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parish i^egisters


0fU>ton Hongbille, co. Bucfes*

Transcribed and arranged by William Bradbrook. Printed with the consent of the Rev. W. Matheson, M.A., Oxon.,




Part I. A Li.


Preface Baptisms Banns . Marriages Burials


LONDON : Privaiely Printed.

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The Parish Registers of Newton Longville, co. Bucks :

As arranged in the form of an Index Transcript and printed in this volume are comprised in seven books, viz. :

Book I is 12 inches high by 8| inches wide, and consists of 40 parchment leaves in stout modern vellum-covered boards, the book having been restored and re-bound by the Rev. H. C. Blagden (Rector 1875 1903). The leaves are extensively damaged, the first 24 leaves have all lost portions of the top border and corner ; and the 13th, 23rd, and 24th are each more than half destroyed.

The book begins

A Register book of

Christeninges and Burialls . . .

(Newe)ntonlongvile in the year of . . .

Beginning Anno Domini 1560.

Thomas Hart §onne of John Hart crisned ....

John James sonne of William James cristned ....

Robert Johns sonne of Thomas Johns crisn , . .

Joan Hawkins daughter of Jeffery Hawkins of Great H(orwood).

The book is in one good handwriting up to 1620 and is evidently a copy of an older book. The record is imperfect, there is a hiatus, 1564 7, owing to a leaf [being missing, there are other lacunae through the book, and in several places the years are out of con- secutive order.

“Bee it known y^ I Nathanaell Gyles 1620 Parson of Newn- tonlongvile did read 29 of October publiquely in same Church in midst of diuine seruice 40 articles agreed uppon by Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces and whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London in yere of our Lord 1562 for auoyding of diuersities of opinions and for establishing of consent touching true Religion. In witnes whereof we whose hands are underwritten doe subscribe.

October 29 1620, John Langford, Sextus Cook )

John Hawkins yongers mark > Churchwardens. Richard Berington. ]



Memorand . that I Hen : Wynington Rector of Newnton Longvill did this 15 of Sept. 1661 reade publiqiiely in the parish Church there in tyme of divine Service the 40 Articles agreed upon by the Archbishopps Bishopps of both provinces f the whole Clergie then in Convocation holden at London Anno. Dom. 1562 for the avoyding of divsity of opinions f for the establishing of consent touching true religion f I did then there publiquely declar my full f heartye consent ^ assent unto them.

Witnesses William Cooke Hen Wynington

John X Kinge


Memorand . that I Hen : Wynington Rector of Newton Longvill in Comtye of Buck : did this 8 of Decemb. 1661 publiquely reade in tyme of divine service the 39 Articles of Religion f also an Act of Parliament lately made Intituled An Act for Safetye f preservation of his Matyes pson f another Act intituled An Act against Tumults f disorders, all wch I reade at tyme above written.

Hen Wynington

Witnesses . Robert Jolnis.

Thomas Bradbury.

N.B. The Rector records reading 40 Articles in September and 39 Articles in December.

Book II is gh inches high by 7 inches wide and consists of 50 parchment leaves, and 3 paper leaves and one end. In the middle of the book are the proximal borders of 5 leaves, each one carrying a note that it was cut out to write the register on ; evidently the Bishop’s transcript, e.g., the rest of this leaf torn off to write the register upon for the year 1765. A. N. Sanderson, Rector.” The book has been used simultaneously from each end, at the burial end 2 or 3 leaves are evidently missing as the record begins in 1727. The book is bound in calf-covered boards and is in good preservation.

The Book begins (on a paper leaf) '

A Register of all Marriages, Births and Burials in the Parish of Newton-longvil in ye County of Bucks Beginning Aug. 5th, 1717.

Baptisms 1717.

None after 25^^ of August are Registered.

Marriages 1726.

Henry Potter of Northampton and Sukey Bernard of Layton were Married Aug®'^ 18, 1726.



Book III is io| inches high by 9 inches wide and consists of parchment leaves in calf-covered boards, the front cover has a label on it “Newnton Longville Parish Register 1803.” A large number of leaves have been cut out, 22 remain, 8 only are written on, the rest are blank.

The first entry is Francis son of Richard Willison privately baptised April 17*^ received June i2^\ 1803.”

Book IV. The calf-bound folio vol. with printed forms for Banns and Marriages, issued in accordance with the^Act, 26 Geo. II. Rev. W. Cole officiated ii Aug., 1766, at the \vedding of Philip Billington, of Bletchley, and Catherine Boughton.

Book No. V is of the pattern ordered by the Act of 1812, 52 Geo. Ill (Rose’s Act), and contains 800 entries of baptism, the first entry being on 10 Jan., 1813, recording the baptism of Ambrose, son of John & Mary Boughton, yeoman. These are transcribed up to 4 March, 1840 : 453 entries

Book No. VI is of the pattern ordered by the Act of 1812, contains 800 entries of burial, the first entry being on 5 Feb., 1813, recording the burial of Elizabeth Horne, widow', age 84. These are transcribed up to 2 Jan., 1840 : 317 entries.

Book No. VII is of the pattern ordered by the Act of 1812, contains no entries of marriage to 1837, all of which have been transcribed.

The alteration of the Calendar is noticed: “1752 According to an Act made last sessions of Parliament ye new year is now to commence on the first day of January.”

In the marriage register under 1753-4 are entered three marriages w’hich took place at Tattenhoe Church, a small chapel situated two or three miles away.

In 1806 the banns of Edward Line, widower, and Jane Perry, w’ere forbidden by Sarah Ashby on the ground of precontract, but not held lawful impediment by Mr. Le Mesurier, Rector.

The banns of Joseph Moors and Mary Battams w'ere published twice in April, 1810, and again May, 1813 ; and on i8th September, 1813, the marriage was recorded the man’s name being given as Moore.

The Registers were copied and revised from the originals by Mr. William Bradbrook, Bletchley, Bucks., the Hon. Secretary of the Bucks Parish Register Society, founded in 1902, which Society, owing to the exigencies of the times^ closed down in 1916 after having



issued its XXth Register, and generously handed the balance of its funds and some Transcripts of Registers to the Parish Register Society, with an expression that the latter Society should occasionally print a 15ucks. Register in its series.

The Parish Register Society wish to place on record its apprecia- tion of Mr. Bradbrook and his fellow-members for their kind act.

4, The Waldrons, Croydon.


Cfte Registers


Hebton Hongbille, co. JJucIts.

A(c)kason, Jeffry son of Jn® & Anne baptised i6 Oct. 1688 John s. bap. [blank] 1691

bap. 4 Mar. 1693 bap. 8 Nov. 1696 bap. 9 Oct. 1698 bap. 28 July 1700 bap. 10 Sep. 1704


Anne d.

Francis s.

Will. s.

Edw. s.

Martha d.

John buried 30 Oct. 1705 Adams, Margret & Jn® Hawkins married 20 Nov. Jane & Tho® Line mar. 15 Nov. 1763, Lie. Bennett & Ann Smith mar. 18 Oct. 1779 . John & Frances Willison mar. 30 Jan. 1782 Eliz. & Francis Tompkins mar. 15 Nov. 1805 . Jn» & Jane Arnold mar. 23 Oct. 1836

Jn® s. Joseph & Mary bap. 16 Apr. 1750, lab’ Joseph s. bap. 8 Dec. 1751, lab’’

bap. 14 Oct. 1753

Benet s. Mary d. Will. s. Mary d. Will. s.

bap. 18 Apr. 1756 bap. 4 Mar. 1759 bap. 12 Apr. 1761 bap. I May 1763 Tho® base s. Jane bap. 13 Mar. 1763 Tho® s. Bennet & Ann bap. 3 Dec. 1780 Mary d. Jn® & Frances bap. 17 Oct. 1782 Ann d. Bennet & Ann bap. 10 Nov. 1783 Jn® s. Jn° & Frances bap. 7 Dec. 1783 Will. s. Rich. & Hannah bap. ii July 1820, Will. s. bap. I July 1832

Ann d. Jn° & Jane bap. 9 July 1837, lab** Martha d. bap. 21 July 1839 Mary d. Joseph & Mary bur. 18 Mar. 1758 Will. s. bur. 18 Apr. 1759

Will. s. bur. 24 July 1763







Adams, Mary wife of Joseph bur. 4 Feb. 1764 Jn®, infS bur. i July 1785 Tho® bur. 19 Apr. 1796 Joseph bur. 2 Jan. 1801 George, of Soulbury, bur. 8 Aug. 1805 Ann, age 34, bur. 3 Apr. 1818 Frances, age 58, bur. 3 Dec. 1818 Mary, age 58, bur. 25 Jan. 1^820 Bennet, age 69, bur. 19 Jan. 1823 Will., age 4, bur. 15 Apr. 1825 Ann, age 85, bur. 13 Mar. 1836 Jn® bur. 20 May 1838 Jn®, age 26, bur. 24 Apr. 1839 Addington, Eliz. d. Mathylile (?) bap. 22 Jan. 1600 Alberson, Jeffery s. Jn® bap. ii July 1641

Paul & Margaret bap. [blank] Feb. 1632 bap. 23 June 1634

bap. 19 Apr. 1636 bap. 20 Nov. 1637 bap. 21 Oct. 1639 bap. 8 Dec. 1641

Ald(w)in, Jone d.

[blank] s.

Eliz. d.

Margaret d.

Sarah d.

[blank] d.

Edw. bur. [blank] Feb. 1644 Mr. A. bur. one son & 3 daughters in Aug. 1645 Rich. bur. [blank] 1655 Margrett wife of Paul bur. 26 Jan. 1675 M*"® Margrett bur. 27 Apr. 1685 Alderman, James & Ann Harraway mar. 3 Aug. 1836 James & Joanna Line mar. 15 Aug. 1832 Will. s. James & Joanna bap. 24 Apr. 1834, farmer Charles s. James & Ann bap. 3 June 1838, farmer Johanna, age 29, bur. 7 Sep. 1834 Alexander, Ann & [blank] mar. 7 May (1563) Allbright, Susanna, spinster, bur. 15 Feb. 1739 Allen or Allin, Edw. & Alice Ashby mar. 31 Oct. 1590 Joan d. Tho® bap. Au[blank] 1560 [blank] s. Tho® bap. 25 Mar. 1562-3 Jn° bap. 13 Jan. 1568 Elner d. Tho® bap. i Feb. 1570 [blank] d. bap. 30 Apr. 1573 [blank] d. bap. 3 July 1574 Tho® s. bap. i Apr. 1577 Rob* bap. 10 July 1578 Ann d. Will. bap. 21 May 1592 Elner d. Edw. bap. 23 June 1592 [blank] s. bap. 18 May 1594 [blank d. Will. bap. 27 Jan. 1597 Edw. [?] s. Edw. bap. 3 June 1598 Tho® s. Edw. bap. 18 Nov. 1600 Tho® s. Will. bap. 20 Feb. 1600



Allen or Allin, Avis d. Will. bap. 8 Aug. 1602 Rich. s. Rob^ bap. 23 Feb. 1606 [blank] d. Will, bap.' 29 Sep. 1609 Mary d. bap. 23 Jan. 1624 Ann d. Margaret bap. 20 Nov. 1626 Edw. s. Will. bap. 15 Nov. 1627 Will. s. ,, bap. 14 Feb. 1629 Eliz. d. Tho. & Martha bap. i Oct. 1693 Mary d. bap. 29 Nov. 1696

Tho® s. Tho. & Sarah bap. i May 1714 Jacob s. Will. & Eliz. bap. 14 May 1751, shepherd Mary d. ,, bap. 17 Nov. 1754

Will. s. bap. 25 Dec. 1757

Kingsmill d. Will. & Eliz. bap. 16 Aug. 1761 Jn® bur. 22 May 1569 Tho® bur. 9 Apr. 1576 Tho® bur. 3 Apr. 1586 Avis bur. Nov. 1602 Eliz. d. Will. bur. [blank] 1617 Rob*- bur. 24 Dec. 1617 Tho® bur. 12 Dec. 1627 Will. bur. 19 Jan. 1629 Edmund bur. [blank] 1647 Margrite bur. 6 July 1656 [blank] wife of Will. bur. 20 Feb. 1666 Will. bur. 24 June 1691 Tho® bur. 27 May 1731 Will., the sexton, bur. 17 Aug. 1764 Mary, spinster, bur. 18 Apr. 1784 Kingsmill, infant, bur. 2 May 1784 Eliz., widow, bur. 5 Oct. 1784

ALLiNGXON,Tho®,ofTov*’cester, & Ann Verney mar. 15 Aug. 1799, Lie.

Amand, Jn^^ bur. 7 Sep. 1775

Amps (Amys?), Francis bap. 14 July 1578 [blank] s. Tho® bap. 12 Apr. 1582 Tho® bur. 10 Feb. 1591 [blank] bur. 10 May 1598

Anderson, Eliz. d. Jn° & Sarah bap. 13 June 1736 Jn^^s. bap. 9 Dec. 1739

Mary d. bap. 15 Jan. 1743

Jn® bur. 7 Feb. 1732

Andrf:w(s), Sarah & Tho® Moors mar. i Sep. 1793 Mary & Will. Perry mar. ii Oct. 1772

Mary & Will. Ward, of Leighton Buzzard, mar. 20 Nov. 1791

Eliz. d. Jn° & Sarah bap. i May 1734

Sarah d. bap. 12 Apr. 1741

Sarah d. Jn® & Susannah bap. 20 Oct. 1765

Mary d. bap. 8 May 1768

Jd® Jn° & Eliz. bap. 29 Sep. 1771



Andrew(s), Eliz. bur. 2 May 1734 Jn° bur. 26 Apr. 1774 Sarah wife of Jn® bur. ii July 1776 Jn® bur. 3 Jan. 1785 Eliz. bur. 19 Feb. 1800 Susanna, widow, bur. 20 Dec. 1803 Angar, Rich., of Milton, Oxon, & Eliz. Horne mar. 9 Nov. 1812 Anstee(d), Mary, of Mursley, & Jn® Cox mar. 4 Sep. 1771 Margaret d. Benj. & Jane bap. 21 Nov. 1682 Edw. s. bap. 20 Apr. 1684

Benj. s. & Mary bap. 14 Sep. 1690

Jn® s. bap. 12 Mar. (1692)

Joseph s. ,, bap. 9 June 1695

Rich. s. bap. 20 Nov. 1698

Mathew s. bap. 9 Nov. 1701

Jane d. bap. 28 May 1704

Mathews. bap. 9 Mar. 1706

Jane wife of Benj. bur. i Feb. 1685 Mathew s. Benj. bur. 16 May 1703 Benj. bur. 5 Nov. 1729 Mary, poor widow, bur. ii Sep. 1751 Archer, Charles Will. s. James Fleet & Kitty bap. 24 June 1838, tailor

Arnold, Mary & Tho® Morris, of Croton, N’ton, mar. 21 Sep. 1800, Lie.

Will. & Eliz. Foster mar. 26 Oct. 1802, Lie.

Jane & Will. Emmerson, of Shenley, mar. 14 Feb. 1805, Lie. Will, (wid^) & Mary Warner mar. 31 May 1810, Lie.

Anne Rob^ Warner, of Mursley, mar. 21 Oct. 1818 Catherine & Will. Young mar. 31 Dec. 1818 Tho*^ & Eliz. French mar. 9 Oct. 1828 Jane & Jn° Adams mar. 23 Oct. 1836 Mary Ann & Francis Dickens mar. 15 May 1837 (Arnoll), Frances d. Rich., a vagrant, bap. 21 Oct. 1631 Geo. s. Will. & Eliz. bap. 7 Dec. 1802, priv.

Jn° s. Rob. & Martha bap. 13 Apr. 1806

Rich. s. bap. 20 Mar. 1808

Martha d. bap. 22 Apr. 1810

Will. s. Will. & Mary bap. 23 Oct. 1810, a twin, other still-born

Jane d. bap. 22 Sep. 18 ii

Hattil s. Rob. & Martha bap. 19 Jan. 1812

Mary Anne d. Will. & Mary bap. 27 Dec. 1812

Rob^ s. Rob. & Martha bap. 5 Dec. 1813, farmer

James s. Will & Mary bap. 8 Jan. 1815, laborer

Mary d. Rob. & Martha bap. 28 Feb. 1816, farmer

Ann Eliz. d. Will & Mary bap. 19 Oct. 1817, lab’^

Martha d. bap. 20 Nov. 1919, lab’’

Eliz. d. Tho® & Alice bap. 27 Aug. 1820, lab^

Hattil s. Will & Mary bap. 20 Oct. 1822, lab*’



Arnold, Eiiz. d. Tho** & Alice bap. 29 Dec. 1822, lab^’

Eliz. d. Tho® & Eliz. bap. 29 Mar. 1829, farmer

Jane d. bap. 24 Oct. 1830, farmer

Mary d. bap. i June 1834, farmer

Hattil s. bap. 16 June 1836, farmer

Eliz. wife of Will. bur. 29 Dec. 1803 Anne wife of Hattil, age 70, bur. 18 Feb. 1808, farmer Plattil, age 77, bur. 22 Mar. 1810, farmer Will. s. Will. & Mary bur. 26 Oct. 1810 Mary, 18 days, bur. 8 Mar. 1816 Hattil, 4, bur. 20 Dec. 1816 Humphrey, 23, bur. 18 Mar. 1817 Jane, 15, bur. 26 Nov. 1818 Eliza, inf^, bur. 29 Sep. 1823 Alice, 28, bur. 3 Oct. 1824 Rob^ 63, bur. 21 May 1825 Martha bur. 3 Apr. 1832 Ashby, Alice & Edw. Allin mar. 31 Oct. 1590 Jone & [blankjew, mar. 27 Oct. 1595 Mary, of Stewkley, & Will. Garner, banns [blank] July 1770 Annis bur. 12 Dec. 1603

Ashley, Tho® s. Tho®, a poor stranger, bap. 15 Oct. 1660 Atkins, Jn®, of Stoke Hamond, & Sarah Plester mar. 17 Dec. 1764 Tho®, of Blackthorne, Oxon, & Mary Neal mar. 9 Jan. 1791, Lie. Will. & Eliz. Macham mar. 25 Oct. 1824 Eliz. & Rob^ Dickens mar. 5 Mar. 1832 Mary & Ja® Perry mar. i Oct. 1832 W”* s. Tho® & Mary bap. 29 May 1791 Jn«s. bap. 6 Oct. 1793

Tho® s. bap. 14 Aug. 1796

Joseph s. Tho® & Mary bap. 15 Apr. 1804 Jn*^ s. Henry & Eliz., labh bap. 26 May 1822

Geo. s. bap. 10 Apr. 1824

James s. bap. 29 Jan. 1826

Anne d. bap. 8 June 1828

Tho®, infant, bur. 27 Sep. 1796 Geo., 2, bur. 9 Feb. 1827 Mary, 67, bur. 4 Mar. 1829 Awlon, Tho® bur. ii Apr. 1610 B[blank] Annis & Edw. Willson mar. [blank] 1589 Baldwin, Caroline d. Jno. & Sarah bap. 26 May 1822, blacksmith Ball, Eliz., 80, bur. 5 July 1828 Baly, Annis & Tho® Hawkins mar. 28 Nov. 1832 Barton, Geo., of Stewkley, & Ann Henley mar. 10 Dec. 1835 Baslington, Jn® bap. 9 Mar. 1585

Bastian, Antony, wid’^, & Ann Williams, wid., mar. 20 Jan. 1586 [Batcheler, Rich., curate in 1737]

B.\teman, Margaret bur. 17 Nov. 1663 Bates, Jn'’ & Mary Tompkins, mar. 21 July 1701



Bates, Jn° & Mary Paul mar. 7 Oct. 1705 Mary & Jn® H[urnel] mar. 30 Jan. 1734 Frances & Rich. Tarry, of Simpson, mar. 29 June 1740 Sarah (a minor) & Will. Falkener mar. 6 Nov. 1768, Lie. Will. & Catherine Dickens mar. 25 Oct. 1824 Isbell d. Jn° & Margaret bap. 19 Sep. 1630 Edw. s. Jn^ & Mary bap. i Aug. 1706 Mary d. Jn° & Rebecca bap. i Feb. 1707

bap. 22 June 1709 bap. 15 Apr. 1711 bap. 7 Apr. 1712 bap. [blank] Dec. 1714 bap. 28 July 1717 May 1721

Dec. 1722

Rebecca d.

Margaret d.

Ann d.

Frances d.

Margaret d.

Jn® s. Jn° & Mary bap.

Sarah of Jn® & Mary bap. 3

Jn® s. Jn° & Mary bap. ii Oct. 1724 Sarah d. Henry & Mary bap. 3 July 1751 Mary wife of Jn*^ bur. 14 July 1704 Mary wife of Jn® bur. i Aug. 1706 Margaret bur. 24 June 1712 Jn® bur. 27 Dec. 1728 Mary bur. 15 Nov. 1730

Mary wife of Henry, of Drayton Parslow, bur. 28 Feb. 1756 William, their son, bur. 28 Feb. 1756 Battams, Will. & Susanna Harrawell mar. 17 May 1774 Sarah & Will. Smith, of Bletchley, mar. 21 June 1813 Mary & Jo® Moore [Moors] mar. 18 Sep. 1813 Rich. & Mary Brown mar. 26 Oct. 1814 Will. s. Will. & Ann bap. i Sep. 1754 Sarah d. bap. 15 Jan. 1764

Mary d. bap. 21 Dec. 1766

Sarah (Anne erased) d. Will. & Susannah bap. 29 Sep. 1776 W"' s. Will. & Susannah bap. 22 Nov. 1778 Anne d. bap. 5 Mar. 1780

Mary d. bap. 21 Apr. 1782

Tho®s. bap. 3 Apr. 1785

Sarah d. bap. 14 Dec. 1787

Rich. s. bap. 21 Feb. 1790

Matthew s. Will. & Susannah bap. 18 Nov. 1792 Will. s. Tho® & Susannah, of Great Brickhill, bap. 27 July 1806 Anne d. Matthew & “Hannah Ritta” bap. 18 Oct. 1812, lab’^ Tho® s. & Henrietta bap. 18 Dec. 1814

Hannah d.

Sarah d.

Rich. s.

Eliz. d.

Susanna d.

Sarah bur. 30 Apr. 1773

bap. 26 July 1818 bap. 20 Oct. 1820 bap. 20 Apr. 1823 bap. 19 June 1825 bap. 20 Apr. 1828



Battams, Sarah d. W“ & Susannah bur. 22 Apr. 1779 Ann bur. 18 Dec. 1798 Will. bur. 27 Mar. 1799 Ann bur. 15 May 1799 Will*" bur. 18 Aug. 1805 Susanna bur. 4 Apr. 1826 Henrietta bur. [3 Oct. 1831 Tho®, 22, bur. 3 May 1837 Will., 84, bur. 23 Jan. 1839 Baylye, Mary & Tho® Bradbury mar. 5 Apr. 1662 Beckett, Edw. & Amy Checkley, Banns [blank] Oct. 1784 Eliz., spinster, bur. 25 Apr. 1784 Bennet(t), Ann & Rich. Coles mar. 26 July 1605 Eliz. & Jn" Smith mar. [blank] Oct. 1605 Joan & Annis, twins of Rich. bap. 3 Oct. 1573 Rob^ s. bap. i May 1577

bap. 29 Nov. 1578 bap. I May 1579 bap. 13 Oct. 1583 bap. [blank] 1584 bap. 2 May 1586 bap. 20 Apr. 1589

Edmund s.

[blank] child Will. s.

Jeffery s.

Rich. s.

Jas. s.

Ann d. Tho® bap. & bur. 30 June 1621 Ann d. bap. [blank] 1622 Ann d. Jn" & Mary bap. 19 July 1747 Tho® s. bap. 27 Nov. 1748, lab*’

Lawrence s. Jn" & Mary bap. 5 Jan. 1752

Annis bur. 23 Sep. 1588

Rich bur. 29 May 1597

Tho® & his wife both bur. [blank] Sep. 1645

Margery, widow, bur. 2 Nov. 1685

Ann, inf*^, bur. 10 Aug. 1747

Jn", inf*^, bur. 24 Apr. 1751

Jn**, laborer, bur. ii Nov. 1761

Mary, widow, bur. 27 June 1779

Bent or Bint, Mary, of Whaddon, & Will. Line, banns [blank] Apr. 1770

Daniel, of Drayton Parslow, & Mary Mortimer mar. 28 Aug. 1780

Rich., bastard of Eliz. & W"* Line bap. 25 May 1774 Berington, Rich., churchwarden in 1620

Bernard, Sukey, of Layton, & Henry Potter, of Northampton, mar. 18 Aug. 1726

Berwick, Emily d. Ja® & Martha bap. i Jan. 1833, baker Jane, d. bap. i June 1834

Emily d. ^ bur. 5 Jan. 1833

Bigg(s), Sarah & Jo® Chilton mar. 31 Jan. 1816, Lie.

Harriet & Jn" Silk, of Liverpool, mar. 12 Feb. 1817 Jn", 15, bur. 12 July 1809



Bigg(s), Rob^ 68, bur. 9 Feb. 1813 Bignel, Jn® & Eliz. Pearce mar. 31 Aug. 1820 Will. s. Francis & Eliz. bap. 24 Mar. 1765 Jn° s. bap. 23 Oct. 1768

Ann d. Jn® & Eliz. bap. 21 Oct. 1821, lab.

Billington, Alice & Will. Cook mar. [blank] Jan. 1560 Eliz. & Joseph Pain mar. 15 Jan. 1738

Phillip, of Bletchley, & Cath. Boughton mar. ii Aug. 1766, Lie. Eliz., of Bletchley, & Will. Missenden, banns [blank] May 1781 Will. s. Will. & Eliz. bap. 14 July 1734 Eliz. bur. 20 Apr. 1731 AVill. bur. 18 Oct. 1736

Will. bur. 29 Dec. 1736

Blackhead, Tho® bur. ii Mar. 1702 Bley, Harry bur. ii July 1588

Jeffery s. Henry bap. [blank] 1584 Cath. d. Will. bap. [blank] Nov. 1599 Jn® s. bap. 10 Dec. 1602 Bodstock, Mary d. Jn® & Eliz. bap. 8 Jan. 1764 Tho® s. bap. 24 Mar. 1765

Mary d. bur. 19 Jan. 1764

Bond, Bennet & Jone Odell mar. 9 Mar. 1610 Tho® s. Bennet bap. 12 July 1612 bur. 28 Oct. 1616

Bennet bur. 2 July 1639

Bonest, Eliz., of Mursley, & Tho® Harroway, wid^, mar. 18 May 1804, Lie.

Mary & Ja® Law, of Bletchley, mar. 22 Oct. 1804 Sophia & Jn® French mar. 29 Dec. 1814 Sarah & Martha twins of W“ & Mary bap. 2 Jan. 1781 Josephs. bap. ii Apr. 1783

bap. 10 May 1785 bap. 29 Apr. 1787 bap. 7 Mar. 1789 bap. 5 Jan. 1792

Tho® s.

Hannah d.

Martha d.

Sophia d.

Mary, 59, bur. 18 Nov. 1836 Bonicke, [blank], an old man, bur. 20 Oct. 1671 Boughton, Sarah & Tho® King, of Heath & Reach [co. Beds.], mar. 25 Sep. 1759, Lie.

Anne (a minor) & Dan. Goodman, of Bletchley, mar. 14 Nov. 1763, Lie.

Cath. & Philip Billington, of Bletchley, mar. ii Aug. 1766 Jn® & Ann Rutland mar. 16 Nov. 1767, Lie.

Mary & Geo. Dodd, of Chenies, mar. 20 Mar. 1797, Lie.

Ann d. Jn® & Sarah bap. 7 Apr. 1743

Ann d. Jn" & Ann bap. 7 Oct. 1770 ^

Jn° s. bap. 10 June 1772

Maryd. bap. 24 Apr. 1775

Sarah d. bap. ii Dec. 1777



Boughton, Ann d. Jn° & Mary bap. 24 Feb. 1793

Ambrose Rutland s. Jn® & Mary bap. 19 May 1794

bap. II Aug. 1795

bap. I Feb. 1797

bap. 7 Nov. 1798

bap. 23 Nov. 1800

bap. 1 5 Jan. 1802

bap. 29 May 1803

bap. 8 Apr. 1805

bap. 19 Oct. 1806

bap. 31 Dec. 1808

bap. 10 Jan. 1813, yeoman

Jn« s.

Mary d.

Tho« s.

Rutland s.

Will. s.

Sarah d.

Rich. s.

George s.

Eliz. d. ,, ,,

Ambrose s.

Ann bur 30 (Sep.) 1716 Jn’’, yeoman, bur. 30 Jan. 1747 Ann d. Jn® & Ann bur. 22 Mar. 1777 Jn® bur. 4 Mar. 1778 Sarah, widow, bur. 22 Aug. 1783 Ambrose Rutland, infant, bur. 27 Mar. 1795 Ann bur. 21 Apr. 1796 Rutland, inP, bur. 6 Dec. 1800 Ambrose, 4, bur. 31 Oct. 1816 Jn^’, 24, bur. 28 Sep. 1819 Jn% 65, of Ashendon, bur. 31 Jan. 1838 Botherell, Arthur & Elner d. Jn® Cook mar. 29 June 1629 Bowd, Margret, bap. 22 June 1628

Bowler, Anne, of Mursley, & Will. Golding, banns [blank] July 1807

Tho® Golding base s. Anne, bap. 18 Oct. 1807, born at Mursley Bradbury, Tho® & Mary Baylye, mar. 5 Apr. 1662 Mary d. Tho® bap. ii June 1665 Margrett d. Tho® & Ales bap. 29 July, 1677 Mary wife of Tho® bur. 16 Mar. 1665 Alice, wid., bur. 15 Dec. 1680 Brain, Eliz. bur. 22 Apr. 1569 Branston, Rob. s. Bartholomew bap. 14 June 1626 Brin, Rich. bur. 13 Oct. 1581

Brinkley, Mary & Will Pipkin mar. 3 Mar. 1754, Lie.

Brinklow, Dority & [blank] mar. 16 June 1562 Brinklo(w), Will. & Avelin mar. 2 Oct. 1574 Eliz. & Thomas Wallis mar. 6 Nov. 1577 [blank] & Jone Phillip mar. 20 Oct. 1581 Elner & Roger Petty mar. 14 Nov. 1590 Jno & Annis Walduck mar. 16 Jan. 1592 Rich. & Isbell King mar. 6 Nov. 1602 Will. & Isabell Cooke mar. 8 June 1637 Rich. & Eliz. Leigh mar. 14 July 1664 Martha & Rich. Willison mar. 23 July 1664 Will. s. Jn® bap. 10 Nov. 1569 (Rich.) bap. 10 Oct. 1573



Brinklow, Rich. s. Will. bap. [blank] 1576 Elner d. bap. 12 Oct. 1578 Jone d. bap. 24 Sep. 1582 Jn. s, bap. 30 Apr. 1584 Jn s. Rich. bap. 18 Mar. 1585 Will. bap. 28 Oct. 1586 Will. bap. 18 Oct. 1586 Isabell d. Rich. bap. 18 Aug. 1589 Eliz. d. Will. bap. [blank] Mar. 1589 Annis d. Rich. bap. 27 Feb. 1591 Tho" s. Will. bap. 28 Feb. 1592 [blank] s. Rich. bap. 13 July 1594 [blank] d. Will. bap. 10 Apr. 1595 Ann d. bap. [blank] (Apr.) 1599 [blank] s. Jn® bap. 17 Dec. 1598 Annis d. bap. 27 Sep. 1600 Will. s. Rich. bap. 29 June 1605 Jeffery [s.]„ bap. 25 Sep. 1605 Jone d. bap. 8 Oct. 1606 Rich. s. Jn® bap. 3 Feb. 1609 Rich. s. Rich. bap. 21 Apr. t6ii Will. s. Jn® bap. 27 May 1612 [blank] d. Jn® bap. 23 Apr. 1614 Jeffery s. Jn® bap. 10 Sep. 1615 Rob*- s. Rich. bap. 17 Sep. 1615, bur. 16 Jan. 1616 Rich. s. Jn® bap. 18 May 1617 Jn® s. bap. 24 Aug. 1617 Jn® base s. Jane bap. i Nov. 1617 Rob^ s. Rich. bap. 18 Jan. 1617 Rob. s. Jn® bap. 31 Oct. 1619 Ann d. bap. 4 Jan. 1619 Annis d. Jn® & Jone bap. [blank] 1635 Annis d. Will. & Isbell bap. 25 Apr. 1638 Will. s. Will. bap. 27 Oct. 1639 Alse d. bap. 7 Aug. 1641 Jn. s. bap. 8 July 1649 Rich. bap. 19 Sep. 1653 Will. s. Will. & Annis born 8 Dec. 1655 [blank] s. Will. bap. [blank] July 1658 Joane d. Jn® bap. 7 Sep. 1661 Jn® s. bap. 20 Sep. 1663 Mary d. Rich. bap. 25 Mar. 1665 Eliz. d. bap. 16 June 1667 Tho. s. Jn® bap. 5 July 1667 Mathew s. Jn® bap. 28 Nov. 1669 Rich. s. Rich. bap. 2 Oct. 1670 Tho® s. Jn® & Susan bap. 10 Apr. 1672 Mary d. bap. 10 Nov. 1678

Jn® s. Tho® & Mary bap. 28 May 1699


bap. 26 Jan. 1700 bap. 14 Mar. 1702 bap. 3 Mar. 1705 bap. 17 Jan. 1713 bap. 8 Feb. 1718 bap. 9 Dec. 1722

Brinlow, Susannah. d. Tho* & Margrett Rich. s.

Tho« s.

Martha d.

Ann d.

Margaret d.

Mary d. Jn° & Mary 27 Feb. 1731 Tho® s. 20 May 1733

Brin(c)klo\v, Rich. s. Jn® & Mary bap. 23 Oct. 1737 Jn® s. bap. 30 June 1742

Rich. bur. 18 July 1574 Isbell bur. 17 May 1579 (Margaret) bur. 2 Apr. 1581 Eliz. bur. 13 Nov. 1593 Alice bur. 16 Sep. 1594 Clement bur. 18 Apr. 1660 Jeffery bur. [blank] 1605 Margaret bur. [blank] 16 to Jn® s. Jane bur. 14 Nov. 1618 Jane bur. 16 Feb. 1622 Rich. bur. 24 Apr. 1624 Rich. s. Rich. bur. 8 Oct. 1629 Jn® bur. 12 Aug. 1639 Joan bur. [blank] July 1644 Agnes wife of Rich. bur. 15 Nov. 1646 Rich. s. Jn® bur. 18 Mar. 1649 Rich. bur. i Nov. 1650 Jn® bur. 24 Dec. 1656 [blank] wife of Rich bur. 12 Dec. 1663 Jo., sen*^, bur. ii Nov. 1670 Jn® s. Jn° bur. 16 Mar. 1672 Joane, wid., bur. 5 Mar. 1674 Mary d. Rich. bur. 24 Apr. 1676 Eliz. bur. 15 Sep. 1680 Rich. bur. 15 Sep. 1680 Ann bur. 4 July 1689 Jn® bur. 16 Mar. 1699 Susannah, wid., bur. 30 Aug. 1705 Tho® s. Tho® bur. 8 Sep. 1706 Jane bur. 9 Dec. 1727 Tho® bur. 7 Dec. 1729 Rich. bur. 10 June 1731 Rich. bur. 25 Jan. 1737 Mary wife of Jn° bur. 27 June 1742 Margaret, widow, of Singleborough, bur. 7 Mar. 1755 Jn° bur. I Nov. 1762

Brittain, Tho® & Susannah Jones mar. 26 Nov. 1704

Brooks, Jane bur. 30 Jan. 1734

Brown, foch., of Bletchley, & Eliz. Messenger mar. 7 Jan.




Brown, Rob^ & Ann Edwin, wid., mar. 5 Dec., 1793, Lie.

Mary & Rich. Battams mar. 26 Oct. 1814

Tho’’, of Winslow (minor), & Susanna Pain mar. 1 7 July 1821, Lie.

Jno & Rebecca Golding mar. 12 Mar. 1827

Jn® s. Rob* & Ann bap. 24 Apr. 1796

Susanna d. Rob* & Ann bap. 28 July 1799

Kitty d. ,, bap. 13 June 1802

Tho® base s. Kitty bap. i Dec. 1821

Hezekiah s. Tho® & Susannah bap. 12 Jan. 1824, cutler

Mary d. bap. 19 Oct. 1825, cutler

Sarah d. Rob. & Mary bap. 31 Aug. 1827, wheelwright

Ann d. Jn"^ & Rebecca bap. 10 Jan. 1830, wheelwright

Eliz. d. bap. 30 Oct. 1831, wheelwright

Mary d. bap. 20 Oct. 1833, wheelwright

Rob. [s.]„ bap. 20 Mar. 1836

Will. bur. 16 Dec. 1630

Eliz., wid., bur. 5 Feb., 1765

Susanna, 16, bur. 15 Oct. 1815

Ann bur. 9 Mar. 1824

Sarah, inf*, bur. 7 Dec. 1827

Rob. bur. 28 Feb. 1828

Eliz., 5, bur. 19 Dec. 1836

Jn*^, 42, bur. 2 Jan. 1839

Buckingham, Sarah & Henry Hewett mar. 17 Oct. 1787 Will., wid^ & Phebe Pilkin, wid., mar. 31 Dec. 1818 Jn° s. Will. & Eliz. bap. 28 Sep. 1781 Sarah d. bap. 5 Feb. 1785

Sarah Till d. Will. & Eliz. bap. ii Apr. 1787

Tho® s. bap. 23 Jan. 1790

Jn*^ s. bur. 21 Nov. 1785

Sarah d. bur. 29 Apr. 1786, inf*

Eliz. bur. 27 Mar. 1803 Fanny, 34, bur. 26 May 1815 Will. bur. 3 May 1830 Phebe bur. 16 June 1832

Buckmaster, Tho® s. Edw. & Ann bap. 12 July 1795 Eliz. d. bap. 5 Nov. 1797

Ann d. bap. 6 July 1800

Sarah d. bap. 7 Feb. 1803, priv.

Anne, inf*, bur. 27 Mar. 1802

Bud, Mary d. Jn*^ bap. 3 Feb. 1592

Buglis, Avis & Will. Goodman mar. 27 Nov. 1620

Bull, Rich. & Margret Perse mar. [blank] Aug. 1662]

Tho®, a sojournor, & Jane Fookes mar. 14 Nov. 1803

Will. s. Tho® & Jane bap. 8 Apr. 1804

James s. bap. 19 Oct. 1806

Anne d. bap. 22 Oct. 1809

Charles s. bap. 14 June 1812

Charles s. , i year, bur. 20 June 1813



Bullock, Caroline d. Jn® & Ann bap. 2 Apr. 1837, farmer Fred^ s. bap. 29 Apr. 1838, farmer

Marke bur. 17 Oct. 1664

Bunce, Martha & Tho® Dickens, of Mursley, mar. 25 Oct. 1783, Lie. Burges, Rob., a vagrant, bap. 5 Nov. 1632 Burrows, Mary & Tho* Smith mar. 20 Sep. 1772 Buskins, Ales bur. 27 Dec. 1667

Butler, Hannah & Will. Matthews, wid’^, mar. 3 Jan. 1822 Ann, bur. 13 (Jan.) 1713 Calcot, Jn® & Eliz. Stairs mar. 8 Apr. 1782 Capel, Alice & Ja® Woodward, of Loughton, mar. 12 Oct. 1800 Caporn, Sarah d. Geo. & Eliz. bap. i June 1823, lab^’

Geo., of Stoke Hamond, & Eliz. Crane mar. 25 Feb. 1823 Carey, Will, base s. Trinity, bap. 4 Feb. 1816 Carpenter, Tho® s. Will. bap. [blank] 1568 Wills. bap. 3 Apr. 1573-4

Gabriels. bap. [blank] 1576 & bur.

Edw. s. bap. 24 June 1582

Jn® bur. 14 Sep. 1598 Alice bur. 13 Jan. 1616 Carter, Jn® & Philip Long mar. 3 Nov. 1596 Geo. & Jane Tomkins mar. 28 Oct. 1602 Mary & Will. Cow, wid^, mar. 14 Feb. 1765, Lie. Will. & Frances Pearce mar. 8 July 1815 Will & Phebe Hollis, mar. 26 Dec. 1817 Eliz. d. W"^ & Mary bap. 17 May 1730 W™ s. W*" & Sarah bap. 10 Oct. 1731 Charity d. W"^ & Mary bap. 5 Aug. 1733 Charity d. bap. 8 June 1735

Eliz. d. Joseph & Jane bap. 24 Aug. 1788

Ann d. Will. s. Mary d. Joseph s. Jane Sarah

bap. I May 1791 bap. 16 Mar. 1794 bap. 12 Mar. 1797 bap. 25 May 1800, private

twin d.’s Joseph & Jane bap. 4 Oct. 1803, private

Louisa d. Will. & Frances bap. 13 Oct. 1815, lab*" Joseph s. Will. & Phebe bap. 30 Nov. 1818, lab’^ bap. 14 Jan. 1821, lab’^ bap. 4 May 1823, lab’' bap. 12 Feb. 1826, lab’’ bap. 27 Mar. 1831, lab*^ bap. 8 Sep. 1833, lab’^ bap. 16 July 1837, lab** bap. 20 Oct. 1839, lab’^

Sarah d

Will. s. ,;

Tho« s.

Rob* s.

Reuben s.

Bernard s.

Phebe d.

W*". bur. 8 Apr. 1729 Eliz. bur. 20 May 1730 Charity bur. 12 Jan. 1734 Charity bur. 22 July 1736



Carter, Will., a child, bur. 5 June 1739 Churchill, a servant, bur. 18 July 1750 Ann, poor spinster, bur. 17 Apr. 1751 Will., lab^, bur. 29 July 1755 Mary, wid., bur. 24 Jan. 1765 Frances, 21, bur. 12 Dec. 1815 Louisa, 3 months, bur. 16 Dec. 1815 Mary, 18, bur. 7 Feb. 1816 Anne, 25, bur. 14 July 1816 ^

Jane, 13, bur. 9 Feb. 1817 Sarah, 14, bur. 7 July 1818 Jane bur. 14 July 1838

Cart(w)ri(gh)t(e), Rich. & Ellen Cooper, of Safford, mar. 2 5 Mar. 1 658 Roger & Jone Peerson mar. [blank] Nov. 1561 Francis & Cis. Cook mar. 12 June 1596 [blank] bap. 18 Sep. 1561