagvam sent you tomsay:! Haye cabled Goursud, asking for ay extension , of tire. Yours tnily, . £Z. ni nbs f a ~ July 16, &9, By Ss Gomes, Fen., 9/0 Niwin M. Pox, . 347 Nasgau Ste, Ne York, Dear Stirs I neg to wonNirm the MMowtre telogran received from YR toedpy se . "Please tedpasaph Fox sone eaneral agsuranee oan he Use today, Yours tru ly, July 17, 1889, Henry Villard, Fsq., President, The Fdison General Flee tris Company, 7 ter York City. Dear Sirt- Refer ing to your verte, request for my opinion as to making a contract with the hose of Siemens & Hel ake, I veg to ‘state that Iam in fevor of an arrangemut being mde, v prehy close business relations would be establisied pet wem tie Renera} Company ani that firm, I think, it would he desirable to obtain from Siemens & Halake a con ete plont: for the mnuiketure of underg tind cables for telegraph, telephone ar electric ligttitye service (dxoept such portions of the plant as oan we nanu fhetured th. our om, patalyLishmente to tetter advantage), on the sonaral beais set forth in the draft ee which you s¢nt mt, nroviding that the contrac allows the Sener@ dompany to use its ‘den elec trig tube pystem ani the faokaby which they now howe in such gases as the $e chlo}, stip ri ties of car Conpany may aan neqos tang. I seo no obj égtion $o fay using the Sipnmyea gable qyatem : 2% z He Yo ‘ fa inatend of mr om, With’ the exemption df the reservation above made, and X One mtidert that the Gertval Conpany eala Work up & large and profitable oukglae wiainess. in ‘Siemens gahles in-a comparatively short appg e Qt timo, Youra yea ry ye hot Or Ban Ravin HM, Fels, Ialy 17, .1889, 147 Nass St., New York, Will meant two monthe extension on my own responsi pility. Camot extend further itil gut hori zed by Gouraud, T AS Rais one July’ 17, 189. Mesyra, Dyar & Seely, ‘New York @ity. : Dear Sirs:~ I weg to acknowledgé rocebpt of your letter of 10th ink ont, adfressed to Mr. Maison, emo losing official recelipta for the 4th yeer's tox on the Unttes*s British pat arts Nos. 7582 and 4584, whi dh relate to the phonoplex tel @eraph}. also aunt gnment yhich es wen executed by Mr. Handford, art which indudes eight patents taken out in Mr. Handford's namé i\s sonmunicat ions from Mre Hajson} also British Patents Nos. #003, of 1852; 1882, of 182; an@ 1022, of 1883, all in the rane of Thomas John Hmdford, ant relating to Improvnm ante &ne in Mlegtria Rat Lways. ae Yours tmly, Privake Sere tur yc oA hace Cel, ceeneteee oe ERTS OM TEI PRIMING CT TET OUR aE mee rt i rt ageremerenaemn a ta gene gr RA hard Bt wily 18, 8% Mre Rnglish 4 I wish you would anawer thie Letter direct. to Mr. Glags ‘3 We nave another letter from him in which the fo1] owing | paragraph og OUMB? "We are putting in treadle rechines here and smpplying power with amall motor of a Company already estnbll hed for ruming sewirg machines; it te 2 rather oumhersore system, but the best we oan do. As there are no dyramor in Sm Francisco which will supply a current. of the right voltage and quantity fer the motor phonograph, and te obte in one ani eetablish a station would involve 8 delny of at least three months.” Will you please anawerr the above paragraph at the seme tins Yours truly, a es te AE Ss (Wee ' y i wf 4 —_- C7 te My. Dear Glasn,~ Your letter of 9th instant. addressed to Mr. Edison, end of the Uth addressed to Hr, Tate, came sttly to hand, The former: han been sent to. the Phonograph Works, and you will Prne answer from than probably by sams mail that you IY eive this, ‘The latter I have en it to Tate, who is na in Londen, Vi th the request that he will see Mr, Gowreud and cable me with re- F lat-ion ta the terri tory you speak of, Ag soon as f hrar fins Tate, 1 will advise yar, Yours very truly, Vache oh peakl, Louis Glass, Faqe, A ‘N 3283 Pine St., Sant Frantisdo, Cal. SS cena re Soiree ee ‘ina 15, 89 Fvorett Bragar; Raq., 124 Water St., New York City, | : Deav Sirte Your favor of 16th inst., addressed to Hr. Faisom, came duly to har, Thea phonngram vou ask Tar wtih ow prapared and sent inte you within the mex thes or four dayes Yours vary orn LY» eZ . ae 4 alt, ¢ eg* by pe Col otet Lon tow Cl ae aN 3 oes eit ei 40 a my ‘18, 1389, Janen Dredge, Maq., 35 & 36 Bedfora.St., Strand, Lordion, We 6., Fngland. iiey Tea A eee : | I underatand that Mrs 0, So Tiles horrover thirty pounds Prom you, Ae Mr, Wiley sash ‘we you from rt, L gn naturally very unwilling that you ahould it w loser in aonsenene. thereof. If Mr, Wiley iz indebted oe vou fer the amour epee stated, please draw upon me for it, end the draft wil w honorat upon presentation. Yours very truly, Viol HI Bele t euns Ly, - ‘July 18, 89, My Dope Ghadhotirne , Your letter of th inatant ad@resnei to Mr, Fai Son, some duty to hand. _ The illustrons ‘Srrven tor refarrat to. therein, “turned up yester day. I underntant thet Mr. Pdigon has ordered a clnb, for tha purpore af cheastising my of his songiderate tri ends who ray dex. sire te Land on him ahora mead otner spaniins ; Under she qir- cunuiten ces I would advise you to gone aYrourgl wit h a Mreton, “ith kind re ards, aml wishing you no piri I remain, very sinoare).y YOUTS, ae ST ee A Oe Ly. ‘ a So ‘ A) . fa Vie eo y LE ‘Dr, -Fdwin R, Chadbourne, SL West 25th St., New York, July 18, 1889. Dear Mr, Vail,-- Yow favor of 12th instant aadresa ed to Mr. | Faison, came dely to hand, and hax been perused by him. I fird on the letter a pencil neriormaim in Mr, Edison's witing, as follows! : Pree “Say to Vail I am sorry he did not have the nerve to take a step which would havé nade him eventually a coupen outter," af é Yours very truly, th ; Parmele ¢ De recbE eA J He Yatl, Maqe, c/o Sprague Plec:t fc R'y, & Motor Goa, New York City. re ISSIR Dit toate, July 18, 89, Levis Miller, Maq., i Akron, Ohio. - My Dear Sirs Referring to your favor of 9th instant, there mist be soma thing, wrong in ‘the analysis you gent m@, as the total doesn't foot up 100%, The origiral ore had ahout 20% iron in it, We simply raised the coneen trate to 41,45 by tumh- ling. 1% probably aould he got up to 45%, which is equivalent to a BAX magnetic are. Yours truly, - - aoe 4S. Gy ae Piva July 18, 89, Sy Mafor S. 3, Paton, 120 Frondway, New York, My Near Sirs- T endipse you herewith a letter from the Attorney for Colleetion of Arrearn of Personal Taxes, of New York City, which atates thet’ they have a claim against Mr, Haison for $557.06, Will you please look int, 0, this mtter, and pee if you can pet Mr, Edison relieved of the olaim, Yours very wouly, July 18, a. Ae A. Knudson, Esq., St. Tohn, NR, Dear Sire. I beg to confirm the following telegrama recet van from you and sont hy mete T. we Mdison, July 10, rss9, "Thompson Welding Go, decide to send complete exibit here, privilege on patent qmestion af-, ; fecting then being satisfac tory. It only romaina ‘ for you to exhibit to make vs complete and happy, Can we expeat it?” A. A, Knndsone Maly 18, 89, “Commissioners decision unsat isfactory, Phono ko eraph Compary refuses to take the risk," Yours tmly, est ca . nas : & ey a $ re ek - Ler July 18, 89. T. H. Powers Farr, Mago, Seaty., Razex County Sonitry 01h, Orin ap ’ N Te Dear Sirs _ Mir, Rdlbot had asked mh to adkitwladge tte réaai pt of your Prvos of 15th ihatahit, ind ining hh hit at a motlrg “of the Gbvemors, hed of the 12th ingt., he was dnly élegtes’ a member OF the Vdgex County country club, I have mop pleasure in enclosing herewith Mr, Redd afz{*s. thenk tor $125, in payment of thé Initiation fee, and. semt~ arma] fues. Kindly aaknowledge reduipt of game, aid enthae Yourg very truly, COGS, a, Private ' Rowe thr yo aN 2 LY July 19, 1&9, Henry Viara, Baq., Premitent, \ . o The Faison deneral hee trig Nonpany, ae New York O4ty, ae Dear Sirs-- Referring to your Verbal request: for my opinion aa to meking & contract with the house of Siemens & Halake, I teg to btate trt I am in favdr of m Arrangement Wing made, wherenby close business relations wouhi te oatablishedt hetween the General “Conpeny and that firm. 1 think it vomla th deatrable to ontain 8 from Sitmtn’ & Halake a Borplet Plant for thy manufacture of wideryroitl dables for telegraph, telephone pid electro lighting sérvic’ CoxsefPt moh portions of tha Plant ag aun be manufac tured ’ in ody tes? establishments to batt an admantage), and give the cable a fhtr trte, havite the right tb use \he cae g thereafter so far \ N ; ‘ aa the abd s tongs bf our wyalnesn may male . it, deairg rhe for ns %&© ao no. ‘% “ape no auirotign to dug using the Silendéds onhLe Ayvatem iviktenu of or pr, Wi ty dhe oxeefion of the ier peatoa tf, Rebower madb, dt Xam confivien: that the Genqral rpeny aedid Work up 4 Ho Vo ical large And ‘profitable otitsivie tmatnsas in Siemens cables in a comparatively al: det spade ott time. Yoirs very truly, sane 18, L889, Ny Dear Tate, ~ You will get a confirmation of we versoun anble-~ zram which have paras et bat ween us fron my Dey Sto offi oer It is, therefore, umocassary for m to confirm them again in thia Letter; ith reference to Gomory and the Hesdem Company, E enclose herewith som copies of lotters which we eve reodived ‘from Mrs Domery, and on these letters Mr. Rdison extended Mr, Conner y*s option for two months. I wired ym last night to this effect end asked ym to got Mr. Gouraud's confirmation of the mttex. L elso endlose herewith letter fiom lass, with relation to fore territory which he has bem in commnicat.ion with Gouraud 4a " Mots I have written Glare, atating that I have forwarded his we letter to you, with the mqest that you see Heo eur d and emble wea the rly. I wi11 advise Ginga hy wire nx soon as I est your tologran. s Referring to tho Selignan mtter, you sarely rmemver sel ry, Jésein Seligman with mon tho day of the Navel*Parate, You will alep, I am eure, remember me absolutely refusing to mke am after fr the phonograph as comirg, from Nre Raiuone I told ure Sali gan that ho wala hove to deal with toureud first, and whon Mire Solignm % Ae % rv, whe . PYdayod'me for x figura at whioh his Syndiaate Ould purahosy Mi, Fai an's intorent in Gourawa contracts, I tota him that it wes uselesn to try to deal with Mr. Raison until he had deals with My, Gouran., You wilt prohahly recollect that finally 1 renend saven hundred and tifty thousand dollars for Mr, Hdl wri's inte rast, plus mavufnotume, ant the contract to pravide for certain limi= tations no far ns the nae of EM Vail son's name 18 concemee, This was named entirely upon ny on responai bility, In do ire BO you Wild reo Neat that I refused atmo lrtaly to involve Vit Mion. Under - the se ciroumtanoces, Mr, Moriarty might almost pe | complimented in the ARNE me mer in which the illuatrous O'Cann e112 complimented Mr. Disraeli, when he politely referred to that “gent leren's come ction with one of the pant ied parts in the little ornoifioution affair that ooaurred “Abott. eighteen. mndred yours ago. ward like ym to have heen Present, at the interview that comurred riynt after the ree aiipt of the firat telegrom, detuilire what Mordorty was doire. ‘It ‘80 happened that. prior te you tele- Bram getting here, the Seligmns had gent for me, and wien I Vent - to their office I had the advantage of the infor nat ion which yéu had rent. . of course Salts nan digolaimed all vésp onsipiiity for Mie Hortarty' 6 threats, and I told them that it waa nensenge to talk nhout any auch figwra ag $200, O00 for Mr . Haiwon and x Gaureud's interost . \ 2 ae Aes PPE tht we aia oy TEES Sri sete ORM aera A. 9, tT. ae Tiree tiy 1 finish. Ubetating this letter { an gabe kO pee the i is AG} aril ahawering bhatt with blusf, { am to tel. them, an bekalt af Mr, Tal avn, thut they ca either deal with Mr, Gqurany or else go ahead with their own businesa, and we will no ahead with OT « While the Sal iamans' position may be vary at rong Paired wil y and in undouhtedly very stn finsnelally - they realize: the exrent impo rtence of Mr, Fai son's rame, to enable them to suewesae fully lannoh Jompanies in Hur ope, You will remember that ar the converant-ion al tho Phonogrep h Yorke, ‘if the Saturday hefore you left, I “Antsent at that the Seliigmins’ could proba bly frustrate: cue efforts ta pet nblinh Companies if they so desired. The olnonise- nesy of tho Jaw hankers of Furope is proverbial, On the othe hend, you ohauld also remembver that people whose influense may se very great ta qo us harm, imy not re equally as ytant in prevne ting us from do ing them harm. The acaring of Lives bave ik tt 7) which we oe juat as c@pahle of fill ing an Seligman Brothers ed. their Jewish fri ends, - Nobody realizes this petter than Mre Goue Yatd, I am sure, — We are partisularly anxious to hear from you ag to: Hr, Sour raui's "other connec tions." My own opinion is that he has nons, and that the letter which he wrote: out TEPee and on Which you really Want ta London, wan written in econsequencd of the overtures ae by aha SeLigmen People or thed i rater tat ives, F Wh hihve a letter from Gourate which, auys? "I noe pive you a Ari ateder for 1,000 machine a." Nothing id said whatever atont . avsjant within a day or two, - Tf you want ary assistance in finding ont whet these gentlemen are ‘doing, my father will very gladly he lp you in watching their HLS Letters, Wt will ord in our getting a meat dod. of Re rraspoy|~ Ae a, qv, whe payment, i Xe wired you in consequence, askirg yuypr BY rikagg! 4 f Keg ts leye in New York; a0 we aan get our hone y Qn preamn tat den ef Dyoloes amt hills oF lading. I hope. ta hoar from you -on this Tomlinnon, Gilliland and Toppan sadled for Furope last Satav. | day. I-dnve no definite information as to'the cause of their visit to hondon, but I have alwaya believed that Seligman origi-~ mLly went into the Graphophona mainess at the olicitat ion of Tomlinson. You may renamber my suiggenting sigh a thirg inst May. I have absolutely. no egineaes that this is a met, but 1 sonsider that | these chee gent lemen wi 1. he worth watch i nge Gillilend used to stey at the Langhan. Anyway you can find out-a good déaj. about the ly movenents I om aure at the American Exechanee in London. nlovemenite « We have got a great. deal of corresponiienes here from Gourrud. There i6 nothing in it of very. great consequence, and in view of the fuct that yar are in Lonion and fully posted us to what we want, I think that Iwill allow the enemy to anawer’ tho Lott at ¥, aha simply put then on file, Anyway we don't want to haw Any cormminigatioh with Gourmd, except through you, and if frsnewer Aende fron him, about which you will. krov ‘not hhiaze Mere fa nothing partis tarty new to write a Efne rat bral nae in ane ee: ydt atront ao far The Phonograph Works is trying akony nretty veld, pg I eee that hy the tine Mr. Mat on get a bok Sat Rappe, wee WALL Wf ble to sho#¥ him a pretty good haw lana shes. ; Lendlose ya herawith extracta from sone letters, which indi~ Cate that the phonogrm@h ia rapidly forging ahead of -sne Eve hoe phone, | Mrs Mdi ton haa been away for a woe in Pennsylvania and ree turned last Sunday, rf aU. he says and all. Livor says, tins out. 80, the iin concentrat ing business will pe a tremonto us bonanza, and I shall retire to the aoOlitude of a country gat in the South of Englane upon the ineome whieh I wali the yet fron my interest in New Jersey and Penns ylvania Coneentrat ing Works, I hope before yar gat this letter you will have geen Bom of the pregile I pave you intromiections to and will have poReee a & to the general abate of affairs of phonograph matters, and the emt nezot int ions whioh Mr, Gouraud tas in hand. Ae 0. Tato, Faq., Hotel Hotrdynle, honon, ngland » I, SKRAGTS PROM NETIVRS REGARDING ‘TH PHONOGRAPH, fennnake Phonderinh Comphhiys. Wea are well plessed with the new phonograph end think it a moat excellent machine. Kertiteky Phonic, 10. Ye are nlao greatly pleased to state to yx that we are taving imnfnse stocess. in our new Lin? of -mvainesn, and have placed eB number af rachires. We. are “wary sorry tio Bt ate, however, that. your"friends," tho. Graphophanes, are not mestirg with rut great sNee 48s) an we should like, ‘The Phonogre mh han taken the place of the Gra haphone in fiftem inatamces here: in Louisville. H, By Fox, Phono. Yor kp hos 2: i Expert, at present in Louisville, There were 38 Grap hophones in Loulaville tw weeks ago, art no one will have one in their pice, Bo they have heen shipped ‘to Ginei mati. M. B Katt, at present with the _ Kansaa Phono, Co, Wherever the Graphapimsh Jan pean placed the Ganpamy's sub- sariners demand a shange for the Phonogreph, No complalnta an re yar da the working of the mashind; 2 esac fndling of satinfaction existe everymhere. Thy Karsas Phono. Co, officials have seen up to @ week ago strongly in Pvor of the Grap hophons brcause of its eo-onlledt ai mplieity, mit they — bean compelled ’ to axchnnge every grap hophon® for. the phonograph because of tha miserable fe protuetion, ‘I heave wenat the of ficen of many of tha prominent UDO ri mrs and have heard the amipenaibnaee mt isfe ation The Kmaaa Phono, So, have about 250 phonographs in actual use, , . None of the sultmaribers seem to think the machine not prac tical, Fe Gs Rowing, Fxpert, at present i in Pi smygh. , . The reintive mate of the | Rieeaneanyi and Graphophone as ontervtakmed tw the pwple here I have Taowetniwas At first it Wag ell grapho.; now it is all ahona. Ordars are contirtially arriving 2a the latter while the former mover mt-slov, Tro Grgp hophones. opma back to-day +9 be exchanged for phonogrephs, Kitt. There are 18 Graphophorss out and we are coire fo ee Plage them with your muchints an soon as we get mtptories bye) Rage Ny, Roott.'s wordet “The Grarhdphone in not wourth Well. room. * ipoty 20 ib 1669 we FIA. ad tres oe ‘ A / v4 27, Bak | Ker he i) Of. aay fo "aa eae Wa tty 19% Dict. beg. to tar chew yo 3 wuarath oti sees re Phat: Ais Lhe. OL Cane of Srv b. hy. built, Low wth metic that, the tak A eich, amy HAE Aik I cally. sara ah de MAA La eee. G is Lriivr f bay Feaaelhy plltd A im and ctl Y at ( LDaant he i aul f Nfs 4. C4 otel yr ay "SS Mea” a | Ong. . iar on ds oe he. g Y Proves Orbe Protea Dw Svauttl os te paranhy a dll Laiilé aie Qs wedi eli l J jo th. they wart July 29, 89, Hon. Hugh, J. Grant,, Mayor, New York Gity. Dita Sirt- I have pleasure in acknowl adging reo dipt of your favor of the 1th inet., but regret that owlng to prov iong on~ ‘gagements I shel. be mable to acespt your Invitation to REE ye *he conference to consider the advisability of holding an Inter nat lonel. Uaposition at New York in 1892.; 1 would add, hattever, that: £ act thoroughly in By mpat iy with aueh an enterprize, and “thall he only too glad to ao everything in ny power to aasiat in tle ntovement. Yours trily, ay 2, Prof. William D, Marks, The Mdiaon Gen'1, Klectric Co., 44. Wall St., New York City, My Near Sirs J,am ohliged for yor ‘favor of L&h instant, with relation to the Philaie Iphia Station, and am glad that you fini it possible to sell electric light in Philadelphia at the faye price as dass Yours yery' truly, ‘Tuly 20, 89. Phamls By Somer, Faq., o/o Vewin M. Fox, Tae, #147 Nassau St., New York. Dear Sirt~ IT have reanivad a rep ly fxm Londn, from Mrs Tat e@, stating tht he has arranged with Mr. dowraud for a tro mantbhs extension of your option on Mexico for the phonograph, and that awritten confirmt ion of this i llows by mail, As goon ap a | canfirmetion arrives I will commnkoate with you REEL I Yours truly, July 20, &, Ravin He Fox, .Faqe, 147 Hasson St,., New York. My Dear Sirs = I have your fay or of 19th instant, and in reply heg to atate that, personally, I shoul he very glad to aes fir, Comery hore at any time he is able to come ont, If, howevar, he wishes to disouss phonograph matters, I would suggest that he calle on Mr, Samiel Inmull, at the Rd mn Hlectrie Light Cos, Nos 44 Wall Ste, New York. tir, Insul). has general of arge of all the ne matt ors for me, and as T am expacting very shortly to go to Furope, mdam naturally wder the cirowgtances very moh oo gu pied, t think 4¢ would be moh better to Let Mr, Ipesull deal with the Mexican matter, Yours very truly,’ ihe A (Bt. John Hony, Raq.) 59 Rroadway, Hew York Oity, A ; : ; Near Sir:~ I am anxious to find out samathing about Mr, Pagar a 8. Allien, I am negotiating with him to bring out a new toy dow, and he har imntdoned yo aa knowing something about hime Any ine formation you give ma will, of cow se, be received hy me in ahbsoe lute confiderioe., An early reply will greatly Ohlige Yours truly, July 20, 188D, amy Rogers, Raqe, #419 Brooms St., New York GAty. Deny Sirze Iam anxious to find ottt rometht ng ahout Mr, Fagar Ss Allien. I am negotiating with him to ing out a new toy doll, and he han imntionsd ya as knowing Bonething about hime Any ine formation yar give me will, of eow'se, be rageived by rye in abao~ — lute confidenae. An early reply will greatly onlige Yours truly, Re Dunlap, Naqe, Fifth Av anne Notd, New York Gity, Dear Sirt~ Z am anxious to fing out something about S. Allien, formation yay sive me will, of course, uke confidence, An early reply will greatly oblige Yours truly ’ Tam negotiating with him to bring out a new + and he has mentioned vou as knowing nomething about him. auly 29, sn, Mr. Fdgar oy dolt., Any Ine he ree dived by re in Abs= ie en RY I TS PIL TTT mee ae oe cota Tuly 2, We. Tanesx He Sreslin, Faq., Gilsey House, New York Citys Dear Sirte I am anxious to find out somathing about Mr. Migr. S. Aliiem. I am negotiating with him to hring out. a new toy doll, and he has mentioned you as knowirg something a tout him. Avy ine formtion ya giv4 me will, of aoinmse, he received by me in sha Iute amfidenaes — An early reply will greatly oblige Yours truly, duly 20, a. ite Ae Stevenn, Haq eo» Public Stores, hake & Vashinet om Str eata, New York ity, Dear Sirs- s Z am anxious to find out aomething ahout Mr, Rdgar s Allien. I am negotiat ing with him to bring out a new toy wii, and he has mentioned you an knowing something about him. Any ine formation you give me will, of course, na received by me in abgoe lute ¢onfidence, ‘An early roply will grestly onlige Young tmily, July 20, 8% Hens, J. Stevona, Bsq., Now "npland Mutual. Tito Ins, Wey. Ro nton, Vaan e Dear Sirf~ Mrs Fdi eon requests me to acknowledge your several fav ors ef hime The delay in replying th your labtere ip ovtng partly to the fat that Mir, Rai on rar mon «arr, ana partly to the fact that inasmich as his Private Secretary in abaont, his ‘eorregponienee hea to weit tn til Budh time as T oan spare & may to attond to ite — Under the slronngianges you wilt, timre fore, wishes Mr. Fai gon'a epologftg fr nat rep Ly ing ear hier, Yo all dorttilesn hear from Nie tae Hitore dom @ 0 exer Hy what Mire Dk waa ablq vo tard are in Sometnrg With res lat im) +0 some anlls haeing tran ‘or doregt thera, Mp +4 is wris | ting We Have no further intonmat tpn thin thet al aay pot sean ad a ' ; PA Raw sebn qouhet Ok mean who aie shcionn. tb aadtipy the pont. don as nent, Mange? af yout Ato fett Walp of ‘them hae “anprmseed mo ao well as Mtr, Aifien, wio oded ih a ietter of introdnetion from you toMrs Raison this ndmings Mie Allien hed # long talk with Mr, Fin and mevelt', and J have got all of nid roefarcneas, soue of whioh wre well knayn mehew ak. people in New York; others era parties c onneo ted with the coll trade, I wah aint up these ref erenc os Hontay and Tuesday, and will go tio Roston ami seq you, with Hr, Allien, either on Wermenday ‘or Thur ge day nip ht » Will yar pleaso let me. mov tw oe ten wall at the United Fdi an Manufacturing Go,, No, 44 Wall St., New York, whether you will be at your offiice on ‘Nodnenday m4 the talancée of ‘the WACK » . I am strongly of the sietnian that in order to get the doll muainess vel] atarted, ymu Company sharia appoint a Manager, anda let him take hold of the work ami push it wt ‘all: pointe, “Of course £ will do evarything I ponsi bly aah ty ussiet hin, -and we in the general interest keep a rm of the ‘nt sine as here in New York; mt my time is so moh ocaupled with Mr. Wdi on's numerous interests that it is practinally impossible for ime to give any detailed daily attention to a ‘mtter of this kind, and, of ooiinnen in order to eatoh the next Ghriatmas market it will require -con~ stent ani unremitting work on the part. of tho Manager of the Com panye ; ‘ Yowrs truly, : July 20, Meg. Williem D. Marks, Raq., Wasatport, Nasex fo., Ne Ye My Doar Sir:~ I have your favor of july 16th, At the time the: arrangement wan made with you ta he aome Engineer in Ghief of ow new Company, I had nha idea that you expected to ® held alone maponas ble to myself and Mr, Villard. I am not m official of the Faison Gersral Company, and in any vent every of fioer of a Company rst., of necessity, ne held | accountable to the Company itself through its preper reprasen~ =! tatives, I understand that your objection is ‘to working under ~ My, Herriak's dir cations Mr, Herrick is tho Viea-Presidernt of the Gencral Gompary. The Vice-President takes the position of the President when he: is not there, ant as Mre Villard doen not ‘ a pret ad to attondt to tho details of the Gereral Raion Co's tue sinesa, it necessarily follows that all officials of ‘the Company have to r port to the Vioe-President, Mr, Hemdok. If you have misundersatond the nature of the podtion that you would oeaupy, I an indeed norrys 35» 7] e ny MM, : P “2a Mth reference ta the sugrention you make as to your res stenin, this isa PRALEY that no far ag I am personally. cons rermed, Ioprefer to loava entirely to yourself, “Havevor moh I weld Lio to ser you remain an oear of Tha Fdimn seneral Rleetric Compary, X wild not for on? moment he inclingd to ure you to ntay against your ow wishes, . Yourra vary troly, - We Je Hammer, Miaq., Paris, Prance, Dear Sirt- .T veg to confirm the fllowing cablegran, which was forwarded to the Lanp do. for attention immedistaly upon reqeiptt~ Hadicnon. Paris, July 18, 1889. "Send three hundred eich read and blue tampa; one hundred each opal and frosted, Harmer." Yours trwly, ce € Le : g er Nae Shoot Ch Nb el oe ne ae FTO Rigen OD anata E ET Ree te ORD a ea 2 e Fajy BW, LEAS, Dre Ae Ry O. Selwyn, Director Geologinal Survay, Ottwwa, Cmada. Dear Sirt= Will ym please send ne ehee wf recent. Cenadian Geclog ion reporta. I should alm like to wshtain & aopy of. Sir Wm Logen's Report on the Geology of Canada, 1863, With reps &o. If you can furnish m with these reporte I shell te wary nive’h obliged, and if there fs Any expense attached to same, plemue af nd will md I shall renit. a . Youra truly, Oe ae ¥ + ff i % ‘ oily : rd : 1 go “A nay () 7 Ye 2. of i. anal G of 14 £6 te ttikedy a, Miss - hk ae oe f oe NG tes ty advan aioe th adr i neceweol any ee: (2u7 chuefy arn/ LO fr. LD uch C hig y “i ow Pernt afk, & . Lor f SOF gO hic ra = y CLA bat fe BRonndesp ii v Gfruit, (Pay. are ; Lt “y eee Tuly 22, 80, Mre He Me tenn, Ne doh Peme Songmnsvat ing Yorks, . Ao Dey St,, “er York, With retorense to yaw dettex of L8oy tn: regard to the diameter and width of the pulley on tne ofrols which we propos séniir¢g down to Reuhtela ville, Mr, Fai fon says that Brenan took the nesessary mramronan te ’ Yours triiy ” Gol eae fea M Oka" FYivate Ste'ys P wf ¥ ft vent NE eee seo | ideags \Swass ee eee inate hia ae ‘0 . 1 ese oes fs emer courtiers Pia Ratenes By i July 2, Lake, Kawam T. White, Faq., Tho New York Telegraph “lub, #48 Church St., New York City. My Tear Sirte Mr, Edieon haa asked n@ to aqknowledige ths ree ali pt, of yaw Lotter under date 17th instant > and to thank you flor tie kind invitation embodied therein for him to ‘wisdit The New Yattk Telegraph Club. Mra Fdi son eontemplates ‘ trip to TFurope this sinmer, Bho wilL prevent an immedicte accep ten ge of your invital. lone Om Gis retiun fron abroad, usweeees he will be plad to awtsd l nimaeLP® ar ‘your KiYiness, aid if possible will try and errange to wisi vor Glub. , Hr. Ma mon asks me to aay to you that he would consider i% an non to be elected a member of The Nev York Telegraph (Lube ~ Yours very tY uly, spe sr seat _ may FR, Hs Ae 3, Dink Co., Shiesaga, MITt,p,, Dear Siray- I beg to anknowledgo reoaipt from you of Me Ye any! Fxohange for $507,585, covering royalties on Mimegraph for, tre months of April, May aM June, 1889, for widah pleas agcept ’ thank 8, | wed Yours truly, a POM Ne oh hoe — cee da. eae me Sarit tp RD es nb i. to ftrteb bE ag July Fa, B89, Mr. Férmnd 3, Reane, Tlewellyn Pars, MN. 7, Dear Sirs in reply.to your letter of 18th inst., astime for an interv tew with Mr, Tate, I be to in form you that the latter is at pregent in Furpe, and will pe mbsent: about tre months 4 Yos truly, © v7] Dy ho yf ber Mey He oa Steno. 0 caution acbiSiahental TMby 29 2n, 89. Alfrad oO. Tata, Fsq., Hotel Matropole, London, Mnglant. Maar Hir iia I bag. to sonfirm the following cablegrame ru 'd. from you-and sent by mie Hadi son. : July 18, "Hoy nany mechines wet ly can you ship to fill Gouraud's order? Tate." TAK : July 2x, “About trarty dafily. Shall we ship direct Hondan by freight? Noss: Brazil order go Lon- don or direct, from here? Edison.” RDISON. duly 18, 3 *sonza taking Brazil agency requires one each ‘treadle, motor phonograph, battery, extra ren eorder and réproducér, narrel blank shipped | Baturday sure, oable departiure, Sonta awaits, Gourd murts aix new apectacles ‘sane time. 7," MMISON, = _ duly 19, "Txprese Rragil order Gouraud, Londn,* Youra truly, . MOVAS A. ENISON, D.B5Be ia i \ Fly 22, Re Nr, Willinm ¥. bple, Fort Myers, Fh. hear firt~ | Mr, Fat son has recsivel you letter of Ith instant, tm in reply mya tint. vou apn ‘tnke lLumher on aecdune of the mioke steok} also, you oan 20 nhead with tho carpenter work whi o'h you re fer ta. , "With reference to your letter of 16th inatant, J return nere- with hill 8 encloset therein, Kinily send hills for goats whi ch were user Mr, Rai son's tenofit, And charge Gillilend for nis portion, In future keen the. tun accounts entirely separate, Your understand ng an to chargés for wharf repair 8, af expressed in your Letter of 16th apes js correet 5 that is dne-half is to te charged t 0 Gilldland, and oe-half to Mr. Fai mn, ™y Yours tru ly, LF es Private Seore tary. tf. Mr, Ry He dboke, the Hilson Miectrie LDuminat ing We, hehanon, Pa, etw Sirs. Yow iptter is receive’, X have RD oken ta fr, ¥ainon a but wow yrisdt with Mr, Oolemmn, and he eam tA very Blad to have tho party visit the works at Bechtelaville., &% mve\. fer your latter to Mr. Liver, No, 10 My St., New Yor; who ‘ts ‘he Manager of the Ore Milling wistribas, end when the Meotory in xsedy to Se shopn, he wilk invite you a that you cn go and see ite At present there ara mking san naaded alterations before * bimy with de ble to runagain. . Yours twiy, Chase ANG ed aes M. 14 ] é i TitLy 22,\ Hy (4 ‘ + ; My Bepx Pavor . \ , Frelona: i hand you a Let tot fm our Maranerg srpokh, of hewanon, Pace XY hae written sod tole hiya = yo : wuld invite i, folonmn jo gom ang visit the plpoe ad: Saghtal so a : wiltvy. I told hin you wy Saitne fone reqessaty inprowanerrts ; : : : wt that whan yeu ware wey that you wont invite. him to see the mechine in cperation This te aenording to Mr. Stan's a ! i with. Yo wild ng gars toy Mtr. Color, an be ig one of tha < : et i | riqnext mine quners in tet nq pt ion nf % ha qoute y, , . Yourrs ery tODY » " ; " thae. 8A taohe has. pace | A . Miro Ho Ms Vebuor,, ' New Yorks July 22, &, Hy Re Stmightdn, Raqe, ShaFby, Als, a‘ Pear nit Mr, Hdlson asks me to say in reply. sq yoR Lsaer a? - Lat fet., re Patt phoiinggam, thes we use not Selly equipped yet wo duplieste phonogropiony li icra, yb wikk be sh ortiy, Frer yoa wad ne eble to obtain what ya desire, Yours truly, =o r Priyate Seg'y, wait tinck el ha cee ar. BS le iad _ | d93 Te, Fh, TERM Urewn % Raym, trp, Mere, 70% Wa) mt Strndt, Phitpdaty ‘nin, Pa, Dewy irr ee Ygur letter of 12 yn instant addegenad to {ire Pitan, | info ming Ai of {he award hy he Gity Trust, i a a le of the Roope Aagesy pede, far oy pi uli ras ~~ MAK 199! “he Hr. Raison ads me to thapk yon for the OU HYG: Wich wm have teken in thy mtter, and. r will yery pigaged to do i" yor, rragpgt. Kindly let him from " wether mid to whom the le: tt.9y" eee zing you to re miye th moda} rhonda ey addyons “A, and the Acme stall te forwarded to yun At o7me, Yours vey truly, =o - 4 2 OE o oes < . - a aan Prepiawy KAQIR HY ¥> t rg QO { Hal c. / eae aw “di ( he Q ayy Prnrrll OF) CLAY bike bod Vig De pn h ful oa f MEP / ltt Yh. ’ i Dra Wk : nay AUS if] ; tp ) ri ; Cle UL G h Yow AZavey of the 22, mol wre, bee so eurels Gur yas ‘ boas fi / v/ see ee K , wrbhe hw Cabra one gn nibirey \s a (A fe vi ate Fr Yh He felony sbi n, ued i rf Yok lo fo nara tics wy 400 sssdote » 2 Gobet % fr 100 a8 a v8 dann 7 Laat a SO | » Uf Pe w a ae w | SO ° a) AS " ve WH Pons FO n 7 al, pee Lia co ” é : : Dee A LEI "SD dad ate the, atuve fe foes aty D>: Cs OLA aes okt, ha thal, f war wunalle © gh “ hela Mm Li hit ic, ernernin = eae ay oda 19 EB . fe ON Urstué Poach f, Fass a Non th oh. J ara 402 heel Lrautl ey, i LO 04, Lilith bie joy te be j ho adiwat gine Bee d Aitae ree, hhee. ae ae far als pbk ba hua art pe (2 eh“ ay hella on ae rg) ety ar ' i aired LS ett Aree; he: epucced Huds Lona I tee bog: ahentel dat ths Cte aie Bas the Socks te wack "oben ie Te oT ee Wohl Pl D anche weed wan tae Wd ee en ekce ae aise Pha Glia, Phonugrafoks hrevhe say % # 1000.4 inp cud ae tha vin aw halimel (make of hiicuiatow ae nea 0 the GAG@ion Chine aphs Irerte ta/ lag he grow Fru Steno afb, Uv they would, ae oe ad knw oe 12.0%}. , the prects wth eval/ J worl Tale Aan , ve by u' A) er few the. ae ae “ Q2LL ae J LAM do. Le tro uf, phe at ee a bts TMuly 2A, 89. Mr. Jemes Ke . Brome, $75 Morris Avenue, Flizaneth, i. 7. Year Sirt- Nth reference to your letter of wand instant, Mr. . Raison seys, Por you to ae nd a aell of the battery which you ne rien to the Janoratory. for test, satisfy him in regard to ine fringement, ami he wiil then talk basi wean. Yorn truly, ——e Gigpo | ae . Private Secretary. oe a BN Lect coe 36 Da, | amt July 24, 89, “ite Mo @rock, Maq.e, Nemeger, Faison Mleetrie Illuminating o., Patevron, dT Dear Sire Me, Ndison ies reerived your letter of :4ind instant, algo the fow lamps which were returned te vou hy the Phoenix Mill re gole. He mys that the trouble with the latter ia due to inferior elsmp paate having been used, and has written the Lemp Co. a very strony Lotter in re grd-to the matter, which I . a think will prevent a aimiler reettrrence in the future, You will doubtless hear direet from the Ianp Soe in a aay ar a0. Yours truly, Private Secretary. =. 407 July PA, The Fdivon Lamp Company, Harrison, MM @, Dear Slrete L enelose herewith copy of a-letter, meted 22ni instont, ftom Willian M,. Broek, Mane ger, Tdison Nleo trie Tllumi~ rating Gos, Paterson, %. J,, addressed to Mr, Raison, upon whieh the letter ras made the following notes- . , ", Marshall should personally investigate this « It ds due unio ubted] y to infer ior ainep paste or carelessness in puttirg in. Thia defeet at olemp, vhion ts a known thire, Le a DISGRACE te the Tamp Company, There ia aor: eee INR filament, whi oh we have to aiegs about, buat not eo with clamping &a. Fe" Yow He, Mavahell bse sxanined the four lamps referred to be rich saya the h Ane blow hie is due to In “its Beou Ta Lab aig 4 A aa Ceethive ¢ lanpinige ef Kindy give this mitter your inmedi ate attention, end ohlige: ol : Youra vory truly, | . ga es fark dae Privote Seeretary. iy. - | ' | | { | : 7 ! ' ‘ 1 ‘ , f Tty Bd, 25, ay tt Pre & so toe Senanragtady toodey, T, Ao FARM N. : ' 414 aw a ~ taty +; ®. Gol. Gorge Maward Gourand, Tattle Mendo, Upper Nérwod, Sturr ay’, Mngland e Derr Sint I wg to confirm the following cahlegmme neackved * from you and sont by mre Edison . Tly 25, 1889. @ $28 Wad f POU eee sen aber nes Tegarding Yamwell y” * Gouraud, Norwood. dehy os, *Papersn vo Case 84 malied, Maeiwn," Yours 7 uly » Tho a Ae BAILS ON AP mee toatl cot prmbrag ‘do otry at 1t8 yod Tay iitiy, LAG t Mire Te O. Syrsory, Manager, Tha Wistol Iron Cow, L't'd.,: tristol Mines P. Oe fro, Quéhec, Canede, Dear Girte “ith refermon to you Lather of 20th instant, ad- ' @ressed te Mr. Ediaon, tho latter desires me to any, that his Ore Milling process ie for conaéntrating Vron ors firim 40 per gant. to ASS ant 67%, and eliminatirg phoxphoreur and avlprir wl thaut Yo Ast Lryso the srallest aize mill hat we mke hee A capacity of 200 tona crude ore per 24 hours. Ye pee ahayt 3% to A per text of ivon in tailings, We take contimeta Wo separate, ereatin: the mill with our om capital, ar errot pid AE gant, -and ohio royalty. Yourn tiuly, Che Sy Ae , >») : tale, Me 2 Privete Heortary, é ince : se i muy gi, he Mro Ho Bormang dio, : es: os | | nh age Hay t Fortyenoventh IhYVOt, Hanyoann ey, Me do sat Near Sire- | Mro Vdiaon saya in mply ta your etter of 24rd | BST ingtant, to go ahoad wth the plans. “Ol Yourk tan ty, ereio’ duky Af, 1ABH Mr. John Yirkinbian, Philadelphie, Pa, mmol, Deer Sirte With re renee to yours of Aard imtent, enolorlre Fark. copy of Hx, Devoy's letter under cate %h instant, Mr. Kaion says that we have o wat marmetin concentrator which wil work the Oregon sea sand. Yours truly, DAS EDS Private flere et ar Ye Nay, Taly 26, LARD Gol, Gearce Fdward Gouraud, Tittle Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, England, es Dear Sir:~ I retivn herewith pover of attorney for uae in “he applying for patents in India, Which I have aligned before a oy Notary Publia, the letter’s aignature duly certified to by the County Clerk and Rritiah Conaul, the same havirg been e@r= closed with your létter of 6th instant, | i : Yourn twly, on at Ry Te Hoy), Rene, . , Actuary, Franklin Inatitute, Philadelphia, Pa, Pear Sir ¢t- Tam informed by Hr, Green 3, Raum, Ir., of your City, that I have been awarded by the Giny Trust of Philae~ delphia, the Soott. Legacy Medal, for the Mimeograph. Iam very pleased to receive thin information, and when the Metal im teady for delivery { shall ww peach o=figed 4f you will singly hand it to Mr. Green 3. Raam, Tr., who ie aubhoripzed to recéive it on my behalf. Your's respeo tilly, | Ladd 2 BOT ft ot 1 OY cbt yt SHH Suly 80, Ad, Graen 3. Ram, Tr. Haq, 7O6 Walnut Straat, Dear Sicrie Cohave moh pledsnre ih onelaasivs herdwith tre. duthort ty cashed “for Tn vepra to the Sante Thyacy Medak agnrde? My, “Kdiewn for the Mineo graph. Yours tiuly, Private Sagre tary, o S ey MO PTB 2 rat Biers phar” «itt July 27, Bay Prof, Yim, 0. Racks, Rag iran ite thie ft, the Nai son cep" 1. Blactris (o., Hat Wall St., New York. Ter Sirt- Mr, Fdison says in reply to your latter of 2th imt., in regard to storage tattery, that he would like to ae a rough He has never yet been able to a opiimate about storage hettery. yn of 2 1,000 horse power of atorege that can nought ae cheap as 1,000 he Pe of noiler, engine and dynamo. Yours truly, Ai es ; fee Se a A re id Private Seoratary. - y Gg y wey wl ry Ra. The Faison Lamp Go,, Harrison, N, da, near ainsi Mr,.Mdison eays in reply to your etter of 25h instant, replying to mrr of Adth ingt., that the de fet wii 4s you re fer to should he remedied at anne, in view of he Téct . that we ere going for Sawyer-2Mam renewals at Peter's no Yours very truly, Private Srqve wr yo 440. Judy a 1889, ‘Mongrme Be Mustermann & Coe, 888 Bropaway, Tew Yorks Jiser Sirs; - ; Wits you kind}y aka np copies of re ant Gaad Lat (eo log} ond rapes I should also Lika to obtéin, if posninir, a oopy of Sir. Th. Yoggn’.s rAaort on the nu Logy at Goede, 1884, with mgs &o. | Yoive traly,- Go yA an. (hilly G ob 19 kD a1 y) Dean as '- Moar Gol , A od (hy, vm ty OTA avy / the 26° Z he é hice om) liidic hr f vaaids Keae a r& dehy, a Harte , ce )) athe Low anges ad ya fw dum aw igka cerry ancl CV Er PL Ne be. oe Cs hy i Pablo, ; Gi plea, mney ota L on" Gr ma f LY GLAD haa ably Ab : Hare) Ady LNA diol oe. Q eas OKA au) brew. ot, a, Died wiih Canary Vi yaw, wy “7 p ) ae OCF oravh oT Kos phe as y | usa Fy) — ohne Bll a J a hb pute his Fou Auawith othe A enon ef iver July 29, 1880. Messraeo Drexel, Morgan & Coe, New York Gity. ad gine to ny Yok, \ a Dear Sirs:~ | Please authorize Mesarse J. So Horgan & Coe, London, ern - by cable, to pay Hre A. 9%. Tate, Hotel Metropole, london, Two . ? 7s Hundred -Pounds, sterling, arou_ charging exchange’ arn account. Yours very truly, ‘eae ee - Jie ssviiesd July 27, 806 Georg .Pe Scott, Faqe, Gola & Stock Telegraph Go.<, 195 Broadway, New York. Dear Sirt- rugtioan I desire to obtain a few copies of the Inst ating to the Gold and Stock Printer. Will you ven , 88 aerly 2B pose 300k rel kindly send m half a dozen copies of same sible, and oblige Yours truly, Z eZ Oru> ead eo) July 28, 89, The Raj son Tramp N09, W. Ho Meadowavafo, Kaqes Harrison, Ma do Dear girt~ ; “Nth reference to your Letter of 26th inatmert, asking us to send yo tw eah Lenip panes. and a0 ckets of the Savyer-Man, Westinghouse, United States and other competing, Gorpantes, I bey to pdvine you that Mr. Dashler will send you to-mor Yow morning, by special messenger, two lamp bases esh of Savlyer-Man, Yestinghouse, Mathor, Weetons Mevcim & Backstzome We wil. include in this parcel the only tro Lamp sockets whi ch we have; they are.of the Mather typé, Shovld you desire pases of 4a” ad Furopedin lamps, we can accommodate ya with ea ew typede ; Yours yory truly, CS ze, FaKEy Private Seeretar ye a Pein duty 36, }eB4, My Dear Ta 4% diye Your favors of July 16th Singh, 28th qamntt , to Imad yrevercnl, hoth tage ther. “or thie the Rang aeaay dn tidy pribiet.is largely oving vo thé fie 4 tha dou eh not pak on ' the entnlepe tha name of the etuampr ‘py fish gs you fink ye jetters Larva Pah, wr wider these oirounatanben toy He quer tn the Gamers PES -OLLics to tha cud of the Wom, GEN EO TIAT IONS. 1 do ‘wat Jing Wal thang de engh to say’ ty ; fran tle egg OF HD Hake MLA q@n do is to "eiterate what 1 said. nag! jest Letter with vefe renee. to the Sbikgens-- thal re “tive ah anjughabending with rgb puopke here, mhatovery that ye hate aysolptaly refused 6 kews, Pe hit Bqtiations WHALES OE ain tak, Wier yous Hordar ty ana woueg Ralig~ pear’ say that Jamnttoned mix iundred gpoljeliyd dypare ak A wr id for tho hate foreign! honor iph Lntpyient, thay simply jie. Young aylrGren knoee foot thay Way, and Ag ghey sik grit abide'phon on, tye, extthonky af twa peophe hem, he ‘paarle urbe Lies E taxed Muzy Feaaie Sekignen with pale tone tinie ago, hha -ne Alp plaimed sksogpiher that I had mate. 29 ang sabenint, “ye Ayiitoneg wot! ym ra nm od Sait t al wt . Statement which ho mekes ip false, end that you make that nteber May Aa 9, *y fe tm Mees ts nope 9 Prlog avon for Me, Kat son's intdpgat; hat the etm of $769,« AN and the mnufeuturing wae made bq b1ULely mn se Pry 8 thority , and that I hepectatiy Al solagimed “haglng aongihe bea Mx, Haison in nAMANG that prige. = In fact, Mr. fenaio BOL eager afaits the interview betwee him wid: myself, at Whigh ya. were proxont, in Breetnely the ham@ way an you and pysel? pnderriapy i It Tether amisen me to read your Jotters, They aie sthypny & Cahe firmetion of what I have heen preaching to Mr. Fadi oy ‘for the tea eight years. 1 have always insisted that Mr, Gouraad wruld resort! be able to float anything sicaessfally after hia 221 ephone “BOR ah, ‘and I want no hatter justification of my ‘OPpos itlen to Mr. oxime getting his pragont contract with relation to the phonogreph tide the cable oorréapondence we have received fiom you ay the Fp ; letters avove referred to, We have a Letter from Gourand, of fe Whigh I erelose you herewith: a copy. We are not going to enter - / inte communication direct with Hr, Gouraud, You met fix this matter with him yourself, and if you aée Mr, Moriarty pain wit A Mire Jouraud, I would, if J were you, tell Mr, Mor iarty thet “he es ment on my aithority, you having been present at the intery toy ; yg with Jessie Selignan, and that you know from letters recekymt fotm me, that llr. Jéngie Seligman has espbotatiy disdiaikbd, within the last fow wooks, that when he wap talking trith me We abbedntd figure. on the whole foreign phonogriph ine bi ding ike Hothiraurt 's interest. oo An q a we tH bes at Le ORO sat 31 Senne Ek Seg he 9S dis od r I poe yfridtog fev odd aros ges Iintabse og ott ered far LOR” oI feietaze +0°Vderom LousLw sant , off ee ani seal yeto!t gabtetet IN Fate ene mange ee Rage mE dig Bg SN. od, Onn oon rs Riou APIs } was very sora'y to raooivs ya tel. eevein stating that you had angep tad m0, “wrady from Gouvgud for firty (59) dnstrimentae We hae Mr. Gatmid's eriter for 5, thousend {4,009) instrummtsa, and ve are work ty on the ge ‘thou kund _instrunen tn, and ‘in calling on Hr. dowrad eo pay eadh in Yew York for the innt ninarta we ore. pniy doing whit the contr Met ives WA aright ti ao. Tho result of hia refusal to pie for tho ingtmmmts wight-popsibly have enggd@: tn gy vehiig abe ‘a SaeSr ene hig qontract void, but Tt am half atria tat We OM. sami- what compromised by your View ing ace ted the apagy for nhthy: ine stminerts, and by adeépting that order have givin a gonstruativs consent to the euncellation of the order for a thousand Inptine MANTLD o At the time of Agtat ing this Totter 4 havea not ot a final a gabln from yar as to whet you have arranged congeming this matter, All f hava in your talegran, stating srt delay ia ne YOUTBe % AQ eat evon ‘know whether you have returned ‘ournud his aver for fifty instrumanta. Mire Udison ia of qourse very men disgusted With thd state of sffairs as shew hy your avery ana ‘you tro ie tters, © thask the thing that has affected him the mo st yea. hem +fi8 r sured. of déurand to puh up money for phonograpnhs, 1 vehi aire tnt the whole — yw attor will so infludnee hira that in the gute ine vAM deak ydry ZAStarontly with hid foreign bisiness. . ON Shaadi EMDR RR apr mr ee nd aaa tanh Oe anne = 454 he O. ?, wh TOY Piloriggsary. Mry Stevens sails on the Mth of August. 0 mort 7 Noting definite har heen dong y#t With ree : ~retva 1gt dnt o pitting to ya en oye market, If have found a wary so0d on it? mar as §en'i, Manager of the dompany, and ho is in Boaton to~day i fea negoL Lat ing : ith Stevens and his colleges, If un conse to pose dee ge arrangéene nt with them, bhe husinragewlll be at once pumbed, & Peer have not job the time to athend to it myself, put as nda as thoy Ay ot fe e ri - have e good General Manage, I wily teka om ackivé part in £4- Ir alow! vecting his offorts, We have got the plant wt Orange nwaiy for Sipe oO dpriw ; Meas tuming out the doli movements uni ean go to work om Sere pen~ Pmt te ae AE Gos tition with little or no dolay. I think that this busigem in HLOeMTOD ; ae i ’ eMacieuet in far better shme than it has ever been before, and TE shall se ge easnom : ; A) ; eh ae aap disappointed if the Christmas shuson dees art find us plaving —. Ba ee : aD ‘Saree large numbers of these tova thravhort thet country. pido | 1 iy * ‘s . a t | en Laboratory, There is nothing partilquladly new ts rpocw, Laeinh yg Tels: , ; . 95 in comection with the Labovatery, There has been ho .eorrespondence of any moment referring te any businuss of impo rtoneee Rrery thing: goes on in 8 hoe dtm kind of a way, Mr. Maison giving little or no attention to experimental WYER « Tho order of tho day now is "I will ta that jk hand sien 1 retin from Murope.* Batuhelor has buen awed molt of the time snes ; FON Left horey 0. Fy Yas s De My es puawognapit v0 3 his opnggr ro my mind ta in andipa wad aries . : the have peers voourlng ahead pAlgne up pydty- mate, ayy nvm they nye seargd eogyen whey have @ Lass alco of instrusats on hand. Tt canta not oxpagted that the TOYA ser ican Phonowraph Qo. yqule be able to tae off their panda ovary phenogy eh ghat they could Wun out. The Phonograph Yorks shorts hove bog, um alons quietly, simply inar easing the capacity of he shop as Mur demand fur machinoy inereased. I have not mth fut Lenten, of the bisinces yet, aml 46 I have mre then 1 gan, pee si DWwenttoni to in other directionas. Zt do not propose to waste’ tim and offort in the Phonograph Yorks until sah ‘time aa my Ans at pugtions wilt ne followed absolutely « or, in other words, to arch tine aq E have aithority 10 give inatmetions. Mrs Raion Beys tat he proposes to fix thia yefore he Bates I am entirely indi frprent he to whether ho does o” not, at the wupe of wy time, from the moment I get out of hed in the morning to I go to wed an night, is HTT oe oupied, and ta take up Ane Phonograph Yorke aim ply moms further effort with possible dannaecsvandingne rad) not seo ho the attdnding to this bustnegs cm jin any way adh to ny reputet ion aR a manufac turer; whereun it is guite po beib)e that ny present Limited cirgl¢ of Set ands nig tt yw further limited owing to misunderstand inn that might po ssinly arias wt th ire Batchelor However, of earsa, if Mrs Fah an, ‘fixes matters BO that I ann work with none wathorsty, { wilt ao nll I aan to get to ese wed al airs vig ares torr me Tae enh TT ae aft bo ; nei . ‘Haigon ero prartivally intoxicated py the malnebes, Jiweoing ty . presint PMospects anil discpipitine what they hqve 4o Bey and woah, . 456 As de the, eongem ap Prey py huss) fry The iden forday: g6@ma te ye ahah YOu gan ray ahoud on m dep ne Nahe of rz: PA ey and a yey have got too neny, lee oft ZOU men and ay iM rat oietn a age organization. ly experience in thts comaction ny SPrieyts at Bz _ bensiva, ond I know that avery time they shut aon, it COgts several A usant dollars to get ‘under way eae GEMFRAL RDISON G0, Fverything is going jus qs I thought 4% mye He Oontor heawtily an-operaton with om, “ne in Fangaquincs, Mr. Edison's views are in every maspect paremeuayh. The Reeuutive Mommi tt ee has seen tormea, ani Fan, of couse, x inmmber of It. Hr, Falwon could not wish for ary batter Biate ‘of affaira tan now éxists in the dan’l, Fal san dompany, I hea ire Villard and Mr. Feld ton at Schenaetady tn Saturday jeut, ‘and hays started enlarging the Works thora, and afore I get right. though | ZT an sure a quarter of a million dolard wil) ve Spen'ts Genes'al Hdiwon do, stock laa good purchaye, as‘ it wilt pay a dividend of Cight nor cent this year, ani only stands ht 90. to-day. Ore MAbrin fis The plant at monthia wviite in.w Pornktiin able uucedecs There is no dou tnt “hat wa are gol to mmke & great deal of ming in congentrating Ln ora. Tivo ant ‘ettimat in, thas to sot of pio dsoplon ws Lo ‘why BA « ryt af ery raph Ly yrBartute , Rg wn aare we haya got an oxttinady pe y10 thing, “ehaw inarenses, tne gp Atal to $190 OMe et gk ven You cannot exnest bo gat many Logtenn from ye. Et ig far a that reason T onble very ah Hit L widl try ard gm a leybar ust off to ym onan a fortnight p st adit Rorjes, You wid have vaqoived oir mite gram eolinigy 7% te a Por jos! imyitgtion, a will haye avhitled tmnt ~ on gemble py: of cane, He sieply wanta to evska aspint uppitel ant. ane of ofrertuining Mr, Rdidon. Mr. Rdison oonyples tog figh a po ae pition, $9 ny mind, to allow of his, avdaphing: any suk houpitality - I po Mr. Por jes, offers. The proper place for tir. Hai son So go ho oe ia'a Hate, whete he will pay sll his am billy. Howewy, of | Het cours® you Wilk hoy e mage necessary explanation to Persea, saying oe that Mr. Tad son will only a tay in Paris aw short time tec., oe and . Pah Porjes will a ‘dinappointed, wut af iOurse satisfied. e «0 3 ; ; y olde \ it tT tae gent you to-day thay cable transfer of twh Wiritred data ee poundse ZT an afraid you are TRO elesse to Leiaester ‘Square and’ foatpt’ : Me "Patite Paris.* I hope that yar dounging place ia not the ign dq ees ay: ae rae Alhamyra qnd the Pavilion. “iy bay T advise you to go it slowly rN ARES detec Senate Rie wud cement te AA rl oc wo Sar. ‘ 48 YOu ey have BR wiray AS va’ in widdi nd” With na Pacer say 1 ygrytin Yory akneerely yours, , Samuel lnanudi, . Mr. Inauli hee gone away W ithowt signing this Latter, and au it mast be matled to-night in order to. aateh to-morrow's wai “ernsnen, I have deaned it Adviaoble to attagh his fi guatuck ani send it off. Mamiire, ny maLy al 82x. Tho Edis Machine Horka, Sunenestaly, Me Ye Dear Sirns~ Tho winding of the three foot Ore Milling mgust for ‘BechtelLeville, should po 6 Lops #1, BNa'wiie, in one ? ' sae contimous Length. gy ; Yours traily, i Raison hLayorator Ye hg Ms eye Soa ate Sy ets Sa al oy eee Ep gt a a —~e BET tate tne SEY ME TT TA ets MOORE Soret Iu 39 ah ated .odt My Neor Sir Johny,» ; pai Your fawn af July loth came duly to hand. ASA aed I regret extrdsely thot it will be quite impossinle for me 4) vioit Fngland dusting my pip abroe. There is BO mitch that ook 10% 1 rast sec in Parts and pther parts of the Continent, and the oped treo time at my “disposal WL he 0 limited, that OWeEEY: much J would like to accept your kind and flattering invitation to visht yor at Foote Cray, t shall be compelled regret filly t@ decline. I shall. bo, in Paris from the LOth or 15th of August to the end of the MONI amd if you aan find it eonvmient to vialt the Bxpo~ sition at that ime, dt will afford ra yery «reat playemue tH sae you there end again renew gue very pleasant aaqual ntayrc@, With kind regntds; belipye nia Yours very siriqerely, ‘dae: John Perder'y, a aie Menten Hane, SY Old Broad ie — bo x, a o Yh y Fngland. andy 80, 1889, My Dear Si John, ¥ have duly reoelyad your Letter of ath inat., and yoaterday a copy af your inst hook same to hand, taty $y I neod hardly asgure you that I shall ne abLightes %o ao farm 1" whatever I cen to make it pleagant for vous when you vislt sihta rai beat $ ‘ gountry. I leave within the next few days for Paris, and shah: +¢ ott be on the Continent for a month or gix weeks. tr you are wisiv rool Bs ting the Exposition during the time I an theré, I sia ve den | Lars Lighted to sep you. f will have so very Littke tite at iy a a om ort posal. thet it wil} ye amate jnpo ast ple foe me to expend my trip noltta +o Fngland« id er Your's very uly, pA v Siy John Lubpock, ‘Bavt., Me P., #89 erkeley Sq., London, W., Englands July 80, 1889. ewer MY 96 oa i don, Major Raton is going, to proguire for yourself and Hr. di son United States Passports, for use abriotde betas In obtaining these fvom the Stnte Department it is neceasnary to fimish a complete desaription of the persons for whon they are Fig intended, I enclos® herewith # Passport which was jammed to Major Faton in 1887, on the Left hand aide of which you vill find enumretod the partiavlare as to appearange foo Which must endorsed on all, Passports Major Baton ask ad fn ta obtain for hin she necessary infore mat ion regarding it. Raison am your self aid to maki it to him toedayo I+ is now ton late, however, to do thie toenight, and if you wil hindiy send me the necessary partiqilars the first thing . ‘torror tow morning, will send a special hospenger with, the ée- sixved information to New York. “Yourg r9ap wottilly, EGS July 33, 1889, ; ak eM igh tb Matar fe 3e Raton, 120 Broadway, Mew York « T.loasnoy fated ix a tert oft i = Dear Sirs. | be bbe a pisses T enclose herewith Descriptions of Mr. And Mr se 7 a yt Fdi aon, pursuent to yor request of yeaterday. I was Unable to tsb gest obtain the neecesanry data oarly onowh to permit of my mailing terreno it last night, so I send a special messenger wi lh it to you toe day e- I return herewith your U, 8. Passport. ° Yaboot Yourg truly, Liw voy ft LOnmad: I 61a At th hae Me Mr Faispon, | Age 42 yours pease J Stature 5 ft, 9 inches fh RAM \ e . Forehead . High “govt Ry és Rue a ak Nose RAUL, large. : Lat oat Mouth _ © Mediun. : f arr : a Ohin S mare | Nair Iron gray : Somplexion Mdght . Face Large. i agar we) . | = : SE a Nadiaon. Mor gy 24 8 ft, 4 1/2 inchea Stature Tov Forsnead Dark . Fives Romer Nos 4 Large Mouth Square Ohin Dark. Nair Dark Complexion Small, Pace ere: 5 se pea Tiere: rai a ‘ ran Bares Mrs We Be Willa, o/o Ansriagn Waltham Yatch Toe, Waltham, Mags Dem Sirt- ; 5 ae . L was extremely sorry not to have been pble to yee — €” - you aurins your vigit here, I understand, howéver, that Mr ies Eai on and you spen*® considerable time together, and 7 Mout to matual advantages Mr. Edison hay instrioted me to send you from the Phonderseh Works, & compl ate phonograph for your own ‘persendl uate Tho rights for the phonogreph, in Has sachupatts of course are out of the hands of Mr. Fain, syat I have this morming ar- renged it+vith Mr. Lippincott, President of the North Ane.vican Phonograph Oa., no that ya wWhLL be al lowed to use it. I phall, therefore, texe plessure in forwarding you thp inetrunen’ in a few days, together with a number of msical eivlindsrs, and ulso cylinders that you am expardment with Goo, She The next time that you are dotm this war, 1 hopé < shalt ( , : ; know when you arf coming, a0 thet I onn havé. the pleasure of Ve $. v. we ms mda yon. very 4mly yours, S1f2 pet nth HOY 1a moe Lbha Coste of ot & ,axto¥ ont ) 3x0 on £ Bens crert BryQonOdT s0%e'tons ayeb wet sobnifyo Nee oY? of of Atty 1, TBP. oe Mre John Mreuai, Anatt. Jen'l. Manager , Thea Rdie@n Machine Works, : Schenaeteady, i, ¥. Fees Dear Sirt~ | | 7 > Soa time ago we. wrote to ‘the Raison Machine Work 6, : f to finish us with au large lot of wire for sor Ore NiilLiAng rong e | note that we nor have in hand here, WiLL you ye kind enavgh to | have this order indeed up, anc Lot me know why 4t hos not een 4 tery fl : 2 aw ak ‘ us ipp ed, no te job ig very presuinge ‘ 2 ms We sent you gore time ago all the drawings of Multipeltax’ Or aynemt., Have you ‘found any missing? et us knoW and we wi} ee hunt ‘them up, I think, however, we gent then all. ; eyrrorpern WEEE EGE x Yours truly, at wal’h pe 2 Les eS ea Pra) fas ne ae igtees LEV Hy iy hae SOU RM NT men Ae ame TT a Tang en sas "ol pulol. eM w19ke nas dainst o@ r dexttd ator y ol event. a bo gitch os oF if ecmmene’ m0 sh secant Tuly Hy 8B. Mr Nngliagh,- . Please have ons (1) motor phonogrep h, sonpl te, with tnttery, ami 4 emnll sep itnarn oF rilsical yl ine ders and a fow blank aylinders, sent to Mr. Ws. WALLa,-o/o The American “Inltham Watch Co,, Yal tham, Mass., with the comp linen t3 of wr. Baioon, | This mchine mist not @ charged ta the North Amorican Phonograph Go., wit the expense of it mst be torn® by the Phondu Works. ) Please let’ me know when you are aelecting tHe cylinidera, 60 I shalt know what has: teen sent.to hime Yours truly, ihe, “C44 Qu ater Pho. Puctlr. i” z 14 LD ar Ltrs a dye LO euas digi f | CO Pe ee eee ee 47 ow at ly? the, S ene ae ue Sitgand 7% 5 : ole, Pf me Phanhny ays oe ee dren cnt Aiiaby tg a al dobpeh i ve Me Mend ee i aa aes Kaan’ rf | J beg ts Bas ag — ool avur pes ya tel fo Zé. fav ‘Socte Auda Ue iy. a es rier ht Yruchash- ep Cllew Jruttou ¥ Pthane “= = © nase | d 4 f 5 a : of NWidsnt CLAnA En of "9 as? ety eas ‘e j 7° 7. f tb Z NS Pamo of : of A. 2. Mak Company, 252 - 154 Lake St., Chiongo, Il-¢, Dear Sizat- T encloss herewith chock of the Franklin Institute for Twenty Dollars ($20) to the order of Hr, Fdieon, and endorsod by the latter payable to yourselves, - This check accompanied the John Sort Medal Which was recontly awarded Mr, Hdiaon for the Mimeogreph by the Oity Trust of Philadelphia, and properly ye- longs to your sel.vea. Hr. Ndi son ‘authorized Mr, Green 8. Reim, Ure, your agent in Philadelphia, to receive the medal on his behalf, and I understand it is now in Mr. Raum’s posses gion. This should prove a g00d advertisement for the Mimeo grep tie Yours tnaly, ® Private Secretary. t “ AE oA FE 10% dt xd | cofot yoomtM agnol go tG Laded ) aldT : B39 2, Ry Hea Jaane Ye Yaperm, : 38 & 40 “iad matt Ste, Nowany, Mo. Dy Dear Sirt- With referenda to your aetthr Of 26th vlt., ad- tirdaded to Mr. Mdigon, the fact of thera hoing an inowaased per wentare of copper would nat interfere With’ \e a ls0n process for extracting gold, Ye oan save only the gold. . fours trily, Puivate Secretar yp _ 2 nweify , Augue. 2, Lem 3) Se aa Jorm 0. Svhonck, Rew, #152 Barboy Ste, Brooklyn, Ne Ne 2 89 Year Sirs~ k Ire Fdieon has regeived your letter of 26d nktimo, and vou ee in reply desires ma to say that the Hdteon MLectrie Light Sorpany pees - hes several electric 14 ghting stations in Mew York City, tho Batne if Pearl St. Station, dom town, has beon in optvation fer une pou seven Years, paying regular dividends &e., and *he Fdiws Besoin. Station 18 very moh supérior., itr, Pal'on neliveeks: that oun popiay or safer inventmant cen he found in the sountry thah that to which q you refer in your letter. The Medison Hlectrig¢ TaD umiter: Un “Roo | of Brooklin is managed Sy Rolid men and not by spoowbetiemt Tt you Will apply to the Fdiwn Gen'le Fleetrie dow, Pat Banh Sta . New York, they will doubtless furnite fou with Ra. amtoelmatian anc grit you overy facility for indpeating the #UUking of the Faieon aysten of eleetvie Lightings Yours tm ly, ener ernest : & ; Pr ma ELE IAs Ee A Privtive Sec! y+ oN Mes a =< sx kB sed LO ewer wo? ayase TPE pl nt POLL tae Méaarte Mum & Ine, ; 361 YWwoudvay, New York. Dear Stirai-= With rofarenge to the attaghed, Wes Rdiaon mys thes the Rdieon ourrant 1h a sontdmous one. A tranafoymer could used to heat a wires when cornected to an alternating or ptihaating aurrent system. Yours truly, CSS oe ON ERE, Private Seqretary. Aang tt A, Jae, Mr. Jy Sloan, t 428 Broadway, New York tity. BAL ee Dear Sirt- comes With re ferenea to youn letter of 40th ulfios, Mr, ig pease Hdicon says that when he retur rg from anroad he WEIL paxthal ny ba edt give your son a place in the Nahoratary. Ne aya further that he + bean would advise ym to send your sori to the Paris Fxposi tion, there — iseO“T155D Bk the induntrial arte can be s¥eh in operation; it will proaden Mitte. Youra truly, Sates ones COVE Ke Privat q Secretary. : a Ly / 495 Z , August 2, 88. ‘s Richard Te Haines, Faye, a * : - The Now York Phonograph Qo., Tek of onl | 257 Fifth Ave., Now York ity. rot wert 4 : | | Doar Sirt- : a2 eet : Wth voference to your Latter of 26th ultimo, relatiys d =t1iB 10d to Ohtaining a phonogreph for Monsiew Angélo Mariani, of Paris, ne mci td WM | | Mre Raison has asked me to write our Mr. Wangemann, who ie at dy" *{GoB LDMs gM | prosont im Paris securing phonograns of celebrated mialcians &o., ™ foe -*yrorreM re inst rioting him to place a phonograph at Monaieur Marimi'’s dia~ 4 ei nt gets | posal, umd to exhibit the instriment gt his house in Paris any ener; I two ovmings he. desires. Thorofore, if Mo Mariani will gall on our Mr, Wangemam, who he will find at the Paris Exposition, wna commnicete to him his desire for an exhibition of the phonograph wt hig residonce, Mr» Wangemam will be pleased to pyan je for erek ‘an exhibition ani will also personally saperintend the stm ward go ent he can to mkea ita eucaoss. , . Trusting that thie will be satisfactory tu yow'self and Mon= sieur Movlené Qs 3 ae a nie Fr ot 3 i. bak One LO gan Loe De ee Woe ite ee Obs I opohe *fo dans | L th ie bora yf \ ara pregancl a v Wi eae hi A Ay inf tle av 1” t sf [ve Y ea 0s ae a Le (Ly, he trates Dele Beas Tak “re Ecluaen a f if. ch wv clea ae alk our ore ry qo vraah the frface Jhites Hh; ie AO ees “4 oh . Hy l ) : waar ot bas pe CAL To. Pipe? AOA. aie tavetil bras Golvo om 4 whine, core ol Rey ALAA AA, ee a thed, he. wilel, be | glad, ty brent ie ct arial, the, bach, ae arr, puecd: CUT LAL wane athe ana atta! at op / oun 7 ray Ly 4 i th i 1 Ae (a On. CF Bas ob Dae of a é t ini “ ace Tact o sets Ny so bo Be rid) we Liters ae ’ apinonrwe of Cs Piet ee ana ne lee | pe ee heaps > bei deaitate ¥ : 499 L Aunt %, LSBO, Hre J. Mutehinson, Sec'y., aged YM New Joraoy & Penne Conagontrgting Yorka, , — FLO Day Ste, Now York oLty, SF wl movt Y By getm Lip ‘ton : {5 r ‘ : Near Sirt~ i I beg to acknowledge reaeipt of Mertifi gare Noe 1, * in the. neme of Thomas A. Mad son, for one hundred (100) arares of ee eee thé Capital Stock of the New Jersey ma Pennaylvariia Joneent rating Deaedes sa | Worke . . | Yours trady, Frivgite Bad yy oN Ea ag rs Wize 5, 180, eae F, oO 1a8aM 5 de, Ihr, dy sjonisa, 4 ; es Newark, Me de ! Teer Sirte- STLB got Your Letter of duly Sist to Mre Malaon hap been hangad to me just prev lous to hiv dovieture Sor Purope to-day it you ort $y p08 spaced will kindly Let me know just whore the property La thet: you reine ut gal to tion, ani the amount of it, so that Lo gan leasts it on & mmp, 1 thell be glad to commanicate with you in rd rd. to ite td ™ P¥TO8, amen Lob or0M., Bay? ake j Yours traty, sy CE ‘ Letterbook, LB-032 This letterbook covers the period August-October 1889. Most of the correspondence is by Charles Batchelor, Thomas Maguire, John F. Randolph, and Alfred O. Tate. A few of the letters are by Edison. Many of the letters relate to the manufacture and marketing of the phonograph and talking doll and to music recordings made at the West Orange laboratory. Other letters pertain to mining and ore milling and to Edison’s phonoplex system. Some of the correspondence deals with the acquisition of property at Silver Lake, N. J. for the Edison Manufacturing Co. There are also letters to the firm of Dyer & Seely regarding patents on dynamos and other inventions. The book contains 500 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 20 percent of the book has been filmed. EE Fw TTS OT CT a0e Pe ART TT + TE cen Rit ESE a Gs at Avignst %, 890 H. Wasd Meonnrd, Msq,, Gen'le Nanager, United Madison Mannfacturing Cos, New ‘York: Vity. Near Sirt+ Mr, Fdison in mich obliged fom yours af lth aleicn, enclonzns comuniartion tron ii, Frank Hallany, yur eqant in Columbia, Se Ge, Hei ates to Sre Hilling process, We breve write ton Vbre Mullany treat. MY Bad con is not mite resdy yet to furntnh cormplate infor mation it regud to his Ore Milling progesns He bas repently erécted at Sechtelsville, Paes, a mill for ths yorking of ures, and juat ss soon as this mill is in full operation, wr shall able to furnish exact data as to cost hoe, tes Yows wery truly, Pf aia Private P mei Atwuigé 5, 2589, Dear Mr. “loangemann,~ ; ; Your fetter of 14th Qe way Aidy rely s and perunad ‘sy Nr. .Bdison, Tha latter snilha August ord on tne 8. 5. hu Yurgogne,* far Havre, and you whll propanly heve seer, him ere thie communteation seachos you, Ne have mn latter fram Ht RS 9 degra Ty Hal riers, of the “ter 10% o Phonograph Coe, in ragard to Nonatea* Anse 0 Marient, p dLatige guished revident of Paris who ; At Berra ig wery ana. tons, Loo ytein . a phonograph, Prior +s hia a@partare, aes Rat soft fr anked mm ta write Naines te the sffegt that 47 Hons air Marani watld vhid upon you (ang temnrm ) at the Pare Repo) thon, vot would: arihing? fox iyo. exhibitions | of thé phone h a his Heed dendt in Hands, perponalLy oupertntends my the WARE, ay doing Weat you oon), d ty make than R Buran ag, wid 40 instrapt | ts sou tiad melts i. have alrenay/ Wrdttm; Uatnody and ha wrosdonty wt pormminiowte ven Monslagr Ansel Myprianie . ‘thorefore, | if the Jattey ordi poy you, it ig Mr. Bai wou!» acgire Wt yor lace a tenaarne iy at ne disposnl for any two averinga ha deairna, ahd male an axhLolition of the phonograph at hig hnmee | 4 apy 6a ie that Mongieur Mariani entertains in his Hote) or Yause, at Paris, from one hundred 0. two hundred of the mont dintinguished mer, of lottiers and sotonae each Saturday evening, anh the phonogr wh eculd fnudtlesa yt ax- hf >sdived w.-%re to meh aviv antag ae Qisinegs at the Laboratory is ranning alors very quietly. Walter Hiller has weturnaedt from she MagiL, and pt present he is working with ie Hagen , munipulating thy enaigal eaylt ndars, Thay suecened in getting, aot LOG rurteal phonagrans dally, Rist of presint, howwoer, their valted effrts are .balmy directed towardg ths clscovery of n “hig that fun materi ali zap within the lest fer dase Ao I understand (t, thi sysed of the motor is not wuntrra, hence tha pltrh of the risen), phonograns Ls not sustained, the effest. wins nnythhy bab dentranlay L enalove herari th ah Spp ing reg ti pte o'r materiel shipped yr on my order ny the Phonograph mor kes 2 Tniabing shat you ara having a goal t inp in Paria aryl with avery gor. ¥ igh Lovonmin, veura very tidy, rl ee a ae aks Sf ae! “ ‘ ier “ . . om Pe if rt ae eee) fs? ee A a (ant, a aS t Poo Sean Ae Theo, “ ; ~ ibn ‘r,s Hagan hag Junt-intormed m that the "wet rerarrod “odin the forgoing bas yen divenerda. lt was mite ‘a the sovemor, und tie phonogr abhs wre no¥ al? rune Ning 9, x, As Shoo, 7, Wengomann, Fay. , Parijay, sane. Mre Frank A. ifillany, The Edison Undend H'L ice Teg Solum tay, Se Ge Near Sirte Your Letser of atey wltiny, in negara to tr. Mal gon's Ore JAlin, proceas, aderesndd ve the United Miloon MP ee T,, hee keen referral to ‘ee for wpb ve Mr, Maison hoe rag onthy nroated at hakftelavitle, Poo, & mill for the workis of orog, and jtat as SeAcas Shis mill ia in Hslb operetion, va will om abie to ftrnisn yo with exes ata a3 to onnr Soe, GI time Maideon cnited Lor Tarepo on Sattirdiy Laat, and ih absent tw or Shree monthte Ay his votiury from abruad your aome nmndcation sini 5° placa bdfom hin, And he will write ym ferther regarding barrt, Yours wary oily, 28 an Agnet 7, 89% ; Mr. He Wegmann, HH Unqiveras ty Place, New York ¢tty, Daar Sirs. WL. you plesse con att to the Laboratory on Priday morning not, at oMiny a good nor het player with you, If you ars itidlato dana te Orange Friday, please notify us inmedi ately upon Meqgeirh of this, #0 me ean make other arrangements. * Yotirs’ truly, Rdison Laboratory, Mo Augitat 7, BO. Will Toomis, Bras, off Tower Mitts, Yay, 508 Broadway, New Xpri. My Drar ‘Sings IT it world not cmae you too rich inoonvenience, ‘we would de very yploasged to havo you visit the laboratory some any next wee, pnd-play vn fen solos to thé phonograph. Any day will mawer, omy please notify us a day or two in advance, so as to avoia gontlict with any ee arrangement. If vou ean possibly do this we shall pe meh grat if led Mr, Yalter iilier and Mr, Hag have charge of the ritalaal exypetimaits in camostion with the phormgrdph at present haint Aegean ot thn aboratory, ant they WLLdo what they on to make your vi ait p2ease rit. : Yours very trity, Riiaon habo ret or ye a Sr Se. Vt. aeeree Bey ae Priy site Seq! ye ~ : 1g¢9 a 7 i j i; 5, by ane oe i “of Lf brat wy haw bat QD Lar: Toe. ‘ f bone Pradehaw oath ah this Lakevaibis hdar Vad, Morr preached kiss mu cand sat a neler 1 Qamat a. ty Ini Fike Ow TANS o attour hint to Go Gnagyhe i a Ee i Vad, sy) aay / buh Pagel ho hae fer! Hears ana the peaiias wf ae Why nok, lhe iblace ek iS ged ae ba a a aay df, opal VL eet se O, 0 Pttaaon fen hoa tha wv hha ev how bw Glia le¢h hk, the Vidas vy Eun ope He ‘fh aeeel oe? thak dha Ala ew aheuld Ley clo ch, to wads while he vad auwarpy aud Sav Yat befor ook fowg fu ah the, | tre ate calle | had oe we te ach cero! 2@- AMARA : Canhelledd #5 do aah ah ape ; he ae free aw Pian an ordi fan euthev hw 2 vy hiv baile filer Pag poy acta avy ye sich Ay we aay Lhe Mabry lrg bow. beth, Loy edecl aed Ma Ihde ane Uw 5 ops vd iA, arth BAVe print = Snaulle, le cas obhon Fons ey je Gi Rear ad: oleh, * Alte ‘RB, Bo, Mre A, S070rn, “6 hauntry PL, Niwa tk, Me q, Dear Sirte WALL you please tn ym us as to price of tank 17 X 8 M&. high, set ap on Wop of ahoratory on fiat platform th & we {ll mxo? Mindy Lot us henr femn you ay soon an pone wi yle. Yorry toy, Shan Wat 2ahetlon 1, Mige &, wy Mire noe Yo Yoo tl, ; ies : 22 Litverty Ste, Now Xark. Dear Sirt- , ; Hore you got the map fs of propoead aprinkLera for Lanor ators? Yours traly, Chas Pabhohrnlo tr, ", wh Wre J. Honise, Tew Sirs WAND Mondsy or Tuesday mhout mi Tany « Navark, Me Je thla, end mare mn appointme inte { i | i { ! | j i i } 1; Mig, &, AL), you planve moet mo aonb aay Harty neXt werkt on tht ground, ant we will dijtouen tho matter of your proparty « any Pleage i ber ne on regoipt of Yours triny, HOA, Sa vetaeio ¥ | { \ Se SS tee ee Angst vt, see, Reginald Gray, Rugs, Gb Yevonshire St- et , . ! Yoxton, Mash, Near Sirte “ith referithes to your j.ptter of 2th ultima, in the abuenab of Trasrn, Faj.aon and Tate 41) Parope, tire mad yess Of the Maiaon hesacdeeh Som pany is beings at ond oa ta by Mire Samer Ineull who in pet present in the West. He wilh 1 pack in ahout a wom \ or. t% (nya, Phén he wikt doubtlesa sply to your oiminiaation. Yours trily , 2 ae woe ra oa ee E Tee a Cf. gle he, , i . a Augugdt 9, 1889 Hyatt Filter Coe, Nowark, WN J. Dear Sirs: ~ The filter that you have ere us here is working quite sabisfactorily. Please qiote us Mat nrice fr sane, and also give us the price and size off the onnllest filter thot vou Mek Be Yourg traly, Raison havoratory 0 NE helen) a eavmomncets ome mee! Mim, 1, 8% My Dear Kreusi,- Mr, Inmad1 promised When here that we afould have a armughtsmen from The Maison Machine Vorka to de some Work that we are nov getting up on motors age, fae FL you wi} t otnd us aiich a men ot as carly a dute as pisaihle J ehould reel mush oblt pede I have your note in regard to yine prints, but a I pave not peen home for the Inst two or three days I presin® thd they are thera walting for me. IT shall got them to-night. Yours very truly, Mre Ino. Xreuni, The Mdivon Machine Worka, Schonectady, No Ye. SARC aie Baran ¥ Greyph inaice of it. We would gall your attention to the fhot that Augug 8, 1889. Ripon Phonogreph Coy H's, do., O5 Milk Ste, Bont o n, Hass. Dear Siryt- An aqgordance with your Letter dated July so+h to Mr, Kaison,.vo have sent you wy exprans a compl te doll with phono~ when *hso dolla ere made they should’ we sewn in such a mamner thet they tan ve token apart, to put the phonograph inside. Algo, the head ohould we made with a hole in the top to Let aut the sounds As this hole will ve aovered with hair it will not loop unsightly. -Ye are now consaenoing to train.unall voigesa to talk on to the aylindera for these phonograph toys, and.should tw glad to have from you a list of all the U'ttle verges that you Would ba likely to vant put on them. It matters a great deal just how the — thing is said in the phonograph. Therefore we should aay to have them wefore hana to get ow smal). voices: well pas tsa in the art, Gee reapeetfwll y yours, ; ; ; RLS a aotnone: xr heb dilbe Gr’ eee eT gie tres rahe ig ene palate Aug st 2, &, My Dear Kdigon,- T have just omen trying the 209 thread sqrey machine, ond find it works perfaatly. The recording md reproe ducing pointa, of cowrao, half size, It nai ara Want A Little aver weight on the nut arm thon the ola one, wat we e@ Sasily fix that. I hnvo Cavien one of ow ordinary cylinders and with roading very leisurely hue put on 4500 words, running - at 110 revolutions. It aan, of aourse, run hich slower than this, I find the artionlation 16 equally av good an onyt hing we ever hed, am I voelieve thare is lass aeratching: noise, Shall ine ‘ modiately make soms master tape for this and put a fev in hard. I englose otroular of testimonials from Touliavil be Youlra trvidly , : Batshelor-e - M. Tpommy A. Hiisqn, Esq., Ryiris, oS a ete Fae ee eS A igttat ©, sp, Nr. Henry eraemann ’ 34 niverasgy Pie, New York sity, Dear Sirs~ Vith referenea to you note of yeriter aay adarnssed $0 Mre Midler, pleane som ta the hahoratory Tileaday, ani Wing © aither A alatloviet o* cormt player with you, tht former if pos Sivies TL ongloce herewith railroud tleket. ' Yourd truly, Rdiaon ha vdra tory, By oN PAYats Sc lot tleys wit © wee hah r be hav i . Ce, oh to Y (aed fav or f Hee anh f beg “fa edb ch cae, jer borwwith the Paes !Wafemassits ; F oa S ¥ poncee 700 ethich fae bea docewuhids Ft Aafimaw aud. alle ot, “Li ag ni aa Nara eee Woe cop evhuck Hac beerr des apendiicl : e ly - TAfAwNAtWw Gucl fa allt at. Z; phud fahonat ‘vida few ett shoo. %&, poy ably dt. dr ge avi lauks swwhereb, Aw hkd by, Se eee 4s TI ih dix ie, MF Lhe Plas Phen og afshe Loe. this On bring art/ ce draw halioat, faavh, #12596. 73 a ” 9781. SY Gotals ff 22ZITPB Gow eb owt jer Lhe, trriclearcl. Hater, fends: shah, wet ak the QGran ge haktonal. faanhy oe ooo Gruel ow ee Oe ; ¥ oa 36,006. Fo¢ ; 0 Sor Verve b- ty be abrerh Vane pean f- they AR Y nue mM tha a. fc teh eae Pre Lo mi Can doe aA, aay Va . HA ¢ birCAw sFuUks Lane 42 dee on datenday] | ak lke. CQAAMNE Bank, Lhe’ Llu ay ties ewig then g gore uni, ded) an Purtada, aud Se, - J GG , SPOUT eal ee Vi tin & Ar doh, Vue 20M ~ MN Chee YY sigs ees * PG he | Kia fling ltleecel 47 a olla: - — Gyr aactes Vie00/EsS —~ fa CA, Gwe fete a NY Electr Shakes fitt af id Palin 07 / ss S .S s < x. 3 iN Aquat 14, Bo “en Ghien Company, 17 Adams Street, Rrooklyn, BE. Y, Naan Airat= We are sending you to-day per We $. Pup ress, thas model aaso ap it will yo int she doll. Dn the upper case we whit use the punchos es they are at present, In the lower chae, Ay there sre no punches made for it, you will kindly make some, @ hyve than long onough +0 allow of double seaning; Alm» tools for Sand» Yours. truli, Rdison Labotatony, HH Aur ih Ay Any Prot, Fred Yous, 3 Starling Street, Newark, Me Jo Dear Sirs. With refarencs to vour Litter of Lath inat " aaa aNiee to Nro Milior, we have already arranged with rpsloians for shin wesk and noxt yeek. We will Let you know in the course of a wee: or so when we wld like to nave your Ruf come to, the Taboratomg 4 w ” aid play for us: In tho' meantime we would like, however, £0 seauro yous Xyelphons Soloish for a few days next werk, Pleas inform us by return rial if it will se convontert for the gerkleman who plays this inatrumont to eomh to the laboratoyvy sey two daya next wed, ond if ad what dna will suit hin. Yow>s truly, RFdison hWavoratonry. Me Augist 15, S. Kdison Tanp Sompany, Harrieon, Ne 7. Dear Sirs: ~ With reSarenge to ourx telephone convergation of this aftsrnoon, we to-clay received a aablegran fiom }fr. Hamer, Paris, in whieh the following sentenes acoursi- SHayve an lored lamps yeen shipped?impor tant, © : In raply, we vabled Heaner, in acco rdanda wi th your instrugtions, to the offect that all aolored Lemps, eemitive ruby, would go forward early next wash. You will,therefora, kindly see that these lamps leave the Tagtory in time to ecatsh tha flrat steamer sailing next woek, Yours truly, Beéison hahoratory vy “of = rer an pet aoe Eee Ani 15, a, We. Oo. Hammer, Wage,’ Paria, Franoe, Dear Sirt~ IT beg to gonfirm the following cablegrams re gai ved from you and sent by mate ENDIS04%, Auge 15, 2889. “Have colored leaps been shipped? Importent, Are any phonographns and zines on way? Answer Harmer,” NEWARK, PARIS, Age 15, 1889, *Golored lamps , oxcept ruby, ge forward early next week, 411 your phono, orders compl sted, Nothing on wey. YDIS0, © Youre trily, Thomas A Raison, Aienst 20, 89. Hre We Hy Taylor, Div, o'p'r, Pennsvivanria Radilroud dempany, Ak bt oan ts , PoAe Dear Sirte Pleags wesopt my thadke far your Lotter of Lath instant, in regrd to now tattery, Mur ‘ir, Lome wilh visit Altoona in a Pew doyk, and with your permission, will d@guin set up the battery, fo another trial, making s few ehanges whieh fe think WiLL overcome She di teiaw tty you mention. Twill sand wav inn day sr at, hy Adame Mxpre sey tio hoxeg of “attery material wale plese reeGive and pay axprias re Mind to you whey he reaches charsen on eane, whieh Mr, hogne wilt Altoonge Yours tin ily, Wy tario lun. ne eS . ne ge " ’ furpusts AO, LARD Rd iiuwaa. “Srote Greaxeh, Holes, i Nias BO, Be Peep obpase aa itr oyerity age wea contt fem yee & Lar ost re AR tee theo diye ede wag Yor Nt, Ge ot ale ora . egy AE Ot ire o . wey ha Waa mare AY Uhiteapers ALLS: Mynbisa Ghia wha atber, pod ednaaqantly an ea wey MEET OA Wt Vor it. i wn fk Baa AY aye tere nt phen teem oer wourt ceytys Noe f Ghewinate Get roweak Met fess e me gary ya wept r@ere IN * < ‘ ‘a i ae . Phis, seh we Eee eS saw DE uated Eb boda Mea mu’ porte ten.. eer WE eA outbar fer cnt of eet poke foam adhere of ste Se ean’ mayo ge wel fa eb scat dn ste month, fev Chen > trot ho het ce sora Aun yt te ab deoon tute Pde Mire ‘ peseeteiel ME cp bevy, Slates eats ta workdigr Pha the * erry ea ghee on nop ee tar uprei faced yy, Bre ver: epler oe tha gt “Eotra fear i : 5 ry tow ¥e = . yb atts oath Dae ey mo ow Hee Tohn Nonaiis, Nom awk oom 7, Deer Morse i Your Litter of U7, ine tent Baran ABT oi 1 have rent Where yor the map of vane pesparty no tho Bactory ab Siivertlaka, gan get it, If C had kyeten cchere vou lived texculd nnye gent itto you house, das sorry te nay that Loaesncut teke tha moperty yeu atin, Tha prise is very omer higher than property that J ee bow mene there that Dowent ta usa for the same piurtpaga, Lode att ike the feat that uormago aty on the wet losy Hae brn gokay and tat aia thht yer offer, syen at sine hier prive, ave ‘nek Jota whiah woikd hme to pe pened by strana Il oxpeet 40 resihee vomrtnl cot on the p arent » AE T Lay ‘ont ny moray for ft, and Dead ast enet ta yet cneh from that at the “ prdge that Toincoe) sood wacom ghalloyay ete dn thot ~dadntoy ; * ‘ years Fraly Aignat (2), 89, Meag"s. Dyer % Snely, New York ity. : Year Sirst~ Your lether of 29th instant, relative to patents on aynamos, motorn Ate, addvessed to “ir, Tdinon, is duly at hand. Please obtain an soon as possivle and corward to the Jahoror tory, the foligting $60 Motbors 347 Paterts 9 Garebrekes 74 # 75, lwooomotian 403 1 I endese “Marowd th ehask to your order for $21,407 aovaring cost of sata, Aiyo axtimyte as re qo 3bad. Yovrta trruy, Shar laa Boatchoela re He.” Mr, Some B, Dodd, 619 &@ G2l Brot Bt,., Newark, Dear Sirt- With revereme to yo litter of Blast ultimo, ad- dressed to ir. Mdison, in regard to sia nonout y Yhich you have for sal near Forest Hill Station, the nap whieh you mention in your letter has not been received ut the Lanorato ry. Ye would have examined thia property, pit not having a mep ware unpble to locate it, like to ged it, Ha tason te you have a map of tHe same, wo would Yours truly, Lbaborrntor y, . ) toy + Sate ORG rel eS oe foneh 126 aM Mist AL, &. Ned, ra ” Ging 22°" 1669 iy j } : “ . fbr : jo. lidar tohuov 7, ray 11 9/ ae if 7 £ Ay he CA Aaa ict Kiev d ak) ; hohe Mere J- \ if . ; ‘ ” a Cul. Lie Lewis lhe: Cdrres “Uf (2 / CK CUO tn ler the wr aanageneieh 5a lhe € Hisces Phanegr afl I fr oles cn ALANA. OY Libies. ad Debus, begs ee ee Pe Bion pal otic? i hie Giliae,, aud tten) J ovate Drag Yew, Pare oe “ff ston tee A AQ heii en thy bles hoe afk hole di ue eed but wt ¥, */: ss ws twine Lede) an es the, a ork AS) iA A A AWW use wd ge dn Nh Canny sees I nent, ol oT. ancl’ y CAL thong) : rs pO ho ware wav aunfrrach ito tare Phen ne ane Chak thus Fad 70 ee and. dad mech tare yours the wn than: yer ae pie. wake cl teoels we a, Sra ch aud bececlta,

% & c mS a me c: s » & a ae &. > o ot a +. 5 = a E ° s FF 7 a wm Yours truly, HhARORATORY, . BNISON ZN Angtat: 209, &. ~The Mdigon Mastinea “orks, ™ Sehenectady, We X. Dear Sixrsie I talephonad you to-night in regard to test sheets ‘of tranoformora, am in ortler to se wuraceke’ you urdorstoad wins Tomedn, Tanke you to sori roa test sheet of emh size of transe formr you hrve made of tho Maison type, giving me also the mathod of winding and the sizes of wire used, and also denoting which “type of machine it ise I pkould 9 vety glad if you would also send mt 5 copies ot Mil «i each mimtor of machine, ‘uming from No. 2 to 69, in order that I oMm take the mean of thar for purposes of oaloulation, ‘hat I wnt ia simply ‘tost sheotie of 5 different No. ones, 5 ¢ach % oan ee OU tros M0440 of the machines you makte . Your's very truly, ; Mitbdlided’ whee y; tint tate Hl Rabari Reiki, ‘Aug. 29, -89, Ae Se Brom, Fay, fup't., “eastern Union Tel, %o., New York TEbye Dear Sirt- ; You wilh probably vemener oa fey nights afro, when so wero goin; down in the train togother, my “talking ‘to -vou gahaut a , teat of a new athery that I wnt to make on your lines, Would you ‘ kind enmnh to indicate Just what kind of cerbon batterios you are using nov, and also let me know wiera I cond make auch a test and the praesent minber of “eels that are yeing uspad on that tate, 4q should like to have one of the hardest oir ond ts that you have got) - I mean one in-which the rattery cost both foy matorials and istidiiae the most. This I think we can “SOW Vp best on. i. I want this information simply to cet at the probahle pan- tity of colle that I shall have to prepare, and whim it is ready shalt he glad to sal, upein you in regard to the mchtoar previous to doing snvthing, in aie to get your perndt. Yours very truly, his Fa fe hela Seorve Me Holbrook, Usy., President, The New York. Telegraph ° Mew York Qityve Dear Sirt- I me toa acknowletco the resainpt of your lettor of 2nd insta:t, addressad to Nr, Maison, notifping ¢he latter op kis election as an Honary Newser of The Now Yor’ Tolearak th » Mr. “Vaison in at present dn Rumpe,. On 145 return fiom abroad he will couhtless be much urat ified t¢ Jaarn af tis action oy the part of The New York Telegraph Clute Yours twly, Private ¢ Parts “s eae 4063, 2. cs . eeauen ais Jeph rt ay Marva ov A ah onals (ponds ; eGtchdey Se. Dean fies ee CAA. haw 7 ee Kerurnth , Laks Chrohe, wae the Fr cabin’, L Livass, Ne VA, hy Cocaes fb aces One eed dame hy my pay Deva Tuk A seman d be, R, Mr. H. ‘Hosmenn, Dear Sirt}~ next and bting a comet player with you.. We'wouLd like you fox the halence of.the week, if vou have no other OngARamentes fept. 2 We 34 Wniversity Pl. , New York. W412 yo please core 40 the Laboratory on Thursday Yowrg truly, COR? | Private Secrotvary. fept. 5, 80, Dee Me Nomma il, ) : Dr kh Sohneko, ! Mun t 4 Dr, “Re vo 4 «3 : ) i ie oe : Dear Sirsi~ \ Referring further to my Lotter of 2%th April Lest, I hava mich pleasure in enalo sing hovewt (th Ms. Halson's teak for Two Hhindrod und Fifty Dollars ($280), hin contrimution to the Ont Monument whith you mirpoce erecting in Mund ch, an Pr sed payable to the ordor of Hesnrs, Mernak Finokh & Co. Kindy agknow ledge receipt, and oblige Yours ‘srnly, Prdyate Secreyary. Le phragm cinema ame SST TE: a eae eae 1 % Sept. “A, 59. Mre A. 8. Yrown, Vastesn Unton Tal, Soe, #195 Woadvay, Naw York, Deer Sirte 4 In snaver to your Lotter of Supt. ard, I shoula ws \ gled 1£ vou will have the moasuraments mad’ of the mtteary spoken uf, and we will sea what we can de with that giranit for yor, wo rrégime tat if yen vot isntisfactory reenlta on this, it rould give yo the information that would enabte you to judge whet her \ it won 4 2a saving of money to you ta nse ‘this wetery on qi mits'out side of Nav York, uacd Sor the game purpose. \ \ Your's twly, | \ Pe ' Mr. J, G. Jlenderson, Shief Imeinoar, Vadson General “Leatrda Sonpany, 44 Wall Street, “New York. Dear Sirie- I fim it a Uttle di tticnlt to wot drawings of streot cer rumins gam to adapt to different plans that we have devisod for rumiag ‘then by elaatricity.s I thought probably th at you woulda hive some monns, as you have “een studying the thing w,.of eetting such drawings, or perhaps you have thon already. If x, would var kindly lat me have then, to take a copy of then,, and very mich obléje . Yours vary truly, Qhoaesee Batnohe#lor Me aw eu) hosed Sapte 4, Be The Mdison Madhine Vorh.g, Scheneetacy, Te Veo Dear Sirst- What hae Geom of the Gormiator for mall motor that we ordered from vou sorie time ayo? Please have this fut} ni ehed et ones, as wo Ae waiting for th. In rejard to tu ben and copper mrs concentimg which we rea wested sono informtdion as to price Gee vome time apo, the fole Tawing ts a Liat of what we wants “8 tubae at 4 Condictors . 2 #75 i ; ak With ali material oxcent ronearest rinherss compound 2 #150 8 uses of 2 Conductors OD x2 800,000 ¢ m 200 feat of Mam BY x 38" L00 feat oT pmbsiple (10 wire) maither sable not tibed, each about hs MG. Plauge tive us prices, and haw soon the material gan 4 delivarede Yours truly, Chad BSatchrlear.. a Me ”* Sapt. 5, @ ‘ne Sieh Tnmli, “sae, ; New York at Lye My Deor Sirt« Mere Ndivon tefore de went AWeY, told mo that we desired to give ta John th Ploe Kundrad Dollere ween he -went a a en for his vacation. I fing MNre Maleon haa lat no ins treettoans i rs or, With Randolph in regard to the aitter, and as John wants 20 on Nonday, © woul oe shud if von wanig give him a @hktek for th 2 Smount » tows very truly, a re me Be oe (Cie PoaATHA LL 23%; Wr 18 Fp y 4 (3 urberr Cag, ; Marv Arr, bye a eo b& berry badiorn ote 0 by Y.50 dbperwd) i Labor : 0 ae brnrty hatdy if s ha yin pgchtb— wee, vy wifi priliicle, Ly be “hire vr BANAL’ 4 oe ree, pol oh oe Mla sar theeh AWANs avo hy (yigle x . “ee hw weg Cot Gh Cay, aD, Hn bak rvnstine 7” hwo. fre AA Vase AA, ee Giese: Ce f I, Attn sn AN i pati ane fbi | Mag sky tietitengaegsd pe The Fddaon Machino Yorks, Be haurrr tad M Y. vw wy “oe hava your Latter of Ath instant, in regard to tubing, and the prices wht sh you quote are satisfactory, You will, therefore, plenne supply us, an soon an posnidie, with tho Lollowinsyt~ Five (5) tudes composed of tvo #89 anc tro 72150 ad copper roca, With all material, excepting compound, and with olght ° HL Cone bi east | (8) tubes 899,000 a, me Alco 209 feot of Rus Brn 2" x 3/8", ard ” 100 fent of rmitiple 19 wire runser covered cable, gomponed of 10,5 Wa wiroa, Yours very truly, RDISON LABORATORY, By WY tones. esta ° lovee Ad. ig difoh jon. ME], de 0. Panrve an ey ; 7 Vent ove dy } ean Hs. : | l a fOr of. fine bye sua hinndea ore 1) . hue Cae m swilhy catches J Riad wie dl tina is ee fee / for thee Colrrcali or ar thie ff Sab dtodd bo Ack chur Ani - Peek e \ arrral cer cb AaarLes aatcl + ‘ak £032 7p ACLOLR/ aw, , Y . MAL: lfler, Fine ooh Ae anewwucl tefenttarindl ban elLoas, / Cus Avec ts thy yf an OC fea wt 7 . YOO. iG pe Loiura df july ; Lab cag / ae dp Ci hia uf 3 /) v Ane eer ad Sefok 10 k iy (res Lave aA ae Ciih h } jh, Nadasud | {beg % 0 bnclas yaw henerenidh plo. ce BLL Orage Aisne Ura ccvabis 6 birktre anc Jarw wer aan OY hud arch, aenk ih dome Lor arbors hue Ete, uF . se) for Gay ope athe A andes ane / was Lurk eth, dnvatruchions To aeud on tae dotlarw and the yO Oe onraloarl 4 me and onby caw do bith Pos aes U ne ee | feb KA analolph » Con fon . Ney %e it, HO, ‘< ‘ ay eae , Mra, Vy Tatson, ; : ‘ ( * " te thee Sara, Lou toon, Seadfiyra, Boy hong. Te ao fim : , Deer Macene.- é ree tae es 0. zd . q ‘ ' > Th raply te vow Lettar of 20th Angnat, T hay te * age yt W 7 feo oy a : Sh pe Oe ES ‘ ‘ ; é . foie inform yor that lt. Thorns die Fdaaon in not an Bnigllabowae - 20 : 3 ‘ ae yee fe Be eke a4 ‘ @ WAS bornat Millen, Sto, United States af Avorben, The feedly . of Fdaieans, of witsh fe, Belgur daw deseandint, migreted to. va Ame theg Seem Hoddar da 2498.) Mere Uiddson ta, shore fore, of 1 . Fi ri * Pater descents Tia mother eas a Sanacdon af Seater end Maglisn Peet ages ae Yura staly, Ree ceeel Yriveta Segreteary, een Sept.e 1A, oO. Tha Mdt von Maghine Norks, Saharcetady, Ye Near Sivg,= Please sond to thio Lasoratory one at your ASM Nest Dynamos, Armedintealy. Foun traly, « N ak “itp yale yee woe dear PR arie 4 Reape t mY Towa, rr der sy Behe Lege yh otheasy f SNH oon ay, feb ree for aos nary ea > ToT oe haystes meade edt MM tee oy demtiyen ON meg oat oe top dedi ne® aah A page dan’ art. r vu he tre wo kotiy ar renee eae oa ye hice al MA Asay Lode : " > mda are getyt nee cin tm Ee 6 madi to, oS iahan FP ny, ht edd gtaly i] om ort oe EA Laps * AS be hanes B : 7 defch 17 1% Meg GH; OVI Us Poe af “tf frat Lthecl Juv ye J WQaar’ hi a ke to a chnowkd pe ere i; aeew, py 7 the Ul heraty Tae Kk fa te ne a et Feat eran Co $ Sooo. Fir pom ws YT Eilsss: mM Ph Mes grecfeh frerbea ty 4 Aes Abs Cciacticl J Ley fa GH “K Ae Phas tas chee idles Parke UV ’ 2 if. c Kbaee, ted. rrr ee our eee ae OC OAre ty crn ma cle, > ay oblt CAA Ay I ; y Atta Ge jo Gf. oe aol a ais Sutter Cae 4/ Lf Irate LA Kew é bak LO tan ae f fo (efecnng te gorans for G the sy as asilirg Lhal, jou peue Lha AN es hercomndtbel a AG Esa: ay rte, Lor the, Le, y ti20r Ph on ugr aah hroke, Cannel. back atavh. tae Prreceectas Ei Cana bial, ARO mi f 4 ETL ie ; Ae, ted, ante Foren ae ete a atote, tt-lca. Aes countiel, reel due) ae hs And cb ge G ages Trrrk, V \phaw ff Uf Dede, f 7 }Y ue 3 ol pe Se eee ~ 2 j i oH an , bes jo ae | ae | . | | ‘ Hs the ALiwe- alt: moh delaer — tbh Aefeh, He 1669 f ot i lian G / , bn ah On QUA Of Dy, ( aids, i f J hay he ewetenw yin dnewiith, slick je oa = ae from Fie Je as aecounh, duds dlonwoh we ei me os lunchor dimuuy tW Le chan Ya A, ae aww without, ow or dee A ww’ Ares seanecls é blew by fw Botchelr bo ba AE oy. Py. Of kucttoo ine Gyhied “pad pe.ce®) rear how dor aw lunch w a4 ee. dota. wrk sar cha AL, Laity,” cents wrth. o of Ar nae ogni with of “a fy / en pe 7 a nis ae “hoe tay Att wr 4 park, as, Pers oy ae dy be oh an ged ae mat/ Ws we pe ereen ob evel fet ; Oo ail: Sad Le ae et win MLG anc: ovdiw ae Fo uy wae He eet a & aretn aw or due f” ‘gach Aen ew ta (ot § f ae esd The Honreian donpac Grey, Ne Pa Malntneh, Mera, Seales, Ghesre lod, Wie. Rapides co wer Langer of Ltt dratant ucdenaccd te Mre Bituon, ingtetiy, cet eLoiment of gopred oFe reat! Sen wie you, Tose; to dnter, get that ce tee aateliat yory aun mat oe , int ure only avaltive Mra Midangts resam Cron ateong te Geer 14 Oye daecer rede, Me think thar oe har coer preemie ver ware ing tb soote, and shen Mere Metso geen hak, ae TEI tae ttre oO PUtGAr Wp ee welt vem bah ty Voues tuvy, pr de to Sneya . rye th the x i u oy boll ot of bug 14 a de ~ a} rt 2] ree aw Abe de : myst zy ate cates J ~ Ve LU rae Pronar't you a aa ie O OTIS i tet G d dodls dred, pr for shipaent ginish --per oun eccive and r goods, oubosT liver to us such & ina de ee ed Foe :] a ot ‘ see ay a2 be es Q@ 2 7 Se G oO a cad he ne Co @ Qo DB Qo 2s g a pes _ yes ot a aS st f ° 3s > tt Bo a =< a) a ea) cal 3 a AS oa aad °o com +2 “ 2. “a °o sa a a ean ae a oa wn n MS s = te is) a m a ao ~ > fe) es D Q a Co a gq ha ) Fe end Ce ot Q fom n > So : ci rel * te ke <<] o a 2 Da o a Pad tad Lo] a ce 3 Oo pag » a a> - oO Q oa os ao aD a Ss os QO ae s a mS s o a I sa cd “7 a as! oO oF ot aS ry al > ae ip 2 ao =. od oes a GS a oa o G ows nes G +> o> pad Saad Po io a 3 ag o 3 tsi wi Lomd a me a or a) oD ad Fred AD tet ad o Ga “a cay oad 43 “> es, a Qn a ro ot iy = a 7° O ort Fe aS . az Lars 2 <2 > a 3 cy wi o oO ch te oO a] <3 42 aj io] ne nN “ 3 ~ os ral 2 ial ta boa ce. $3 "e cael = mn “ te oO oOo ce ~~ . ay ame is as poe o> ™ a wes T oO . a> a rs] he Q oO 23 « “F ad G&S =} a - > as vu 4 cs] 3 aed Ag “me #k wr a4 a3 "3 — a cos w “ a oO - ae) te eet ced oO el 2 o be, a Q 3 co pag +> Oo > cs a a c oO oO Br Lama te cy «2 t> in x Se eal 2 a n ww cy wo ao f+ . 3 aes <3 SG 3 oP) 4 we oo tt ood °o oO flapt. 20, 1aRro, N Ne Pe Amtth, Mage, Shier Train Mispateher, Maw Xork, “New Haven & Margtard Re Re Cue, New Haven, Joyme Dear Sirt~ Your telegram in regard to phonogreph recoreat ras ony rogetved, and I dirmedi aned wirnd you dn reply to the often thot cy Linders rondkd eae so he stained from the Perwtty Anariaen Phono~ uray Compan, Noe 140 Rranewns, Now York G4gy, I regrattad very moh Wty, Lise to telyeraph you thon, but Mr. Bateen'’sa aone trngtn with the “orth, Ame Phono, Ga. preside hla selling phonoe grarhs or gap lien sherefor, Sox use in the United Staten, tho sema Yedry obtains ole onty from tha North Ane Phonoe Coe or thei s atthor$zed agents. Mad Mr. Saison sat nt home, J am avre ne wtthd have bean vary pleased to hive prenentad you personally vith n few good rreords; wit dn hiu abarnge, however rtieh we woulda Like te geet Chr your angire in this aomection, we wve peerless to co ao, Ler the roason mentionwé ehovt. When Mre Naiaon retnsnn from ubrond, I shell ving tho mattor to his attention, ant he eth tint leas present you with a for qhoten redorda. Moonwhile, L Hy Ye, %, : may ee wiénk that tha portios fe sown pow eo aed vey phon tak thew A ba ola ta aunanve sore raadrds fh + vat . Meer vay + cidy,y Priveta Spyresaere Meat Telage ure De He. cee N.Y Tosh, Shict Train M getehoer, “tow Yori, Maw Haven, & Tact ford Re Poy Mew Hewem, loie Phonograph aglingeres betes to Wo proeanat fon the North Anrriase fy Phonograph Sorparr, #169 TWoadwar, Maw York ‘ity. Shromie Aqsa goes forvard toeday « Aw n, t a 4 ss 4 7 is : it ting “te Sept. 20, so. Moasra. Deaxel, Morgan & Soe, ‘ Naw “ark May, 4 Dew Strate | b | ute Loopy to noknowlerge ree apt af yous fear of ie): SAB CaN, addressed ta Mr, Melon, NOLL Ly trys the latter that hie aeerant te dnhitent under Tuvelling Gredit, $592,25, | 9n tha Uith of Tamuuy, 120, yo tuemd ahed un with no atato- Mert, oven SLA, STON4S to Mr. Kadion'a oredite “All vet plmage Preaek us with oo ptatemont of], Bateonts aqoount Trop: 16th | : : Jamie: , 80 to manent dato, amd var mush Onlige | uM Youra tray, . , 374 Sant. 29, 80. Tegoe Ne “Wprsneott, “Naas " #1AO Nwoneeny, Mew York City, Dear Sire The Mat ain. Phonogsaph Vod 5 have rafarred voir lettor on moritns ey Undera on wood, tO ms The preangsa vou upeay of Lovdlieve de at mertioner sy If, “Wiliena, ani Lo nuvea taeday written him te ret marn pretiautarn abot the ertter, An soon as Toranatea n loteer from ham, Twill nave &t trted. rey toruly yours, Rept, an, 00. he Malnoy “Alem, Mee, The Panter Poennaydvernin Phonogrrh Sos, 7396 Sta} Meabems® Dre, Phalkatelphin, Poe Dasr Styt a The Phano;raph “orks having received fantrvctionn fron Kr. lippgnasts to tue up the matter of abdne a eylindes on o hollow wooed an nite. thay beve ashado ye to make tte nOsesaary ox Pet pty toa nor wheather. tt +41) faprove our presert. ovlinant se: J opra@oun that tis igs the pimnaenn that was apoken of hy you in your Lother to Hr, “orslish of September Lith, Raforr corntn~ eins JTeadt Uke te any yen fara Little more axplicit dora é ption of fhe mencaat, as ldo not quite wmidtaatend haw yon want them Any instivetions that vot aan piva me on the aubjess, C shot very gladly reeotee, and the “eat of my ability wall w davotad te ot « antdafeatory reentits Vary tmily yours, Sapt, BY, ep Thomas Bars Lar ’ Vag os PAA MAE Bee, May York Tite Hara 16 empy of anhblagram reanives thie eStermaon from Ton dons , F Koneen, Whi New York Sapt. Ao, Mm. To Thoms Ae Nation, Anat ready prompt shipmant Renmark ree aipt Letter thirty moters ninatoo treadtes one MEhse - . | Mr. “inteletor took vith him this evening n copy of the Phova, with the tntontion af snoring if te Mr. Inga Yours toeualy, eo ’ ae" abet tae, cara eevee it ti ee he ‘i Se she Riva oe Santee Sas, he io: de ’ i | : ‘ I sorta TEE R14 M ws Moe Bay ye ; ; Won See yas = oe: rs yrnterday ovary: tvom Ter von ane tien The ates habe rig hey Ta. tere to vanese Les \ . ‘ Oc, "Donde, via Mes Yor’, To 1, SPRL. eve, Pend wy t better fiviety roftore, mune toc Scere hea, one digit." Mee Tatcheber tee rbd. bum to Nee Yor: Last aight of ups saowe, vith tbe Pitention as avy thing is tol Meo Doretnk vie aiwcdld eenalth ators aeting upon ite Morn tomy, - Sea a ia ear ee a ee " acs Bue dace The -Faiean Mhehina Vari 2 Sehaneectaarzr, Ne Yeo Dear Sirs: « The shousund ampere muahine thar vou naare aM vary mur Aienapy einter el hie Sapte AA, We rept onp TI XY wan urder the tiupreastion that nT aon the tate maching wowla give 2, O00 aomeres mt LO walte et a reasonable SAA : yuit Loot isé 21% waltce weather vor Om ith ofieiiatly te what you mao o¥e types, po ns te de avey vi, generated Ag fhe wire Plhenge Loto meu knov Yeurn vary try, } . tape tog wra ctron thas it is dangerously hot, and vid onde sige ter hip ian goed for ve, and To wowld Like +0 dno p aArmatise and te tat “pg guymert machines of mu A hin ane menis forsee qieren ts. inmediately adawt $1.75 ined contents noted. In rey ly vhowe ge whse apy aveati. reaan tly move taded feem you, was not doe stale egeainat vor feo peor les, The goada efree heim unpacked vem piece dr weer nt SOD bart e ‘ a ad emre las - roe pupa ie . W, e exariy: i A ty ay hiateare to CPI en opening “ teat The top at the tabs was eige teacke d far thin we have mate ne anacpeh e Seppe He Ae . rn & Oa, eos Be oy + Phin Qe Tbvndsy "a, Latte of hath instent bas byaenm dvby veges eed wOMhd shat? Seat vena acest as sl tarknyy Fite tor It seo fan that the aefeeta acm, ltl nre aeMk phe tbr owed sek of che eoene ti ot hoe ype eytent ag he scuck it from one. ara. ot mr eighth or an ineche Tha la oes a at mean to arcake Tria aaeureas Ven he te one fe: gave ca FMS & Meaty tye ‘ Qe Peg naga Pre a ee . ’ ' P| rn a nach ale pu tbat a tantyrht Yo sae pote Vast, AW, toaratare, boaasa net garth nono he gout pemoe da cee para te tne Nee ey ea "i I am, homeo. ep arhe rane te wo Uhesy ATS ATG Gee et py ay to ame bdsen ne got IRSA, to pive yo dnaiaat tor sonneretes Bhp wor doe at toe eht ne, esse Ve ee bee, ore foe di te Gd wt cbaaaiiter, te the dohuson, Peas Lt Mensa My, Mae Pata - Ret, wy Me He Page (ot ire, » Yona tad ree gam cahoer ttme ao thet eo eotty yere em Semi hsesiie At that tine Tada net want hing ne Xo nad svat Wired moan, Hasswer Lf poe hewe a aie Avegeh thar not, aha i Un4aerstids dts were, Lesko pn plad to ™ReH fh gongs, pitnee sive Mog Lotter af tatmevetion to me, ara, 48 porainle, Let hin eae eden ava. Aloo het ca know phat saat eye Weg pay die hart .s Peps healer vous, Mg My By Sh bane, My tear, Mage ce fe th A fy Be i Fa A if « a E Ec by | aes afk 260i inva faith, Gf of of frakll ths , Ua ‘¢ ’ xO) Moe Levy I be Ao See i oa, Ay lk. pike ory a Gen i ee ieee Oe? thd, a es reUncervtol uP see { h. bho epi es wh Y EOS se) Aa bh dt fdavte oy Qaaney, Seth Cu ch «& Lhe, Giisen PA ar OGY ah) L hohe ab the Girr ob hratinr ald Haste be Few (of Poe 2 Genk: ey the, jv : MAL thn Ciuliews Phar pop t a ole) Dr tid fur if T0000 _ Mi Tialy john fh a. autor. en ee ee ae Te et RETIN ee . ‘ aw ‘ Masers,. Horser Veothern, P: fo Ava, & ANS} Rites. : Nav York Bt. Dear Sirase Twerlhe this letter to wah you, the regyon why ft. Fdisen's hose hee year Bo mich naghtcted by your 11m? cf is intended thaw the houge shali ov oo gmied on Agtone- Ast, Ond Tie Edison's en iv expected 4 Sow days Laver, aml you ete yrry fav Own Dininhinge The Ooastamn has informed mm that he has ‘yo- “prateddy uskert you on telephone to haya the work hurried up, bat thav he am gi no gatisfaevtone Wit you he good expuch to hayt Se SSSR RS thin attendad to ut onee, and Let me know gy retin mad) wire yar any tae Wilk 6% pre Lo have tha whole thing find shed. See pes Vory truly vours, Sart, ore We JECMOCRAVID DIC) Gh. te. Ie Mock, “ z i NM e346 7 4, R 6 . : ¢ Paar Sloe 4 - L , A i Land ve 8 Settgh af no eke pcan Boy: Lee repro. Gtattent lao sepreaiese smepes sad big Mec fring Dumed, an ryquestede Lo think yess gen oth thas maat there by Any Manton squells az goot an we meke thom hers In regard te solutton fav Irenet sill, the avintian Unit wa. usre une sn heweta Sofa sodetion, oat an it fy pikta possioia that vou vould Siwe lratjhe in getting Chrome Anid, we giv? vc theatre mea whieh 2s alm et a goods~ 16 Lf Lys. Sulphurie Agia A loa. BWohromute Sodhe 46 yp. Voter. This, of aarse, World f1LL your Jar quite a muher of tii put logive you it in this quantity, tease that ds the var we de lb Up heres I shal. ow glad at omy time to give yor ant infymetion you may wish in regard to this misintss, and hops thy you may 6? svacasgful in exparinarting und showin; tha meahinge Nore Wile NPR LY Mi BME pure renes ener taki at ttt Ba ar riconer eee ree Go et STOHOCRAPH DIers 1 My Dear Moe Olean, I nwe soaheng vous Lotter oF Seyte adhe ty in vee tea GUNG Terwe fay tte Paonose:rh tor doi. I Mnay ne ine ona the peters MNO LE cop bine, ob ane PSO sete Pasesye net ur Sather te Mey Rravkhy cers eta Give ya aki the infomation fat Le neeeanaery on trtet potnate Tous glagto bene fem yaar Lester thet year hewing gies ClSs woth the phono ph on the Pasrie Geast, aliton shy ab you Pee WOM GL eM at of Ppeat. Am plemsed to hear af Metis tas SCR ORBs bien ty GbR OB, ‘yy > 2s Pine Mt *s Sot Soaeksana, hd Pacer i In bey Seems. Merocce Hitetae Brotiers, FUG Phra Avea, Neer aie Gite, ne ae Hiya te Dokypaees rentyys ot ane note Tore mean hiuwe mos carmenesg oot fe fay the gareet, dn Me Bates pees ower an th A Spee yee Sere Botte i+ irmavsaguet Alrch a Br one, ang asks or isp 3 ‘ y wey went C804 diate b to attend ta tt Phoase aeoees Pali te howe secu beg la thle ted ? ¢ ner Bae GI eT AS ig. Asai es we artomemm Cee, T “14 3 3 we , Te Hitetiin gory, Macey Asstt, den't, Manager, * Mex Work (ity, Deny Tivt. Core to wiine yal that the ole type GYnemo he Peaasge ; bey esol cee. <4 a to Sh your rewseuntenm woous of Mh inetann wae Gully reapdwad at Pr Nye eh eae . wad ’ oe 1 5 5] Tevyurstarns Hee Batahedher aes pothat “his dynamo Wioange te Mee Vebocon ami not to Me, Jer sen o Xouer troky 5 RFdison Noehorathoarwey Seanieupeiiietmtiamenteeret Sense ‘39, R, The Raison Phonograph Toy HP. Nos, OF Ni: Me, Sonton, Hass Moc Rked Dior too Dear Sirs:~ I should hot ‘other you with this matter, Sut that L yatinva tr. Alldén galled for Murope last Suturdays hen Mrs Brings anc Mr. Allien Wore here tho Last time, I showed then thay thé hole in die soeket of the doll nody were Yisble to out ths ruoierh that hald the legs ine 1 have vem ablo to ‘ronedy thia do tet dy waking longer hooks ‘in the insite, whieh do not inter- fore with our appacatin. Théy, hovever, wold make the rubbers Mm ghe Ligh phorter. ta it possible that you cin allow this? Is Qo, Peruse Lot mt know richt away. Vary truly yours, ' a? My Dear Hr. Shaw, « I reontvad vqura of Sept, 27th this maimdstt, enatoning * ‘tre HinkLey's putt gecificatian, I have pean work trig on pimilar wory for Mr. Tad son for the lost thran ar fou years, and, thercfore, I do not fed as ££ TI should like to give you any opinion on thia partiowlar one. ir you wish to have it brough’ beforo tha “ondral. Pheatric fo., I know of no other way than for you to mite direst: to Mr. Fdlobn abouts it. He mey possibly aiva 8 yor some Satisfnation. Am norry to hear that the “estinghouns peep).a ara peing to yrt yar out of n jon However, I feel quite confident that P,. % Se om take care of himself in eleatric Ligh fing mat ors. Very tmily yours, he a gat oft ~~ a tigi ht Pp. h ro. He AAW, Mada WEP SAcmporte, hs FDC . Soyts 30, 5. Col. eorge Fe Gourmu, hittle Nonlo, Upper Norwood, seas) te Ia . Surrey, Truylund. My Dear Colonal,-. Yours of the 21.at to hand. Your roqiesta jn récam to London amt Pentmrk shipnonts shall be attended to, ant I wSlL sec that you get all the latest improvements. . I have ro ferred ae ‘Lotter to Mr. Prglish, with inatruetions to carry Ot its request to the lettpire The grounle with the slipping ‘rms. "was aio to the fast that for some time we did not have enogh to ehip nnd hed to. finish then yefora thoy wore what we cnlled “pera " ‘ Fi fectly neasoneti! Sinea,, howover, we have got in to the new wax ' ghop, we hava hat about 129,000 seasoning all whe time. Xou will not have this troavrle in fature I feel quite sure, Yery truly yours, , Pia M bast ‘ uf “a es id wl a ies y a PP POA ST OE EE, 460 Ae FR aw Putty G yu brat, tbe) hear ben CA Otros ( . ? a bo ach Lu owed Haas necer oh OF i, ou 4avwr of thy 1% “ A tuickeaung ce fab prum Mil eee div ff ys 22 hs OP uphteh? Alraat oe nag; ilase AAA CL the cheeky Pag Abruatls bens eet a hw. Cit Kho ww the sare ae) Janecentd a Qhlin fran yous with) 1 wnfoemiliar wt pegard Mw the avep. two’ wt the prio ceade of a ¥ Yoa0. Ile wren ‘the Gelraen isis soe rates. data 25/69 Thc re, pore verry ana chy “Ww a oA an alin coun ay Mes Madea, f bel AN ee, ny 7 nd Elan a SHON NS Yo Minis tk SANS TAD ' , vo0's \ neta snus sreeiereaeeareataaee ee Seccmantecetncanscacecatertectt rte Mean ok ry bee to ack newledge pt. ctad Te , aa d ae h.. hak Y ila a ALi bi och iar. As en Cal. do pix an Sivaw aa eae ates ; chided J wniw bw whih ue hare hue calle ” Ganka. doniturie who yinw at ah the Labnilay, anc und | kthe Vis wh Arnie Phones Nutty Ps yu Praw Miu ond nab, ata tA DVhanrk pedo ci the, totin 4 anv) oe dee. had i WAY 2g poland aw as to the Tx dt Untbpiad Har anne hy id if, Stihl hw fru lesen Moll one kev Gucction whe miagth ong hh oneke a ‘Propaat! rAanels fine 6 cham mar oft, ace dow tb lhe Latuilh hi ee a ee Vv aome oucy sptadur v hot anuek ,; YOUN aim ahiar tak fit. at we unth, a thut- and the baths ous ey (VA ch, Proves hasstind pee Bioulln Fb nena Det. at E69 an Ab iasepses teed fide” a, dt re ey ae gh thd . the Ley, , and sare hone hae hw Edum with w eww 7 would frou ‘the holler, aa cok fy thas, pole ane I theh wh, ae~ : . Oclebervands Fq. - are Bodelelor : 3 J Vrect 2 41 A Lhuct herv Yorle li lyf mk @ Wa kad td. VIAL Vie epee erly ela mala, dered, re eeey ' foendan vulolin hate yl ere ae vena end ee hide nn Gen Anananng gies Iu ahrwonr (tL ECS y - - a SY oh ~ ey ~ Net, 4; 1880, Mre Ge Pe Adams, Div, O'p'r,, Raltimore & Ohib R, R,, Baltimore, Made Dear Sirte a Yours of Sapt. 17th has ‘juét read hed me. The formule for the akromie aajia solution ip as foll owg : Tee five padlons of water, add plovly 15 Lhe of sulphuric rkeia (Noh't overheat jar aré trreak 46). After the acid and water get cool, adi 7148 Los. chromic neigo Stir well end polutimia ia ready for wes twas in "altimore a few days ago, ‘mt sickness at the house prévented. im fram enlling on youe Put the seid aclutien in the porous cups, and water in ghaas jar, the some an the Tunsen, You might adde tablespontul of gulphurie eeid to the water in each Jar. Yours truly, a rc a we RTT TIERS TOP Ege AD ohne Letterbook LB-033 This letterbook covers the period October-November 1889, Most of the correspondence is by Edison and Alfred O. Tate. Included are letters relating to Edison’s exhibit at the Paris Exposition and to the development of a new battery for use with his phonoplex system. Some of the correspondence deals with the operations of the Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co. and the presentation of phonographs to Mexican President Porfirio Diaz and other foreign dignitaries. Other letters pertain to the erection of buildings for the Edison Manufacturing Co. at Silver Lake, N. J. There are also letters to the firm of Dyer & Seely regarding phonograph and electric light patents for Europe, Latin America, and Australia. Also included is correspondence concerning Edison’s stock transfers, his philanthropic contributions, and other financial matters. The book contains 500 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 50 percent of the book has been filmed. 1 cee ee Ne aes : roe ‘ roetnlne netstat a ee inc, dot. 8, 1889, My Dear Inawll,~ Nerg ine lctt.er from Gilnert Kapp, in regerd to Wron vou gabled moawhile I was in London. I spoke to Mr, Fal on ahout tits matter whin he was alsin. Tohn Pender’ 8, and he eid that what he desired to obtain from Kamp, was a complete set of drewinus of hip “Alte mator /an4 transfomer, for iid ch he vonld pay a liberal enotnt., aiid he naked m t4 sea Yapp mili give him tis informations I telegraphed Kapp, liekine him to. meat ma in Jondn on the 25th Septantur, and he did aie turn up, nor did I hear from him nok before Leaving thare on ihe arth, I, therofore, tn the mattor Over to yo. As Maroun, Fisqe, Sen'y., Fdieon General Flectric % ripany, § Mille Bdg., New Yor i. Dae Sirt~ At the raquent of. Mr. Inawll, U englone heredth Cortifiante Mo. 295 of the Bdiwn Moawid Yight Conpeny, for ten shares of ntook in the reame of Thoma Ae Pdizson, Tris. om, whieh hes been ondorsed by Mr. Mai ton in favor of tho Faison Se ee a foo Ganeral Bleetric Company Yours tmly, . Set, 8, 1880, Rev, Inthor M. ‘umes, "Lian, hin, Deer Sirs » . Hy Referring Swther to your Letter of 27th ultimo, I have to infom you that Mr, Rieon has now rotwned from abroad, and. I. take ratoh Pleasure in PR OTSEETG herowlth his cheak for Two Hundred. und Fi ty dollara (3259),: dren to your order, the seme : being anount of his aiieecerieon lexathe the erection of A new Ohiweh adifios in Milan, to rep ne’ the one censtroyad w Sire gone time hoo. Mindy acknowledcn ree pt, ent oblige Yourn ently ae a Heep SS a RM, aa Privale Nagretarye ES er t ‘ ua i Ue ny Odte B, IBD. My. Deer Inatt,- tha Mayer at New York. han ind tad Mr. Raison to attend 4 mast his a? the Corny ts ae for the Iniyirnat ional Pxpo- ‘gition of 1892 nt the Rowarnce'-n Moon, Mity Hal, on Thirsdry | afternom, 19th instant, at thre o'sloek, and tir, Faison dhaicon to pe present. “LT dave conmuntant ed his inten tion to the Mayor, ond ar Mire Fai hin wil. ne with } oa.on Thiraday: morning, 1 wish yin “Pou ran SH him of this er; spygomnnnt % aS Pd, Yours RLY Srdivate. Keere bev" 2's ye Syed Ine d., Baye, Note 8, 188. We. MoM. Spaer, Paq., Snaretary, Bhe Comittee for the Internntioml Fxposition of 1892, Neyor's fies, City Mall, New Yorke Dear Sirt~ Mr, Tediaon desiren me to acknowledge reeeLipt of you letter of 4th instent, inviting him to attend a meeting: of the Committee for the Inte mation) Mxpe nd tion of 1892, at tha Gover- nor'n Room, City Hall, on the afternoon of Thursday, 19th inat., at thrae o’eloek, end to say that it rill give’ him pleaniwre to be present e Yours try, Private Snqretarye Note 8, LAB, My Dear Mr. Stavena,~ Mr. Faison dakn mo to thank you fr you very Kind letter of the 7th ihatant, oongratulat irg him upon his return, and I am mynelf very rmoh indebted for the kd’ messare whieh yo. sent mee We had a del hit fal homerard passage and alt Leal very mich renefited by my aogaun in Furopes . ‘Tenner herewith Mr, Rai mn's proxy for the mecting of atnekholdewa of the "di on Phono. Toy M'f"ge Joe, to w held at Porglmad, Me. on Thioaday, 17th instant, executed in myvor of yoursel?e Mr, Fi eon will’ he sind 4 ym will elest ce an a Die ragtor to represent him, an’ you car transfer 10 sharex of his stock to: me, to emblem to qualify,. That I presure would te 0 eur fi at mumhose = As I witerstend it, Hre Fdieon, unfer his aproan nt with your Compmy, is oyld ged to hold pesrnonall y 12,500 sharep Of the stock. nllotted ta nim in order to he entitied to z pereentego of any futuro inerease, whi d: Leaves 1800 shuren frce ang ont of which latter ten shards for me ray be thken without - impairing any of his r ightn Ian going to write yi. agiin ine tt anya, on the matter . Se ig o> RB F, 3, Tuy At, your intention to be in New whith we discussed in Paria, York within the next few weeks, With kintest regards, Lam iidursn very truly, Prepté Secretary. toeton, Where Vb Png lene Mattal hife Ins. Oo, . Bande: Fe Stevnikhe, age , Nate A, ®, Mr v, Re “ha, Amergcan Waltham Wateh Co., Waltham, Mages Paw = nese, Dear Sirt- Your lmter of Cnty ‘Ibh to band, enclosing clamond splintee I heave rivon Nr, “allen the jnformet ton jn regard to them that you sponity in your Lihter. DL have alm reankyed mafl the oapphiren.s AB pranert I nea no Mason hy ws ctrmot vse the carnét for the bette Ye Ars) meacdinc them af promht thd are going to yut them rignt on to this phd noghphy mA Tv411 ne ehis to Let yo. know in & whiniti $300 wnacne? We shall veke tie thes permanent or not. In Fejara tin yor phonogtaph wattery, 1 4 rir the. ceure of +he wtteny play ini; ait of qith 4s the ‘fet that you have not got thode U4B Yovnber lige tat L spdké to yor . ahout in petwem the sorer Pitter. 1 here otam ad. the Prong seh works ¢ Odey to seni yo un tn neti aif athena, Yo role of correr s of hota pidek, nid abo Taw mat! Los i thd whtn you ho ye the WL wok we thor. plates, to full dtmr se to go in newear tie copper plabore aml lygs in ett dh the cotporey, gent hattory Sey trntly ae Date Ay LAB. J. Co Pnglish, "sqe, Manager, Patsen Phonograph “orks, Orange, Mo 7. Deer Sirs- Here is a letter fiom Mr. Connery, in regard to a phonogreyh for Prenident Diaz Wild you kintly let ne know what. is being done about the machine. Yours trolly, Private Saqret a’. Thoman, "utler, Meqo, #44. Wel) Sto, New York OLty. My Dear Sirt- I enolese herewith three (3) notes of the Padson Phonograph Yorks, at five months, for 45,000 arch, made payable to the order of themselyes, ant c-ointvarad gned by Hro Pdi gon. as President; so two. (2) notes of the Fdi aon Phonograph “orka, at four months, for $5,000 each, endorsed payable to the order of Thoms Ac Pal son, and ¢ dintersipned ‘w the lntter. None of these notver ero daterl. AL fad aaa Rea, AAG o- the (Past aihene the, hare V4 loa y tag rbK a, Yours very truly, “ff ee be ey , adéla se Pa ? Octe 9, 1885, Qa, He Coster, Feqe, Meserse Trexel, Norgin & Coe, ‘New York City, Dear Sirt- The enclosed form of assignment of qartain pesents to the Aus tralagian Fleotric Tight, Power & Storage Co., Ii't'de, was pont to Mr. Paiaon for his signrture hy Messrs. Vaterhoure, Winterhothan & Harrison, ofloninn. Knowing that you ate femiliar with the affairs of thisu Company, Hrs Faison would glad if you wold advise him an to whether 1¢ 48 al] right for him to sign the dog umesthe 8 Senre tarye ‘ apr ny eee ° Cub) Netay Ry Leas e Vresoerhkouy 4 Ys, « Retin, Net. 8 IEA. - * & r & & Par i se Aongt offer United States offisded alrsun ie owes Apoidea WIM acihadigieil obrinee eet meter a eae ieee Srectar S ee taaee 2) aati Face i... ae Dove 9, 1ULO. He a Dany Mr. Nox, © . , | a a ce My, Kdieon reached hom on Sunday, and hen just fh Ne i 5 raed yar latter of Nth dristant. i{ If ym have not puaoetded in obtaining an axpert in Nashvinie, ‘ it wa knot at ones Wa onan find a yourg ran who apeaka Spanier, mid get him ready for you in a very short tink, . Yours very trv’ y, Dvivyete Seqratery. ¥dwin Me Fox, Faq-, 147 Nassar Ste, New York. My Deer "re “onnary,~ Yow “instruments are going forward to-daye One of theno ip for President Diaz, to whom I heve diotnt et Aa phonogren, the text of which I enclose herewithe I truat that all vow mat oricl will reach you ofelys I heave civen ipsliniee sane at the Phonograph worke for all necessary supp lies to be inglude’ in your shiprents Yours truly, perenne meee Thope Ye Somerys FAGes a/a We Se Tapation, Oiay af Mexdao aes ae f gat rere | eee Note 9, 1869. Mr, % S, Tague, - ‘ayloe'’s Hotel, Jersey City, | b I a [-: Ny J, Dear Sirt- As goo an yo aro thigh wth the absquit on Which vetum to the Lahoratory for you are now working, I. want .yeu to Mr, Rion the purpore of retiAng up some phonpplex stations. 1b potne to try some rew eile and give ua the: extra 50 niles in tength of oireyte in order to, cajfture those installations ot Weate L eve yoru Ltvera of Hate Sih. Yours truly Vy s ty ie FE 5) ~ ih, aN a: Sd cae Mats 0, 188%. To General Porfirio Diaz, Prenident of the Repmblio a? Hexico. Denar Sirt- Upon the eve of the int voduetion of the siennehien to the poeple of tho Republic over yhich you so ably preside, it ns seemed to me a fitting prelimirary thet ita aoqaintumee wf mde by yourself, and I have, therefore, _faken the linerty to ser ym thragch my friend 1, Thornes Yo Comery, arechire for your om UB Eo This is the firat one of rv perfeeted ing martes to enter” the Republica of Mexieo, and in asking yout yind adcep temee of the game it is with the népe thet in ibs oppabilities yar rey fir not only pleasua tat that it may to some ertent sesist in bighto- ning the lanors of an office whore manifold dnties have rit. spor yet to he§ghton the esteem in witeh yqt are nerd fy the people of your ovn and other caunt riea- Lam, Near Gir, _ Yours very trunfy y rcnd Ay RHEIN i { i i i \ Ve Sate 9, 1889; Wo Fy Taylor, Mago, Nive O'p't,, Pennsylvanian Ro a. Company, Altoona, Pa. Depr “iriea Referring to your letter of 5th inntant to Mre Wo Se Loge, rhorein you speak of the aaiteel atta of the new tetter: Whieh you ‘ane trying, I desire to correat-a misapprehension whi oh yott have in regard to tho way which this tttery dqrecirtes. I onn best do this hy the Lollord. Ne diagram: Drister Va Ls C lage A pned life of Mallory * * awxddago You wll see from the mhove: that the whole of the RE EAC EONS 8 7 teken place within 24 hours after the battery is set up, After Bi chs Which time it remains constant, ‘ving very repidly when exhaustion teken places L am very much gratified by the result of your tast meh indebted to ya for ae king att antiones and very Yours wah y at Be , rc Lg an We 25> tiie dame apecniares ee sgt. Neti 19, Yesor Captain Frandie I, Palmer, fs Messrse Frank & Du Rois, ‘ #58 “iiiaa Sts, Mew York City: Dear Sire Mry Vdigen has redccived yow letter of 8th inst mt, and in reply dosires me to gay thati he ig very mui¢h interested in the proposed Internntion Bxpostition,; and will help in avery - Way possivle to make it a Biacéss. He BAY Bj ‘however, that it would be impraetfeahle for him to give to yow proposition the attention whieh would pe: necessary ith order to pro Miee the Light effects weigh you Biggest, for the réseon that the Fdison Uxbinit, will absory mont of Hig time ant wit? eal] for go mich of his Personal attentiori da to rrdelude his undertaking any oths wor): in connection with the Fairs The papers explanatory of your' préjec’s came to hana thi morning, and I am rotuning them: bi thig mati Thankins you‘on behalf: of Mr.° Naison fod having given‘ Hii ai! opportunity to examine’ your ylan I am: vor! truly yours,” i Private See retary, PO tina ig eto mente eee Mer, 19, 1eRy, John Py Spears, Nsq», Mditor's Offied of The Sin, New York Sty, Dans 3 4 rye Mee Fdinon hat reqnivred: vou loiter of 8th inetant-, enclosi ry one addragnod (10 yorr anal? fom Mr, Tote Ralph, endo he de sir dr wr to sty Jin reply that it wil glee him mich pleasure ta acdept the inwiteitdon to Aine with tna Ye). ove ereft Cluy on YWtodar Ue, Very triaks yas, Private Sagretar ye ‘ See ee = I TN ES ee a nn = 5 2 Set eee —— eee omen eee FS Um oR ge eg ER, “ST nme Saaremas XT Tom ee ee peae a nr Nets 10, 89. ‘JI, T, Marshall, Maqe, ; Faison Jirenp Company, Harri gon, Ny 7, Deer Siyt. “ith referenoe to your letter of 9th inetant, requesting ma to emut over the packases of serhona delivered at the Labora tory by your massenger yonter fay and sign enclosed reneknt for sme, I heg to inform you thet heretofore it has ndt- heen OU ‘etre. tom to align receipts for fibres revezved from the Temp Compa ny. We have a book in this office in wich we regord thé packares or boxes as they com from your Company (apesifying the datos on” whieh thoy are roseivedt and retina), but with the contents of seme we @o not conaern our selyes. This fer this has proven a suf fieiant cheek thr all purponns, and we are of th® opinion that it ip mnneseasary for you to impos’ upon us the task of counting the fibres. I ean hardly believe. that you dxpeated np to const over the THIRTY TONSA, ROUR InNMRYD AN ELRIY tires, To tie lightning salevlators a} the Yap Horpany, Bitch a tas is perhrrs as easy as rolling off aA lo,, but tio as folk up here, life's too short feb an undertaking, the megrilitude of Which sinply appalis us. I endldse Hrravity ft Yet at pe or “tre pReknges received Cet. Sth, and Lridhinmh ca BERG apg ny LOuY messenwr to sign receipts Jo T. My wee for ALL pooknges delivered to him, we will in future receipt, for ‘ thoge reasived from you, and vould megest that you sehd wth the boxea a fonn of ‘raneipt for our signature, I regret thet 1 ei wmable to infom you as to hom meyty fibres, nrc of what size, ware Feohived herve Ostoryer And. The . book ehows thet we reabjived one padkage ex'd one woo dm hiox, tmt what they contained I do not know. Please sond yur measenger to the Laboratory to-morrow (Fri-+ dey) morning. Thore will te a onefnge ready for him Vary tnily yours, The Eiulisony tuyap do., Neanrison, Ne. aw Soret tine ago we received from youl an Annealer for | inmidie purty oF Lamp, af which the fiven wore inperteet. “a gent’ the letgex ta the Yamp Go. for repairs, and ad yet they huve not . been “dsticnet. %s are very mich in need of them ar present, m2 w1Z he oly geil AS vou will send them te the Laboratory inpndiotely De qy Progate pared chout. 200 wires Por inhale murts, ant oblige Yours: truly ita ; Me Note ‘ BR. Messra. Dyer & Seely, 40 Waly Ste, New York » Dear Sirs!- I endone herewith form of assignment of certain Gleetr te Lighting patents to the Aastrelian Fleetimio Light, Power and Storage Co., L't'd,, whieh Mr. Rdte@n haa signe’, I pubmite tad this coowmmt to Mr. 6, He Coster, ani I enel cae herewith o letter from It. Coster rel ating to the sume unler date th inst. WS22 yon. Kindly read the assignrent and advise us if Mre Madison's électrio roilway interests we mffiaciently proteated. Also if you'e auld give us any information in regard to the patents, Mre Edison will ve very mith oblige . Yorurs truly, * Private Seqretarye 62 ot. 12, 80. Hesarao Dyor & Sealy, 49 Wall St., New York City, Dear Sirst. I endlose herewith the following French Patearte, grented to Mr. Mdisont-~ 2 Phonoplex, 29th December, 1835, ant numbered 178,21; 173,209, respedtively. 1 Ore Milling, December 10, 1858, No. 194,681 1 Pyro,-Mptor, Novanber 2, 1.887, Noo 187, 1A4. 1 Pyro. Generator, Yovemter 2, 1887, Noo 187,125. 2 Flectric Raklway, Novenher 19, 1887, Noe 187,087. Please nolnow ledge receipt of the above, am oblige. We have looked thrawh ow records, for French patent dated Dace 17, L867, on Muniaipal Unmp, but have failed to Pind tha Bam o Yours traly, Ppoomte Ssoret aye flats D-,. , Me 1, Ge Pnglish, Ten'l. ‘emcel*, Faison Phonograph “oxi, Orange & Ne J. Deg Sirte- L require another phonograh fr we in ny of fees M411 yor kindly send one qvar ah your necliest eonvenim oe, wil let ‘it be of the Latest types ev lag please nend cabinet sith Sto Yours tly, private) Sacre Wt Ye wee 7 NRE ee St Note 9, LeBO. My Depr Someryville,« j : an Ye T have raaad ved your yory king lettar 8th ; instent, intorming m that the hoton Tub dashes to oxtend tn me certain hospitality itn the mera of a afrnear. "Yorn To acqiaint you with the stete af ry aystén yor wi92 not. be eurprisaé nor conai¢er mo wiorstetny for mv ire feerniet wher, T read your note, and I facl that To aah oaint with yout aged stemee in fevin; m from re tings with fn tate dt my om emuntry that x haraly escap ad while aleond « e the corgi ete Larnftion of ny inter nal epp arnt > Right duys on the oo#&h love. fallett ip vrepads thé armace dene to ry cigration hy a amida of Préenoh dimeérs ‘which it was | impose Lhie for m to neice Sere tip nirdly wd ats aes ything that waa set naforte ey Like # p'iain Arta Pi dey ear i zion, wr Io nave retuned o perfect. wreaks — i tosnincael ty Kheet avioltnt attack of gmt which wiht pro Hthly ta up in ade podedning eye tae row doerora wnt ding me nigh ont anys t+ is nea. ae mok of manlt that i ftdrke wet Cohan # yarn fayliy to abba Yann te doty ag Por f4s myn Tosant to er lint “Pe your sympathy md ga@ ya: to avtriin me a respite of at least a months unithl my prasont symptoms yiewy had time to aovelop. If Tt 5tils live nt the ont of that t ime will he glad to rapart to you upon my somdition andeonsinar further the nee @ tenae of the gonerais imitation of tha hotos ‘71. Sincerely yoarrs,- ---e fo aa it Os. ta O04. 14, . Pagene “WLoedgond Yeano, Ban, a : * . Lal Sunday ! eareury, New York City, Dear Sirs ; ioe Mr. Faison has racetvad you lester of Ath instent, and it La nerdicas for me to say thet be in Acopity {nte rested tp the subject to whioh yar refer, Ila doen not think, hawewor, tras it willbe possible for hin to sive very rvek attention to the preliminary work aonmectad wit: tho nroporal Yapnsition of 1892, for the reason tat since hie raturn from Rupe he has eorrtn sed ancy Uno of experinat whigh he in following up might arf any, aw also bheanise the work comeetad with the premration of his On CARLIE will eonmume all the aprre time at hie diqosa. iin hes attendad one renting of the promoters of this Repoatt ion, nett they have doutless Lintend’a to hfs viawe upon the yenorel question, which ate now daing popularly is a Awad, Lome t nity, Prive Mare mys George My ifopkina, Mag., “Salentifig Amerioun, ® New York . Dear S{rie in reply to your leticr of Lith instan’, Mee Eaion wil! be pleaned to san vor nt the Jahoratery Twaduy nOxb ps rte Yares cede, Prive + Ney tarryd Note 12, BD, Se Be Naton, Maney LAD Arondray, ‘low Yor ’ Rear Sirte “42K yar kirely and a doxent pamphlet toples of dunt ine Bradley ‘is opinion, ar prepared ty you for the we of the Faiaon People, to the Laboratory, end oblige. This 4n response to yaus Xetter af 1th, inatant. Yours tmly, 4 i ‘feate Yeereatery. oF Not. ¥, De hire “ey J, Mammer, . a Preriny, Fronoe, ‘Dem Sirte Nesara. Dyer & Saale are nor ig yan aix of my French patents to havea proof made of the ex: ihition in Franae of the inventions sovmred hy the fms. Thinemtter is very irportant and I desira yay to kindly give evory aed tenor to Measra, nyer ad Seoly's Agtnta dy Partin. Yours treeiy, be tenn * a gman ~ a Fae Nose I, Bs My Dear Mev, = Here are a couple of letters from Mensra. Fs Zimer & Cos, £72 Jorgon Yall, Teniton % G, in relation to a mit which y 41 appear to have commenged against then in connsetion wi th aopying epparatus, These lettora hive never been anpyvared, and as the ructer seman to be somamhat importnt , lL forwnid them to you for euch nation as you conmidm Lt dvairahle to tikes. gy Yours $0 Why eh, PA ra é Ae Be Dhek, Fayes New York City 4 5 PD RANE STONY FERNY emery Dee pore nme ene nn on Note 12, 80. BQe» Trens'r'e, y PY 3. Rowland Hix, ! Orange Mendelssohn Unlen, Orang, Me ve e Deqr Sirte lendose Wwrewith cheek for $12.%, in payment of anmial ‘dues as Aago ai ate Manor of the Orme Yemcelsechn Mnione King ly acknovlecge receipt, and old se Yeveten tritly, rey OE Seay BE ee Note 12, &. Se By Yat on, Nate, 129 Srandeny, New Yor, Dear Sirsa You will rananter mentioning tome in your office the othor dey the matter of ranording on each phonograph the nowern of thé patent sumdar which the machine is gonstructed. You ex pressed doubt that thia had heen done. I have looked into tho matter, and find that every mohine that has heen sent out, With the exdept fon of abait 24 inatrummta, han had a plate nearing the date of oh of the WU. Se patents issued on tho phonographe The a4 veg tdnce Mead sand rad no pl ites on than. Seyeen af thor were sent out tefore the plates wera ieady, wet angravet on 3 “body on cach inatrumont waa p record aimilar to that wH oh now appeern upon the pl stes. a, oa Pri y Seqrotar ys Thoren % Connery, Frq., c/o U, S. Tayatdion, City of “Maxd eo. Deey Sirt- L mg to confirm the following teLegrucs prod ved from sou and sent by mein ‘ THOS. A, TDISOAN, Naw Orieans, Do'te IP, Bio " Please helegraph me to Laredo, Texas, when mnchiner left. Te Be Me” e oto 18, AP». 1 T. Be SONPPRY, Laredo, Taxis. | "Machines shipped Walls Farge Pisgah et Sth instante ‘ty As Fe” f ve at ff % Youre Anily yy 7. Z fy, = Sait gt 4 Pu - ie f af Nate iM, 89. Col. Geore M. Gorrand, Vittles Menlo, Upper No rwood, Surrey » Mnglend, Depry Sirs» I veg to corifirn the followins onhlegram sent yiar 12th instant t- . "Have not yet reawived inalsrugtionn régerding shipment Denmark mehins;. We do not mike hand phonographs. Fadi aon" Yorn 4Huly, wo” Hee _4 Lo a oe fy ; od oe + . Nate 14, 80. Mr, We 7, Nanrer, Paria, Frimoe, I weg to confirm the following bahlegran re aaivad from you to-day!» "Fdinwirys exhibition mrt troethirds exh ivit for six months wil) ae] Sver in New York at. blonn all expenne two ow mn Cormission will deliver in Santiend ene war quick. t will make contract they errange tHith Gourd for phenn~ crayhe Hafmer,” 107 Oot. 14, 2. Lloyd yea, Tag es, Morty Ame rLean Riview, New York Sity. Daar Sirs. T mg to omfirm tho fo 19 odin telegrann ro geLondt Lrom yew and nent hy ome tomda re "EU yor oxplitin in tnroe or four Hundred worde for tho noe, North Ant'r£can Review thi? mean-e of avaiti ng she am xrs trom lectric wirgs Lin mr rtreete? Lf desirad PELL cond ntenographer. Anawer pein. TLoyd ‘Arve a” “When raat article %e prapored’! Pain. ° fl "Thursday, fy unless we oa hiwa itchy thm, it arn't spo in next mpher, ani efter {that the public will :pye tre yly have fornneten too mich aut the cirmmsonner.|to give full weishe to even your word. “Shell. -zend Sharoge rey hor? You a. ald aietate ta him, ‘fort hough I. ghar oo ploasod ‘ta bevit @ long: .catticlb, apace or -Ro WER) “yA mete fieiLont. “Hdittor, North Ame Thaview. * : “I willerita dt ryeelt ant on! dt over, MDISM" ‘“vany *sruly yore, fea os ele, SME Oe wk ; i2z Not, 15, BO. Aw h Dier © Oe, 32 Literty St.. New Yorr City, Dear Sirgt~ Will you please send to tho Laborstory wt your — ; enrliext convenimes, one (1) HIMROGRAPH, oonplete, with roll a, ink 4ae, fae Pleane include a supply of the prepared yayer inte sary for making type-wiritten copies. te, Rrivske Saaretam). ; | me tee ee ae wlan 4 nya wef ge Nets 15, 1389, Maserog Marming, Maxwell & Meora, New Yor. Mitys Dear Sirg? o Pleano furnish to o- fretory ut Silver Jake, Me Ts ud one (1) 0 horse power Upright Yotllér, with 47 feet of amoxe attek, at seme prise an furnidhed before, Tat ws kus how soon we nan expent those. Yourg truly, — # ; ra Nets 15, Bq Pleane finish to our faatory at Silver Jake, %%. Je, New York Citys one {1) ton horse powar Upright Frngine, complete, eme an finished Yours terily, . So c 5 = o i) pt) Qn i > ry © g io} s he o 4 E x to or factory lest Inne. Dew Siruie - George re 9, Nav idson, Naq., Carlton Club, Pall Mali, London, S, W. FPnglan, Dear Sirte With reference to your letter unter ade 80th Ay st last, Mre Mdison regrets tint hin stay in Torvion wan ton wief to perm* of his heving an interview with yar. Mrs "dison did make e fer fundemerte) experiments in cone nection with aerial navigation, yt had to Fu ge nl thin line of experiment in farar of more imps rhant work requiring hia attertion: o ‘Yours very Gy “a et % 4 Ss fa é rD are tRI'ye 4 /. MW oy 4 buy Ns Cer eg 7 tee t, Ah Cowanh Cf, de Ze x Zi, r.47, hh, re 00s grove: Ctche 1 lant” Y, Ax ad OC See p20 tale COL Be eres vi rOsy a aaa Cll rere LO > og. ele ‘le ty Cchvercdll ‘al Satperbek “a ‘s eee FO-22 SONY: al yur avez ler otlig, ry A Cengage prance. wale, frm buaty Y Cetin + Voyfy, ba é Ricn® ok era Dp 2tVarly, Av tht 4 Ooh 17 Ey GF epi Patten af “4 tf by tly ; Greed, ° prea Gols } fs LO tard aa i (inks few , fateh hth ove AVt[Kr “Ye 4 ee, I hey ho eda une? ee SE id =? fp g Chuae rb fe h, de melte li aay h the Colracw ow toll rd. , Sey wer" Pr. alte ah Dats or f ay ade seiy £ af od, Ta 1 Patemal fans we we aes jag i “x » a [Je 4 of e “ Se : pe wo «SON . fi : y . Ondoags ” . @& ages Nae « fhe ia tf ” C m Tetati21o0an Lous = AAnll Oe oa ee sthak, be ie three nile are duc oh Ye Shuid hateinal aud Bowl onee tere ah hational fav, khe Prony ae i Uaaaiph Oote 17, Tease He. Vippinaott, Maqe, , 160 Broadway, New Yorke Dear Sirt- I reg to confirm the following tal agram seri you dayie "Pxper imental machine finished unc turnett ‘ over to fretory last night. It’s a dairy. Fal sone * Yours truly, Date 17, 8M Secretary, St Nonis Rxpornition, ST, LOUIS, M0, Dear Sirs= I veg to confirm the following telegram stmt yO toed ay Se *Phonogrems heave en sent dy exprean.” Youre tmly, y C ¥pet Corkeelers oC Dd Cre fens Many: un roperte ce oO ote yine’t Ciel « Se ee & arn alles GS 22d a ae MO-Gad Cong. tr Thre Kix z frac the ~ Valo Shee avenCe) Gc Comspe Cle Cisne thee ua wot ¢ Cor vel the NMawh alti, Cn e : ‘Sere ow cape el C: reuse ( " can cade dass (. whe Py irene Rowe bey VET. rials ta. va eine sa. as eb ieee teeta ae cAre.C€ cule | Chon { e AD va ey / ee as 4 calc. pt. .- tt Veo 4 i eS, uC. ww (40€, Shi; Cota se ti nt a ne 4 worthy IRew ip oe ec wae at LCC poet tare i beg hate. ae at FARES Aelia ; Sits Ax aa AA anda ‘ tye, Mec Heoeomnsns a. 17, LABS, Nant Motel, Mirmearelipsy, Mirzte Raison light ourrent phonograph works on any Fadaon ginatit with six~tenths amperes Thon, Ae Mdleons Oot, 18, 90, Dre J. Stiekler, Youns Men's. Shyriatian Association, Orange, Ne J, Dear Sirt~ Mr, Fad eon hen asked re to sand yar the end. onad check for me Thndred Dollars, hin wuhseription to the 1%. Me, Ae Kindly aeknowledge ‘yaonipt of same, avi: oblige Yours truly, hk at ; ; Private Searetanys Oct 4 18, 1880, Mriy! ly As Whiting, Word Brook, Me ‘In Dear Madame, = Mrs Hadatn has veotived your letter off liith indte, and in reply ic has askisd me 6 semi ya. the enclosed) eee ‘olilar bill, the same to be ayplied for tlhe bonefit of tte Nef arama Ohureh of 5 your City. Private Socretury;. eae | Rat, “it os lo ub The Che keke, ae —prpas Cats Qok Rue G~ ha- (An ting = Paint leads ~The hus ne ug Ou f- ae | OCC ecaned ce Me Reed ae ge O clan d- Ah. a, Wer f G@uu_alire . % “ee fife 7h os Tut hom: gel) fro-or ees yr - Lies Onpe, lobtioN | jfliwe. PY Seat. Pr Tee Lites alantey 7 “Yh aera The Cortes ley e Qe. boi Mee tes atl See CML: Sheng tHe the Lote ig ofj | | We thwtese oF Lisanne gx. Wa} Prop net Ha i~- he Leg Lar ae Cha ioe” nas | Uhe-o pe tihaoe: tz ol Bee tn ee 4? k i ete tee | 2% ma Ce ke, He ee ee thea Th OM arate a Ahe ope ee Ake ae Pee gee Te ss ii a ‘ 5 Core vey et <— L G (Fz) SOLD ULRUT ee Ae onrucat” Gar e* oS p— ele eae il fae eS Tred Bat eel ae ‘ [f ee a) = a Aa Be Dick Company, 152 = 154 Loke Streot, Chicago, Is, hear Sirste I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, receipts of your cheok No. 148, Dr $540.07, in payment of Mimoograph royalty for querter ending Srd Soptenber, 1889» Vory truly yours, toe ees i Eee a a ee eS ee a Oct, 10, 80,! Mossroea Weyher & Richemond, Now 60 Route d*tAuborvilliers, Pantin (Sein), France, Dear Sirsie _ Tt beg to confirm the following cablegyam semt you 18th instanti- / “Proposition your letter September tenth acomted, Tor= ward drawings at ‘once and hasten patterns. Pleaso matl “photograph three hundred horse pover triple expmsicn, How soon could yo deliver a ‘three hundred horse power triplo expansion ecxgine at Havre for shipment to America? EDIS 0 Nef Yours very truly -: any re) wn ee erate Oct. 19, 39. Mire E, W, Clarke, Machinist, 31 Vella St., Hartforé, dom, ; Dem. Sirt- We understend tint yat nake miehinery for covering wires with insulation, Please sénd us circular of sane, and cleo spooify what pressure can de used in the machine to mut such savoring on. “he purpose for which we want to use the wachine, is for sompressing some material, am we should Like to know if you think it will answer that ptr poues It is for small pieces, and the moterial that they are pressed from is in a plastic atates Please ensver imnediutely, and oblige Yours t.uly, TuUuaogMuMAS As BDISON ae By “orc t- Se Vl 8 Gdisk 16 wey -— See CW Mephine samen Pr) Mydendin, a WHR mang hanks Lacknoukdge Re neceipl: > of qour dork on Expemmental detence. . Seneetme Is ony hat Qa te practice? chancslie of thr Kgsicol Appoictais, thie ceanmee of ho dencuspliie ws and ati‘onkee fredow from Walematizo, aera he werk o Vatae vn ng rnd aupotion 1h deny ther work on Elementary Pkaeice 4ebich J am aware Jory Too, paren, ey ae AEthson er aie FT ES ng ETT eS - bsfiyey oy. dew Peep iss ate Sire aay : | Mp ear WPI IY meh yor’ a Mage ae ee re ee :-f "Ede Ypuergy Se ome mr : ; Bas ATO C yo ‘ar ERE PAG as ng, ° “oh fh, | ; lve i, ned At Vag De Se i eae ke x “ Ae horr yr yore POAT DO ee C i AIfle Fay ALCO Eb wr re “hh eer AN? ru > a, Yr £2. ~~ ws Ut. Oct. hey 89, Nel. Snith, Esq., C, tT, De, New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Ooo, New Havon, Conn ® Deer Sirt= - Mr. Edison received your phonogram in goou condition, and at his request I am sending you by this mail, under another cover, copy of our "Ingepector's, Hand. Book for the Phonograph, " containing, suggestions in regard.to. the. operation of the instru~ ment Se, &0 By following the instructions.contained. in this fi little book you will be able to obtain the best results from the . mere ’ phonograph, and perhaps be able to.do away with the hard scraping oak sound of which you complain in your phenograms Referring to your, letter of 21st. instant. addressed to myself, Mrs Edigon is at present oxperimenting with the phonoplex, with the view of improving the system... When he has comluded his ex~ perim@nts -I will conmunicate with you, ard I hope then to be able to Biseions all the aiffioulti es which you mention | Yours truly, Private Sgerotary, oe 222 Octse 24, 89, Messrs, Wasmnsdorff & Hoinomam, ° Chica’g Ds “Tls,° Dear Sirs:~ Mr, Edison has read your etter of 9th instant, ani “has asked’ me ta thank you for the “somes He believes that the -esteb Mshment of an institution of the kind which you mention would be appreciated: By the American public And that it would be a sidcess. “His experimental: work; however, obsdorbs to mich of his time, it woald te impracticable for him’ to give the matter mich attentions Yours truly, sa Private Secrethrys as OChe A. B, Dick Company , 32 Liberty Streot, Now York Citye Dear Sirge In reply to your letter of loth inst +> Wo have suc~ ceeded in getting vory good results fiom tho. Lype~wrator mont of the Mimepgraph recently recéived Avm attach- you, atl dd not think it will be necessary for your Mr, Howledn to visit thé Lehoratary . Thanking you for your kindness We arey yoors trily, Edison Laborat ory by. Secretary, ~~ Thonas Be Connery, Esqe, c/o United States Legation, City of Mexico. Dear Sirti» . > I beg to aonfLirm rocoipt of Oct. 24, SO. the following telegram signed *“Oommery-Fox," addressed to Mre Edison, and received 19th instant?« "Concessiion beyond doubt. treadle machine compl ce. The treadle machine was shipped to you 22nd instant.’ Yours truly, Express instantly Congratulations." Private Segretarye oe a) i. Cone Fs, rt a ee Ost, 24, 89‘, ey Ae Tuttle, Esqe, Gen'l, Sup"t., North American %o2, Coinpary, Mimoapolis, Mirhy Doar Sirs Your letter of 16th instant. Has beon duly récetvod: Mre Edison ig at presont oxperinenting ith the phohoplex, with the view of Giving us 50 miles oxtra on a straight ciredtit: he. is also gottirng Up a Mepoat er! for us; which will make the distance over which we cen operate braétioglly unlimited: “We expect that these exporiincits will 1% Fintdned in tho coufie of & couple of Tomes and ag your circuit is tho long as to mate it doubtfal whether we could Operate it succesfully, wo think it &) : ar : vould be very meh better to defer Mr, Loguls's visit ta you until oats My Edison. haa finished his: work, We would then be ate to take hold of the matter wit heyery prosyeot of cre ying it taveagh suc- censfully.. This in ow’ opinion ig praferab'le to somnencd ng now with. every Prolability of crtowitaring dii'fi-ar Ities which we Would be: unable to overcome, Very tridy: ydlars EDISON eee Systm OF TELGRAPHY Oct o Py, 89. Ba Me Sperry, Ksqo, Acsociate Editor, Atlantie Publishing & Ingreving Co., 49 & 51 Chambers Sto, New York. Doar Sirs I bog to advise you that Mro Edison does not desire his picture to appear in the "Fnoyclopacdia of Contemporary Biography of New York," which yer Jommany is mw publishinge Iwill révise the aetvh of Hr. Ndieon's life that you left at the Luboratory, am send it to yor in the course of a few days, Yory truly yourd, Yrivate Searetary, of# Oath» Rhy 89. He Me Hobby, Hsqe, #718 Broadway, New York Gitye ’ Denr Sirs- “Y beg to advise you that Mra Edison's cheek for $50,.00 on account o i tickets for New York Tol-qsraph’ Operators Ree @tion, was duly forwarded to Mr, E. i. Lane on tha 15th instant, and we ‘are in possossion of the New Yo Telegraph Oper+tora’ rocaipt. for same, Bigned par Ee H, Lanes. Very truly youre, “ee 4 ae : iy Privato Secrets s aa bor Oot, 2h, 8a, Vdison Phonograph Work, Orange, Ne Je Dear Sirss= We this morring trananitted to you by tolephon? the following oahlogriam whieh was received from Mtre Hianmer, |Paris, 22nd instant:~ ” > “Send fifty knives, forty pocorder points, Pitty roproducer dia ph: aging .* | Yours truly, EDISON LABORAYORY By . Sdore tary d Octe 24, 6, We Je Honmmer, EQ es Paris, Frances Dear Sirs» I beg to confirm receipt of thd following cablegram received Lx0m you 22nii instanti~ “Send fifty knives, fort} recorder points, fifty reprothis er ddaphrtyms .* Yours traly ’ ’ aa an . é oO x wh Fa y LAPS ras a, nr ne ‘now name a day when it would bo convenient for him +o see yourself Oct. 24 » 896 George Ey Holbrook, Esqe, President, New York Telegraphers' Club, 195 Broadway, New York:. Dear Sirte Mr. Mdison hns received your telogram of 22nd instant, asking when it woald be convenient for him to grant an interview to yourself and Vite-President. y Sinte his réturn from abroad Mra Edison has -beon very busy ci mosing of work that accwmlated during his ebsence, and he has been compelled to deny himself to everyone. Besides, just at ; present he is not fedling very well and is considerably ‘under the weathers Und@ir these circumsteénces he regrets that he cannot and Vice-Presiderit, He deéires me to say, however, that as soon as he fecls well. ho will let you know and will then make an ap= pointmont « Yours truly, oa ‘s act SRE oe ae PCa ea ss Vote’ Rhy 894 Messrs, Goorgp L, English & Coy, 1512 Qhastmit Ste, Philadolphia, Pa, Dear Sirs= ~s With reference ‘to your letter of 2ist instant, jiast at present Mr. Edison is very butiy and ho haa not tim to conpider the matter of purchasing Mr. Kuns's dolloction, le woukg be very pleased, horover, so receive a detailed description ef it, which he would examine at the firet opportunity. Yours tutly, ON meee, tome bed) Private Secrbtury.. i i s ay ‘ { } . Ki. ee r Ont. 24, 89. Fe eta aoe 5 Mre He Ay Parry, 3 3a Mytropalitan Iuseun of Art, Now York.. Dear Sirsa In reply to your letter of 21st instant adttrepsed tz Kr, Edison, asking if cleetricity cam actually be stored, woul? say that an eloctric current is passed through o stormse battery for the purpose of charging it. Tt selibieus in tke batttery a chemical action or state which ofterveriis results in a flow of atored, but th practical efivet is thy sar as though it were. - . $ Yeurs truly, Private Seoretarye ae sy. Oote 24, 1889. ‘ Mr, Horry Frasicr, 504 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, Ne Ys f Deer Sirs Mr. Edison has read your Ictter of 22nd instant, and he has instructed né to plince your name on tho iLehevratory pay roll, for the next six months, at the rete of Six Polllore per week, com mencing Saturday next, October 26th, This ancunt will bo for- , worded to you every Saturday, ara if yo should change your ree sont address, please advise us, so that the monty my not’ miscarry. Very truly yours, Oct 25, 89. He Me Tivor, Esqe, Geni, Manager, . New Jersey & Pemsylvania Conoe@trat ing Works., 19 Dey Sta, Now York Citya Dear Sir: Your letter of 24th instant, enclosing pupers relating to the purchase of the Benfield Irom ore PY opor ty, has bem duly received, and Tam returning you herewith etter: fmm Raton ‘and Rewis ani Mr. H, We Bland. Tho comtracts, which were Quly siemd by Mra Edison ana acknov led ged before Notary Public, I hetve sent by special messenger to the County Clerk at Newark, for the pur» pose of teving him certify to the Notary's Signature, ani as _s0-on as the documents are completed, the ne ssenger will proceed to New York and deliver them to yourself, You will lave become possessed of them before this letter reaches yim. Youre truly, frivate Secretary, Oct» 25, 1.880:, Dear Sir John,~ : During the past few voyks there has bem caqin~ Sidevable @jiscussion in the American pres 0: the dangers of high tension cprrents, ani Imowing that you aro interest cd iim “the subs ject, Mrg Edison hay asked m to forsand te you extras Cuan ‘the daily popers bearing upon the above subjects These I am sending under separate cover, awl trust they will rerek Yon smiylyn Very trmily yours, Privat. Sebretary. Sir John Pender, Eastern Telegraph Con, Winchester House, 11 Old By ‘pad St., London, Er wglend, Ott. 25, De Mra Philip S Dyer, Antverp, Belgium Dem Sirt« I veg to confirm the foll:oving ciblasram sent you to-day:= DYER, ANVERS. . Gvitober, 25, 1880. . "Hope Lalande is peid ap, Meplye* Yours truly, ¥ E { é he eo 5 ne arte Octae 25, 8g ry Gustave Stromberg, Faqe, Westman Furnace do,, 31 Broatl Bte, New York, Dem. Sirs~ ‘ * ) I bog to confirm the following telegram sent you towdays~ “Mre Edison will be glad to seo yoursol? and Mrg@ Westman to-day, to-morrow or Mondnye” Yours tmiy, ‘ Private Secretary. 6 ApNt4-SADOK ewotun WYOSS TOP] SZUsrQ ott zo Ioquoyy ofut ooSsyY stsonp Temite so yUNoUE *oo* srg 1g ropa Mok 04 XOOUD UPTHOTOY -OROTIUS T =ssTs Fbroren. Alas (fo 40:1 Wt Mae ah dri th Siig ine I Yuapurters Ward Resta, . § athe ow, Anuawes EITC C ENN Aw 3G errata urd Un’ ~berraa Warriors foo love te ide Werke! EK WLgls E503 Ves \ Hua Muy “ Hee (A: leon Ooty Gl, 808 °° Hirge Ae W, Evans, 151 East Bist aye et, ce. het ork City. . d Dear Nocane, « so a oe a tr, Batson hes ro cot: vin yor Lotter of eee seats ‘ 4 ot gas and he had os er ne to thant you for it, 4 The thibies Ww hich | vou cempt ain af aim Mat being vemoved, hee Hdison he Inst conplate; the codel of a rronogreph requiring ‘ q & , no adjusting of needles G@es Otte, one hawing mane of tha Beads tlonable foatrres wht als you ment fer “ Very ftiwly yor 3, rrivate Sooret cy. du Ooty, 31, 80y, We Se Lopue, Nada, Altoom, Pa, . : Dear Sirte ~ . I be & to confirin the’ following 4.220 grin sent yaa toeda yin. . , "I have wo lready uryanged foy tegt of soda battery on worse sion, Pa Re Ry doty'con Jorsey City am Padladel paia 4 | Yours tot), oe eee Lietteils dame Octe Gl, Be Press Chin, 206 Haganu Stes Mew York, LToave wed pleogtre bn aneloariys; heres th ire Mdzson's check 207 B50.00, arora bo your wrfer, ig contyi- bution to tre fami whith i: vei wused ror Sry Harvin Be Clarks Privaty Scardavye ‘Ry y- OTP R YE ey : Pee {ye bya a PDE 29! 4 6320 omx segs Ormrer PmK Mer ebay < wpe, Oe ye La staf PHY ays Ss “a Op re _ f > : : - ‘3 aw il a Se a Se Jt Rep ow sy Re = 4 yee f Raa earns PWV 5) e : as a 74 ste 94 eee » ee es, °F . wee 3 . 4 Fa “ % : . Be vybnst ry ¥ a, ha MS bye ig i Pp ed oa bre Varies sp top- “7 v? v Pod i | f~ 7 a pry PME - / PLIF aye B WINNT AL AF : 4 eoyrpp Py wpm pene ging yr hogs OUP Z. ‘'y Ss Vag 2. oe x Pa 9°R 53 ? rye, wert Shh ope Synge prve 9 PTE Ad Aw Myer vr Proves PYG WHT NIE i pray Y PHYMBIM Tivos wry +r G7 WJ xy LP *; Bes aks oe) Mp9 crn wag, 4°73 B. b13/ p732 49D ° * re Ge dD & * . woe ee ‘ ‘ : , ‘ . t : iL , sae 4 a Meee ON yi bo ot Lhe . we ar oo . t voatve A, y ( weeey at taal WROD Octe al, Lead. Froneis Ry Upton, "sqe, Edison Lanp Company, . ‘ Harrison, We Je Dear Sirs- lir, Edison anks re to say to you thet it will not be necessary to socket all mr lamps with the ney lamp tip. If you eqaip about ton por corte of your caily output with tho new tips, you can f4LL1L orders fom these; whila 4) care no prders are recoived the remaining lamps are good for ow on trad Ce Very teuly yours, + a Oote sl, Ba Je He. Norviok, Fiaqe, Hdisa:Genrerok Mloctyde Coe, New York City. Noar sirte stn loakihy: over Judge Anirenvat ‘ieciaion, I observe that he mnkes the statonontt that the Nov york Bona ox Algowren gave the Us 86-Company' and the Brush’ Conpa ns & ianonies, end thet tho Lutter inverted’ miUtona’ of morey tee Will y aa nlense obtpin copy’ of the Rog olution of the Nour’ of Alde mon ‘Zn 1680 ov 1861, I thfske IL my mamory serves nm right, this a ojntion only ‘atho- riztugthe United States Cenpary at oust, to go yinlermcint not arewhe da; ponce, it thoy hnve invested alt thas money, they Ind no right to do so, am it my be fumd fis looicing cover gd titty reanlat loro of the Bown of Aldovinen thet. the Ue Se Company nnd porteya te Rush Company have novor beon authorized to ereat wwerkead wires $i Net York, end haw no 8 tandii:y mow in cons quences’ Y aa dafrersed With the tdog that this is tho cado, so far as the United Stated doe ts concamiod onytay. Very truly yciurs,. he a ey jee oe 7 Cy Be & signa . oo ; ‘ COP See Ue “ en a] rare Cerra tae a j 3 oder a Lee eee saeareaes CEE pepe mers E F oa we SI se a ELIS TSO Ea eA i i [po en eee Ye a a aa 571 27 . 3G i pr Oot. SL, Wy : Ndi on Phonograyh Yorks, Orange, Ned, i ; ‘i Dear Sirsi-~ : - Have you ever rerclorcd any bills for phonograph : thimoi to Jhing nou Jean? oh heve a lotta Crom Nvercts Prazar, AED sx Od to the Phonograph Viovke, ask iiy, Lo; prices, OF course | , ty, prices, quoted this concern must {ngi:do AY» Edi ons royalty, | A oma I teust tint you haw rade no quotnt forse Vary, truly yours, Private Sécratarye we i fe i Le I Cate al, BV.» Jana Fe Kelly, Maqe, AG Dey Strack, Neer York « . My Dear Sirte | Tam voy much ap lined fay vow Latter of Goth inotmit, orale sin; dnta ia cegaid 46 postivies., You omitted to i meloce tho elroular of tic Soamany wilal te operes Ue & ain 2 plant on Lafayette Plewe. On to in: over the data when ¥ i pe oonh uae, yak dn, talking tho mttos ove with ou Mery Kemet liy, T tees about uone eluded that 2 comparst ive teat of show: orth eireuts datieries with ow Kaui ney in “entare hy UMNOCOELITY » Tm sos uftdaturerss of the Lorre do not ofiwin that thet selip ave good fax alosed ire eult work os ary chaacter. Tt onky wills shirk soot gompat @ with own to any cxtont, are Hs? pen tey mitt var lous nod He tantdon 3 of electropoin etlis, the accords of Woh are voll kro to all ugers of power of tina deugespiions =f tink Uf wo gavo in ow ontaloyme a dovertivitn os tho work whieh ous babbery 1s cag isble of doit, amd brok it ayo by toat imoniaba, wid oh I carn atuin, Prom uu, PF, i the Permaylvan ta Rallyoy, the Gold & Stack perpla, and othors, it WA12 be all that is noaossary; but bxfore Weidins Pinoy, I Mould dike to have an SAPTE ENG OF apnea from yousell, Vary truly veers, Oct. 31, 89. John Krensi, Ure, Fdteoa Naghime Yorks, Solminetadyy Ne Ye Yow firse Tn ny voriad order go you of this morning, by tele ; : pong, and also in ow weendis ondew oy madd, To tole you to send UB One Nos Conmutatory sith 1S blocks, ard ore Muniainal Nog 1 Conraitator, with 76 vlcote. twins sur wort be bint onsugh to oareel the mmber of biotty of Desk Of -thionts Cit take the io. 8, 16 blotka, and the Muncedsel daenmersnine, 96. Let wa Imex by lother about this, so ioray le are vat wmarveatand rit ta vated. Also cand us ag snes o9 poalkbly, vor toecature windtre, x2 out 80 powide of Now 17 Browne & Shbry naire eh495 dlaweger, asd 50 poruvia CP Koo VL Sremn: & finer 902 hiamstert ormabute tre, \ . * Don't Corse to gone that gn ay root a: potaibte afta fore wie’ he Mia above s Yon te Voy Book, Ohon tia can Oot, ‘Ry S00 . : ane ‘ * . Gustave Stromserit, Veg oy Vostiant Barnesa Gorpary, SO) Brood Stes Now Vark, a ily Dear Girie Bee Bédson da ar wigs to knov gore ta diy; about the furnace ,- av he world 2uko tf yor wedi mie uo dey. whon, yourrsah? ond Myre Wostemn can a "over with hime | ¥ wit to tho Ieboratory ind talk tho scatter . * Very totly yours, i ar a Pane . nee) 5 Weis ence sagt on, we enone Oeste 1, 895 4 Sanu: k Ino, Np es es 44 Vall Styaet, oY New Sark hte, i , i Dew Siri» Peamless hocowithan wre s from the Inen orariely my | whioh I left vith yon bavere goby to levee, relative te Frayne | . Sage ne if - . ou a | : & Gots Proponal comtres% for the anle of the ohonueemh in Shing a Mk Tapane Did yeu take any aetdon 2 min nat bets ene if mam, | WEAR you Kindly acviee se vhat has vam: done, | e ‘ | ns ; Youre vety brad vg ; : : cask | Wiens Seavetary, | | : ei : 8% 4 Jund 30, 1880, FRAZAR & CO's CONTRAGT a FOR SAB OF PHMINS, IN. This nvther was turned aver to Hajor CHINA AMD JAPAN, : Eaton several wonyhs MO, at a timo when ha we Lowied tipwm with work in Comection with 4h Geer al Gompwra> ait the Lippi nes tt deal, -xe ix reddy to teko i¢ mp nov ant gonpdote tha paparee Tae Inst. time 't dkeanused the vottes with Sr, Ndiena, iy gute ® impted a royalty f $10 on cash puonagvah nole ba ehase fountr les through Prager & do. I think it ‘torld be meh aettar ty sit bo whadjust this Mud rravdita io r ine Lid aon to havo a devtain ‘paraentaga based upon the notary prise of ph ong(srar hs ani and Suxplies. Mee Frasar Inpe penoe £0 Nentton to ma “tr hia ofs$ee a Suv days 2) so that hia parte nera in China ani “Joad wane oontideriny the Tornntian of w Companys Tonetified hg: My DY lathar, that hie sanbiwet ele hile Phy yours not Te sia atahio, amd San Hg Foreat Lau of & Semrany would haw Be the soblost of Mother nenattatdons beievaan hdawell oud Mya Muson. evatar ite on certs (Charengil) dx Chime, and nbeut 28 machines. Neiityc te bean balla bo him, amd we have given him No sia ywurt oe Ao ft tie pride of phonogeeap lg Knee whole anttab san be ehaped to suit pro: wont OLY Tule BM gee You ech handle 1% as thagh it bid ina gare up Zor WMjanimait ot oo propent timt, ns shop a nye No betelf{ecstens. -perluys give uso bottes: tast than we aaike ge anywhere olse on P G & Oot, 31, 80, Me Se Logue, Ueda, fitoann, Pas Dear Sirt~ With weforenes to yaur Lotter of 30th anstont, and also your telogren roe okved toeday ati confinmd olscvhiera, would gay that I have arranged vith ky. Ettingor to pub up 50 cells in hia office for tust bebwom New Yorn amd Philntiol phis. This wih Pema ylvania Riutlroad om eseout cf tha rmoLstbure on whos crossings Newayk fintn. Vory trudy youra, Blac tiddan. Nove 1, 189% ca fe Gustave Stronberim, Esqe, Weatnan Farmaco Company , 41 Broad Street, “Note York ¢ i Dear Sirte i bsg to confirm tho following Suleyram sant ‘yaa this mo rningte “ : . eee are "Will bo in your of five abou - three o'clook,® Nov ay Be . Thonias Wy Know, Noqeq Scarctary, Tho hotos. lun, Now York Gity. Just bafore the reuoip of your lettar of SOth ultimo, Dear Sirie stating that the Divoctory ox the Lotos Ciuh desires Me Edison to- name tyo gent lenin ahem ha vould bo vloaced to have invited to moet him at tho propor od dimer on Moven or iird, I had bean requested by Mig Edison to address a corieminatien to you, inibrring you thot ho would be oblived to lesva town mows tho oiddle of the praeent nonth to be absom until some timo in hixceiaes Tha breainras - which takos Mr. Esioon way was not anticipated shen he aceepted tho vory kist invitation whieh yew Olub has extended to hint, and 46 ts of Bich inportoance that 24 satarof woll bo pestpoued, He appre dinteca. very hipivly the couthery an seuerenity vhich prompt’ i the action of your Club 4n this cowveation, am gecpar peniey the wiforpoen (froumstanae votorred ta aboved : : Very truly yours, . ~“ Private See'y. ecw Me-pruvods. Avrcth Annee mr Comp naray Map Ht ator € Movin hadrrd. Capes. _ AAA Awrenty free Winane dy howe . AY rte tern anied Me Hurpur AVA mem AL [4 Wo ae. va al. AANA _ Cade, Seimeng Brothers, November 2, 1889, ‘London, England, } ' f i, ! | fi i a a | i i PS PN i a yl inn an Spd nt BH oe TL ear athe SS Le ‘Nova 4, 1839 2 Cnoblagra iw YWeyhar & Rigchemond, 50 Route d ‘Auborvilliors, PANTIN (Seine), Frances! Will take theron hundred horse power trink: expension Expo sition engine, with condensers Avait formal order bv weil. Have yom mailed photographs am blue wr ints? EDISON, Mr, Wm, cg, carroll, 25 yasex Strect, Omange, Dear Sirie Nove 4, 89. With referenge to yam lottor of 29th ultimo, I take men plinaswo in em choaing heratith hire Hdison?s check for $25.00, his subscription to th funi wiieh it being teieod ‘for Duffy and Pleast acknowlalge rdenipt, and oblige Imerend's Bande Yours truly, yrdvate Svarevary. Nov! 4 ’ 1889 e 8. Ba Fat on, Mgq ey 120 Broadway, Now York, . SE cea BPR EL ee : Dear Sirte fe I lave received’ an unsigned letter, which I presume fe is from ‘yourself, it; being on your firm's lotter head, enclosing contract in triplicate mtending payment for two months of the Liminott sixty-fivie thousmd dollar note. ZI hove: signed each of these three doownemts, in prose@nce of a witness, as desired, and beg to return them td you ntenithe Very tvuly yours, — «--., oe AG “: Pe ao gaye OP i ’ i be yh . ; fi : “ } i . Be Rene re Hove. 4, 89¢ Prof, Ry Hy Thurston, Sibley College, Gorn pil University, ‘Ithaca, Ne Ye. Ny Deay Sirt~ Ii Fdison has asked te to acknowledge the rec eipk of your. lotter of l&th ultino. Me regrets exceedirgly that it will bo impracticable for him to accopt your very kind invitation to visit Corm11. Ginge hts return from Europe, lire Edison has conmenced work on A New lino of experiment which will keep him very busy for somo ting to come, rendering it impracticable for him to leave home even for a short tim. Vowy truly yours, , 7 A ot ew pigs ie “Private Secretary, mane Nove 5, ha Courrier de Ja Presse, , 19 Eoulovard Montmrtra, Paris, Traneo, Doar Sirst» | Among, the clippings from tht newspapers which I re coive fram your Compimy, I notiae eeveyal from the American presse As I subsoribes te an Agency dm Mow York whiadh supplies mS with afl clippings concorning myself that appear in the Ameri~ oan nownpapere, Io mst ask your Oomany 40 confine itself, exclu-~ sy _ #2 ‘ F op } sivaly, to publications of Turone bo ¢ Ay / You, Amialy yedtrss by a uy p o J | "haa Pe mena Cu ei acs Ahoy ters thasd pale haaes tag (hs faatst ateauhpt Y we hive Betafo oie “Mat tor hi wT teaké a teapalaes bow for hathue Yiu fave bel ir Alcct ncbecledl j vhs £ Ment Glo, — ag” eae bite ft hase Made Lome of bat J th oda Pin. 0 Cot hy eT WH endl ktese Man. 14 facher — LOL Titus foelin seit, dg MET, Frans vy mad then a ta Me fey ere boa fo hfs ais “an LER Y be rast st Hal Lily fees ca na a ( jek 4) og Gum renee Cae eee be enath, Wee 9 Edvard ND, Adams, aye, Messrs, Winslow, Larder & Cos, . New York Oitys iy Dear Sirt- : ; , I have received your various let tox s ene los ing communications fram profes sors Rowland anil. Morton. I ean only say in regard to these that you ave vasting tine in obtaining opinions from these gentlemen, neither of whom has inore than a theoretical, sehool=boy lng edge of thi sulbject which. they ate tempt to discuss. It would be quite useless for m to met either of them, as both thaiy tinh and mine vo'rld be consumed to no ad- vantage « Very truly youysé, Nowe 6, 89. Benjamin Fe Stevens, Naqe, Now England Nutual Live Insurance 00, Boston, Mags, My Deer Sirs~ I have you’ letter of 4th inmatent, Mre Allien cane to th Laboratory yesterday, ond Mr, Edison was nutch pleased with hie report on foroign business} also with the samples that he brought with hime Tam to soe Hrs Allien to-day or to-morrow, and will advise you later wwint day we will go to Bostan. Yory bruly yours, brivabe Soaty. Novd 6, 89, conmebators ant bearings. Mako tie afvigions in the plate S62. As som as yar taw on: rosy send it dovm by oxprese anl follow 1% Toh Mr,i John Kreusi, ; : The Edison Machine Yorks,’ ay. | Seheneetady, Ne Ye Seth My Dear Sirs» M “4 Gonfirring ovr conversation by telephone, vleuse make us imnediately three Nos 4 Armeture bodies. Put on bh 9 i shafts 66 inches longe The shatt to rvojeet one end 24 8/8 inchos 2 i and on the other end Lo 7/16 incheas Only turn the slats sut- f | } ficient for yor “6 put tho Nog & body on, and do not make ony wey j ft ways Tor c onvartators Leave the erda so tint I oun turn down for rset irmeci ato ly by the man ta do thy winding, well aupplied with insc~ . lebion, paper, cempoumi, wire, mica, aul everything necessary to do the varke : . a: The order jor wire tint I gave you October Slst was for 50 pounds: Noe 17 Browns & Sharp, and Noe 41 Bromme & Sharp, e091 and d045, resroctivoly, Pleaso remnbcor tint this order shaild be multiplied hy thre, Send this wire as soon os you can” - Yours truly, OHAS? BATCHELOR, Ma * Nove Gy 89+ Josse Uy Lippimovt, Ese, 160 Broadray, New York. Dear Sirt~ Replying to your Lotter of lab instant, I beg to say thet the amount, $22,500,nemed in you ¢ onbract with Mra! Edison under dube June 2ath, et) as having been ho sw ‘paid by Mrse her stock an the Bdisou Phonogrepk SOREN» is incore . Hemenway for rect, and appears os on erver on, the pect of Mr Maviki: nson. in avomwing this ageeemont » Made Honenvay prrehased ‘350 ahaveas of stodc et $148 pur share, a total of $22, 200, whioh @mount on the “8th asy of May, 1868, was dego alted in ‘the Orange National Bunk, On Ey Ne Jey in the mame at he O¢ Tata, Trustots On the seme day checks wer dramn as : n ig é i fyllors?- George Partons Lathrop, 32,5003; Fs We Toppan #2,500} We Be Porry $400 ($5,500), which atjownts x opresont puid, on ag dount of thie trammnction. stosknolacrs of the Haison Phonomraph company ha the comnissions At tho tine titis stock was | pod “ne d for med B *poal® and astbn With each other pro tata of the various stockh: ders of the Company. “tho any stock peas should be for the iwihoflt tte apathy dds sikile the trustee of the "pool,§ which aca outs Por ini above atebl ha*thing Houn dopo rited in his ume. Te palonce of Ud He Le Re this money was turned over to Mr. Udison, your letter of ist instant. Very truly yours, . This in reply to oot, W* Pe) oo z ei ee ° gee ood alae Nov. 6, 89,: Te Me Herrick, Esqe, Faison Gen'1, Hlectric Co., New York. My Dex Sirte Theve your letter of 2rd instant enclosing copies of resolutions of the Nv Ye Bonrd of Aldermen, April 12, 1981, Giving cer tain rights to the Us S,! TiLwninet ing Go. and the Brush Eloetr ic Idiuminating Go, It is quite Gl ear eon these that the former has no right to orcet overhead somiuobons in the Gity of New York. Judge Andrews has doubtless aisumad, without lookirg at the records, oe they possess this V deht . Camot you have 7 the EVENING POS? bw ot this point? es the min point in Judge Andrews’ decision was thant the Us Se Company had mado a lar ge inw ve simait und ey the lav. ee four 8 tryly , hes aitys i 4 MeN Omg a Cael why, | ia 1 wespen |e eters ge =) ve ! mi i t f genteiwen LOth, 1888, addroased by |nysel f-to Charles Py nos ., Nove 7, 1885, Major S. By Eaton, ‘ 120 Broadway, Nev Yorks My Dear Sirts cy I enclose herawith cypy of a letter uer dake Usqe I do not think TI included & copy pf this conmmundieat. jovi. in the resords eoncernil ig the Gill, ate tem snes natter which Gate Aut. Ok, I eerie y ox some time agine iN ir Yours For” ey oO yy Copy, Chase Py Bruch, eqe, Orange, Ne Je Scpts 10, 188. 19 Dey St., Nev York, Deay Sir? me ee Enclosed I biog to hand you Mrs Ndison's sheck for Three Hundred Dollars (3300) to your ordor, the same boing a loan to Mre Gilliland. Inmst apologize fivy having overlooked sending you this on Saturday . Yours (eithifully, (Signed } fo O Tate, Privaie Secretary, - + ‘Tolosran, John Birkirhino, Novenber 7, 1889, Port Henry, Nw Yw If I leave Now York Friday moming what Station ao I-stop at. for Putnan nines? Hais ony : Telogriany John Birkinbine, ee Nove 6, 89% 25 Ne Ew Gity Hall Sqa, Ne Juniper St., . Philalelphin, Pa. San yoct accompany me on Shur eddy or Friday to Putnan County? Nov, 7, 1889, He Ce Donmming, Esycy Marion Improvmient Coe, Harrisburg, Pare Dea: Sirt~ : I am very mich obliged for your letter of Sth instant. We have an instrument thich vas designed by ny Assistunt, Mr? Xermelly, for the purpose of Lloenting mgnetic iron ore and which works escolloitly.s Wie wert skeed¢asful in locating several bodies. e with it on oi last trip. Very tiny Youd, et et Mla ag ye on yn: ard ee ae y ee etd "nae ae Novy 7, 1890, Wai Py, Taylor, Naqe, Altoona, P a, hy Dear Sirte 3 lave your otter of Sth instant, in Yevard to ie lecture which you mo to give before the Blectricnl Section fa Altoana on, the avening of Deeanber Dth, We will sond one of e our men tom the Laboratory with a compl ete ode Ape to asgfst you im canneation with thfs leature. I will Inve a variety of musical v ylinders prepared, and I om Setting up a set of Morse instiumaits for the purpose att redbraiiugy in tho phénogriph sare wotsaAges whieh will be sont you 4m thet way hy Mes Batgon hinsel £; ad which wilt bo reprodised itt Altoona by thi fhonojmiph, Sapposa avr wen sorta Wee here on Décanvbr Se ~ Very ivy yours, «7 “ee Ay Peig t 8 wih Ane OM Mes Hohe ty ‘ - a aly: a Ay va 1807 ae Aaow beer ye ae Mot yet oe cia Nove 7,5 W889 ¢ Messrs, Lowigohn Bros o> 81 & 83 Fulton Strect, Now vork oily, Deex Girsi- Replying +0 your ldtter of Bue dngtant, inquiring als to the starding of tho’ iidison Manufac tind Ny dy, re Company,. Siiwer Tak ay. I beg to say that this concern has not yet been regularly incorporated, We call it the "Rainon Nie. Cos® for of convertence Wstinguishins 14 fom the other intordsts wbntored here in Orange. It is Mre Hdison'y persona t. antetprisea, and will be in- corporated some +t iris in the future, but at presont its credit car bé rated by Mer ¢ Edison's personal Standing. - Yours truly, Nov. 7, 1aso, 7 Mry English ,» | Get Peady ons of tre latest water motor er yut it in Tirat elngs govlition ana make a plate for sae it os follows! “Thig Phonograph is pronetted to Frdiad Krupp by its Anventor EDISON." With this we wish to send if ny : 200 blanks ani a eoaple of dozen musical gylinters, Let um imar Do i When the above ig veady for shipment, so I. may conmtmnicate: with rosrk : Mee Krupp further. b. Yo exert) : ; : Yours tly, ta ee a *. 4 : tM Oo oaix Nove 7, 1839, _ oe a ef bord a be he ww row ww t - Referring to the attached, please make. UP a paclmge of such supplies as you eonaider is mecossary for the msehinos that aye in the bends of the GESELscHArT URANTA, and alvise me whon the sane is ready to go forward. Return the attached letter, Mra Philip sy Dyer, . Antweo Y Ps Belgium, Dear. Sirs. ; Your letter of’ 31 st Ootobor, ‘addrops 0} to Mrz ‘Edi-eon, in romrd to, sondins to Lal ande samples of batteries which wo mMonuiketure wnrier the contract ‘betwoo him ant Mr. Edi con, is culy received, - ay ~ 6 ‘The different types of battery whieh it {8 ow intention to Mandketure undep this contract Bre not ready yet, put just as Som as thay ard conploted, we will ‘Bond samples of cach to BR, the de Lalande in accordance with 7h clause of Agreoment.. Yours truly he we "i sete i Private Socretary., | fe Maree om pose a, ; sty ob et gay Tee Pe ee OY Sh et BA ae Peas Hee We Jy donks, Standarad 23 ne Burgan, teeta Edi sin Gcneral Bledtrig Vompany, - coke Ss GE gk vee Bey York O44y Nowe . sissy I hog: tg reler to you ‘tole attontion the enclosodg letter Adgressed to Mrs Edison Which we hav YO cot ved from the Kdison THuntine tiny Coe of Newport, as ae eee De, Yours trialy ‘eo a a Plvate Scavotary, . Tk gz ran taste John Birkinbino, -. . Noveri:er 7, leap. eis Fort Htomy , le Yq 8 en ‘ Wil. leave Ney York Sonmornow : (Syd ay Vnbtringon 1g : 80 4ntth nda River. Railroad, renelaint ‘Pookak12i: betwoey it: So aml im Och: you moto there? use Bas dom, ° mv aL ons dl aE Td i ema tml BS ANI FO nt tee tet 445 \ ee Nav, ty 1eBn, Mrae Mary Honeny-ny, hs : i ; Be Big 9 Weis ‘C/o Ay. Homonuay s 16 Troont St,, : Boston, Iinons Soar Mad ane, « . . * I beg to eoutirn tho, Lollowd is télegrent Seat you t cduy 3. “Am ledving to-riorrow t6 bo absent X think unti2 Monday. Will be glad to conminicate ‘With you oh my roturn, | Te Ag Ey a 1 Very. tr uly YORYS,. pe key \ : k My ia Hi k 4 Berk out } * ‘ ¥e wort 1 ha A Nf OY a ly iy ih P y: 3 mb a _ Novy 7, 1e89, We Ay Stern, Hage, Hanilton Ruilding, Pittsbur ch, Pay : Hy Dear Sirt~ In roply to Your Lotter of gra instant, Nhat Mry Edison desires ig all the Literature published in repre to Vos tinghouse Aly Brake for frofsht trains, Also, copy of con tract they mko with ra:Llrondg Por amp lyin: freight binke, Véry tr uly yours, «7, Peete sdeotary, Pe Re The boand tnd susdraved book’ ner jonsd dn yo Letter wey venly has hot wet yaghed My Edd on, Wov. 7, 8% We J. Hanmer, Esqe, Paris , Prana, Dear Sirge~ : Ibe to confirm the folowing cad logran sont you to~day! ~ *Phonographs alreudy {urivished URANIA, Others all right.” Yours truly, teen thet Te ME bod baw : Nove 7, 80¢ Jesse Hye Lippinett, sq, 160 Broniway, Mew York Citys Dew Sirt= Here is copy of a telogran which Mr, Bdison received yenterday from Mrs, Horonways= "Please nane sone time when you will seo my Agont, Mre Gray, in Now York, or olsowkere, end oblige MARY M&MNWAY, ¢/o Ae Homenvay, 10 Tremont Sts, Bostone" We wired Mrs, Hehenway in reply to the ahove, that Mr. Edison tus going may and. would not retin until next week. Vory truly ‘yours, wala ieee ies at. Frioda, Krupp, FEsqey ESSHEN, Gdyrany. | 4 My Dear Sirse T have thy extedmed letter of your Director under date October 28rd, antl in reply Veg to way that the cylinder of the atandartt phonograph 33 not suPfielontly long to take a conti ous dictation for twertty-Live mirmtéa. It whl take continuous speoch for five minutes, whish 4a qyunl to one thousand words nr” ten ordimry lettere. I fds deer ny intention, and T gtidl de= sire to progent you with ony of these instraments as a personal. bift from mynetfs 1 havo etyen iMetmre tions for a opoatn mas dire to by pmpared for you, which 7; wast you #t2) ho Kink etougt fo Socept rah my pony sents 4 Twidl advise you thea it ig randy, | 4o go tommrds f vogrot vory nifeh dot having had thd plehiure of ; . . , medéing you witn f wan $y7 Gartany. dy tite was an Miétoa tast & MeLlrt to B06 a funder bf my frietke whom I had ydpod to poot, ; Vory tarady Wweany's, 2 . Cf race IE pe How.’ 1, 1889. Edvard De Adams, Exqe, Messrae Winslow, Lanier & Coe, Now Yorks Dear Sirs- . Referviry to ccpy of lotter frym Profe Coleman Sellers addresscd to yourself and emiloged with your lottine to m wider date 4th Novenber, Prof’ Soltleva is very practical, and I am weh ploased with the way he hand.os the subjest under dis- cus aon, Pace a Gh, oy artee Nova 7, |}889. De Meyer, Esqe, Gesellschaft Urania, Berlin, Germanye My Dear Sirs IT have yowr estcomed letter of of the loth of October, and in reply beg to say that two of tha phonographs gent to Prof, Helmholtz were specially designed for ths. Gesell. - sohaft Urania. I have given instructions for a supply of neceni~ sary parts to be _forvar did +o you imneiiiately, and I trust they will reach your Imnds sofely. In regard to an exhibition of models of ny inventions, I ghould be very happy to comp).y with your request were it possible for me to do SO» At tho proasent tim, hovever, ail my apparatus is in use, and at the moment there is nothing maileble that I souls forward to yous Perhaps j.ater I may be able to yond models of some of ny inventions, and will bk glad to do ga if it. is at. all practicable » Tam greatly indebted for the photographs of your excellent inatitution, am beg +o meee can ty ay Very prely youte, 1 _ es oe Fran ig AR Nov al 8. Lee 9 0 Mao! Moebin Poree, If the Edison Note Books Nos. 53 ani 37, referred to on attached letter from Dex & Seely, are iz your posses Gion, please deliver then to eover, and return Dyer and Seely's letter, OE eae Mossrm« Dyer & Seely, AG VOLL Stet, Nest Yorke Doar Sirst- In reply to your letter of 64. indtaim, requesting me $0 send you Hdicon note hooks Nos, $7 ard 55, Mr MeGowon will had yar note book Nod 37. Tohwve made a ishor anes: search Lor Noe 58, but arn't Lind i, Please agknowledgm veoelyt of nog? boelk #57, amt oblige ty 1 ? Yours truly, Pi vate Seevctary. Ripe Nov, 8, 80, Col, George le Goura wi, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Fnglond. Dea Siri I bog to.confirm the following cablegrams re coived irom you aml sont by. me, to-day to ‘ : "Slurring Misturazel taught ” "Gode book: not to hand, Gan’t interpret jour * “gable of to-daye® 3 BS ge AEE Mesias : Novy 8, &F, A * ee Ssnuel Insalil, Enq, 44 Wall Street, Ney York, : Dear mee BR a ae ee & ghee ae ates " T have your letter of 6th instant, in veyand to a model for the Lay Phonograph Comy ange 9) Be at anony I unicrstand phat l . ” toga Py a ee 3 he mode to bo filed with ue Compe ny MA, iy be cere RE hgh as fur norhinoxy Por. turning out the werdaua parts is conplebed,= : Gi Fe, is, we will send then a modo} nde from tthe dies which are “ic oe Vow te. wsed, in filling their regular stock oy: Gere. There | om thus be no alae about Ate dedrg the sane OC he ones sttorvends pals i mi Shed than. ‘ Priv ate |secrehary, Nove 8), 8D, Av Mavews, Esqe,; sg Milde: Bagi; New York. ‘ Dear Sirte "Marg Edison ake m to ak snow laliso reept of yor Lette: of 6th ‘instant; in ir gaia ‘te ‘the Bide tan ard toe bate 05: ied préas his vorret’ at aed hoon han Le ¥o moet” is Renait this By : "oe MCE ot weeky | Ny LAL 60% tert to “any ‘to be “‘abhent, probaply ‘anti2 Satur duy night “He wotila Like'4 0! sis ot fig Ronan) hi” tie “heb pratoty’ gn Monday next ab” any Hoi dohventent” bo tho labtons ; the ‘goueenponc ee dorian’ cheto#ed wit iy ‘your “Lets oe tnd op'Lyp T wiha x aed on file ®. ue we va ttate tae Fe Saito Veer ae in thie orien, in eniie hey . “Hef itoon int bie paren” aes SOE ea to ite Very tilly rosea, : en RE ee cE Pyare Tye eared ted 8 Dom s Nov, 8, 1889, tlowee 9 Vato on & leie,, ; 120 ‘Bro ody yy is fork « 7 RP 3 R ee t ' 3 Vettes: fii ace? aches At Mr ocean Teque 40 sty J ZL ondiqso mroyith eLetter 2atrosned to him by ee Georg Se Hole». 0:5, 400 » «firm, of Haley: mind eon ne a 7 Tiske, Atborroys, a Sox wiwellorg, Rey 4. Urenont. St yi Ro don; ” nth Tamme ; titer “ante Hoyenbe ath Ps lees rofenptyg toa, Budt- brought ss ov aijain st ‘Mite a wn. sore “aoverl, sears O80: by. Ep » Raker. Nelohe iy plat shitty ‘thous sand ones, for tiie Alseged homeach of oa. contiaats. 0 rhat kes prides ce mado api “1860, wht ls the Said oleh gia: imed, ontit Lads dint tows on ou om “id f tho en ofits aie sort x n wert doz 5 3 Jor double. ranimis sion, i ma: de, eh “mt has bear renova, reagntly fares tim aloim amended to two inndred re ‘thirty ¥ hqus aut Hones 8 250,000). this Conmuure ee ion reltere ao ba at Aton Be Adam as dh vite oy M63 Lor Myre Uddtone wre {tone 3 at ig) present ‘ehin omy/hoyaa by tha Edi aon Lantp Company, ani f note Ati ieesnea to him tn tha gy \ \ 7 u ag sara, wilt bring him to your offtce any ' mo yo my wish do Hoo hing I wivlevscie tint kn ds Gh of town treaty itty, Sab VE oan be brought back wipnever you tit nba, 7 \ i: \ 4 Voyy ty why your ha, pein’ 46 Sec io tar Ya s ~ _ Move 8, 1889, Be 20 Maguire, Maqe, Hotel Remort, BATMMINORE, ’ Hide Dear Sirs~ : ‘ , I heve your letter of 6th instmt. The Edison Phono« graph Toy Manzrineturhy Cotpaiy has re cently heen reorganized, ar Myre Sequesy while on tle Betray, is not an efRoer of the Companys Ie! Benjamin F, Stevens iy. Birasident jj ars the Gonewal Manager ta : . - 2 i Mre Victor S. Allien. oMry Edison miueeeéozoa fom the’ Compan: . md. isa stockholders, foam om of the trumtecs, bat havo not yet attonded a mooting, md fiave no dafinite Imowledge ua to the roy 33 Ps “ , thoy propose condeting theiy business abroate You indeate in your lotter that yar destre ta sell Eogland, Franee ari Gornainry outright. So thr az I am asyarn the Comay does not contomplate selling any of its territory, the {dva beins to Aumish dolls for the foreign trace, the sumo as for the trade in tins emntry, I MM very sorsy not to hava sce you vinn you WOTG, in Now _Yovk When do you expect to cane va eg iad? Yours waly, Atlantic Publishing & Engraving Coe, 40 & Sl Ohambers St peut, Nev York. Dew Sirsi+ In reper ‘So. your Letter of Slat ultimo, T bog bo hani you heradth biography of Mre Bdiven, fdyv puylication in the Broyclopnedia of Contanpota ry Bhography of Kev York, which your Compaty is at mrescont pubht shia « L would. ve vary tMaals obliged TP yar can sormnoniently do 80, ssoaphy, as it fs the énly eacy ua Bard LP you weoid retuen tits bio ooenahy tia and mey vant to refer td it qa sine Siture At the woment ( aamot ley ny bende da the phogiaphy Attss you sent hora for veviston. - wild rotor 4b to. you tam dey oy gD, an agnirad. Vary truly yours, # , o te 3 i ate " ‘ Pe fate Seotat mye } ta reg ef a4 Nov, 8, 1889, Ool., Ucore Me Garraud, Little Menlo, Upner Mo vood, Surrey, Englai. ‘ Dew JSArie : ; i r ’ : Messrsy Dyor & Secly infoam no thit they lave for vearded to yor pavers in the uatier of Onse Naw 01. It is very necessary that yar shaild lose notim in filing your applications iu England, France and Germaiy, at Zam obliged to make publi eration in the United States very doortly. Yer had better coble m an rea. as these applications are Pilded, Vory truly yowes, Yi aaa : ! ' Nowe &, @, Mr ed, We G1 al stone > Fddson M't' 56 Cos, ‘Silver Tala, We Te Dear Sirs~ For the present nilease do not make any quotations of prices of battertes to outsian yoople., Ye wild Within the Haxt few doye dotemine wint these prices avr to bey bub as yeh 4t de rot detinitely ddeided, Yous traily io Nove 8, 806 Westmoa Furnace Coe, 61, $8 Broad Stet, New Dear Sirst- I have you letter of Gth instant , notifying m of ny eleetion as 2 Trustee of the Westmma Furnace Company, and beg herewith to temler ny resignation as one of yow Directors, and tro request wie elect ion of my Private Secretary, Mr@ Alfred 0. Tate, in my sbeads I have transferrel one share of stock to Mad Tate to enable him to qualify as my representatives Very truly yours, aed ca ere (Jirera O% Css? Nov. 8, 89, Gols George le Gouraud, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, . Surrey, England. My Dea» Sart I mailed to you Wednesday last photographs of the improved phonograph ywitich I have gotten up sincd ny return hone ’ md which, whe I am able to send you one, you will find to boas: simple a mech ine: as can possifyly be w ished for. By inspecting the phosographs you will chseave that I tave vemoved the kick- back altogether, The lever for Yaising tho ‘apectacle, whi ch, in the shepe of an angle rod is placed in front of the straight edge .on the michines which you use, has also been removed, aml the sequels is now raised by an orm which protrudes beneath the lip of the former; when this lever is thrown up the spectacle is reised so that the recorder or reproduccr point, as the case may be, is lifted off the phonogran ani the travelling nut thrown out of gon, am when lowered brinzs either of these poix s and ‘the travelling amt besk into positiom for recording or reproducing. I have cut the spectacle itself in two ani throvn cone side avay, using one diaphragm for record ing and reproduciag,. ‘Me wecoiver (hie in the other type of phonograph we used to refer to aga _ recorder ani reproduaer, there helns ‘avo of them!, is let into the Col, & HE G, spectacle in the usual waye dxtendi ng Lrom the pie hace Bide Peels wy? of this repraduser ani attached to the fame, is a sme, avm, which a perks I has a play up ant down ‘of about deck! ‘an inch, end which when raised cr lowered moves the receiver in a oircle to the same extent, Att hed to the aigphroem of the redeiver are the tvo points, one for recording ant the other for reproducing. When this arm is up , aga tinst the adjusting nut, the rerodaedy te in position, and when it is thrown even the record ing point is brought into, plays In the photegr ooh you will notice a wire bent over the top of the receiver anda shorter wire protiuding upward to the left of this, This shorter wire is attached +o the eos ae and moves with it, The other is stationary, It is, therefore, obvious that these — wees will be closer together when the lever of the reegiser 4s thrown down tha whon it rests against the adjusting mut. The thinbles on the ends of the speaking tube ind the listening tube have slots cut in them fr these ivires to enter end permit then to be scét dow over the thimble of tho reocivor, When the ren ceiver is set for reprodgeing the : speaking tube >t hinb le cannot ba aug Mee wort nei PREG 9 AE Bet placed over the reeeiver thimble a euxl when me machine is set for recording the Li st ening tubes caro} be used - or in other words, aithex of these tuber em he used only when tie Mankine ib set for the purpose tov vatoh the tube is intended, It forms a sort of yale loak conbindt ion witLoh prevents any rai stake being nade. SME as om arn wee hatin nen I OO es, Mea aer SAGES TRS e A Tos cede en So AE tI oad LAG ay eh nena scbientnen etic ita Es Cole ty Ea Ge noe I haw bare ray tle ecrov on the Bifle oY the me Ia we em pleyed to secure tne ard nging gentre that sscures the brass oylin- der, and replaad tho at tne by a shart pendulum, whi ia, when raised, clsmps the svrang3 ne cent "@, holding it firm, aa when lowered re» leases it. This motion is much more rapid than the serew motion, The knife tas been placer} on the spaet its licenseo companies. ah hy ta nude 7 co hing Richt Kee . \, fr. .{ «GF ee Hesis i Vary truly yours, ¢ C ON: a GAG ATO.. ~ Ps, l af eke amen) i Wercwele ; : ! atte io wpe tons lee RR teione oi chan sasca re ft , Pa hse preec tye bey toed “| all . é ¢ ’ Hove AL, S06 My odorg Stewart, Esqa; Albion, Orleans Cor, : : Ne Ye | fs Dear Sirt~ ith reference to your letter of Sra instant ngdres see ; to tre Vdison, I beg to say ‘that tho last tint the writer had the: plossure of seoing yotr son was at AYRE (Germany) on the 28th Sephembo last, Me tlen shdted his intention of fro seod ing $o 2 Reve pant oie ersten Dorion, Higland, on budine’s sonmectad whth elo¢tis Lighting in Chile, aia J presunt thas hé is nov tharvte Very drul’y vores Nove, LL, 89. North American Phonograph (C0.e, 160 Broadway, New York City. Deay Sirsi« I beg to refer to you the enclosed letter which I have received from hire CG, Fe Jomson, who desires to make a practical test of the phonograph, re Johnson is a stenographer who has ‘quite a largo ca mection, and I hove veferr ed him to yourselves, stating that, I thought you vowld tive no ob jection to his making the desired test at your oafficos. ates wy Yourp trary, ‘3 Nov, LL y 89, We de Hemmer , Esq, Pardes >» Traree, Dear Sirsa I beg to eonfir:; the foll oring cablegrans oxchanged between us 9th instants ~ "Gan buy narble cle otric ligtt oireuit 9,000 francs, Wanted twelve, Do yo. want it? HAMMB, * 71f you refer statue On fas lamp, yes, buy it. Have best firm pack its EDISON" Yours truly, Letterbook, LB-034 This letterbook covers the period November-December 1889, Most of the correspondence is by Edison and Alfred O. Tate. The letters relate primarily to the manufacture and marketing of the phonograph and talking doll. There are also several items dealing with the technical and commercial development of the Edison-Lalande battery. Other documents pertain to mining and ore milling, mimeograph royalties, and the phonoplex system. Included also are letters to the firm of Dyer & Seely regarding electric light patents and other patent matters and correspondence about Edison exhibits at expositions in the United States and in Europe. The book contains 499 numbered pages and an index. Approximately 30 percent of the book has been filmed, j i Ps ae sel iS he aha eae eet test Ac Nove 11, 8, ane. Anna Lienkev, SQ) Kast ltr Street, Nev ort: City, Deze Uodano, « With ference to you letter widhout aase ade eressed to oy Hre Hagen, Baking if t world be ceonrenions Yor yOU to come to the Laboratory and sing to the phamagenphy in sop ly wo Plot very nuch to State tint died at proemnt it ia inyous ihlg lor aa to set apart an 2; tornoon Lor this PUYEO Gee We are very “busy gy tting out musical Cylinders, amd lav imBiglims, bards AGw'y &oe. ongRZAa to Piay toa tho phonega ap h @eary day for the nexe snorbh, Were it not for thig we Should bs yorw Tdresed to avail ourselysa ax your kind oer, end the first pe vtvidty, that veeure ye sh al be plang to corminiaa towithiyonr, Vory. muly youth, . : é at EDISON baboRatony ’ rogerd to your rerarks about leakage, I hog to say that thero’ ‘housoholdors in the Park is run through meters which rogister tha Henry Be Auchinelons, Msue, Lilewvollyn Park, Ne Je Dear Sirs= I have your Lotter of Sth instant, in regard to your bill for light for the month of October, amounting to $25.82, In could have been no leakage which would have mado any neterial difforence in this bill, ALL the currert which is aupplicd to amount consumed by onch porsone These moters aro abaolutely gor= reet, &26 has boan peo time and time againee The trouble whi you complain of in regard to the firragulerity of the licht will bo removed vary shortlye Yours very truly, Nove J2, 89. Major Sa Bs, Eaton, 120 Broatiway, New York City. Dea Sivt~ ‘ I return herovwth ‘proof? of Proposed Licamse agreonent betwoon the Edison Ore Miliéng Co., “D't*d. ad the New Jersey and Pomnsylvania Concentrat ing Vorkse You will obseive thab Mr, Edison states in his notes upan this contract that you mv omite ted to secure the Ore Millimm Co, its royalty for all time. I beg to call your attention to page 3. One of the para- 6rephs reads as follovst "The first party shall promptly notify eny sub-licensas &a."* Should not this read: "The second party shall promptly notify the first party &c@" Very traly yours, Boston, Hm Ge . I bes to contivew the followings telegram seit you "Plonse send m: copy of proposed letter to Crarford ond permit me to communicate with you Diether before letter iteelf is mailed, to CravPord. Ae Ge a 4 Nov. ll, 59. Gustave. Stromberg, Ese, 53 Broad Ste, New-York, Dear Siri : : Io beg to confirm the following telegram sent you today tm “Certificate left in yorr office Saturtiys Please have transfer made this mornin so I can qualify or this afternoons Ag Oe 7” 2 - Your's as Nove 11, 1889, My Dear hhr,' Adams, — , Your Lather of Sth instant has boen, duly received. I cabled Siemns Bros, for approximte estimte on sizes cabled « _ The prices are rather high vhon 45% is eidod, and I think they can be made in this countrys I am certain I can’ make as good cable of the character tre want as the London poopla.: My Engineer is now alowg Ningara River, wakirg predimimry survey inaguirios shout ice, anchoring &a., &c. I have tvo ‘young ren at Buffalo makin; a Sieeehy Surv oye A couple of weeks will. finish it, and widl skow the position of every kerosene lamp, gas jet, eléctric and arc, and the hours of burnings This will ive us within five per cent of every nan's eas bill, Very truly yours, ‘Edwaed Dy Adams ) Taq e, ev York Gitys Harold P. Brown, Esq., 201 West 54th Street, New York City. My Dear Sir: With refercneo to your letter of 7th instant ana to the mtter therein reforred to, Mr. Vdison gaye by all means follow it up, Wes tinghousg has already starsed in Imgland a fifteen thousand light station, and is goings + (5 40 try and capture the whole Finglish trade. “Mre Edieon sugsests that you try and ayrangs with some of the English newspapers, to correspomi with them oceasfonally on this subject, iving thon list of deaths Coy &¢e, and thus educate the English people up to the dangers af high tezision durronts, me) Vory truly vous,” re, Pees v car’ % ‘Privat 6 Snerctary, if Nov, 12, 8, 1 . \ i : Col, Geor pm Eeuqul Qourmd, ittlo Menlo, Umer Norwood, Swarvoy, Vorland ¢ | lwor Sivt~ i F | if T bog to confirm the following cahlogram received ; tron you am sent by pete FOSDIRe Lomon, Nove Uy 18%, 7 “Mailed tomdby Urbrta tnportant prepesal, : Have porto Nolinn: Leste vhend Code POStAl with In ttay a” GOURAYD, roRtwan. Hoveuber 12, 204 “Holi and aliiyocd Bevaniay oe core, Ateancy Ban. Saiaioy® ; kenrtn Syetly. Nove 12, 1280, fh Chambey of Commerea of the Stato of Now York, Naw York Cit Ye Your Conmittoe of Arrangements haus kindly tbe | seats wr a isvitation to attend the l8let. Annual Bannuet of the i og . Ohanhbor on ti4 Lit: dintont, end this ig to signify my acceptance of the saoe f | a; Vdry truly yours, 1 | a Hove Li, 1839s. Uharlos Stewart fnith, Neq., Olarber of Conmoree, New York Oitye My Deny Sirse Your esteemed thyor wider date 8th instant, re» queatin: my acceptance of ‘she invitation kinlly extended to me by the Chamber of Comerac to attend thoiy 12ist Annunl Banquet on tho 19th of the present month, has been duly received, and in yeply 1 beg to’ inform you that I have to-day signified to the Conmittee of Arransements my intention of being present on the occasion in qestion, _ «Very truly yours, a as Gf WY vee a. AO gt Nove 11, 29, George Wilgon, Hsqe, Socrotary, Ohombor of Oomnarce of tho State of Nev York, Mow York Citye Dear Sir,= I beg to acknowledge the recoipt of your lotter dated %th imtant, notifying me that at a mooting of the Ohamber of Conmorea, on tho nomination of dite Exocutive Committee, I was duly olected an Honorary Nomber of tho Ohanbors ¥ I shall bo very plensed to receive ny Cortificato of ‘Meriy cr ship, and apprecicte highly tie honor ‘thes conferred upon ne by my olection to membarship dn the Olevber of Conmerce of ‘tho State of Now Yorke Yours rdspectfilly, : ne wy fiw A a predey ghee atin Mache. Hate, Ahad bee, Webredt; pees Ha? 4 friice fie + thant) be Morac } fuiskect Gyre Nix fers, > Agha fw IZ Synanee ers (6) An yz flea, ltt, tao mde ba Aw 74 © oe Rate sen Ne Nema Fo in, 42 aty Wy. Colady PTs t— tietes ef (fesltiied fue, 20 Aunlbt MNtad th wilaand #8, gor Otel bat ~ tek Cr Ctun On J A Yeu ed tae “Gl hase a thaw wo Cast of Herd Vu LRG Gb On te eatea f tie a ae ow ratte fat Novo 14, BY» De is Dr seo 11, Faqoy Messrso Dyer & Sealy, Now York Citye Dear Sirte tf I enclose herewith three tyne-witten copie ‘ of Mrqg Edison's testimony in the Edi aonsSwan Tnter~ fereice, taken at the Laboratory yesterday: also ons scopy of that portion of My, Batchelor's testimony im nee. ta batt the same case .taken Tuesday last. 1 Very truly yours, Stonogarphe r a ~ Epison LABORATORY. C / Aer i *iiq Cedeltsehagt Curd Berle Be rsas ancy en Hd, R beg ts usbfy | rw tf tae ff Coe Mab ucet Unrade Bie Ce ee neg | hay, pw Willy “farege xdust bo. se a No Goes - Bark conhadung 200 Choire. Rtruke, v Jobe. Bar ‘ rier ire to - a Cankwe “- w edly 10- Keke Sertat Bil, (0~ S Livin Ping Pe Ta P ee te 10 ~ mes . ta ay : oSag 10 - Chir Dkateg ¥ Serta s r : 10 Curt, Off Karine bs ; 109 Reeory. Herta 19° Rbegdue te au ‘ Dealing ura aut tier S Pea Deer hal PABA Le 10 Laveniey F lo Rat. Seren cu ath aerteva, # Goro - Roy 24 Mirrical R teerde ce het Ob chao AAeehker Messrse Drexel, Morgm & Cos, New York City. Dear Sirs:- Will you kindly send mo a statement of my ze count to November lst. ‘The last statement roc cived frons you was for Septanber 20th, 1889, showing a balance of $475,515.08 I wish you world kindly bring this up to the date nomad Noove. Very truly yours, Pa } e F io ed a “es ; i ae e it ae an eas 4 eed yok a Pat ey oiney 2 a we fo Nad Coe 4 at a” * ‘ Lad : a eas rey ie. ca ” ” oe por TAAL, ; : Nov. 14, 89. Major S. B. Satan, 120 Broadway, New York City. Dane Sir:- . Replying to {row note of 13th instant, Mr. Wdison has addressed a letter to the Cie, Continentale Fdison, of Peris, asking them to give you of your correspondents in Paris any ine fomation in refird to the foreign feedor invention rhich my be osked for. Very truly yours, ae Bedy d e Se cretary's Nov, 14, , Mossrs, Weyher & Rie homord, 50 Route dfAubervilliers, Pantin (Seine), France, > Dog Sirst- I beg to confirm the following ceblegran sent you tow "Imperative I shqald mve immediately | foundation plan Ixpoaition engine. Have you meafled blue prints requested in ny cab:lo fourth? EDISON," - at - Very truly yours,” ‘ Nov 14, Qe Wy Dear Six Joln,~ I have vas Letter of Blot witimo, enclosin; cory of anarticle in *ENGIMMTRING" velusive to tron in Now Loam - lam. I an quite forsdliay with $ae depoait referred to, wit di ‘ ia tho finest in the world, am in comection with which my pide ocoas of aoparating cogld hoe worked with great suecoss and an onore mug business built upe This tron is refrantory, oviny to the presence of titanlo ivon, which uy mehin yomoves and leaves in tin tailing se . Yours very troly, wl yy . i ae rete rit he cgceee Sir John Ponder, Winchester House, 50 Old road Ste, Lonion, Pri Liuid e . Nove. 14, 120, Oompenio Contingontale Edison, Pawtits, France, I beg to acknowledge with tinnks reeoip, of your letter of 28th ultimo, in rogaid to Spanish Patent, Sot ag, I have conmmnicated with Messrs, Tatton and Levis, Goneral Coyne el of the Edison Flectric Light Oompoity. I wish you would Very kindly give Meossrs@ Haton & Levis, or their correspondents in Parin, Brandon and Fils, any information that they may aak with yelot jon to forsign patents on the feeder invention, which You oan supply. : Vory truly yours, BT ise seca teh i _@ Nove 14, 80, Lomiel We Sorrell, Fsqe, 140 Nassau Stre Gy» New York, Dew Siria~ . I return herewith order on Comnissioner of Paton ta to furnish you with cortified copy of ny Caveat Now 37 Pilea Jemuary 24, 1872 for Distr det ond Alarm Telegraph, which I have dily sigwed as requested in your lotter of 12th instant, Yours truly, WA a ey ie fils t. oh Vad U ny Be “OA A EPA gy See Ea teeta CELE thee ths Cs ree or, oN y) we Moe rfeg please te Mcla- beg re f.. dd de APtA- LON pa A» ly Lay rl ers alton. a “Gf fs pe tarvuts rat Le kt wth - Wary ya erp yal age yaa At a 472e th. ee | Ms rte), Cm Atte fir ht aw ‘etatine fo 6 On ns foro GO aVtarl, are ae me ie Me pty bs” CW bear f Prd —farrr a Cin. ite 6G oe Ain lA BIA cle, te uv Boa a po: eres NE a a phere LLG eae Nove 14, G50 Messrs, Eeton & Levis, 120 Brocivaoy, New Joris age ep recta NE Pte cla eee re Seah A TNE eee Dear Sirsi-e Lonelose nerewith (1) copy of contract botwear Thomas Ae Edicon md Ae Be Dick Company, wiflor date June 27, 1887; (2) copy of contract votiweon Thoms Ae Edison, Robms% Gilliland | | amd the Ae Be Diok Coe, wien date Aumst 4, 1587; (3) atintch of correspondonce hettee hire Dick, myself and Hie Raiuon, which oxplains itnells Tho Ae Be Dick Company ramiihe tures Mincormphs in Amorten md ashlps thom abroad for sole in foreign countries, “Have ‘they the right to do t his? Mo, Edison has no foreign patents on the Mimogveph, amd the A. Be Diok do. dteaa thi ground that for this | vention it 4@ tree to sell in foreign countriog without paying lrts Fdieon any yvoyrtye I wish to asgortain what their rights really ore wider the aontrnacts Which lav boon nade with them. | : : “fe ae OP ym ee | Vary truly-yours, ye a wet e ast ‘tet Private Soatye COPY, Orango, Ne Je Oot, oo, 1889, My Dow Dick,~ Ioan very nuch obliged for yom letter of Riny inate, in io mrd to Ure Edison's royalties on mincographs sold abroad. I wwerstood before interrogating you in this nattor that Ih, Edicon had no rights in the shypo of patente to tranater to yor dompary, bit that is o natter whieh does not enter into a | consideration of the rolations betwem Ny, Edison ond youreclveas The agroanemt betwoen Thomas A, Edison and the A. Be Dick Company, urder date 27th day of Juno, 1°87, in the first .seetion wowdddst *The party of the first part (Mdison) heroby grants and hereby ‘ | "licenses and empowers the party of tim seconl part aul ‘its BUCH “ Sgessors and assigns, the solo and oxclusivo rimt for tho term “*hersinaftor stated, to ninuikcturo and to grant to, others tho : : “right to namikoture, sabject to the comitions heroimfter named, “apparatus for preparing Autograrphic Stencils for printing, as “covorad by said Letters Patont, ond to 8011 ami grant to otlmrs Xtle right to coll the some within the United States, but not for “oxport to othor countrios .* It vould appear from this that the limitation of your bu~ | . , i siness to the United States ia one of tha conditions of the grant of your original license, - and tmt this condition 1s at the pro- Sont time boing violated by yow Conpanye I would hnvo pointed this out in ny previous letter to you, j Dut the same was written withaut reference on my part to tho cone n . j 2 63. Ae Be De ~rpe tract betwoa: your Company wid Mr, Edison. It is a natter which your yoursolf have apparently overlcoked, ami TI call. your atteubion particularly to it, for the reason thit it sda toa me to be very importent. to the incorporated interests which yo. represent thab i your buainess should ba condioted in sscordands with the existing a records of the rights podicssed by the As Be Ditk dompany. . Very truly yours, (Simmed ) : Ke O. Tate, . Privato Suc'y. 4. B. Nick, Isq., Chicago, Ills. gC dranip, Ne Js Oat, 26, 8&9. My Deor Dick,- in tolking with Lis Edison the other day about our foreign bualneds, ho mntiord the Mimoogroph, snd in tho cours¢ of conversation asked m about the sclta over there amd what I considered tho royalties would anoant to. TI asked him if ho ind omy understandi mn: with you in regard to royalties, and he mid that the general arrangoment woler which you were selling mehinos ? covered the foreign as voll as the domestic business. Thereupon I dropped the subjoet, so that I might havo an opportunity of con- sulting you and relieving an impression which I nd ernst put which I did not wish to connnnicate to Mry Edison without firther invest imt ions You will romanber that you and I Ind son little conversation with regard to Myr. Edi son's royelty on MWimoosraphs sold abroad, vhile we wore in Hurope, but wo did not pursue tho matter very for, WALL you kindly inform my Af Mre! Rdivon'ts accownt is. bein: oreiited with royalty on-youw foroisn sales, the same as on sales in this country, ‘amd vory mush oblige Vory truly yours, (Sigrod ) Ae OF Tate, Pyivate ‘$v. WW Ye, cence meg caer .' Nov, 15, 1880, Hy Fondersmith, Fsqe, Dive O'p're, Pemsylvania Railroad Company, Bend & Kiwkeb Strocts, Philas., Pas Dear Sirt- e T have hed a conversation with Mre Logue in regard -to tho use of.our new battery on you lines. He inforns me thet yon have 29 wires terminating in Philadelphia + 14 at B2nd and, Narliet . . 7 Strects end 15 at Broad Ste,- und that yar desire to know if we can work all these out of one battorye _In reply I beg to say that we can work the whole of these on 150 cells, so far as I can calculate from the data given ite by Mre Logue « I am going to ask you a few questions, sve won I re= geive your voply Iwill give you more accurate income tian ) : ‘ I understand that a riumbdr of these lines are City wireas iT : ’. Please let ic “Jenow the evact imber; the thileage of the longest aes. one of trees its total resi stamec, including resi stance of relay 8} ; | ; the voltage wait you wish to sheure s | .I separate these city circuits, because I ‘understand they are ae | : : ; i ; aR iz , : . . i short wircs, and it is, therefore, desirable to operate then fram a independent battery. In remrd to tho balance of you wires rum ing ‘out of Philo~ delphia, I want to imowv (1) the mileage of the longest one of these, (2) its total emu egea: including relays, (3) the voltage desired, (4) munbor of wires, If you can conveniently do so, I would like you to let me haw a record as follows:-. OLTY drRoUrrS, (1) Mileage of oath wire (2) Total resistmee of exh wire, including relays. And the seme for "ut of tom* wires, The intemal resistance of one of ow cells is .only 202 - local actior’ is less than one-half of one per cont; there is abso~ lutely no cleaning to be done in connection with it; its resistance | does not rise #tt folie constant during its life, ani the effect is to ronder the battory as serviceable in wet weather as vin dry ’ Pevhaps I can best illusti‘ate its capabilities by means of’ ‘ figures ¢ The “éta which I uso may be incorrect, as Hr. Logue's initrmat ion wag: Apa sh*t, but pragtically this will, nole no dif. Vor gdee to my 2esent purposo, I hve agtumed ‘that you have nine short ality wires, leaving 20 lon ones to be sroupal in on) battery; that you want an initial pressure of 128 volbd, aint that bh total resistance of tho. longest a+ H, F, -d~ of these, including relays, is 3600 ohms; therefore, wien these 20 wires are "evened wp" with ein tics to resistance, the total re- sietance of the outer circuit will bo 180 olms, To give you the desired voltage we wouln install say 150 of ow cells; we can neglect the conlsined. internal resistante of theso, 98 it would amoint to only 3 ohms, These cells have o caw pacity of 300 ampere: eee with one charge of solution; the oxide plates and zines have a aapacity of double the Ab.OV 8, 80 that tro charges of solution give 600 ampere hows, . On my asaamed data you vorld take 7/10 of an ampere out of the battery 24 hours daily, which with one charge, would give it a life of three weds; or six weds on two clnsges of so lut jon, In practice this tine will be extended I think we cam safely my, to one mdnth on ons charge, aim double that time on two, or even te tter than that e I mow with to call your attention to the nerits of this bat tery in wet weather. The internal resistance of the cinm it is 3 ohms, and the external 180 ohms. Supposing as an extranet crsa|, AL Ee dad eure reduges the resi stance of your wires ten timers, bios ing y our aietnay circuit down to 18 ohma, you woul, -sttiih. sé S/F of the whole current on your lines ~ only one “seventh: dst iA the batteryé# In short, this abt Oey wil work just ‘as . well in wet weather as in ary e . I am réking a test now on localss Think we can -roon-upwrds : @- of tY%ive sounders on tyo aellse Iwill let you know about this’ Later,. I shall be glad to hear from you in answer to my queries, and thenking yo. in anticipation, I am Nove 15, 1889, Messrn. J, M, Geballos & Coe, 80 Wall Street, New York Dear Sirs:~ I beg to acknoviledge with thanks, receipt of your letter under date Sth instant, informing me of Mryu Conunpry™s suiceess in securing from the Mexican €ovexsnnent the desired fam cession, which intelligences was received with nuch gratifinatior, Very truly yours, ae Pd te 2 Te a fees gt ence A RE aL = —— ee are Bxescrecrre sant EDN: Nove 16, 89. NC SA My Dear Young, « Roderying to yow letter of 4th instant to Mr, Rdigson, im regard to an easenttie cam for Jucking tho side arm of the phonograph, I bolieve you refer to the swinging centree I mailed Cole Gourmet o few days ugo a deseription of Mir. Edison's new phonograph, from which you will see that he has olreadr sow avay with the screw in quostion, substituting a clamp. 5 we fe Voy triiy: tortie, .~ 5 (aay . he SRST Oe ay Boe Fodvabe Scearoter ye J, Levis Young, Heqe, : Edison's Phonogrmh Go,, ; London, England. aera rn lewtanieee sme Nove 16, SO Ool,. George i, Gouraud, Little Menlo, Upper Norwood, Surroy, England, Dear Sirt~ . . In reference to your letter of 31st alte, rogardins an attachnent for min shaft and spogial veeordars and rep eaters for making a record of twiee the uminl length, I beg to say that ve do not make these. Vory truly ypurs, Cate ae eg OT Samuel Insill, Hse, 44, Wall Strect, Now York City. My Dear Sirs- : . - Iam very moh oblisel for yow Letter of th instant, enclosing pricas on new battorys Iimy obumve that the quotations in mt option avo abowt faur hundred peor cont. tov highe 4, : “og } ; M {Very truly yours, ,; ‘ % ee oe Eiisonts Phenograph Coe, Nove Lo, 80. London, Rnglend. Dear Sivsie- to confirm the vollowiny eoblegram sent you Ioirg towdiy tn PHONOGRAPH, LONDON. "Reciadiv art eo" Mov, 16, 1399, ilar rap emmerne aseoncn Low eietoramnope a. ae. Nov, 18, &, NH, E, Smith, Esqe, New Heven, Com, Dear Sixvie With reforence to your letter of 15th instant, your order for mesical records wilh be filled at the earliest possible moment, md we will take particular paring to select Lor yar gocd reoordse Wo have nono of the sclections momoned on band and vA LL looms jo bo nocosuary to heve then played to tke phonogrepliys fhe cornet solos we wid soil yor in a fou Cys, but the fil band selotdians may be dolayg@a wedi or 506 Trus.ing tat this will we sabisaotory Tam, yours vary YLT 9 pp i) Seat oe eS Sagar anneal —— ae See oe ee Nov, 16, 1889, SE ee Sco SS ermeer ee He Me Livor, Esg.a, ee 19 Ney Ste, Now York. Qnar Sirse I enclose herewith for your indrrution translation of a lotter witdoh we have reveived Simin Messvue Weyher ane Riclemond, Pantin (Seine), France, doted Sth November, 1889, and addressed to Mre Edison. Vory traily yours, Prive sor Soore tarye Traenagilar ton = Bintin sth HaVanber, 1589, Thomas A, Eciron, Nour ire} F We iova dJaust roohved your teloguam as Tollovsie "WLLL inke 300 he p. triple oxpansion exposition ‘ ongdine with comlmsar, Aveit Lorwal order by mail. avo you mailes photomenhs ent blue prants?# Wo teoows yar very meh far this order, and await inevructions Wiigh you wantse by next maid. We aro making at this moment sengdial ywhotegvaphs Lor you, whitch wd wild bow the wivausneo of + sending you in a few dayu. Camplete vorking draviniss for tie 1650 and. 400 he Pe ongines, as well its the condensers, are nenrhy Cini- ~ gee ond we think we ghall be able to send tiem after a fe darse >. The wooden. mdols of the 150 h. p, engine are abowt to tw Nnished and those of tha 300 he p. angine are fu ndvandeds Wa ore loeine no time in order to let you how. then at the oorliest pexstula . moment. Kindly sond by firet nnil exact lintrugtione Lor list: shipping then from Havre to tho United. Statess Ye thavk you for allowing us to authorize nm draft upon your Bankers, Drexel, Morran ' & Coe thragh Drexol, Ha'rjes & Coe, of Pettis, but wo will not tuke this iiterty until afte; we ghall have gent your made end dra- wings « 2 cea mm I BE spre fect Jat Le hee ye “ce In conchision we sholl state tint wa shell w extrenely happy iP you will vavor us witha rex words in your ov handwr it dass that wo Way proserve as & HOU ON fT » (Ginmed} Cth. Vc y he ve Say Nov, 18, 60» Oorning Glas Yorks, Corning, We Le Dear Sirsi~ I beg to comvium the folloving teloegrarn sem you this noruingse "Picase send five gross Bdisonts special bulbs similar to sanple sent from herce" Yours tinly, EDISON LABORA POR Ye ‘ fLhe v4 F a Sy aire: ee er rd fn, . eer Machine Vorko, Schemetaty, Ne Le ro Deay SiveteH . s > ioe te confirm the followin; tolegran sent you Wo sre very mich over lo ndede When cen you give ws our number ty cbhves% BATCHELOR." Yours truly, Gha Se Be te hne lo Ve le! Foe TAM gee So Noy, 19, 1e8d9. Re Je Gray 2 Ee, THE HLECTRIC AGE, #5 Dey St,, New Yor! ditye Dear Sire~ Ihave a munber of cirevlars in regivd to ow nev pattery, and Tovant teem to reech the tands of the variow Division Operators and Superintendents of Telegraph throughout the country. So for as nossible 1 have taken mmes from the "fravellers! Raile way Guide,"® buts this apnewrs to bo very ineomplete, en I fini the Jigk ammbers only a little over 200, Would I bo askin; too mush e to request you to let me have a copy of your 1i a? Of covrse I wi LL Yay al. etvens? of getting if oute I my add that whenever you want data for a "write we" on this new battery, I will be vory pleased to give it to you. Mre Edison kas been away for the last ten days, Upon his return, to-morrow, Iwill send you a check for your bile Vary truly yours, ie Pe , Bee F Sl a Oe re ee ee, Sa a Geoige Wilson, Secretary, Chamber of Conmeree, . Nove 18, 1889 New York City. , : My, Edison is wnwell ant desires you to Kindly oxpress to yow Conmmittce his deep regret at being unable to be present at tho Banquet of the Chamber of Gonmeme this evening, Ae Oe Tate ? Private Score ta: Nov. 19, 1859. Cheae S, Smith, 215 Worth St., Nev York. Mry Edison is well and regeets exceedingly that he will be unable to attend the tenquet of the Chamber of Commerce this evening. » I have indor ned tia Conmittce. Ac O-¢ Tate, Private Socrotarye Se z Nove! a, De Seneca WEA ae Gece tae Semuel Insill, Esqe, Now York City» Dear Sirs- Plouse note Mre Edison's remarks on back of enclosed Lotter. Yours truly, Privabe Seelys Nove! 22, BO» 3 teen, Mre Logu ey~ Get u BMorse Sounder working good and loud, and set it ap in the Levture Room. I want this for Mn# Edi son to prepae phonograns for faylor's lectwwe at Altoona. Nove 22, £% My Dear Mr. Fiold,~ Now that the afvaivs of the Edison Phonograph Toy Manifucturin; Company have passed Lrom a state af chaos into a condition of sonuine business, I fecl that it is due to yourself, Mre Stevens, ard those who have co-operated vith you, to express to you my appreciation of the ective part whieh row have taken in comection with this reorpanization, From the cormenacomen of my very pleasant acquaintance with yourself anl Mre Stevens, I liave felt assured tlat we world veach a thorgishly satisfactory solution of the somewhat difficult problems which were presented, and ‘Yt ‘is a gratification to me to lnow thet my confidence was so well pincotl I have now fall faith in the success of the business of your dom pany, amd will gladly do all I em to contribute towrds that ond I desire yourself and Mr, Stevons to receive my personal thanks tr the able assistance which you have rendered in protecting the rights of yow stockholders, which involvéd to no Bitall oxtormt nly om veputation, and with kindest wishes for your welfare, beg BD Yemnin sae Yours very truly, ” ‘ { whe » 4 rR ce etd, ly eA Ae Ms Meld, Esas Nocl Be Amory, lsa., Delavare House, Port Jervis, N.Y, ‘ Dear Sirie Nove 2, B89, I havo yow etter of loth inetent, asking for my opinion as to the use of storage batteries in couneetion with electric railways, and in reply I beg to say that for this pur~ pose I consider them an absolute failure. In addition to their wireliability in operation, they have no commercial elenent, and they servo only the temporary purposes of speculation, the public being decoived by their apparent simplicity. Yours truly, ree = = Nov. 22, 1839. Messrs. Eaton & Lewis, 120 Broadway, New York Citye 7 Dea Sirsi~- I beg to return herewith deed and assignment of con- tract for mineral rights from hir. Edison and wife to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentratizy, Works, duly executed by Mr, and Mrs Edison, and acknowledged before Notary Public, the same having been enclosed with yow letter of 2oth instant. Yours truly, Privato Secretar ys ie | Geovpe M,y Hopkins, Nsqe, 361 Broadway, New York. Dew Sir: , Referring futher to yaw lotter of llth instant to Mr. Edison, the letter Says to come over any tine and cet what you wart from My. J. C, English, General Manager of the Edi son Phonograph Works, who will fit you out to the test of his ability. Owing to Mre Edison's contract with the North Ave rica Phonograph Company, he can only loan you the amaretus. Yours truly, Priveb e Secretary. 08 Hove g22y 1% Fs ae Je De Graviiet, Bee, "20 Walt Sheace Dee Sipse i eon oo” SP oho wea Cookie et Lok in guns, Lehoyvar let at the Lioratory is a mixture of oxidized hydrocirion and Supprordzed hydrocarbons. It. could be used dn sensi’ arable Montity, if cheap oroush, for ovr undersround tube mterLal, He docs not see wht other use at would have for insulat Lng purposes, We Should be compe Led te tin- ow wires to prevmt action of sulphur. Ordinary coal ‘tar can be tuned into the save chmacter of mterdial by heating with sulphur anl oxidessnnpenrsey Ab E ov meh per ton could this m- P Bd tewiid bu deligevet ub Ne york? . var! Tours % Privete Sort, Nove 42, 904 Dear Mire Adans, « the points ve forved to iu your letter of loth Lustant wil bo all worked owt in my firal estimates. I intend submitting Lour estimates, ~ 2 minimum, a moximun, aml tyvo inter~ mediatose Vory truly yours, _- ide De Adamb, Eeqe, Now York i ] ALE it } Nov, Ry 89 Milger Guay, Hedge, Us Se Land # {nvgetment Coe, 4 Bromditay, New York Citys Door Sirte 7 Mre Ae Ge Bradstrem haa vary kindly referred to Mre di, gon yqur lottor to him tail ox ante Sth innatent, in regard to tho Pdison. Ore Milling process. In order to give you de Hite ‘infor- mtion in regard to tho treatment of the oro wkien you iavo in mind, it will tc neaessary Tor Mire Edison to awe fw details as to the character of thea ore, its situation &ce Porhaps the best way vould ba to havo 20 lbs. of the same sont to the Labovs Lore 5 and in doing this the eer neanples shonlu bo salettude Miws Edivon ersets lls for separating iyon ore, of from BOG te 441900 tons ditty emucitye We Inve no ctraulars in raat Yo the pro. cean, torm being wado subjeat to contract, and poytion & © depending upon the sucess of the mill, We om generelly take ®. 40 Wait ore end yin it wp to G8 units, losing only two per corte ot Tom in the tailingss Of coursa, overythiayg deiondd uupok Lhe Ghuradter of tho ove, atl My Edie will be glad to rocoive 4 M@yiplo when- ever you can sond it, after witeth le will comunicete vith you further » Very truly yours, Privetes Sncrvetary, 162 RD Sere pee Sen Nova RE, Bis ; United Mdison M'f'tire doe, a o ‘ 65 Fifth Avee, New Yovl: City, Dear Sirst- Replying to yaw letter of léth instant, in regara to sample of insiletiion invented by My. Ohabe T. Snadekor, which you desire Mr. Edi son to test, tho Intter will do this work at om veguler Laboratory rates. 0! gomsoe the extent of our chat ges would depend upon the time consunied in comuating my testa whith you dosire to have hmde here, aml we cannot name definite fienres, but. ow bills against you would be wade wr ih exnetly the sae Nay as those. against the Edison shops, the Phonograph Co., and ali oe others for whom work is done in tha Laboratory. Please eitise pees ua wign the sample ia to be forwartied. Bs OS, os é c / ' Vory truly. yours, vf Wadltew MLildlae vy We have arranged to give an oxh Ub ition of the vhonageepn at Altoaann,y Prey on She owns of Nasembor Gtty L850, You aie te take a phonograph ami a complete autiis of cylinders so Sto Hive a Livst class aitarpainvent. aty Eads is olny to xecort: gone Movse vwidtiny oho a phonagraph, Grd Io rave told Mre Long to see wi the dnstaanenta te moks this ryccde How,' Rid, Boe Dear Mre Field, « Me Stoveny sent me an evtrat twin Afe Lottie Ve yor under date ldth Yustunt, fa esgard go proms lisenuvition er a portion af the foreign buclnest of 4h Toy Phsnogruma Suen , owilinins his interview with ive Youmince Tohuve nousnbtied rg Mii gon an re gost to this Subject and teve vhosvn hou the Lettor aveve rotorread to, anl he Wonipes me we say thas ha tp widlings te ve to tho wale of 4) Eropean deli bag LEtGhy poeta the pur chasars are vantrsat ef in the rether ot SEY Atal | mG Loe fa other words, Mre Edin doss not vic to wive any ome the «pore tunity to ovor-copitaliza & Lorcign Guvany; first, Qeetereue ta asim boeing ‘wile to Bastain svg cap ttaliaet ton, steli appear, So ® fahLlure and wold ro tle upon otiar ittereyts of leics ant socom, Worese ho dettres te peovant apetulmtona tea Yuamans ‘Tropefes that the vey Gomany Gial! tore 250 af tae rhock. “mM Qo. yarlen Lotetal oornad, afet tho vortits ton bLen eq Wert eul.von to plea wyin ito dopdtels sit jon of oreigh buabenne therdord. comes huis to thd Yay rhovoeyaph Sompany, wh et, Wee ds Rn pra. tection, sidnld avuange Sb provel# the dproohimtter of Wea ‘ory net holding by ov -aettalffehion, 4 Tar as New Siteds ds ports = ty ahAghenbde AA He gp wughod tow by yoursel? and Yrs Stave™'a, 171 4 Re He Bs 2. he ig, of sourse, mite vecepteh Xa to Mave Wahoo, I would Uke to go into this scatter witty vou to praater oxtent than is poa~- uihle by le ter. anl sadn Like to mmo df yor are comin; to diew York soon, In yrepord to tne ota Lethes veld Gh y ov Lleit with me, after farther comideration, I geaidywd to imma sing Rdi oon of the state of afthirs, ant by sayn tigre dis gbeelutely actian, in tho elatas tavie by Nre dacquec in re vsraqncs to patents, . Vory trendy yours, Privits Seurctary. Re Me Fiold, Meqe, Bonbon Mysew, Bothon, Maou. 43 fa PEAY: SOO th peepee ane na. emeaeremgenettes Nov, 20 » 894 Geor ye Je Llewellyn, Brae, Goutyy, The Inventors! Leogue al U. Se ai Auericy Pittotarny, Poe Deur Site . Mre Edi sou has reecliy mova Jeter user anba 164h instant, ashing Lia to becoue one of the organizers of tha nranose” Inventors! Lenmo of the Us. S. of Amorion, ard adiine for an up» ‘ ’ 3) if pointmont with lim for ‘your Coositbers alte Edisouts engagements at the present ticm ere istech that ho amuiwt wake a dePinite ape rointiont, but he would be slud to phew yor aruait toe hiba your By Laws, Rules amd Regulations, together witha ssatenont of the object of your proposed orzanicatlone Vory truly yorrs, pravath Sactvt ave Gotu Te Bougs, Bete; decePrcsdecat & Gath. Munger, Eeteon Bhete Tle Goe 3 yr Mos York, Her Yo! OLtye pDonv Si vie Referrin; ta wour yeuvest hash od shoul! give my opinian as to the nest cgonemisad we thot ci lighting the lower * part oF New York, I beg te say fant other congiceriugy the Losation of vou various Contrai Stations, Pam oe the ondinion bint the best course to he pratsnen wea de te mers a ner Cguneton Station " sormomyere in the wedotiberiioss a2 the Qorbe, to tia the phage? oF the present Poort Ste Station, tne to aormog! with the LEV to TY nor coverod by the oath Ste dishes, territory below the Limite of the .6th Ste dietwtes irom tags one E Statiori.s Qo arrive at cay de Cate cone lasicig an bo tiie sash ie of the widergroum sondnotors Fox mueh a. sintien, ib vari be ase neaesmwy to siase & ayo tent de ema g ih, the ergaler tar, xo waiech woultl be reared the sowiees of tires yeahs mmm abr ebout : shreu woekce Lf it -is desided to go chead with the naw dovm-town Station, I shorld be glad +o afford your: Company ALL tho assistonee : ‘ poysivle, ond will w pleased fo haw the Qeterati ab ions mado tn ey ars ioe may supervision. oF Yours very truly, ? ; £ . 2 (A oh apts ce @ os Anes cu, ae é ‘ William L, thomus, Esqe, "The Graphida ," 190 Strand, LONDON, Wa O , England, Dear Sirs . Mre Edison las received yow lotter of 6th instant, and is much honored by yow request. have his name appear in the list of subseribers of your papere You are propwdy avare that Mie Eason is not very prolific Writers. but his experiments sake up sa nmoch of his tim he hag an opportunity to use the pens to feel tha the oppor tunity is before him at any tir Sire to appear in you en Lumns « 2 oceasionslly indulgos in literary vom: , Novel 22. 80. Ho will bo vory gled to to the columns a that it is seldom He is very glad, however, tine ae Mey den Yours truly, - ~~ Private Setretarya mM Hove 22, BQ. We FP, Taylor, Meqae,; Altoona, Peay My Near Sirs- I have your 2attexr vt sth insaint, and will carry out your wishes dn remrd ta te: phonograph. Mire Miller will be in Altoona on the roming of Peecmoer Oth, I presmum he will find you at your olfiace: Vory truly poate Nove 21, Su, Moss re Weyher & ichemond, 50 Route D'Aubervilliers,. Pantin (Seine), Francee Dear Sirst~ . I have received your osteomed latter under dete Sth instant, and I beg to give yo. o Lorml order for a 300 hhorsp power Triple Expansion Fngine and Conien sure Kindly ship these at once by Compagnie Tronsatiantiqne line of shanvnrs Lrom’ Havre, adéressed, "THOMAS A. EDISON, NEW YORKe" J shalt be glad to havo | you cable m the namo of the steaner witioh Qatedes ticis shipre nt, so that I my arrange for its reception wyo arrived, I am very pleased to know that yor are moking conylote werking wvawinyk om photogr@hs, which I trust Iwill receive vory seons I take pleasure 4n enclosing herewith a tew wort in ‘my ek handwriting, and am mach honored hy yorr roquest for this, ; \ Very truly your’, Wa! & Re fe Pa Ss L have thought perhapn that “yaa would -prefer-to have my photogyaph, and T vant sourlang yor camo by this yall under nnother cover, on which appears my handwriting. A. B. Dick, Hen e, Dem Sirs- Be Ts! 8. De You will sce from Major Eaton's letter, first roferred to above, that your interpretation. of the contract between you Com- pany aml Mre Edison, is incorrect, and tint thre Ae Be Dick Company I erelose herewith the following correspondences = Letter from Se By Exton to Te Aw Raison, umdor date Novanber 18, 1839, Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ae Ba 0. Be Oo- 0. Be 0» Be Dick: Tate Dick Tate Rote Dick Tate Dick Nove 22, 859» to Ae O. Tate, December Glst, S37 to Av Be Dack Cos, Jenuary 3, 1688.4 to Thos « A. Ndison, January 28, 1885. tovAs Be Dick, Imiunry 31, 1808." KG ha Be Disk, October 26, 1639. to As 0. Tate, Qetober 28th, 183 9+' ta Ae Be Dick, Ogte 50, 1889. to Ae Os Tate, Novomber 8, 1859 the promisos, has no risht to manutiae tur) nimeographs in the United States for expor te : : ’ In comnection with alt this correspondence ‘ana om various aiseussions af your rights obrond, I wish to Say that Mrs Fdison appreciztes Lully the Qiltionlbtes wxior whioh you labor in tho Ewopean market, The m.tte was not brought up for the murpose of saddling your business witha royalty to cause you further vem larressnent, int for the reason that there ia & principle involved Whiol.'s hotdd certainly be recognized by your Companys sire Edison ds quite willine bo wake we very Liberal ana reausonmd le arrangenat tt ‘ with yon, to emble You to parvy on the business which you have alregdy eolmnnneced, Aim willie yo a propo Bi tion or reecdive one Bom YO, AG Bool) ag you era prapared to recognize his Yights in Kindly retwy alt sorvespondence to m after po- msal, Very truly youn uy a, # & Brivate Seoratary. Nov, 70, BW Mee Wing de Martin, Deputy Collcstor, I Custom Mouse, NEWARK, Ny de In veforoues teen lather of (Mieh inslost ta om Mre Miller, we will bo cing feos ae cw pat ht, Se Lowther hie assay which is betimy mec. of ore shinee very important work ds body Lebar feo care ime LLity to ob- toin this shipnomt. ara Yours truly, EDISON LABORA SSH 3 | By aa é aie, : a ee Yo ae | tty of aus ott Secretary. { i ipa ROP CRT semeay . Nov. 3, BO, Feorg Ke Holbrook, Eeqe, Prasidont, Nov York Loleeriuph Clas, 48 Cinch Ste, Yow York, Dear Siri= ) I beg to acknevlodee red cipt af you letber of Lath inst at, wht eh Myre Hdiwon lus made He states that hoe will om very nloandd to attend tho Mirst ¢iriwal Dimer of your Cha, tat would prefer that you Should not orgnise this with any partivla: reference to himelf, He would like te ettond simply in his ga~ pacity as a member of your Clus, a2 oka yar ta indly arvan ge tho mtter in that WET @ You, of course, vaderstond his obfeetion to speach nokine, or vather hia liability to mee a aerehe He seys it will give hima prenat deal of pleasure to meet the moms ors of tho Telegraph Glvh on the sceasion in quostion. : re Yours very “truly, : | | My Deay Inal,- thould seo Gouraad, but Loci los ftoucthes t, you, ao thero aro gome sethions penctas wet Y Solves regurding this Maciecn bo oetmeun, ae tf a ALY hy, ye PYivate Soerctarve Samek Iusml1, Faqe, 44 Wall Ste, New York. Nov, 2%, 8%. We Preston Hin, EB Se, - Go United Wag aon Wlte, Counauy, Now York dity. Deny Sirs. t Meg: Bidsen te mek obdiyed tor vow tether of 1lsth notant, inforebiye tis thak you inva eo , a Sterged fox the Lomnation of a Gomany of 430,000 captial at Pittsburg, and enclosing ety. culas showkne the priess ow arpenontu ave gesting in that aity, He says there ie phonty of reney tn the bucineta at these Nt, Very truly yours, Nove 23, 80. g Gustaf My. Westinn, Nee, Westuon BRarmace Gompany, Gu Broad. Ste, lier York. . Deer Sirte . With vefarense to yor letter of 20th inatait, ibe Hah con thinks that tn wildl iv shle to visit Isekettetomn ami bave ab lod at the furrmaae orm: day oarly opxt vor. a Pidvato Saoretary, { | Je G, Rnglish, Nua., Vontiy Hanae, Tre Nealon Plonegrerh verbs, Ortuyies , ta 34 Dog Sirgse In ceformige fo you degtoe oi mot) to tates or puteuts to ho umiiné an tem toy oi. \ orreen -ductent, in vopord Hh mavauante , Tan obtainis; thtia dmvoroms dees eta. au Moab wepidity an noeciple, Ioumerstam fron ke, AUder te, mimbers apon one of the parts of t Gelay werk on these mover, Witey beds, wan ke Plobe te the Lirst lot whieh yoo tere ose Act obtain the iunbers, tho enn ce atu i , Mors tavdyy 7 atimp theos vata ane? unt te Hove, HV So, Mesevse Dyer Gc Sonly, Moar Siras- Mie Ce Ge Davrd fuciann oo Tatber addresced to Be lng Viigon that he ts tha ounev ato rhewk ue. G48, 971, fr: o Vagnet ic Ore Separator. Ue doga net state whether thie pat ont Jaken out dn hie own rome, bet Po chinwult fedce from hin letter that ft tas boone Mre Bdigor vant Line tect s dony of 44, indhy send it ta the Teboristory ia ums an yweasthle, aml of lipe Private Sectdtary. ell ol chr Bekine you to progure and send to the Laboratory az minily ar Hove 28, 39, Tes ¥ Ste. Nov Yor’ City, Ny Dem Siri. I ber to oonfiern + telep tions weceare af? tondny, peasible, the Sollewky: ealia: 4A Voss Union No, 1 bieheeoute 4 Uitro Chronda 4 sobrrt's Brovoort. & Masen Weod 6 Marie Dovies . 4 tuasey Cells He lines 4 v . Rluastoane. | Wa desire to start ony teats J88t 88 700% un you aan set these colis out to us. i fours very teate y 201 Sop et ae a SESE Ns enncry cey Shs Move 15, LONG, Wilon Phonegrmh Wo via, Orarga, MW de Dow Sirsat~ Tvant to obtain for «oie fonmtabe padee Met ot 23) the various parts of the Pons cr hy, toyether with the -ambers of these parts, whieh Topresurn ara seat ving ordoriny:, This list a5 for Traeny oad Commouny, fot cout he uent m Tor yaviaien, as your rpdees before pedo: to Wagut & Sa, og bo tnevowsed by tho MLaontu waralds wv, Of sy yer qe oye MOVIN Oe ate dad TSU. OMY teed, a: e . Prdsnth dep hit y, Hove 23, S09 Je We! Boll iar, Esq os Morton House, New York Citye My Dear Sirte . Mr Bei won hau received you lettors of August lst and Nov, 18th, in regaiwt to you inemdesernt lamp hold, He ssys tint he £8 vory mich opposed to the ase of hard rubber Gin sormection with clectric lighting. ith has cost him about $2,500 _to repair damage dene to his seilings on account of the use of hard rubber in comection with tho installation at hig TLOusos Yours very truly, Privot to Sacretaye Nove 23, 89, Gol, Geore Ke Gouraa, Little Mondo, Umer Norwood, Surrey, ° Hngland, Dem Sirt Reforring to yow lotter of RGth Oateber, ln regard to | 8 shortage of on eniwely rer S. S, "OTHVLLO,”® we firdi that an evlpr was node in the statemont es to the number of barrels shipped | you, only 15 boLry: sent instead of lo, This ie simply a ed stake as to the number of packages. The shipping lat which we sent yar i ie covers all the mterial forwarded. t Yours truly, wo ta nat Se Jy Ritchie, Sth Aves Hotel, Now York» ' Nove 125, 1389. L will bo at iy house to-morrow no rnings Te Ao Rdi sone’ 211 i ESR RE RE PPR Se Fee OE oF) espe teach, | CL. - Mie o, a/v & . ; y, / E G Ld om P, Ys; Vi) ” > afew Lh, hrokz / a / Or AN . - ; as Dean Lic) p theo. Fs Geek wav by comcch Che sn : tangy surbach, ow Ae an ade ae py wins Ltr ' > . ‘ieee 23” snrady ft sane: tho aes whacky . hae Ave a Paulo a a tbe fr the Eelacn orb apt Woe wi pure ci Teh any ment gs belon t this wnt hin A Ld, wh. frersticaeron a, i | f | the Sas) wrred oy) one ons dafanrcl hv 00 Sate, bAe ecnthin 4 thy Colraen Ph; c raph LL. ; Mrdiucttd fw He En Srutlor As Adhaur a! shook 1s kis G dew, veces for ape gh An did and, ' | te heh waa je hav Get, anol i : AL. Fy Ve Aw Qa Ge a rg tind ow oheulls i d+ sis kethr§ Ai AY kay Joto i J th Ain 7 | thethur Ee rece pucha keto Aon yer irae | | eR oF aye ee fr maa i rls os "oh cuclitled cln q dd gol hong A ann ble ag ca rns 4 otal Nave om rales Tiivelimes saw 725) we ie “a LO RO Ne er ST FT se ¢ FH 2 FF 7 | Ge oo. e va Sponges hy ban ge" b } UD eee L5G va ; Kian b ols KO) Cay oe a Lode * CAA cl wk es Saude as HCO pe7~ b CM nacknetha o the, Golam Phenesrapl Withee ian hy ‘ aan ee) Wnarch! QAan proach Ac RL CArry AAs (Ve TONG (retnAs fag et ‘ tn oF belomguy’ ‘I, thes Gelam Phone ip oh, Uty a cath, mh |. ear alin im gu Ne pad) Dd. UC cecenel, av oliccles) Arar AR jee Ont 7 las aati amature dd ba Weal _ Pruttow 3) An aw ~A/ the eh Ao kw ee Ny pe nde jor 25°00. 500 oe pan of LAA Brw late AAD ooh Of th ah Comp ni 7€ corn oh ALL Airis e CUS Ws bliin aoa the heh | avtrrek. fy pe Grd. a ie, a ALT CL Zo ft Zz < Sera a OC eo oe CK Gage ‘ fe SS racemes ee Je Ge Homiersen, Jeopey 4a 3 ‘ eek vent y Mer Yor its» Dear Sirs Nepiyin; to your letter of 2d imetant, tho canvesu of Ne thd * FAN reat Yo pat Ye ter ao one 4 s LG sovfort io ni pout, OU TAWA fend & Monk as once to gover tie ton: thor aylilye This mean shovl) very careful shout ratins the skeweae Tha position af cash hone Should by gloaly shove on the mp; also the di stana: of sash nonin ov alk addes tor W Yate) street, so that we van asceetain the dency ond @ost of our sere sLoee ¢ There sao! alway be shor the abavanter of the poverns: om onch street or ostimetas tor excavations T would also lik $2 Ve a My sheiing the lecvatlohor the roses antus md thate Rises e Wow sot ant odd Ante data Lupicmry please send it out to nee Youi'a treaty, Hove Ben Be Messrs. Veyhor & Righonend, 80 Route D'Auvervil lies, Pant £n (Seine), France. . baa | los 2 R to confirm tho VolLowisar a lesream sent vou Lo ch iy oe "Plans ot ongime vurcemtly mooslude When vere thoy gents ANS VOL s Eorsan,® Yours Sutcly, i aay oe ¢ ey” ew ba “ Oe Gate of “a eee Coen tg hea iomins teenie be, ATS erat Pet Nove 20, 1089. Se Je Ritchic, Biugey Now ork Gitve Replying to vow tes oF Qist instant, in regard to reTining. iron ores in Canada moans of my Magnetic Ore Separator, I beg to amewer your queries catesovieslly 2s follows? "PIRST, em "POURTH. SOURTH What would be tho approximate cout per ton, of the ore as ming? Prom the grov nl, for erushings md scpae reting the ivoh contained in it from the silica or other Yoreign rntter, by you’ proccss 2?" Actwel cost, G2 caibs per crude tons Hoy mich iton will you be compe Lled to waste in the Yocky naetter which you separete from the iron?" 1/2 to 8 units of original ore. How high ea grade of ore can you prodded Pram an ore carrying, as mtisd, shy forty per cent. of mtollic iron?® : asl! - : Average G5 je by rayvining concentrates, cost 10 cents a ton, 68. % What would oo tiv di fferonso per ton in cost of prom ducing an ove ¢hnt Yorrld yield sixty per aont. and ore ylolding sixty-tlisht per conten Ton ecnts.- Se dy Ry . SRIETI. Ae SSHVENTH. Ae "EIGHTH, To how low a grade of ore enn You use the whole product of tho ming, without throws ye wy portion of it into tho vaste heap, hy sortin: or separating it into secon. clase piles¢?t a It will pay t@ vse as low as 20 unit ore, i bac ores, that thirty per cent, of the oro mined is thrown into the waste heap, these heaps usually garrying abowt forty per cont., of iron, how nuch of the cost per ton for mining cdn yar save by pring ding up the whole amount mined and saving all tke ore contained in itee a Allowing, es ‘in usually the case in all MAgSNet Le Ordinarily, adining costs $00 per ton} if you take: everything dow to 20 unit, cost generally wild in: 50 to 60 cents, a Oem you lover the phosphorous cont ai ned in neg ntic ores?l ‘ We can reduce the phoMhorous 75 ta 80 per cent. Will the fine ore which is obtained by your erushiin; and separating proaess be vorth as much per unit ‘02° iran, vlen delivered at the furnacos, as the Lake Superfor Bossomer ores containing on-equally high percertage of iron? Yes, 80 the i1on men say, and werth more if we po to 68 per cent, Galling tho mining of the Conadian megnatie ores Ono Dollar per ton, the Railway and Lake dreights no Dollar and sixty conts per ton, the Maby savent y~ five cents per ton, sevonty per cent. of the ores carrying fifty-five per emt. and thirty per cont carrying forty -per cant. Can you deliver this ora in Clevoland at as a low a price per unit of iron as the Lake Superior oreg can be delivered at same place, the Lake Supertor ores being sehject to a royalty of Pitty conts per ton and the Canedian ores being freo from royalty?" About tho same. Can on above assumption of costs deliver a 68 per cmt. ore at Ohevolend for $5 ver ton, sure, against a 65 per cent. ore from Lake Superior. STUNTH On wint terns will yar erect, at. your ovm expense, upon the line of the Gentral Ontarr Railway at the mines belo ‘hsing to the Anglo-American Tyron Conma ny in Cmada, the plant for which you have nov, com~ pleted the plans, having a ecspacity for tw orp thousand toms of ore per day?" eat ing Ae Iwill pot up mill aml refine for 70 eents per crude ton to 65%, and refine concentrates at, 10 cents. per tan, to bring it up to 68%, capacity 1,000 torts daily - no less. You nay purchase mill at om of two years on trensy per cent carnings, being capitalined at par, "ELNVENTH, On wint tims will yar put up a similar plant ‘having a wapacity of tw thousand tons per day?" Ae Sixty-sevon cents. "TWLETH, Hoy soon can you Jave this plait in condit ion to ~ work? # ; Ae Begiming ifay Is+, 1890 « 90 working days. OMTIRTEINTH. Do you think it practicable and advisable to put up o blast furrace Lor smelting this ore, aud a steel plant for the mmufecture ‘of stecl, in Cmada? If so, wht measures are neceseary to le adopted by the Pominion Gove mnent 2" he Yos; Protective tariff ani a boms for eight years, "FOURTEENTH. Are you willing to begome interested in tle smelting andl manuihe turing of tron an stool, in CGannda?" Ae Yo Sa Very trnly yours, ay, oon Bde ON ian Ch Oedaoen a { { j Dr ae Tis of q hres. Aas bo ere ach ey 0. uy’ b Chverrug, Lad pup" th 4A Hib ae LD Covey dois f L i I, hy ly * i} altel te Lhe, MQ eben, wwh bean foarol Aas is a atl toe. md ees clone ah Lhe, Diricdes eee om wureved the, ty, a . Gols A ade bee Then ald, aw bua favin od te, ioe og added: Vii Os, Pilar dees for athination anol . oI, Ace crt, dies vite sen htt ayaas oe BAL Atbinnrud Qaant/ anckd aoe the, belle. Ye che aiih Dink aak., and snehe ay, it hp akarch oiuf a OVW As fret a Avr Aa. VE we PeTe fre thr, yi rhe fr cniph attivotion auc Artaemn ae Ae. an yo hare Geliaen Chat, the, ink Aw rebaf acfary A are ete that, Y haa account, ta p Cts of rlmnurnece ) . : ; Ve | | oD Marcle poke bo : | SG ae 4 j | ole {f ov tivo sy oak SPY Now. 26, BD6 Wiretrin R'y_ & Motor Coe, 10 Broan Ste, Hew Yori “hy confirm the Loubo > teleguvam sent yar tits soins avay for ceveral dayse 2 o Yours truly, .- Private Socretary. . ¥ , : ance 3 i Ke tome nancyunennen euimaamnitanneti srtnisnmtie fate ethan eel dc ETN OI re eee 246 Nove 25, 153) toh Loa, Kote oo Mi, Haines: has ashe! me to acknowhadge tho we opt of your letter under écte Wom inatoute Ho ois ounel Schad at Golumbia diterestad in the suceers of tim Hic wer in the .anner Collesa, caw vould be very ward ta paca snieh vow Sesgeah, but at cupsetrh tee gurmot see hig way gles te to sue The apparvatuy Prrdu Manosicvion of tid amid wt if is Mee Rdisen proresed Ane vivan Exp oats heey this vppasaics Tages ws The digpaay mad, ot the dave Paris : } Eepomtion ia the sist campacte wid bh ot Mie Mulaor'’s invenyi ais | Sing. bas over been side, and so the rear ev u pYGat deal of labos | ond oxpense, the apparatus ai oi faving cost vuirmirda of sinty sand dollavs. Son: of dha dctrvitonts irelided in thia collection ° \ enuld not te duplicated, and you tl LL reodily understand Mw Riis sonty aversion to pomitting any portdon of it %6 pass out af his AW Los control, Yours very truly, Private Scereter ve a a od ee Met 24/9 we Sood — AA. HK bg Sen. furs. afteel f Catal AL. Me Bow tte Me he. QA he pr wt-k> : iS a x fi. wither. taferesese— ‘. ies mane Vie tee rt ae ee ve” Crow eh Calenr.. hia te (t. - ©. Ra 29a a. rig cane! Ae phere. Ce. ow. ae. Gerrtans. OAR L te sen ee ey of Prrmte& pr fa ry a tye. otal glee of tan. MGW | pore Ba ak ; Co ALA LU yh lw, wb WE feo. Vane Parke “he - EX ’ af eae whe he Cae ar Oe Rio readly led buen... fone, .wk a fAaee bee-n, "af fe mca * ue. vs ow PON Ao pte om, thawte bax eae i pare aeRO, | at OO GE Sa gueatl, by Che COM mene ee tad | Petras 7 of OR te a tins Yasar Con brealy La. fF hee the Gateny nk, ibd... Caresuntd, tae tateay Casa ly a ? wee ihe ut Ames om hy Stent A, Gee wey wn Heerateatd h Fire.Me. a flrs Anas R0rasreceara ly OL ger, ee \ eS eioen sa ennracnnaaaed ace ieeen ae oe ae Nov. 27, 1880,. Major S, Flood Puzo, the Ediwon & Swan United Hleetrie Light Boe, L'ttas, ” 100 Vietoria St., LOUDON, S. ., England. My Dear Sirt- I understand tint the dison and Swan United Fle ce Serie emp aaa ayn Ai a Prt Ig STOTT map en epee RT PE Pn Senne = tric Li git Company, Limited, has comnencoa mit in Enrland for : infringement of my feeder patent, ant as we are edbout taking -up the samo mattor here, I hava thought it probable that we could assist. cach other by exchanging information, I would, therefore, ask yo. to kindly give fli information to the le sad representative of the Edison Hlectric Licht Company, Major Ss, By Eaton, to whom I i Will send this lettor in order that it may be accommanied by on : from himself, explaining in greater detuil the points upon which he desires to be advised; md Iwill be greatly indebted LP pres Will place him in communiention with your Attornoys,, 5 Very truly. yours, a ay MAb be ¢ Pes wv ‘ Nec amtane mmasnete oD Re tet cane SMe if fr tk 28 BB ‘to iv fh bir Hove 27, 89,0 Major S, Be Fat on, 120 Broadyay, New York Qity,. : Der Sirtes WELCH versus EDISOM, Roferrirmy to your ‘letter o2 25th instmt, in remrd to bill which Hr. Fdison paid Cherles Willians, dre, of Bost on, of about $300, the former states th ab he kas no record of tiis poymont, which was nade at a tine when such matters vere but indifferently recorded by him He belioves, however, that yor aonld get the information you want trom hie’ . Williams, who is aorrastly located in your lotter., Yours truly, ae Hove 24 Be Samol Ingull, Eoqe, Ist VicowPrenddent, United Edison Menufagtw ins: Compary, 4% Wall Stroet, low York. Roplying to your letter of Ba instant, in rerord to Mlo of oleetric Lighting reterial in countries outside of tho control of any of the Batson Companies, I len ta say that Iosilt toke saven per cent. on MenarGe Finaar & Go's tusiness in China amd Jopan and all outside gountrios. In vemrd to Norvay, Sveden ond Portugal, Mogarno, Drexol, Morgen «: vos hive oi interest in Yheso, ani this 7% woul! have to be Qivided with them, Wonlg tide be matisfactory to De Me & Coe? Yours titly, wo ‘ ay a c woe é ‘r Pp th ae ode EAS a. rf \ t \ ! } i ' / | Nove 27, 8% Dear Mr. ibmiltan,~ You Intters of sth instant to mysolf? ous Mre Eicon, cure duly to hand, Wo vesrot oxeagdimiay the aheap- polnhaent whieh yar hove koon enusaed thrayh the fatlure of you arrarygont with Col, douvand In rasaid toa supply pf pkonographe, bit there is no vory uctive part that we onan danke fn asnietin, yon, beyord recallin, tho rather to dol, gouminid's uttontion, whieh rag bem dome Me bas All contre] of tha merchandising oi the phons- graph abroad, and we ure not dua position to interfore with hin, I weerstand shat the Thorne maching, in whieh I helieve you ave intorestad, is havin creat suureco over Hores oe get Of fe Very traly voures 77,7 Re Sh oy PD 6 fy od tyes. ? ey yitseate Seores ary. Htads tiingdten, Boas, 4% Gopthall Bepse, Lorton, MWrgdssiva Nov, 87, 1889. Mee He Bandowueipy, Tv, Ora, Pormaylvania Nafivcad O06, Woot Phidadalriia, Pa. Doar Sirt- Replyin: to your dotiier af dind inatant, Bre Loma Siforrs an tint you desire so ebtalr nome automatic attachment which will keep the phone in sear offLeo ciiet vhon too otties hear you is tranumitting, tho letter hein; the ternimil ofrice of the phonorlox clroulte Ido not soo how this van be sYranceds We could give vou an automitia hoy, whiteh whan throvn open vould gravd thd phonoplex strauit and ond it in your offices, crt thus qitet the phom in the rarulir ferminal office of the circuits THis would aasomplisn tals viet fou desive, but I know of no ar- renganont by whieh ws could sidonon the prone in en Antermenti we of Stos whan tite terminal office ts trMmamittings 2 could sev dire "Logue to equip you eircudt on Pritiay or SettirG@y noxt, and would ask you to kindly wire mo your wiehon, so thdt 1 ney mvo the ine struments forvhséed ord telograrh to Mrs Loos Vito is in BALL = z EE eet wore at the waHont manent. — Yours wuly, 9 090% oe a LEE eS RAUL EA ST REE RERS ALR Nov, 27, BO. “ENGINBHRING & MINING JOURIAN, 27 Park Ploge, Now Yous. Noa Sirny- Roplyin; to the Letter of yom Secretary nnder date Qlist instant, Lobeg te exy that the Edison Negnotie Coneentrator is munvfuotweed by Mis Radion, and that i is in practical wee for refining Lron ores. a . Vory tral, yours, tn r ithe : ! ae rmivite Seovotarys. K Hove 27, 80, My Deas Tiiculd, « Lo thoocht the Onetvosed might interest you, rf wack tia rp, Sromiod, Thali, Esqe, 2h Copye’ Ney ‘Cork, O86, Mt, ISG, Mdison Phonagvaph Toy MS, oe, rey O5 Milk Sta, Boston, Mags a Bork Lomen,«~ An coplieation of Mire Edisen for the nev tor phones graph invonted by lim before bo vent ¢o Faurope Ine beat allesred ] . br othe Pateit oNice, It covere a lcrso inybey of improvaments.: in the donstrustion of tle tov tachine cnd ire Edison has caugces~ « i. t tobe ted tow that you muy wish to arrange Tor takings om Lovrelin- pre ~~ . nov merly six months inwhieh to do this hh if you wish to ob anything in tho mutter you shoult proeced nt cnee, so an not to delay tle issuo of the pnrtent ‘berth any Loner than ie necessary, We cnelose a copy of the clatmas elloves 4n tia Country and niso ow office copy of the drmvLiyy so tint ‘you, eanyseo whut the ‘ Cond Odes device ise Pleane return the tracin; wien, you jaye exondned it. as ae p; *s iw. Yours tauly, ao aaa | - 8 tga } i py Asm 6G 7 hy : f ate : ea gate a ; % NO a REE A RE 5 atl tetas Ste ie) tarkness Five bs KV Boas Sleate Bee pppoe of sony fevirkiov syntam ha Ry rey "bee. Fete, roy eee throveh che IS OVOGOe, aml Low she dase Wat vans wedtlag to have the emaarh tu bow We yeas Gow ten meth she reuse may on SaPOaeh vom mon to te nip — ese BGO nee Ne Suviakler Iyads nubsuched, Pigprgse hore to gam hese 44 Liat, hean eure taty rus all hoe emeinnsre a ae ee en Richa Mak, ex : a aa Neve 27, 8% Daunte. Weld, heae; Seoatve, Watods, Pcecvoph Boy Bibs Ole, Bes hema, BWiine Dee Sirvs- Toenieten ts copy of a dtttey whieh was nddyessed to your Goupeny Ue Ment ree Dem & Caelyy Mee Radicons patent ate torteve, on the loth of Oaretrery Lod, reforing to certain ine provemants in the sonsbiyvation of ble toy phon onraph puterted in this camtry, and agkdny Deer tare apryision of yoru Gor whether the same obowld ke pat cated abecade Acopy ef the claims allowed in the United Statens together with an offices copy of tho Aree, Was toveverded vous Company oF Meosree Duer & Sealy with *% ¥ ” their letter above micrred t06« Pueyw now advioo us thet tiny hevo mver received my reply to tin sy cornnmmnioas tan RUE rete e ta youn. solves, amd ank instine fons in copard to the issue of the Us. Se patents The mntter soap tone te aw heen on of sitficiert ime roptenee to have dulbel for inmediato attention on the part of the bez Yoy PhdNsé Gere or otal be mad to i vow -ady jee mm ouhab. hpor re @dan oo td vou, fyvdy, oo 4 privata Sexy Toes tw enantio, fie Le toles vans Teena org betweay us on one Novanler 2th, isso, "Decision siacesee on Mawey ait Rddosn, Tharvay jy Mery ny Hao ohana, teu Faison, wo? . in ae , Ne Dp Ue & 0o,# Nov. &, 1280, "We join you in wijstg! de ke Of T,8 ‘ Yours truy, Chey ; vi oe Nove 29, 80. Homry Villard, Neqey: Mills Butlding, New Yor:, Dom Sir» Ibe to contivm the following telogram sent you tom day 3 = “Mre Edison is absont, Nave formmawied hin copy of your lotter tronty-seventh and will advine you ionediately upon receint of his replye Ha returns in shout ton fays. As O. Ty” Private Secretary. Nov, 29, 89, Gol. Goorze Ne Gonyad, 74 Madison Avenue, Now York ofty, Dea Sirse . Hore in sopy af a cauleseom froin Sicmons, Berlin, dated 28th inst at od addreasei to Mv, Eaisonte Borlin, Nov. 28th, 1ase, "Bdison, Oran ~ wee Gavernpent mints So phonographs for Pruordan mebools; eivo terss. SIEMENS, Yours traly, Private Gocrét Aye Vov, 2G, 1869, Ny Doer Myr. Stevens, - I have your letter of 25th distant fon Kensas City, and an very eneh onlt vad for the enclornres, In yepard to the tev hustie muy Tolad a vovy pleasant interes view the other ay wath Hr, Yeovans, hoiny geconpanded by Mrs Field Pore cane on Cran Beston ter tie maser and Ive moet think . we eewld ploce our interests in hotter bandas Toput sone quese ae tions to Myre Yeomuis dn resard te the mother af oramavae sure ond royalty, askin; him if be eowld havdle the witter as wold vera hry MMisor to retatin his ramwvnes turdio: rmbostes pia alse big royalty. Mr, Yrorers aid tiat 4t ronlca ne very chrifonlé for Nim to rake ao stile in that camer} that royoltie: rer: ototastefal to the hays trih people, aml tint thay vould alto ansee $4 aaditite the menue Poe turing vights. Ho wae very poritive on ihe ne poirtts, and \ ; isha : f¥essed mtd tha conclunion that eh outbight shld mat be mule Wi Thont any driyhaokss Mr» Fiodd and my'solf told Mre Yeomans thut sitters would bo arranimd betnten Mra Bt mn und the Toy Phonotray yy Cose So that wien Mr, Yeorsig obtained uly authort ty \ SQ World eve portent 4a dbepaun of the eothee imaineas. - In consideting thin ania, and in alakine any estimte Zor Rho no é ; Si sie | ; 313 4 iM 5 Re B, HS, am diviston of the proceeds, ‘there are three clorents 40 pe conside- mds Bivsg, tie are of tye Loy Phono. do. dorived tron more Chandi nity: th. ite Lis. Secomi, the provits ropresented by Mey, , Edigon's vovaltyt.and third, 4he prs Sty of nanuihe ture, The pod vid seconl and the thivd roresent Mr. Ndtron's interest in the bu= Siness, cad the gaoehion is, to deteretne whut yelation they bea: sa ariel to tia lest, s you are awe, Mr. Edlon haa always Lonlied a3 Lormard to inttddties np a kare 4 vdgahey in connection with the i$ woty ‘\ naeuheture of these movenients , Said has; dn thet, installed ime } bro rt ghivery fora jaryer outnat that aan be conguma2 in Ancrica, Ae a2 tr 88 the other countries lett to us alter hurope is disposed of, We has aiso eon at consider bie expense in amansing for (hei litios tf eaak? rtLayor abrond, uovely, dn Antsiorr, to assemble the moves@rts whiah he hoe LA had intmidad te forward thora roy tin Have pean trade. 0% 9 IM Wille the tor phonograph, conmievatally, has been separated tk olna Rear the phonomrayh prover, as seh soyeration vas made, or sould yy fe at suave bea trde, ao Ser as Mr. Edison's experimental wrk ie cone a ia. rg rf Oe, Y AHMET ¢ The tey bas crown ont of the larger Last NuneNt, amd voy yous heey 0 Be ber aa bs ft resonGa a porpica of the vast macunt of labor Myr. Edison expended fn poxwfe@bis: the parent machines Porhaps I con mata this more elpar by stating that the toy movencat du proteated under all flr, MOMOT , Fai aon's patents on the phonosmph itself’, beth here and abrond, hea ow et ft] ; These pataits have been token out in all the combrios in the world which afford sich yrolection, and the toy voprosantd sone eo % ice an oe oy RN me mmit ie ih 43 orft anil erty Aart é ren nee ee, Cpa cn ny A ne ace LT Loy Antero ten man = = B. Ye S. wie fraction of the ron) 3 es ao a co ee gonneatod with the original muchine, DTomntion all these umttisrs to vou, so as to sive you a clear iden of hir. Batsoouts line of vouronine and to illustrate the exe Na Weel reconbiegve take PALES 314 tent to whieh his Lnterest enters dnto the Toy Phonopyaph tsisimores, Tt is nore easy to avrive e4 o avideractory conclusion when beth sides of the question are “horengshily widerstoud by all cone commen. , in We have nev to deeide,shat. proportion tho precesds of the prowscd sale of our Buropean business showkia be divided boteam My, Haieon and the Poy Phonosrarh dontpanye I have iad som dis- ousaicuwith Mr, Ndimn upon this point, and he miuggestsa that the fev Phonogvanh Company shoul taka aubxty-adgnt per acnt., am Line silf thivtyetyo por cent., and that the Company should vahe him an eqiitable allowance Lor the omxeess aa meoliinery dustalled ag tha +i if van considered that the whole of the mamiduetiwing ahould th dene by hiu. This latter anowt vouht not he largo lo hava Seen unis Le 46 disgues tpis mutter with enyone ropro- gonting; bhe Boy Phonuzroph: Company, as tiny ali desive you to a preveats whom the question iv brought ute In ardey: to rave bim ZL phedé the of tua dou be dors you a wolk os 1 ont in a dettoar, so Mi val my lave on, opportualty bo give beme thought to 1a during 414 otoxt ton divee Povhaps sou emmy be ablo to cone La gote defi- nite conely.gion carly eanywh to we tte my.’ Meanwhile Iwill w all I canto fvailitate mitteru, so bint My. Yoomanga ean be equipped yapddly upon your woo, Tam goo vespenitas vith hin at the: “present time, Wiening vrai a pleusams and sade hon ward Journey _T om, vourg vary truly, a” , ‘pe yp to Booratary. Baaj, Py Stevens, Keqe, St» Charles Hotcl, Now Orleans, Ls. oo odbst 3 m0 J vy Shiqsr Sonat iw Hov, Vig Olle Bece ‘sirte realetidan + hea Pad m-ste Av ralatian to My e Pai mths Phenesirag ts Yarhs feayt orks, An ay ayoranca 2 Soy i on 4 7] is YOU Delowe nev departure for te rapo, To states) that Motan a beta = Bat Ratan ened “ORG PMONae Best seeercnernt wd te th. VPheld Sas Tth the Gayf4erd Sate Deposit Coy, udioh qr Jy ‘Uxmeeatie lea dret tirt thin aemeriart iy auolinate pbuenee . hat notidne tae 0 °F: : tonotidns Ime been com with dt. Totti: tt oweke en Le excewted divcut ate ly ur i ae CUNS ANU aba by weal Me. Md sents retin, cul tie steel wy Levee ppt ik 4 ? Sal PAQG eta In teat wilthomt ame pwenep a L 4 any Pirthey delay, espe ls y eonataent ys t rs aunts . o tim Mertttetdoos nae yore sd no, Yours very ty Wy, ® Samol iaarl dy ray Dear Sir3. Here ts ey MO ooo deeper ag oak MR fast « a te . recedyed from Sfonenn, fester. *dovornmmnt Wadty Ditty Phoneeranto yey Pyare fchaolss 3ive torn: Olostynlytio TAO ES ET ye thin woek, SISMVNS, & Z have Sormunicatad to Gowrcard Shas portion ef the aseve “ch relates to phonoyrap hy, Yours truly, 3 Oe ar ey MONe “oO, TR8Q, Go pod bo} 3 he 9 tothe Sm Ce ee em 318° Nov. 29, 1889,, Meusrse Woyher ¢ Riehowmimt, 5O ante Dtauparyt Muors Sy Panthy (Seiten ), Fear re, Dear Siruge soe Sollee hear oat tens: toa Ler. tomday s~ fe; Q a3 ae oe od 3) 2 “Send motnle to Orannwes Borges . ! Nplsey, yours truly, Move 2G, Liz, Dore My, Mud sone ? T enclore heres th Copy oa Lotter dated 2vth inShint voeosived veauterday Pron Naty dM, avenes yon to dviteste wh port of the cheatvie dis Vey YOU Sat at ang Cen Jache i i) Pre LES Pn Granda vould dy degdvabte for tha VWosants Dixehuiee » be hela oan Are th masts aloo aopy atte hottor dz Anshans , A s Mecei ved Siont Me Ay By do Broce, ins vera to the Hua Meo soot. Aa Mite Villuvd is anndens 4 O Gormunionte whth she Gerscllachort \ . the abave gov ver MOMCOTIEE » Uranin, Io sond you cenias of ? ‘ Hem nce copies af som rChoroms just remivedse “As 0, Tuto, Mowtronl, Nove 25, tS. "Deoigion raniored in davos of Edison; hurray; Memy Mansngiving: bel Fdison, , Me De Burs & dog® Te Ae Fit none , y Sle Greavrinh, Ct., Nove 25 Uthadion doe 4eloh minaret in ow favor fowday; Horry Tonkagivings Fe Se Hastings." 'o a y ater see] od of "Te. Ae Ediuon . Svalol, Nav, “Your arvolous phonoszrvaph oxhibited Sva lof Siredon to-day; eminent suce cus; Harty cone ovetuint dons: Lirat phornographic umcatye to tho Svedish King. RUDE “MILIND, " 2 melorcures. Tho' ty Aw Kesron, Eaqe, ofa Telegrant ofPice, DOVER, uy Je oer they Lgso. 321 ed Copy ee York, Novom ber 2MHth, Lesg, ii ot Dow dir, Hdleone WALL yor on rood enon to trotente, by retern weed, what nart of ta @loctrie Uisplay you sav at tio suvania, would be desirable for the exhibition for tho Jeman's Exehanse, tnanruch ao I intent to «rite to Meelia by newy Bertdey's weil, Lor seylicates of the apraratus 9 . Yours wwwnly, (Signed) Henvy Viulara, ot? wf fray dfvoar manoak od Ler ty dum Yors, Nov, 26, 1renp. Tear bese Iomporteé to tha moetin: of sh tading Comite a. tho Younn's Perdance yeuterday, onnoures G your om event dann te ervanca Loy axhihitten, the date a2 the opening 3 4 be Bas nar Monday, Asal Anh, pocwanston of hudldia? to bo hei tou sess vroevtous, Yoo Stone eating Qo, casey seed ony aobhdd nos adsadtniny, sree . 7 Ma tan hire S21 209 to soo pever aeea thaly hebbrrg, Trerye ts eleo G Shean lot, on whieh it de Sonn mn lake fo amet mip sisetrin Lddhs plint, and -4t fe epeeted 44 ing, one iaeriched ay om Core vanye 1 an nagetiatiny for tip snot adth Mey Preotdce, Presd dan + Av tho Steam Heat in: Cos Mee Vill od coigmat. thet eoominseattan ie er termi into at Ome vith Rurape fox poehdipliestes a tas iA procured of the Berdan and Paris Meno ettieu: also fi'r “vitinders of Bispurk, Yot- yee y WAR too, Von Melts, ti Austittdin Eeperor, &4e, &c. Grst gaa mabe ma aye ointeaet te Prapeer dea prosdeos with 2 eo GAA SITY SOE ret yan Bop gla Asultdne fotther rargse ig Jetmt eet nee. iw Stoned eh tetana ne lotabavar dive et in danans y .- : 327 i Hove 29, B06 iz De We Yoomansy, Eoae, 3 BU Well Strack, Mew York» Dear Sire : ReLlewsig: to vous Letter of 26th instant address ed ! : i to tle Hddson Phonograch ov MSs, Cor, velative to the sale of } if i: the jy Buropenn business, Io neties thet! the consideration whieh you Mame to the Gompany is, One Fhurtred shous ays Pourds, Sterling, in onsh, avd tvelve amd a half yor unnte of Webb paid shaves In the ! toveden Compuny so Jormad. TL tave wteays suaders tood that tho ’ proposition vas to give the Commny 254 tally poid shores « not I + Ayer 123 Lysis . i .Yoursa troly, Soevetory. Hove 3, LBRO, The Bloctrionl Advertisizs Seale Coe, q Chieago, Ills, | t ; Dear Sirsi~ Replying to yow letser of 25th instant to Mra Hadi on, Iohsg to inform you that the eolls which you use in your business arg very unrelieble, owing to internal Local action vhich causes thes to polarize very vap fdlys When Mr, FKdison porfeeted tie phonograph it was necossary for hil te have a battery to run it, and he spent a cnront deal of time dncperfoeting ta cell, which we are abort placing on tho varke't for all Kinds of motor meee, t enclose herewith 2 eireular letter that we a1 now sanding to thy: visions elosttical supply houses thtowhout the bountry, and iwiteh ® tives the detutils of this coll, which vill coubtiess be interns. bees to yourselves . If ym desiva ftw her infotmation mere closh- ; hy de.rosted with your own work, we will be very happy to firnish _ es e dt, dAwlich fase please advise ts whether Yon us ls more that cone j i. 5 thass of mesor ara what these vatreidus kinds ‘arsy ma) we ie) a agree ed Es, yours very thuly, SoG Ws t Vena tae te eee ene Nov, 30 » GO, i i i i } Moses, Yyor ood, Mtr yay Gdty, Deny GLrate + s toynyr lotter or fe een “ep yd fwthes tye izgtarmt, in terran to an dp itagpion or HY. Rayon On bhe opi toy Fhorog mh, 7 ; Viielr las yoay Allowed -by thy Ua Sa Pavan lee, Tne to coy don LS oe 2 4 a" M1 Phonograph TO; Maro dnetuy ay : Bom Foon URthaygage ero erts . Ae ake Origen ar, to “trke OU Tatecte 5 DY tho udy ad Son bd er; COUNt Le 2p Mis ine - PTOVEront , OF eourde timae widd he token Owe th Ate Dal Mars | ane, AN wo WLU V4 fsa$ th9 nas toy With Poy Provera, Soe r 2 | ‘ae “ Weiner Fite Uodaonts AUredtiont ree thi, * we tak ee. PBEM A Paee wha. dey, SURE Bick ge pg ape Pts t i vind ay Ulyy Prdvete Senca gay ys Pe He Yona YOU herenigh yong! of ONL 1; me by tha pet aon Paonge toy 1 whieh war Weurne’ 4 Wingy Cos tyyt ri rit rid pind ove 30, 50, Denial Wold, Erne, Soore tary, Hetson Phenoyrarh Poy Ue. Cos, Rocton, Mas n ue Dew Sirsg~ In revly to you lottery of 29h trast ant, 1 be: to aviza yor that tien instracted Meccan, hyer & Seely to take ort ritents dn aly Toreicn coumtries an the dnvortion yeserrat to in: the iy letter to yournelves unier Cave Ith Vetoher laste Yours truly, Private secretixy, eel BAB a ee pe ob SiO Ete tt Yn : “Le: aI’? 30, JES ly, Lot nad Mre Poni 2 Wale, Geet y, bhit Madeon Phonog iti few MYS%ey Coe, Of MED She, ROSE, Mann, 2 pet Ting te cauting the call ovary, teboge obvos hsy do ord ork bis toeny a nat of Me ooht foy Qonpane : ATG OP flak vers cod wariah I oh oecatend HVT gave Lis pred: Private Soere taithe ats) hast Our 2 sod s2 bros P wo oy Sarr cane, Lloyd Weyue, Bepeg Eas ueny NORTH AMMRIGAN UVLEY, Wow Yolk: try Poo sao mecntien she yo bees toteinm adivase cl te Hire Millan as seived riya orcar toedang- “WALI Gi ie entirely avrceuble te gem cdf Fo aati ano yom at ony plage and hows you mic ase dny £ radon toa yow mont valuarly soudetietion te the North Ameriom Review next Meader? Ansnot PRs o® ae 2 tudes aphad yor in reply to the above as folvivset- *Mre Hoon iu ostot herd at prdoonte £ aapoet Os hene at tke one of text Mhake Wildl atvizo yout immokintioly vipon Tata oro tern. é Yours timiy, Private Secveticdta Hows’ 40, Isha. Dear Hiss Spalding, - . : Mr, Pddaon desires ma to shank you for tip e Versern chelosed with vouw wad Lletiory to him under ste 27th. inste, und fe say that the tomer are exenllannt and will be of preat ane it od shetucna ta ne in loadire our dpdis sith aperche I am sewlitye thom thts merdng ¢e ony THEPLE ay ELOOUETOU, where wo hevo a mimyar of girl anmessed in making phonogruss for movenenta,. fhe business of tha Toy Phonomwaph Company duno din excele dont conditions We hoy: to met a immber of dolls on the rarket for tho Ohvintimas trade, Vary truly yours, os Vopbe ft 7 2 : ELE Hine OR Ace ; Private Socreturyve Ww J. te Spaldins, 15 Arlington Ste, BOSTON, Mase. forel.n petents on tika coy de Yov a 80y 8394 My Doge Me, Stevens, = the ottsched cocpospanecence oxplodiw iteely, M™ the lsth of dotober tnot, Hoarrse Toor Sealy eddrossad e lets ter to the Hdl son Phomagrapi day MIP, Mog, Sdvirdne then of on Wp Dent fou vitkeiy Atte Bedgon ined aig Sov nm new toy nhonesvepis te fivented hy hin wfore te vent to Mawre, and whieh arp lication lag boa onnuted by the U, Se Pot ax OLL i2 Oo Meaerse Dyer ord * Socly Peterverntec the 30Y Phone Uo. dn popard to takion out Mp bob readviiy no reply the rroto Be mies date Love Utd, thy git heeLons {1 verard to tho teote po of tire Ue Sy Potent, whieh was haber Weld beaek to avoda publioation eryawes an Lieatians wore fhisd Oyoul, Lashod fiver a godly tor weupy oF theds lnttar ta the TOY Poonos. Coe, whinh J pee atyod atta “wiarodk to the foy Phorins Ihe. tA ys a copmundaattess) Hon hyaed fe Mere Wade Mmplics tom: ution dase Sovenbet Amey aWeeiee tray the Si fig ore of bao Gorpany WY focedved my Enroteab ten fh vodara 6 th! wppardadion Jn qudationy vo sorter poder is dards phnatya thr hand uf hd ekemieddamss Ye. cuequos, Ae seal nie Haney Bee Figha Ta: dyetey pak me Piet Weg Sumer bee it iidiie en nfs nan Vetter bn Bet Campane, Rod thd signed ab aowenh te tae nan 346 ta “haa all his aligcod inventors an COmMmMeCtwien oeh vit toy Peevourophe Lo lngn do ven, mecessa y tha ve HOE type dense the cypeecctions aie by May Jacnuon for Loproimn -patente dw view 0” tho ibet of bio awaits suvpronuad the mpser Antended ty deer Yom byonsit to the Abten ban wo. the toy Phonoynaph Yoram: iy: ’ she 40th of Octohar taut Yeuma very truly, a ae Private Hoc tasy, Vole 2s Stevens, Mave, We Charles Roker, hay Mone, Lo, Nove 30, Ue Hy Deore Me, Picola,» Mare Yocunstt has Sarwarded ino a letter age Orened to the Rdfso.: Phoromvazh Toy Wf'tye Company, u copy of shich Yo onclosa horewithe Lo hevre alyvays voiderstood that our Comagiy nreponed takdag trarky=tive yer cent of filly pudd anarer / in tea foreign Gdanyany = not 121/28, as Mre Yeonane stutese SZ have. weitt gi Mr, Yoornng nposd thin point, | t Yours vary ee 2 ‘ 4 oa ~ 7 it @ *, eh BS omy tees Reet cy " UAL ere WG W Bield, Ber Boston (un. Hiesat, if Oopys. ae : 53 Wall Soe, Naw York, i. Novestay Seah, 1880, eae Hesorse, The Vaiaen Dhenogryd: Toy titise Coe, Boat toon, Nesdngtawetta, Gantlemons « i Roferwedre: to she sarersl cp owrecavtiisns L bave rad with yors OM bean aia Views, J ona cet to cantiym my prapoe sition anc vwitlerstimdbi yyblective ta tin sale of your Patonts Lor . “vent “witaly, the Mamrek Padvraio, aa) Sautinental Yeroye « Yor Gormeny fa tong ore cote es vertedt ont fit of Simm le Dolan bab oh EN tbase wovescbes width | oanmetis aid thosd yore hig witha auwenihe With coplemw of ven Verlict anc Cantirentel Pasontds With the ovisinal, or cystitis’ one af sing is stormed the "Trench Cortracts of With. cartitled eapy af a ony hi tten phesed hy your doar of Diractors, mubhorizin: nee. enpowrrriny og &o dfanope af sour Potteta and. iitersots cs sbovo yelanes to, upon the followdry tains ane comlitdons, vizie fo orcato, ov caine to be ovdttsd a Tinttod Jolnk Oreck Cove pony, with w oopital not oncocdiy Murse thaubeed Thu Shayyths Sterling (. 500,000). To dispose dV moh interes te dt 44a Coxe pmy uy the sale of shures a dGhophitd us one ree BS ys Compary'n sini of not lous thar fox) ityhdred ‘thantas Phlutas Reyes ling (| 100,000) in eaaliy ard tid iv' end ont ere! / OY conte of fully paid shares in the Foreisn Company so Lorunde Your Gospany ty ray one-hal? of my expoaras fran the tha of leaving Now York ¢0 a conmlebion of the salo of such Patents or ca abandonnnnt gs tho pate Sush exnenues, hovaver, not to oxerdd a total of One Thousal Poundn, Your Gonpany to advance me foe ard on account of gich expenuas the sum of Tyo Hundved and Fhity Pownde (°250) on or before the Sixth (Gth)} doy of December next, In case of my med cee, aid when seapletion of a sale upon the toms abave sentioned youy Company ahnll pay to ne om my ordar, Ton Thouband Pounds. Sterling, Lesa the amatnt vor hove actually pabd ot the tice vor ard on ascount of my expensede In sao yaw Vonsuns shewhi ocuopt any lesser omovnt in cask am a greater emornt in stmres, thon the sum paycble tom shall be ten per conte ol the. eesh aml ten per emt of the oinies se Acaupted and reecived by “you aduuys dnduetin; frea cash veesived tht amount gis have wh th sium acyiamed for exponsns. "Yor wand dh oangdderntion of the above, I gyroo to vin rr time, best ondeavors, fineneial comoction ond influtnce to ozrty wit tho tovms atipalnteds,also to pay ore-hulf of Bie oxnonsi. ns phova apntioned, such expenses, hovoverp ac before utaket nyt ‘te exdetd 2 total of Yq Thousand Pounds (/1,000). In case of wy fublust to Garry out this thle and kuwinons wpon the above toms, or othe totam that Yaly be Weootter agreed nron, ” a abaxlannont of Ay ubbepte of thoy by ny om dcosira ar ot tho £ Last remot of 1 Y | Met of your Sompary, then and in such event oy events, rodthor 7 fuged + . = J Party slid have any a$idaapon the other, out all Mimeenenty aed Uae % veol MALL age ‘ Mall auave ond og dotowndned ag tioneh nover having been Gn tee ad * * A ec into. atod Yours wery teqh (Signed } {ean MOY tits aed ofd othe OXO It: Hoe AO Wrll Ste, Now’ Viork Nov, 25¢, 1880,, Alfsog 03 Tata, Beye, : Orann, N, ‘Je Dear Sirs. Some time ayo I spoke to ¥ou Abowt an application -of Mite Edicon on the now te ° y phonograph whith had kocn allowed, ‘en you desired te to write the Maison Phone-mravh Toy Namie turing tae Geupany vith reZoremee to takin; ot fored-m patents on it hofone tho dasue of the united Stutes Patent, Tiavoe never bad my roply . \ 4 to this letter ant I Sagsost that 4f no Loreien ratents ars to he takon, Mre Hdison ought to buve thy United States natent ismed, : There are sill spout four wrthig hevorer before it is necessary to pay the f£4en1 fre, fours trnly, (Siened } Me We Saeoly, OOP yY, Ovanio, lie Je Hovy tc jv Poss ye seeliey a ere : was oepens ; Fhe MOG se Dye a Becky, ‘to yel rena } Wie cet more te vee Lebtaye ao cropa frotant, wil Bway or the ledter whieh cou cddressed to Yours tru, (34 sred) ; Pefereana.canisids SaMMRCREEMES titaaa- 3 ees : Lilpenea ten Taaduaw Ts mtaeteen sy . 53 40 Wa1z Stre at, COPY, Now York, Hoven dep “oth, 1380. F Alfred’ 0, Tate, Boqe, ae Oreaga, ue Je Daw Sirge Your lottes of oth instane ‘scatvad, Syl an Tate gel Wo auglose yor heroin NX gopy of the lottery sont by un to Rett aan Phonograph Toy ASinthes tur any: Company, Our effiee copy of thy Qiaidng whieh wa 2ent to than as the time hag not yot hom returned Yours truly ? {Simon ? Ryer & Seely, “jork, 00+. 19%, Ise, Edison Phonograph Cay Meawtne traticys tlo., ’ O8 Mils Gt., Rowton, Moan. Gent] onen te AM application of Mey ilaon for the naw toy phono~ orpn Invented by him heforo t ‘eowir§ go Rurepe haa freon allowed by tho Potart office, Tt covers a liggs rmunber of iavrovements in the consutmetion of the toy nuchdre and Nrg Maison haa magmas ted tows tiat yor may wish to errenie cor takdiv; out foyvntim patents on it, Levore the patent is dssued tu this country. Vo inve nor . netardy six months dn which ta do tits out if you wish to do uny~ thing in the mutter yat sheale peeeged af onee, a0 ay not tp delay the losue of tho patent here ay loner fhan 4a } Se By Abat sf ~ fA A Tye a] IIL Deer Ay 188 O» . ” with petayanges to Mus Meiuonts agreement with treat exeowtion ia sade of the use of sabbery Pay seevondary pwrposes, and also for elec tric non would Like $0 ohtain the right to euy Lory eleuvteie dighitinm, paurnoses, to te used for Uehtins Soup 2G gars, om the pasta of royalty as we pay at Ek? Covkints vou gyrarge this cetter with Lelandace He to ive Me, Vdison this right, as it wilh exe . ° batsery, sud increase tie maoum of alando's os eourse its use in tiia vay would be limited, but ye wilh attospt to work up @ bus Foss LP Talenae will give us tho poser to po uhendes Kindly put this tiwoimh es yu ie kly as pos» ubble, amt cable the resu 14 of yow endeavors. Yours very truly, - Private Secretary. Philip Ss, Dyer, Nsae, Antwerp, Belpiurns *y: Afetalie bia! a oO . 8 4 ea0M Sea Messrs, Eaton & Levis, , pee 120 Broucyay, Now York. Deay Sista On the Sth of duly Lunt you gait to the Leboratary 2O°r00 wo Goplec o2 a provosed asrennont betwen: Uhomac A. Edison ane epee the Gar Viole Safe Depo nit Gompanyy, agkiies in yorr lotter of sane lito date that a ocrtifieate for 592 8/10 shuree of the Gapital Stock “at od of thy Ndioon Phonogrenh Works be iace out in the yeme of the there Gar field Safco Deposit Company, Berors transfering tits st ack, wil. you kindly advise me iY thn Gardield Sa’e Deposit Company has agreed to aecept the trust, ofter which Twill have Nw. Ba ; ; execute the agrecnmt ast LSommrd it to Yous f] ties Ae at 4. M5 a Pe ae es ae ee f. ‘ fi i i ‘ fr Yours truly, Pravate Secretary, Onan ch) rc i he Glee om Phone rapte hres ted 7 Chaar av A. a . AQ tary Lies C 7 tf a. Leas aye pow haw Jyitler, lus fr voli 4 the eee ee pe ea we et i : i orden ef J Phan ae @. Clie or = i A 5000 Ts each. uel fey atteak the, Munch ; t Preliinn of Thaut, Yow tb Leh, aan ol wears, Rome Fe Ov hs, i aud Jf tee, fo au ane Ged J Gee Lief, acc i oF aamt aa ftolloue! f i hes if Chew aver Acthl Jee ¢ 1889 oun Lod i} Cfil re 70 anc anh 4 the Aenean batinal YQank cae A te chan wticl aud the frucadl A be Placed te the credcs " Lhe Cctraen Ph avs aph broke lt, anid +e {leary nee rae ihe A. Peay ee Y bu aval ' toe Fhe ative wee Caneel ort ttnrfrrck : AL i wars ay ys hw ay ee a Med ert the peers ww ie 10%. on tach, ry) pov ff 20h FS on toth, : Mme. Jose Nicolas de la Cerda, D Chez lonsiew Domingo Vora, Moissonier 2, PARIS, IWance, : a Na Dear Nadamo, + | Mr, Kdison has asked we to acknowledge the receipt | of your lotter under date 4th November, ant to thank you for the ; a . , kind sentiments coneerning himself therein expressed, Ho ren : members with pleasure the visit. whieh yow friends br, Domingo . Foermandez Couche and Dr. inuis Infarito de la Cerda made to his & Laboratory, and if yowsel? od Imsband should over visit the United States, he slall be very pleased to also extend to you the privilege of inspecting hie \orkstnp,. An autographed portrait of Mr. Ndison will be forwarded to you in the course of o few dsys, pursuant to your re quost « ; Yours very resyoctfully, | E 73 Dart soc Dece G6, 1080, The camiedinn Copper Company, 103 to 109: Superior Streot, Clevelund, Ohio. Decr Sirsi~ In roply to you inquiry ov 4th instont, I beg to. inform you thet your ore was passed upon by the Customs uuthori-~ ties yestorday, and nov only evaits the roturn of Mr, Mdison, wien it will te treated. © Mre Hdison ins bom ubsent for the past ten days. Ho is oxpeeted back, hovover, carly next veek. ¥ I ’ ’ truly, Private Secretarye ae aie : Ne i s ere nero ‘ Ce pra pear ¥ 3 " o LoL eee ketene Ce Geet NL eee ee eo ie ee heer ee ee ia . : % ied Gis, sess - ae 0 aero . Nemry Villard, Reqe, Hew Yorlos v fhe following ‘hele gran which « yodr" otter of RIth ultimose 27th alte avatus ariiteren SS, nebo Aina nn nin Sa Bs Eaton, Moge, ° _ hed Broadway y icine seni tin He How York Gitin: Dem Sirt- ‘ ys + ralapyce | ‘ I beg to achnowledge recatpt from you of Stoek in the Féin Ph : 7 the Hai gon Phonograph Toy H'PG. Jos, 000 shares, inca out in omy nann wad unendorgad wYours very tivby, tc nN er it Re : shai: ee Sy gee tah eee fe Seem seted an ohne armen pits een sar Vago SMART epeeneiioren, ‘e Messrs, Kdwards & Coe, ‘Fourth Avonue & 144th Streiot, * “New York City, Dear Sirs: atte With reference to Your letter of and instant to ow ‘Nite Roywdolph, I hog to advise yor that your bil. was ve ferred: for ap ‘ . proval to Mrs. Edison, who reports that tho tells at her house are still in vary ad order, the detects coaminrieis of not bev ing bem remedied at ull, T nota youa mina Fabre enclos cd ‘with your lottor unler reply, to the eifoot ‘that a8 tosted Howe “ana found nathing wrong, and would suggest that when ho egain visita Llewoll yn Park (ani we vou Like him to do so at. gnse), he. ine quire Por ‘Mae Rat, pon, tho vith Rete ‘out to: him the trouble. What ‘sho complains of is, thet sho cannot ring ¢ one boat: vitvou’ Bounsieng: several other Vella. : When this aofect, is remod body 3 your BSL will be pasced upon. and check. an sottionont prompey roubeted Yours’ ve xy traly, Sentech 3 ithe win Ay Scat BC" ‘Dede Ty 1889. My Dear Shaw,~ Thaw your lettor of 4th inste, onlosins appii~ cation of Horbert Ba oho, of Tanoaster, Pies for 8 pop Sidon in- the Lal oratory « te young non oupoyer by Norst Raison ore: aeusily graduates of te eaknical schools, swh an Qorne 13 University ani the Stevens ' Institutes I will be gisa to slo ‘an ybhing I can for daw Goho, but it is difficult to plac at. young aan who has pod no previous knowledge o Lf elestrical werk, By Shaw, Feqes Witiansport, Pre Re Pe Rothwell, Usqe, P. Ov Box, 1833, Nav York City. Dear Sirs~ 4 . q ‘ 4 ‘ with reforenc.e to your lotion. of ara instant. ot ‘hit! Edison's. request, foam voronvonisty with “MrgcYesaa Heslippincott, President of the North American Phonograph Coe, with the vier of: arranging Lor. the prosontation of a “phononraph to yoursolf, SPIO GS PR OY tsa ini accdeen amici neneticenlnin poe mace Ueinanneannaaten si eatin sre a ara on - Deeg My ABD, - Dear Mary. Price, « Replying to your Letter of 4th instant, we imve ae Sete ” ee esac cipiscen core tataiia no data yot in reyard to the new battery; beyonl wiat is given in the attached circular, Wo are yumiing a lot of comparative cur~ ves of ow battery and others, and ‘when thié deta is in shape I wi11 ba glad to let you have a copy, Yours truly, Mere eee nce AE EEN on, "Chas. We Price; Reqs, Hlceetrioal Review, New “York « Col. Goor go Be Gouin, Little Molo, Uppay Nomood, Survey, Hagiind.. Ioyueg to con arom vou and geit py mote NOSIDH, NEW YORK WMey ute hava okpo | Duals ee HOSIDE, LOHDON. “Yos, you muy dave medical dumels. “Mdisone® Dece 7,5 BQe My Dear Upton,~ I ‘duly vooeived your otter of Gth inotont in z ro card to the Keratry Break Mat. Hr, Kaioon had already received on invitat jon fyom Mi'e Ry Ve Jolnwon, of the CHTURY, to mect Sount Maite de Koratiy on thy ove sasion in quest dony and I av ote z Mire Jolmacn ‘last night, siating that More Bad son ses ‘absent ona that it woald be impossible for him to bo prescte The Latter arvaved hone vunexpeatodly last night, and som bits Johneon the followin; telegram this morning? ‘ MZ have jist velurned hen 4 ‘sor an plsones: of several days and Inston t4) expreks nly roe gret at boing “unable ta ationd the proakfa st to Count. nile do Keratrys wiho represents 2 movement which has my ausbens sympathy eo” Yours very truly “Braweis Re Upton, “Meqe, | Bdieon Lamp ‘Comp enty y” nade GON, . Made My Dear Mr. Lippincott, ~ . In the early days of the phonoj rap h Mire Re’ Pe, Rothwell, the writer of the aiitached lotter, rendered ire Edison considerable aBsistence, at the: latter proms 2 to let him have a Machine as soon as it was, porfected.. Mry Rothwell is. Calling. now for the ful. Lilmont Orns promise, aml Mr, Aten has asked me +o write yed ann see 1f it could be arranged. IT may add that Mrs Wdison says that he thins this is the last. Yours vory truly, Jesse He Lippincott, Bone, 160 Broadway. New eens ii tireaicemoach scope aie Dece Ts B9e Edison's Phonograph Co., London, We Ge England. : Dem Sirss-+ , ae I beg to acknowledga thd rvecoipt of your letter of 26th November, in regairid to CAS 91, contents of which I haw notcde Your's trudyy, tae caus 6 CA Ahk sok j 1 te eee sew ngeds Sanna toca nets eemeae gente te ate tater sariow a wl i { \ A i B , j Ts Ae EDISON, Esq, Bis tbe, abeorico" of: 001 ‘Gourand, we. oped ‘Your Letter dare seed to pe af date ath dyetant which torres wht a We aro 2d caohatog’ to our heontes vith: ‘the veanest to expedite ‘the £Ding of the Dap dit ‘in the, ‘freape ative countries, consist ant wit th ofRoimey ag regards. vans] abion bes The: Provisional Speestig tion for England wilt be™ filed by our unglish Fatmt Agoint hocmorrony, ani we: do. re antioipate any great delay. in the ‘tiling ‘pf the Continental Patents, cspeaielly “France an Germanys as aL “the necessary “docments are ; in ‘the Agent, onda. be ia? 4 ; _ ee “, es es ? — ; E : Dece 9, L8B9¢ Hawaii De Adama, Faqes i : , Poy Nor yori: City. ‘I beg to enclose herew isr you infornation copy f Opy ve acived by Mr. Eaison from Messrs. Walton Harrison Taylor, Yosh ington, D, Ce, under date Dec, 3, 1859, n of the power of Niagara Falls,. yelative to utilization © Yours very t2 wy Wee Private Secretary. a OES Pg Wardiyton, De Oe Ded, 5, LeBso, ; : } Mi, Thowys Ay Belson, —- : : Qvange, Ny J, Pew Siri We are nvare tint yom time is rost valuable, but vould to pleased to have you oxmiine into the merits of a thor ough- ly feasible plan that vo havo for utili atiys the power ‘of Niagara Pallse . We would especially sey in the hojirning that ours is not a wild sehowe requiring newly diverted or ponderous devices ealewlated to my tha heauty of tho fs or surrounding scenery, oe Bod It is not; strictly speaking an invention, but rather a general © out ne ol\a gipantie Ougineeriiy; vorl, the data \ a careful shu ly of the natuie and extent of the belng based upon aqdiificulties to w OVETCONL » es endeavor a Oe ras bea to simplify, to our princinal cheapen, to cater practical ami to avoig novelty , guide being ehmon sense Ve vould be glad to present ip person \ | : ov to forward No you plans and specifi ications setting forth tho details with thy urlers tanding that you examine the samee If \ : oe inves tigation you find our plan to te meritorious, , pe glad to have iyo mike us a propo sition Leong towar da putting we would the. Bane into: option, we being mutually interestedy With over y é ‘snPidence wo singe thé matter to you. Hopirg to receive an ly and a fev or ato rep ly. We are very récfeetfully, Walton Hayrigdn \ -(Simned ) John G. Paylcr. sews taiess. tered aed Mato a bs eit LAP EPEN 8 Forty at pn) A ee Soo AMY A Messrs. Walt on Narr ison’ & John G. ‘taylor ? 412 Sixth Ste, Ne We, Wadi shington, D Oy Ce Dear Sirst~ Mr y! Edi son has read yoru cate ond favor of ore SEVERN amd in roply fesives me to ee you that ho is alveaay Anve ab ket ty the matter of utilizing! the power of: Niagara Falls,’ TT ereneeneennearaee ses rere AY, PUBLICATION AND MICROFILM — COPYING RESTRICTIONS Reel duplication of the whole or of any part of this film is prohibited, - In lieu of transcripts, however, enlarged photocopies of selected : items contained on these reels : _may be made in order to facilitate - _research. A Note on the Sources The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been made to ensure legibility. ade Sen tt AS RIF 8 Par ee go te crete soe TITEL ER ore ns FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund The Hyde and Watson Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation PUBLIC FOUNDATIONS National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities National Historical Publications and Records Commission PRIVATE CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS Alabama Power Company Amerada Hess Corporation Anonymous AT&T Atlantic Electric Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, Inc. Battelle Memorial Institute The Boston Edison Foundation Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc. Carolina Power & Light Company Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Consumers Power Company Corning Glass Works Foundation Duke Power Company Entergy Corporation (Middle South Electric Systems) Exxon Corporation Florida Power & Light Company General Electric Foundation Gould Inc. Foundation Gulf States Utilities Company Idaho Power Company International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Towa Power and Light Company Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Katz Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. McGraw-Edison Company Minnesota Power New Jersey Bell New York State Electric & Gas Corporation North American Philips Corporation Philadelphia Electric Company Philips International B.V. Public Service Electric and Gas Company RCA Corporation Robert Bosch GmbH Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation San Diego Gas & Electric Savannah Electric and Power Company Schering-Plough Foundation Texas Utilities Company Thomas & Betts Corporation Thomson Grand Public Transamerica Delaval Inc. Westinghouse Educational Foundation Wisconsin Public Service Corporation BOARD OF SPONSORS Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service New Jersey John Maounis Francis L. Lawrence Maryanne Gerbauckas Joseph J. Seneca Nancy Waters Richard F. Foley , George Tselos Rudolph M. Bell Smithsonian Institution New Jersey Historical Commission Bernard Finn Howard L. Green Arthur P. Molella EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology Alfred D, Chandler, Jr., Harvard University Neil Harris, University of Chicago Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Link, Princeton University Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution Robert E. Schofield, Iowa State University CORPORATE ASSOCIATES William C. Hittinger (Chairman), RCA Corporation Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey * Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund Philip F. Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Roland W. Schmitt, General Electric Corporation Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T *Deceased, Associate Editor THOMAS A. EDISON PAPERS Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor Thomas E. Jeffrey Associate Director and Microfilm Editor Robert A. Rosenberg Managing Editor, Book Edition Helen Endick Assistant Director for Administration Assistant Editors Paul B. Israel Keith A. Nier Gregory Field Research Associates Lisa Gitelman Theresa M. Collins Martha J. King David W. Hutchings Karen A. Detig Secretary Grace Kurkowski Intern Student Assistant Gregory Jankunis Bethany Jankunis Thomas A. Edison Papers at Rutgers, The State University endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981 Copyright © 1993 by Rutgers, The State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. ISBN 0-89093-702-8. i { iy | i i t t H QL Edison. fapers A SELECTIVE MICROFILM EDITION PART II (1887-1898) Thomas E. Jeffrey Microfilm Editor Gregory Field Mary Ann Hellrigel Theresa M. Collins Paul B, Israel David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg Lisa Gitelman Karen A. Detig Leonard DeGraaf Gregory Jankunis Dennis D. Madden Douglas G. Tarr Editors Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor Sponsors Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution University Publications of America Bethesda, Maryland 1993 Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company. \ } E ‘ } { a a KO 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ~ 90 100 110 120 MILLIMETERS ONE.DECIMFTFA MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and (SO TEST CHART No. 2) bed oo N22 = {Z6 FREER EEE = EE iis fr Fe Ne ls lag 2S eA, Ws, 2 APPLIED IMAGE, Inc a eee Ae Um ae 1653 Eest Moin Street. Focheater, Naw York 14609 141 Compilation © 1993 University Publications of America. All rights reserved. errno a